
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Risa: Imagine you want to buy a ticket for a train to Tokyo. How do you do it?こんにちは。りさです. Risa here. Buying train tickets in Japanese is easy. In this lesson, you’ll learn how. Yoshi and Mark have come to meet Mark’s family at the airport. Let's watch!
Yoshi: 東京までのきっぷを5枚ください。
Ticket Clerk: はい。大人5枚ですか。
Yoshi: えっと。
Yoshi: こどもりょうきんは何さいまでですか。
Ticket Clerk: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。10さいいじょうのおこさまは、大人りょうきんです。
Yoshi: わかりました。サーシャは、8さいですよね。
Sasha: はい。
Yoshi: そして、ベンは10さいいじょうですね。だから、
Yoshi: 大人4枚と、こども1枚
Ticket Clerk: はい。東京まで、大人4枚、こども1枚ですね。ごうけい、10,000円です。
Mark: ヨシ、私がはらいます。
Yoshi: いいですよ。私がはらいます。
Risa: Now with English.
Yoshi: 5 tickets to Tokyo please.
Ticket Clerk: Okay, will that be five adults?
Yoshi: Ahh...
Yoshi: What age is eligible for child tickets?
Ticket Clerk: Children under 10 years old are eligible for child tickets. Children 10 years or older need adult tickets.
Yoshi: Got it. Sasha, you're...8 years old, right?
Sasha: Right!
Yoshi: And Ben is over 10 so...
Yoshi: 4 adults and 1 child.
Ticket Clerk: Okay, 4 adults and 1 child to Tokyo. Your total is 10,000 yen.
Mark: Yoshi, I'll pay for it.
Yoshi: Don't worry, I got it!
Risa: Here are the keywords from the scene.
Mark: きっぷ
Kyoko: きっぷ
Alisha: ticket
Kyoko: きっぷ, きっぷ
Mark: 枚
Kyoko: 枚
Alisha: sheet
Kyoko: 枚, 枚
Mark: 大人
Kyoko: 大人
Alisha: adult
Kyoko: 大人, 大人
Mark: えっと
Kyoko: えっと
Alisha: let me see
Kyoko: えっと, えっと
Mark: さい(歳)
Kyoko: さい(歳)
Alisha: years old
Kyoko: さい(歳), さい(歳)
Mark: こども
Kyoko: こども
Alisha: child
Kyoko: こども, こども
Mark: りょうきん
Kyoko: りょうきん
Alisha: fee
Kyoko: りょうきん, りょうきん
Mark: ごうけい
Kyoko: ごうけい
Alisha: total
Kyoko: ごうけい, ごうけい
Mark: はらいます
Kyoko: はらいます
Alisha: pay
Kyoko: はらいます, はらいます
Key Phrases
Risa: Here are the key phrases from the scene.
Alisha: In the scene, how did the ticket clerk explain the age limit on the child discount?
Ticket Clerk: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Alisha: At the core of this is a phrase meaning "children under ten years old."
Kaori: 10さいみまんのおこさま.
Alisha: This starts with the phrase for "10 years old."
Kaori: 10さい
Alisha: At the end of…
Kaori: 10さい
Alisha: …is a suffix meaning "years old.”
Kaori: さい
Alisha: After this phrase is a word meaning "under."
Kaori: みまん
Alisha: Together, it's
Kaori: 10さいみまん
Alisha: “under 10 years old.” Note that this phrase describes all children before they reach their 10th birthday, but does not include 10-year old children.
Alisha: Next is the particle…
Kaori: の
Alisha: After this is an honorific version of the word for "child."
Kaori: おこさま
Alisha: This phrase is made up of the honorific prefix…
Kaori: お
Alisha: …the word meaning “child”…
Kaori: こ
Alisha: …and an honorific suffix…
Kaori: さま。
Alisha: Together it’s…
Kaori: おこさま
Alisha: The particle
Kaori: の
Alisha: …which precedes…
Kaori: おこさま
Alisha: …allows the phrase "under 10 years old”…
Kaori: 10さいみまん
Alisha: …to connect with and modify the phrase meaning "children.”
Kaori: おこさま
Alisha: The entire core phrase meaning "children under ten years old," then, is…
Kaori: 10さいみまんのおこさま。
Alisha: Now, the core phrase, when placed in the larger sentence, becomes…
Kaori: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Alisha: First is the word for "child fee."
Kaori: こどもりょうきん
Alisha: Next is the topic marking particle.
Kaori: は
Alisha: After this is the phrase for "children under 10 years old."
Kaori: 10さいみまんのおこさま
Alisha: This is followed by a word meaning "until" or "up to."
Kaori: まで
Alisha: When placed at the end of a word or phrase…
Kaori: まで
Alisha: …indicates this word or phrase describes some limit. In other words…
Kaori: 10さいみまんのおこさま まで
Alisha: …means something like "applicable up to children under 10 years old.”
