
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Get What You Want Using Japanese! In the previous lesson, we learned how to ask someone to speak in English.
Naomi: Such as 英語でお願いします。In English please.
Peter: Also we learned how to say "Is it your first time?"
Naomi: 初めてですか。
Peter: In this lesson, you'll learn learn some useful vocabulary and phrases for buying tickets or shopping
Naomi: And you'll also learn the usage of the adjective (大丈夫)
Peter: This conversation takes place at
Naomi: ...a bus service counter in Narita airport.
Peter: The conversation is between
Naomi: アシュリーさんと係員 Ashley and a clerk
Peter: Ashley is going to take a taxi to her hotel. She's buying a ticket now.
Since it's a conversation between a clerk and a customer, you will hear
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Peter: Before we listen to the dialogue we strongly recommend that you look at Appendix 7 and 9 as a reference.
係員: 3000円です。
係員:サインお願いします。 Your signature please. (ユア シグニチャー プリーズ)
Peter: One adult ticket, two child tickets for Haneda Airport.
Peter: That'll be 4500 yen.
Peter: Here are the tickets.
Peter: It departs at three-forty five.
Peter: Next in line, please.
Peter: One adult ticket for Shinagawa Princess Hotel.
係員: 3000円です。
Peter: That'll be 3000 yen.
Peter: Can I use this debit card?
Peter: I'm sorry you can't use that card.
Peter: Can I use this credit card?
Peter: Yes, this one is okay.
Peter: Your "shomei" please.
Peter: "Shomei...?"
係員:サインお願いします。 Your signature please. (ユア シグニチャー プリーズ)
Peter: Your signature please.
Peter: デビットカードは駄目ですかYou can't use the debit card? .So, the debit card is not very common in Japan?
Naomi: Well, it's getting more common. We have our own debit card called J-Debit. But I heard our European coworkers complaining they can't use the debit card from the their home country. I don't know the details. But if you're ever planning to visit Japan, your debit card might not be accepted in Japan. So, please be careful.
Peter: But they accept credit cards, correct?
Naomi: Yeah. クレジットカードは大丈夫です。You can use a credit card.
Peter: At major stores. Also I'd like to inform everyone that Japan is a cash society.
Naomi: Yeah, compared with western people in general, we carry a lot of cash.
Peter: (Comment, advice etc) And what's Japanese currency?
Naomi: 円 It's spelled E/N in roma-ji 
Peter: It's spelled YEN in English. And I's like to talk about transportation from Narita Airport.(Advice etc - But keep it short please! Thanks)
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 大人 [natural native speed]
Peter adult
Naomi 大人 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 大人 [natural native speed]
Naomi 子供 [natural native speed]
Peter child, children
Naomi 子供 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 子供 [natural native speed]
Naomi 駄目 [natural native speed]
Peter No, bad; Adj(na)
Naomi 駄目 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 駄目 [natural native speed]
Naomi 署名 [natural native speed]
Peter signature
Naomi 署名 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 署名 [natural native speed]
Naomi サイン [natural native speed]
Peter signature, autograph
Naomi サイン [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi サイン [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Naomi: 空港
Peter: airport
Naomi: There are two long vowels in that word. So be careful. Long う sound and お sound.
Peter: In Hiragana, it's spelled KU U KO U
Naomi: But it's pronounced くーこー
Peter: There are two major airports in the Tokyo area. One is
Naomi: 成田空港
Peter: Narita airport and the other is
Naomi: 羽田空港
Peter: Haneda airport. The next word is...
Naomi: 大丈夫
Peter: It's an adjective meaning "okay", or "all right"
Naomi: The opposite adjective is...だめ
Peter: "no good", "not okay", and "useless."Daijōbu and dame are two common and useful words that you will encounter a lot in Japanese. These can refer to states: "I'm okay",
Naomi: 私は大丈夫です。
Peter: "I'm not okay"
Naomi: 駄目です。
Peter: Actually, it's probably not your first time hearing this adjective"daijoubu" Because in lesson 4, Ashley asked Ichiro
Naomi: 大丈夫ですか。
Peter: "Are you OK." Do you remember that phrase? Anyway, daijoubu is one of the most frequently used adjectives. So remember this adjective now!
Naomi: In the dialogue, Ashley said クレジットカードは大丈夫ですか.
Peter: Literally, "is credit card OK." It means "Is it OK to use a credit card" or "Can I use a credit card?" OK. So what's next?
Naomi: 大人 and 子供
Peter: Adult and children respectively.There's one more category you need to know for buying a ticket. Can you guess, Naomi? It's "students".
Naomi: Yeah, you're right. 学生 student Some companies have special discounts for students so you should remember these words to save money.
Peter: Can we hear them once again?
Naomi: Sure 大人 (adult) 子供(Child, kid) and 学生(student) And please look at the Kanji for adult. It has big and person. Big person means adult. But please be careful, the reading of the Kanji is irregular.
Peter: Next word is?
Naomi: 署名
Peter: signature.In the dialog, another word for signature is used. It is...
Naomi: サイン
Peter: signature. Now, do both "shomei" and "sain" mean signature?
Naomi: Right. 署名 means signature, however サイン could mean signature or autograph.
Peter: So at the shop, you'll hear the shop clerk says
Naomi: 「署名お願いします」 or 「サインお願いします」
Peter: Your signature please. But if you're a famous movie star or athlete, people might ask for your autograph saying
Naomi: 「サインお願いします」

