
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Master Speaking on the Phone and Put All of Your Japanese Friends a Touch Away. In the previous lesson, you learned how to ask for permission and how to express what you can do.
Naomi: Right. Such as 写真をとってもいいですか。
Peter: May I take a picture?
Naomi: And 日本語ができます。
Peter: I can speak Japanese. In this lesson, we'll look more into the usage of "DEKIRU". We'll also introduce you to some set phrases used when saying goodbye.
Peter: What's going to happen in this lesson's dialogue?
Naomi: アシュリーさんは光岡さんに電話をします。
Peter: Ashley calls Ms. Mitsuoka.
Naomi: でも、光岡さんは出ません
Peter: But Ms. Mitsuoka doesn't answer the phone. So Ashley is going to leave a message.
The level of the formality of the dialogue is...?
Naomi: Formal.
Peter: 090-9876-5432
Peter: This is Mitsuoka.
Peter: I can't answer the phone right now.
Peter: Please leave a message.
Peter: Hello, this is Ashley.
Peter: Thank you so much for everything.
Peter: Thanks to you, I was able to enjoy my business trip.
Peter: I'm so glad to have met everyone.
Peter: Please say hello to your father and mother for me.
Peter: I'm going back to New York tomorrow on an eleven o’clock flight.
Peter: Please come to New York!
Peter: I'll e-mail you. Take care. Goodbye.
Naomi: 090の9876の5432 We say "の" for hyphen or dash.
Peter: But it's not necessary to uses hyphens for phone numbers, correct?
Naomi: Right. But for addresses, you need to say it.
Peter: This phone number starts with 090. It means this number is for Cell phone 携帯電話
Naomi: そうですね。Right. 090は携帯電話の番号です。So レイさんは電話に出ませんでしたね。Rei didn't answer the phone so Ashley had to leave a message.
Peter: The line of answering machine sounds really authentic.
Naomi: Yeah, it's close enough to what you might really hear.
Peter: So it looks like Ashley is leaving Japan tomorrow.
Naomi: Right. She said 明日11時の飛行機でニューヨークに帰ります。明日 is tomorrow11時の飛行機 is 11 o'clock flight.ニューヨークに帰ります is "Going back to NY."
Peter: You said ASHITA. But some people say ASU for tomorrow.
Naomi: Right. Both あした and あす mean tomorrow.
Peter: What's the difference?
Naomi: あした is more common. あす sounds more formal.
Peter: So out of these, Ashita is the most common way to say "Tomorrow."
Naomi: Right. The Kanji for tomorrow are kind of nice too. They mean Bright Day.
Peter: Right. The first kanji means bright and the second kanji is day so...Bright day.
Naomi: Tomorrow is a bright day.
Peter: That's a nice way to remember the word.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi お元気で。 [natural native speed]
Peter Take care.
Naomi お元気で。 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi お元気で。 [natural native speed]
Naomi さようなら [natural native speed]
Peter Good bye.
Naomi さようなら [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi さようなら [natural native speed]
Naomi 楽しむ [natural native speed]
Peter to enjoy onself ; V1
Naomi 楽しむ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 楽しむ [natural native speed]
Naomi 色々 [natural native speed]
Peter various ; Adj(na)
Naomi 色々 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 色々 [natural native speed]
Naomi ぜひ [natural native speed]
Peter certainly, without fail
Naomi ぜひ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi ぜひ [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 会う
Peter: To meet, it's a class 1 verb. So the masu form is
Naomi: 会います
Peter: To meet.
Naomi: The person you meet is marked by either と(with)or に.
Peter: I meet Peter, I will meet Peter.
Naomi: Or ピーターと会う
Peter: I meet with Peter. I'll meet with Peter. Next, let's take a look at some expressions used when saying good bye.What's the first one?
Naomi: いろいろありがとうございました
Peter: "Thank you for everything you have done" Iroiro (いろいろ) is a word that means "various" or "all kinds of". When coupled with arigatō gozaimasu (ありがとうございます), the implication is that the listener did many things for the speaker. Can we hear that sentence again?
Naomi: いろいろありがとうございました。
Peter: TSUGI WA NAN DESU KA? What's next?
Naomi: おかげさまで
Peter: "thanks for asking"
Naomi: おかげ originally means "your support" or "your help" So the literal meaning of おかげさまで is "Because of your great support"or "Thanks to your help"
Peter: However it can be used even when the listener hasn't specifically done anything for the speaker, can't it?
Naomi: You're right. In that case, the closest translation would be "thanks for asking".
Peter: OKAGESAMADE also appeared in Lesson 13. OK 次は?The next phrase is?
Naomi: So and so によろしく伝えてください。
Peter: Please give my regards to so and so.Please say hello to so and so.
