
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Risa: Imagine you're visiting your Japanese friend's house. Your friend's mother answers the door and invites you in. What should you say? こんにちは。りさです. Risa here. Anyone can learn how to visit someone's house in Japan. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Ben has arrived at his friend Taichi's house. Let's watch!
Taichi's mother: はい。
Ben: ベンです。
Taichi's mother: ベン、いらっしゃい!
Taichi's mother: さぁ、どうぞ。
Taichi's mother: スリッパ、どうぞ。
Ben: ありがとうございます。
Ben: おじゃまします。
Taichi's mother: たいち、ベンくんよ。
Taichi's voice: は〜い。
Ben: これ、どうぞ。みなさんで食べてください。
Taichi's mother: あら、ありがとう。
Now with English translation.
Taichi's mother: Hello?
Ben: It's Ben.
Taichi's mother: Hi, Ben. Welcome!
Taichi's mother: Come on in.
Taichi's mother: Please use slippers.
Ben: Thank you.
Ben: Excuse me.
Taichi's mother: Taichi, Ben is here.
Taichi's voice: Okay.
Ben: Here's something for you. Please eat it with your family.
Taichi's mother: Oh, thank you.
Risa: Here are the key words and phrases you need.
Ben: いらっしゃい
Risa: いらっしゃい
Alisha: welcome
Risa: いらっしゃい, いらっしゃい, いらっしゃい
Ben: さあ
Risa: さあ
Alisha: come on, now
Risa: さあ, さあ, さあ
Ben: じゃま
Risa: じゃま
Alisha: annoyance, interference
Risa: じゃま, じゃま, じゃま
Ben: 食べる
Risa: 食べる
Alisha: to eat
Risa: 食べる, 食べる, 食べる
Ben: 皆さん
Risa: 皆さん
Alisha: everyone
Risa: 皆さん, 皆さん, 皆さん
Ben: あら
Risa: あら
Alisha: oh, ah
Risa: あら, あら, あら
Key Phrases
Risa: Here are the key phrases from the scene.
Alisha: In the scene, how did Taichi's mother welcome Ben?
Taichi's mother: いらっしゃい。
Risa: いらっしゃい。いらっしゃい。いらっしゃい。
Alisha: This phrase means "welcome." It's used when you are welcoming your friends to your house. If you want to welcome someone superior to you, you say…
Risa: いらっしゃいませ。いらっしゃいませ。いらっしゃいませ。
Alisha: You will often hear shop clerks saying this phrase when you enter a shop.
Alisha: Now you try! Say Taichi's mother's line.
Taichi's mother: ベン
Taichi's mother: いらっしゃい。
Alisha: What did Ben say as he entered Taichi's home?
Ben: おじゃまします。
Risa: おじゃまします。おじゃまします。おじゃまします。
Alisha: There is no equivalent phrase in English, but it literally means "I will be a burden,” which is a way of saying you’re sorry to bother them by dropping by. It's a polite greeting when you enter someone's home, even if they invited you and you’re not bothering them at all!
Risa: おじゃまします
Alisha: Let's break this phrase down.
Risa: じゃまします
Alisha: is the MASU-form of
Risa: じゃまする
Alisha: which is made of a noun.
Risa: じゃま
Alisha: meaning "annoyance" and a verb,
Risa: する
Alisha: meaning "to do". Altogether it will make a phrasal verb,
Risa: じゃまする
Alisha: meaning "to bother someone" or "disturb someone." And at the beginning, add the honorific prefix...
Risa: お
Alisha: to say
Risa: おじゃまします。
Alisha: Again, it's used as a greeting when entering someone's home.
Alisha: Now you try! Say Ben's line to enter Taichi's home.
Ben: ありがとうございます。
Ben: おじゃまします。
Alisha: What did Ben say when he gave a small gift to Taichi's mother?
Ben: これ、どうぞ。
Risa: これ、どうぞ。これ、どうぞ。これ、どうぞ。
Alisha: It means "please take this one." You can use this expression when you give a small gift to someone.
Alisha: Let's break this phrase down.
Risa: これ
Alisha: means "this".
Risa: どうぞ
Alisha: Its basic meaning is "please" and it can be used to mean "please take it" when you offer something to someone. Altogether, we have...
Risa: これ、どうぞ。
Alisha: “Please take it.”
Alisha: So, if you want to mention what you are offering specifically, for example, "tea," rather than just saying "this," you can say…
Risa: お茶、どうぞ。
Alisha: "Please have some tea." or "Would you like to have some tea?"
Alisha: Now you try! Say Ben's line when he is giving a small gift to Taichi's mother.
Ben: これ、どうぞ。

Lesson focus

Risa: Now, the lesson focus. Here's how to visit someone's house in Japan.
Alisha: In Japan, people take their shoes off when entering a house. When you visit someone's house in Japan, make sure to take your shoes off at the entrance.
Alisha: Also, you might be offered indoor slippers at the entrance, just like how Taichi's mother offered Ben slippers.
Taichi's Mother: スリッパ、どうぞ。
Alisha: These are indoor slippers. Keep in mind that there will usually be different slippers to change into when you enter a bathroom or veranda, so don't go to those places with your indoor slippers!
Alisha: When taking off shoes and putting on slippers, what did Ben say?
Ben: おじゃまします。
Alisha: This is a common phrase used when entering someone's home. This is the polite version.
Alisha: If you want to say it more casually, like when you visit your very close friend’s, you can just say...
Risa: おじゃま!
Alisha: Also, when you are invited to someone's house, you might want to bring a small gift.
Alisha: Usually, it would be something to eat such as sweets or fruits, and the price range would be around 3,000 yen. This would vary depending on your age or the situation.
Alisha: When you hand it to your host, you say…
Ben: これ、どうぞ。
Alisha: Make sure to hold it with both hands. If it's in a paper bag, it's polite to take it out of the bag and then give it to them.
Risa: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Alisha: You're visiting your friend's house. Ready? Here we go.
Alisha: You've just entered the house. What should you say as you take off your shoes?
Risa: おじゃまします。
Alisha: You have a small gift for your friend's mother. What should you say as you hand it to her?
Risa: これ、どうぞ。
Alisha: Great job!
Risa: おじゃまします。
Risa: これ、どうぞ。


Risa: よくできました! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, you're ready to visit your Japanese friend's house. じゃまたね!