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn useful vocabulary for buying tickets
Naomi: We'll also introduce a series of important words known as ko-so-a-do words
Peter: In the dialog, Ashley successfully bought tickets for the Limousine Bus from Narita Airport to Shinagawa Price Hotel. Let's take a look at some vocabulary and phrases used when buying tickets.
Naomi: 2 types of counters are used in the dialogue. Shall we start with them?
Peter: Sure. What are the 2 counters?
Naomi: 枚 and 名. 枚 is the counter for sheets of paper, of course including tickets, and 名 is a counter for people.
Peter: Now Japanese has a lot of counters, which are words that are used to count specific items. The corresponding counter depends on the appearance or make up of the item. For example, there are different counters for sheets of paper and bottles because they are different in shape. For more information about counters, please look at appendix7.
Naomi: 名 is a counter for people. So one person would be いち めい two people would be に めい three people would be さん めい
Peter: You say the number and just add the counter Mai. Counters always come after the number.
Naomi: Also please notice that the object comes before it. For example, adult is 大人 so One adult would be 大人一名 one kid would be 子供、一名
Peter: Say the object being counted and say the number and say the counter.
Naomi&Peter: 大人 adult which is the object being counted and 一 one the number 名 counter
Naomi: 大人一名 how about, チケット一枚
Peter: Chiketto "ticket" Ichi "One" Mai "counter for sheet" So one ticket.
Or you could say...
Naomi: 大人一枚
Peter: Adult, one sheet of something. So "one adult ticket". OK, on to the next vocab.
Naomi: まで
Peter: Literally means "until", but it is commonly translated as "for " as in "For a place" For example?
Naomi: 羽田空港まで
Peter: for Haneda Airport
Naomi: ヒルトンホテルまで
Peter: For Hilton Hotel. So in the dialogue, Ashley said,
Naomi: 品川プリンセスホテルまで。大人一名。
Peter: One adult ticket for Shinagawa Princess Hotel. Let's break this down
Naomi&Peter: 品川プリンセスホテル "Shinagawa Princess Hotel" まで "Until" or "For" So we have 品川プリンセスホテルまで For Shinagawa Princess Hotel 大人 adult 一名one person "Shinagawa Princess Hotel Adult one person" Of course it means "One adult ticket for Shinagawa Princess Hotel" OK on to the next grammar point.
Naomi: Let's learn Ko-so-a-do (こそあど) words!
Peter: For a detailed explanation of Japanese demonstrative words or KO-SO-A-DO words, please read this lesson's PDF and also check Appendix 9.
Naomi: In lesson 3, we introduced 3 demonstrative pronouns.
Peter: Oh...Don't use the technical term.
Naomi: OK. We learned how to say "this one, that one, and that one over there" in Japanese. Which are これ、それ and あれ
Peter: That's better. In Japanese, when those this, that words are followed by nouns, the word "this, that and that one over there" conjugate.
Naomi: これ becomes この 
Peter: "This one" is KORE. RE becomes NO and get KONO. So..."This coffee" is not KORE KOOHII but
Naomi: このコーヒー
Naomi: それ becomes その
Peter: SORE, RE becomes NO and get KONO. "That" is SORE but "that coffee" is
Naomi: そのコーヒー
Naomi: あれ becomes あの
Peter: ARE.RE becomes NO and get ANO. "That over there" is ARE but "that coffee over there" is
Naomi: あのコーヒー
OK. Let's recap this lesson with a quiz.
What's Japanese currency?
Naomi: A) 円 B)枚 C)名
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)円
Peter: That's easy it's "yen" I mean "円 (en)". 枚(mai) is a counter for paper or ticket and 名(mei) is a counter for people. Question 2. How do you say "OK" or "All right" in Japanese?
Naomi: A)だめ B)大丈夫 C)署名
Peter: The answer is ...
Naomi: B)大丈夫
Peter: だめ(dame) means "no good"; 署名 (shomei) means "signature"


Peter: This concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley's going to get some food at a Kiosk. You'll learn some useful expressions for buying something.
Naomi: じゃ、また


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