Alisha: The sentence ends with a linking verb.
Kaori: です
Alisha: Together it’s…
Kaori: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Alisha: "As for the for child fee, the extent is up to children under 10 years old." A more natural translation might be, "The child fee is for children under 10 years old." Now you try! Say the ticket clerk's line after Yoshi speaks.
Yoshi: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Ticket Clerk: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Alisha: In the scene, how did the ticket clerk explain the fee for children over 10 years old?
Ticket Clerk: 10さいいじょうのおこさまは、おとなりょうきんです。
Alisha: First is the phrase for "10 years old."
Kaori: 10さい
Alisha: Next is a phrase meaning "being equal to or greater than."
Kaori: いじょうの
Alisha: Placed before the word for child, it creates a phrase meaning "children 10 years old or older.”
Kaori: 10さいいじょうのおこさま
Alisha: After this is the topic marking particle.
Kaori: は
Alisha: Next is the word for "adult fee."
Kaori: おとなりょうきん
Alisha: And last is the linking verb.
Kaori: です
Alisha: Together it’s…
Kaori: 10さいいじょうのおこさまは、おとなりょうきんです。
Alisha: Literally, "As for children older than or equal to 10 years old, it's the adult fee." But, more naturally, "Children 10 years or older must pay the adult fee." Now you try! Say the ticket clerk's line.
Ticket Clerk: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Ticket Clerk: 10さいいじょうのおこさまは、おとなりょうきんです。
Alisha: In the scene, how did Mark tell Yoshi he would pay.
Mark: わたしがはらいます。
Alisha: First is the word for "I."
Kaori: わたし
Alisha: Next is the subject marking particle.
Kaori: が
Alisha: After this is the word for "pay or will pay."
Kaori: はらいます。
Alisha: In this case, it means "will pay" from the context.
Alisha: “I’ll pay.”
Kaori: わたしがはらいます。
Alisha: Now you try! Say Mark's line after the ticket clerk speaks.
Ticket Clerk: ごうけい、10,000円です。
Mark: わたしがはらいます。
Alisha: In the scene, how did Yoshi tell Mark not to worry about the payment.
Yoshi: いいですよ。
Alisha: This is a set phrase meaning "That's fine." Like in English, it can have a variety of meanings, depending on the context. In this case, he said…
Kaori: いいですよ
Alisha: …to politely reject Mark's suggestion. It means something like "Don't worry about it." Now you try! Say Yoshi's line after Mark speaks.
Mark: ヨシ、私がはらいます。
Yoshi: いいですよ。

Lesson focus

Risa: Now, the lesson focus. Here’s how to buy tickets in Japan. Ready?
Alisha: Do you remember how Yoshi asked for 5 tickets to Tokyo?
Yoshi: 東京までのきっぷを5枚ください。
Alisha: In a previous lesson Mark said "two of these, please" when he was at a convenience store.
Mark: これを2こください。
Alisha: Here, Yoshi used the same sentence structure.[the desired object] plus the object marking particle…
Kaori: を
Alisha: …plus [the number of things you want], and…
Kaori: ください。
Alisha: Now, say you want 5 tickets. Ticket is,
Kaori: きっぷ。
Alisha: "5 tickets, please" then, is…
Kaori: きっぷを5枚ください。
Alisha: Instead of just "tickets," though, Mark asked specifically for tickets to Tokyo. The phrase meaning "ticket to Tokyo" is…
Kaori: 東京までのきっぷ
Alisha: First is "Tokyo."
Kaori: 東京
Alisha: Next is a particle describing the extent of motion, often translating to "to" or "up to" in English.
Kaori: まで
Kaori: 東京まで
Alisha: “to Tokyo.” Please note that in Japanese, the word for "to" comes after the place to which it's pointing.
Alisha: Next is the possession marking particle, which is here used to connect to and modify the following word.
Kaori: の
Alisha: The phrase meaning "To Tokyo”…
Kaori: 東京まで
Alisha: …modifies “ticket.”
Kaori: きっぷ
Alisha: Together it’s…
Kaori: 東京までのきっぷ
Alisha: “Ticket which is to Tokyo" or "ticket to Tokyo.”
Alisha: "5 tickets to Tokyo, please" then, is…
Kaori: 東京までのきっぷを5枚ください。
Alisha: The sentence structure is… [destination] plus
Kaori: まで の きっぷ
Alisha: …plus…
Kaori: を
Alisha: …plus [number of tickets you want] plus…
Kaori: ください。
Alisha: Now you try. Say, "two tickets to Kyoto, please."
Kaori: 京都までのきっぷを2枚ください。
Alisha: Now, say, "two tickets to Osaka, please."
Kaori: おおさかまでのきっぷを2枚ください。
Alisha: Do you remember how Yoshi asked about eligibility for child tickets?
