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Lesson Transcript

Intermediate Lesson #40
Sakura: あけましておめでとうございます。Sakuraです。「てんぐのかくれみの」Part 1です。
Peter: Happy New Year. Peter here. Part 1 of 
Sakura: 天狗のかくれみの
Peter: Which we can translate as Tengu’s Invisible Cloak or maybe The Tengu’s Invisible Cloak. Does that work for you Sakura san?
Sakura: Yes, yes.
Peter: Again brief introduction here. Today is part 1 of a two-part fairy tale. Same story, it was just very long. So we broke it up into two parts.
Sakura: Umm.
Peter: Now as we discussed last week, today’s story is about a Tengu which Sakura san is
Sakura: Long Nose, Red-Faced Japanese Goblin. [*] said, we can use – we might be able to use the word Goblin for Tengu and I think it really suits the Tengu’s image.
Peter: I think so too although I am not too familiar. So you probably have a better idea. Now the format we will have it in today is we will be giving you the Japanese.
Sakura: Yeah.
Peter: In the Japanese, again we have Natsuko
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Natsuko san
Sakura: Natsuko san yes.
Peter: Take san
Sakura: Take san
Peter: As the gambler.
Sakura: Whoa!
Peter: It really suits him. He didn’t have to act too much.
Sakura: I can imagine.
Peter: And Yoshi san as the Tengu.
Sakura: Ah…
Peter: So this is a – it should be really good.
Sakura: そうだね。
Peter: Afterwards, we will have the English unfortunately by myself.
Sakura: Umm…
Peter: We should have English voice actors too.
Sakura: いいんじゃない?
Peter: Umm it should be okay.
Sakura: Yeah.
Peter: When you are done here, stop by japanesepod101.com.
Sakura: Yeah.
Peter: There you can pick up the English translation, word for word, the transcripts and many other things. So stop by, it’s a New Year. New year’s resolution, study Japanese. Great time to start.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: And japanesepod101.com is the place to start.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So with that said, let’s get into today’s story. Here we go.
とんと昔あったと。 ある所に、博奕打(ばくちうち)がいたと。あるとき、博奕ですってんてんに負けてしまった博奕打は、丘に上がり、ふてくされて、ひっくり返っていたと。
博奕打: 「あああ、今日はついてないなあ。何かいいことないかなあ。こんな田舎にくすぶっていないで、いっそ京都か大阪へ出て、でっかい勝負をやってみたいものだ」と、独り言をつぶやいて、懐をさぐると、穴のあいた小銭が一個出てきたと。
博奕打: 「お、まだ銭があった。しかし、これ一個じゃ、勝負にならない」
博奕打: 「おっと、出た、出た、京都が出た。京都はきれいな町だなあ。今度は、出た、出た、大阪が出た。大阪はにぎやかな町だなあ」
天狗: 「お前、京都が出た。大阪が出たとぬかしておるが、そんな小銭の穴から、本当に京都や大阪が見えるのか」
博奕打: 「見えるとも。これはおれの宝なんだもの。京都であろうと、大阪であろうと、どこでも望むところを見せてくれるんだ」
天狗: 「そんな重宝なものがあるのか」
博奕打: 「あるとも」
博奕打: 「おっと、出た、出た、江戸が出た」*
天狗: 「その小銭をちょっと貸してくれないか」
博奕打: 「だめだよ。大事な宝なんだから」
天狗: 「ちょっとでいいんだ」
博奕打: 「だめ、だめ、貸すわけにはいかない」
天狗: 「それなら、わしの宝を貸すが、どうだ」
博奕打: 「そんな汚らしいものが、どうして宝なんだい」
天狗: 「これは、隠れ蓑といって、これを着れば、姿をくらますことができる」
博奕打: 「へえ、そんな重宝なものがあるのかい」
天狗: 「おい、見えないぞ。京都も大阪も、どこも見えないぞ。わしをだましおったな」
天狗: 「おい、どこへ隠れた。こら、隠れ蓑を返せ!」
博奕打: 「やっぱり、この隠れ蓑は本物だったんだ。これはいい物が、手に入った」
博奕打: 「今帰ったぞ。今日はついていた。この着物を賭で取ってきてやったぞ」
Peter: Once upon a time, there lived a gambler. One day after losing all of his money gambling, he was climbing up a hill feeling sorry for himself. He suddenly turned around and muttered to himself, ah! today is not my day. I wonder if nothing good at all will happen. I want to go to a big city like Osaka or Kyoto and try to get into a really big game and not let the small town smother me. He then began searching his clothing and pulled out a small coin with a hole in it. He then said ah! I still have this coin but just this one I would never gamble. The gambler then peaked through the hole and pretended he could see faraway places. Oh there it is! Oh there it is! I can see Kyoto. Kyoto is such a beautiful city. Now ah! There it is. I can see Osaka. There it is. Osaka is a jumping town. As he was saying this, a Tengu appeared and said, you are saying that Kyoto appeared and Osaka appeared but can you really see Osaka from the center of that coin? The gambler replied, yes I can. This is my most valued possession. Kyoto, Osaka, I can see any place I want. Is there really such a thing as the Tengu? Yes, there is replied the gambler. The Tengu proceeded to pull out a filthy cloak from his bag. Oh there it is! There it is! I can see Edo. Lend me that coin for a bit, won’t you? No way, it’s a priceless treasure. Just for one second. No, nope. There is no way I am lending it to you. All right, if it’s like that, then I will lend you my most valued possession. How about that? That filthy thing? That is your most valued possession? This is an invisible cloak. The one who wears it becomes invisible. Really? Is there such a thing? Two went on to exchange their most valued possessions. The Tengu then looked into the whole of the coin and said, hey, I can’t see anything, no Kyoto, no Osaka, no nothing. You duped me, didn’t you? The Tengu turned around but it was too late. The gambler was nowhere to be seen. He had put on the invisible cloak while the Tengu was looking through the whole of the coin. At first, the gambler was worried that it wouldn’t work but upon hearing the Tengu screaming, hey where are you? Give me back my invisible cloak, he realized that it really worked. Extremely pleased, he scrambled down the hill and went to town. As he walked through the town, not one person was aware of his existence. He said to himself, wow! This is the real thing. I got my hands on something great. Upon realizing what he had, he became ecstatic. First he headed to the nearest pub. Went in and started drinking excessively and nobody noticed. Once he had his fill, he decided it was time to satisfy his appetite. So he headed to the dumpling shop. There he stuffed himself and again nobody noticed. On his way home, the gambler stopped by the fine cloth store and stole a kimono for himself and his wife. He went home, took off the invisible cloak and called to his wife, I am home. Today was my lucky day. With my winnings, I bought this and he gave his wife a stolen Kimono. The gambler being full food and drink took off the cloak, threw it in the corner and fell right asleep. Sakura san, what did you think?


Sakura: うーん、おもしろいね。
Peter: Yeah pretty good. Now tomorrow, we will be back with part 2. So don’t forget to stop by and listen. That’s going to do for today.
Sakura: またね。


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