
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Risa: Imagine you're at a ramen place in Japan, but before you can sit down you're asked to use a big machine. What do you do? こんにちは。りさです. Risa here. Ordering food at restaurants are easy, once you know the trick. In this lesson, you'll learn it! Mark is having lunch at ramen restaurant. Let's watch!
Woman: いらっしゃいませ。
Mark: 塩ラーメン、大盛り、味玉。
Mark: おつり。
Woman: いらっしゃいませ。食券、お願いします。
Mark: はい。
Woman: 塩ラーメン、大盛り、トッピングは味玉ですね。
Risa: Now with English translation.
Woman: Welcome.
Mark: Ramen with salt based soup, large portion, and seasoned egg.
Mark: Changes.
Woman: Welcome. Can I have your tickets?
Mark: Sure.
Woman: Ramen with salt based soup, large helping, and seasoned egg as a topping, right?
Risa: Here are the key words and phrases you need.
Mark: いらっしゃいませ。
Risa: いらっしゃいませ。
Alisha: Hello. Welcome. May I help you?
Risa: いらっしゃいませ。, いらっしゃいませ。, いらっしゃいませ。
Mark: ラーメン
Risa: ラーメン
Alisha: ramen noodles
Risa: ラーメン, ラーメン, ラーメン
Mark: 塩
Risa: 塩
Alisha: salt
Risa: 塩, 塩, 塩
Mark: 塩ラーメン
Risa: 塩ラーメン
Alisha: ramen with salt based soup
Risa: 塩ラーメン, 塩ラーメン, 塩ラーメン
Mark: 大盛り
Risa: 大盛り
Alisha: a large serving
Risa: 大盛り, 大盛り, 大盛り
Mark: トッピング
Risa: トッピング
Alisha: topping
Risa: トッピング, トッピング, トッピング
Mark: 味玉
Risa: 味玉
Alisha: seasoned egg
Risa: 味玉, 味玉, 味玉
Mark: おつり
Risa: おつり
Alisha: change
Risa: おつり, おつり, おつり
Mark: 食券
Risa: 食券
Alisha: meal ticket
Risa: 食券, 食券, 食券
Key Phrases
Risa: Here are the key phrases from the scene.
Alisha: In the scene, what did the ramen shop clerk say when Mark went into the shop?
Woman (ramen shop clerk): いらっしゃいませ。
Risa: いらっしゃいませ。いらっしゃいませ。いらっしゃいませ。
Alisha: This is a very common phrase used to greet customers in stores or restaurants.
Alisha: It can be translated as "May I help you?" or "Welcome." You don't *have* to respond to this.
Risa: いらっしゃいませ。
Alisha: But, if you want to, you could say,
Risa: こんにちは。
Alisha: "Hi."
Alisha: If it's the evening, you could say,
Risa: こんばんは。
Alisha: "Good evening."
Alisha: You might hear a more casual version,
Risa: いらっしゃい。
Alisha: ...at less formal shops or restaurants.
Alisha: Now you try! Say the shop clerk's line.
Woman: いらっしゃいませ。
Alisha: How did Mark request a large serving of ramen?
Mark: 大盛り
Risa: 大盛り。大盛り。 大盛り
Alisha: a large serving
Risa: 大、 大、大
Alisha: This is a prefix meaning "big" or "large." It comes from an adjective meaning the same thing.
Risa: 大きい
Alisha: This prefix,
Risa: 大
Alisha: is attached before a noun to add the meaning "big."
Alisha: In this case, it's attached to a noun…
Risa: 盛り
Alisha: meaning "serving of food" or "portion." So,
Risa: 大盛り
Alisha: means "large serving" of food.
Alisha: Now you try! Say Mark's line after he decides what kind of ramen to order.
Mark: 塩ラーメン
Mark: 大盛り

Lesson focus

Risa: Now, the lesson focus. Here's how to order food at a ramen restaurant.
Alisha: In Japan, some ramen shops use a meal ticket vending machine,
Risa: 券売機。
Alisha: You need to buy meal tickets...
Risa: 食券
Alisha: ...at the vending machine before getting seated. Because of this, you need to decide what to eat quickly. So in this lesson, you'll learn how to order from these machines.
Alisha: There are many different kinds of ramen with different broths and toppings. The most basic types are…
Alisha: "salt”
Risa: 塩
Alisha: “Miso paste”
Risa: みそ
Alisha: "soy sauce"
Risa: しょうゆ
Alisha:.. and "pork bone broth"
Risa: とんこつ
Alisha: Usually a ramen shop will have a few types available for you to choose from. If the ramen shop has a specialty, you should be sure to try that out. For example, if you go to Sapporo in Hokkaido, you should try...
Risa: みそラーメン。
Alisha: If you go to Hakata in Kyushu, you should try
Risa: とんこつ。
Alisha: Also, they have various toppings available which you can add. Popular toppings are...
Alisha: "seasoned egg.”
Risa: あじたま
Alisha: "barbecued pork"
Risa: チャーシュー
Alisha: "bean sprouts"
Risa: もやし
Alisha: "bamboo shoots.” 
Risa: メンマ
Alisha: “Seasoned eggs” or
Risa: あじたま
Alisha: …are the most popular topping. They’re made by soaking boiled eggs in a specially-made soup stock. In many ramen shops, you can order a large portion.
Risa: 大盛り
Alisha: Many ramen places have other options too, such as...
Risa: 並盛り
Alisha: or
Risa: 中盛り
Alisha: …which is "regular" or "medium." You might see both listed in some places, in which case,
Risa: 中盛り
Alisha:..should be slightly bigger.
Alisha: Once you buy tickets for your ramen, toppings, and size, you then press a button marked...
Risa: おつり
Alisha: …meaning "change.” Pressing that button means you've finished your order and your change will come out.
Alisha: Here's a tip. Ramen prices are relatively low, and many machines do not accept 5,000 or 10,000 yen notes. Make sure to have 1,000 yen notes and coins ready.
Alisha: Once you get the tickets, take a seat, and hand the tickets to a shop clerk. Then just wait for your ramen to come!
Risa: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Alisha: You're at a ramen place for lunch in Tokyo. Ready? Here we go.
Alisha: You're at the vending machine and about to enter in your order. If you want ramen with salt broth, what button should you press?
Risa: 塩ラーメン
Alisha: You are hungry and want a large portion. What button should you press?
Risa: 大盛り
Alisha: You want to add a seasoned egg as a topping. What button should you press?
Risa: 味玉
Alisha: You’ve ordered everything you want. What button should you press now?
Risa: おつり
Alisha: Great job!
Risa: 塩ラーメン
Risa: 大盛り
Risa: 味玉
Risa: おつり


Risa: よくできました! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, you're ready to eat at a real ramen restaurant! じゃまたね!