Yoshi: こどもりょうきんは何さいまでですか。
Alisha: First is the word for "child."
Kaori: こども
Alisha: Next is the word for "fee."
Kaori: りょうきん
Alisha: Together, "Child fee" or "child ticket" is…
Kaori: こどもりょうきん
Alisha: After this is the topic marking particle.
Kaori: は
Alisha: Next is the word for "what."
Kaori: 何 (なん)
Alisha: After this is the word for "age."
Kaori: さい
Alisha: Here, it acts as a suffix meaning "years old". "What age "or "how old," then, is…
Kaori: 何さい。
Alisha: After this is a particle indicating a time limitation, It's equivalent to "until" or "to" in English.
Kaori: まで
Alisha: When added to the end of the phrase meaning "how old" it’s…
Kaori: 何さいまで
Alisha: …literally, “what age - until.” In English, “until what age.” Following this is the linking verb.
Kaori: です
Alisha: And last is the question marking particle.
Kaori: か。
Kaori: こどもりょうきんは、何さいまでですか。
Alisha: “As for a child ticket, until what age, is it?” More naturally, “Up until what age can you get a child ticket?”
Alisha: The sentence structure to ask what age something is available until, then, is, [something] plus
Kaori: は、なんさい まで です か。
Alisha: Now you try! Usually, in Japan, you don't need to buy a ticket on a bus or a train for a baby. ”Free” or "free ticket" in Japanese is,
Kaori: むりょう, むりょう, むりょう
Alisha: Ask what age is a free ticket available until?
Kaori: むりょうは、なんさいまでですか。
Alisha: Some restaurants in Japan offer a half price lunch for children. Half price in Japanese is,
Kaori: はんがく、はんがく、はんがく
Alisha: Ask what age the half price is available until?
Kaori: はんがくは、なんさいまでですか。
Alisha: Do you remember how Yoshi asked for 4 adult tickets and 1 child ticket in the scene?
Yoshi: おとな4枚と、こども1枚
Alisha: First is the word for "adult."
Kaori: おとな
Alisha: In this case, it implies "adult ticket" but you can just say "adult.”
Kaori: おとな
Alisha: to mean "adult ticket" in the context of buying tickets.
Alisha: Next is a phrase for “4 sheets.” In this case, it means “4 tickets.”
Kaori: 4枚
Alisha: “4 adults tickets,” then, is…
Kaori: おとな4枚
Alisha: Next is a particle meaning "and."
Kaori: と
Alisha: After this is the word for "child."
Kaori: こども
Alisha: Last is a phrase for "one sheet."
Kaori: 1枚
Alisha: "One child ticket," then, is…
Kaori: こども1枚
Alisha: Together it’s…
Kaori: おとな4枚と、こども1枚
Alisha: "4 adult tickets and 1 child ticket.” The structure is [ticket type], which is…
Kaori: おとな
Alisha: …or…
Kaori: こども
Alisha: …plus [number of tickets you want]
Alisha: Now you try! Ask a ticket clerk to give you 2 adult tickets.
Kaori: おとな2枚
Alisha: Now ask a ticket clerk to get you 1 adult ticket and 3 child tickets.
Kaori: おとな1枚と、こども3枚
Alisha: You're buying train tickets to go to Tokyo with your family and a friend. Ready? Here we go. How do you ask a ticket clerk to give you 5 tickets to Tokyo?
Kaori: 東京までのきっぷを5枚ください。
Alisha: How do you ask what age is a child ticket available until?
Kaori: こどもりょうきんは、何さいまでですか。
Ticket Clerk: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。
Alisha: Now, ask the clerk to give you "4 adult tickets and 1 child ticket”.
Kaori: 大人4枚と、こども1枚。
Alisha: If your friend says that he will pay for the tickets, what do you say to tell him "don't worry, I'll pay".
Mark: 私がはらいます。
Kaori: いいですよ。私がはらいます。
Alisha: Great job! You’ll follow the same pattern many times, so be sure to practice it.


Risa: よくできました! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, try to buy tickets by yourself or tell us where you want to go in the comments. じゃまたね!
Yoshi: 東京までのきっぷを5枚ください。
Ticket Clerk: はい。大人5枚ですか。
Yoshi: えっと。
: こどもりょうきんは何さいまでですか。
Ticket Clerk: こどもりょうきんは、10さいみまんのおこさままでです。10さいいじょうのおこさまは、大人りょうきんです。
Yoshi: わかりました。サーシャは、8さいですよね。
Sasha: はい。
Yoshi: そして、ベンは10さいいじょうですね。だから、
Yoshi: 大人4枚と、こども1枚
Ticket Clerk: はい。東京まで、大人4枚、こども1枚ですね。ごうけい、10,000円です。
Mark: ヨシ、私がはらいます。
Yoshi: いいですよ。私がはらいます。