This phrase is used when you want to tell someone to give your regards to someone else. The person's name comes before the particle ni (に).Can we have a sample sentence?
Naomi: 皆さんによろしく伝えてください。Please say hello to everyone.
Peter&Naomi: Let's break this down. 皆さんに to everyone よろしく well 伝えて it's a te-from of a verb 伝える "to pass on" "to convey" ください please.
Peter: Again, it means "Please pass on my regards to everyone.""Give my best to everyone."
Naomi: I recommend that you memorize this as a set phrase. So and so によろしく伝えてください。
Peter: So if you want to say "Please say hello to Jack"
Naomi: ジャックによろしく伝えてください。
Peter: "Please say hello to Mr. Honda"
Naomi: 本田さんによろしく伝えてください。 But in a casual situation. You can drop 伝えてください。So... ジャックによろしく。
Peter: Say hi to Jack.
Naomi: 本田さんによろしく。
Peter: Say hi to Mr. Honda.OK. The last phrase is...
Naomi: お元気で
Peter: This phrase means "take care" and is used towards someone that you will not see again for a long time or possibly ever.
Naomi: Right. This sentence was originally, お元気でいてください which means "Stay in good health." But we usually stop at で。and just say お元気で。
Peter: "take care" But you can't use OGENKI DE for everyday good-byes.
Naomi: そうです。Right.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you'll learn how to talk about what you can do. Now, in the previous lesson you learned "[noun ] plus KOTO GA DEKIRU" sentence structure.
Naomi: Such as 英語ができる
Peter: literally "can do English" of course it means "can understand, read or speak English"
Naomi: As you can tell from the translation, [Noun plus DEKIRU] is very vague. 英語ができる could mean "be able to speak English,"or" be able to read English" or could be "can understand English"
Peter: If you want to specify the skill you have to use the verb. That's what we're going to learn in this section. OK. How do you day "I can swim."
Naomi: to swim is およぐ。I can swim is 私は泳ぐことができる。
Peter: Let's break down this sentence.
Naomi: 私は "I and Topic marker" 泳ぐ"To swim"こと "Thing" が"particle" できる"can do"
Peter: So literally, "I, to swim thing can do.""I can do the thing to swim." of course "I can swim" or "I'm able to swim."
Naomi: You CANNOT say およぐができる. You need to insert こと after the verb dictionary form.泳ぐことができる。
Peter: This construction can be formed by attaching koto (こと) to the dictionary form of the chosen verb, marking it with the particle ga, and completing the sentence with the verb dekiru.
Naomi: So the sentence structure is [dictionary form of verb] plus ことができる
Peter: Let's practice with some example. How do you say "to enjoy"
Naomi: 楽しむ
Peter: Add KOTO GA DEKIRU to say "to be able to enjoy""can enjoy"
Naomi: 楽しむことができる
Peter: How do you say "to speak"
Naomi: 話す
Peter: Add KOTO GA DEKIRU to say "to be able to speak""can speak"
Naomi: 話すことができる So... 英語を話すことができる is
Peter: Be able to speak English.
Naomi: 写真を撮る is to take pictures. So....写真をとることができる is
Peter: Be able to take a picture, can take pictures.
Naomi: 会う is to meet So...あうことができる
Peter: to be able to meet, can meet.
Naomi: So皆さんに会うことができる。is
Peter: to be able to meet everyone.
Naomi: In the dialogue, Ashley said 皆さんに会うことができて、よかったです。
Peter: "I'm so glad to have met everyone." Literally, "I can meet every one and it was good."
Naomi: できて in 皆さんに会うことができて is the te form so...皆さんに会うことができて is "to be able to meet everyone and " よかった means "it was good"
Peter: So... 皆さんに会うとことができて"I can meet everyone and"よかったです"it was good." It was good that I could meet everyone."
Peter: By putting dekiru (できる) in the te-form and adding yokatta desu (よかったです) at the end, we can create a sentence that means that we are glad to have been able to [verb].
Naomi: For example, 話す is to speak So...話すことができてよかったです。
Peter: I'm glad to have been able to talk (with you).
Naomi: 来るis "to come" So.. 来ることができてよかったです。
Peter: I'm glad to have been able to come.
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question. Which of the following expressions means "Please say hello to everyone."
Naomi: A)皆さん、よろしくお願いします B)皆さんによろしくお伝えください C)みなさん、さようなら。
Peter: The answer is...
Naomi: B)皆さんによろしくお伝えください
Peter: Please say hello to everyone. The choice A)
Naomi: 皆さん、よろしくお願いします
Peter: Nice to meet you everyone. The choice C) is
Naomi: 皆さん、さようなら。
Peter: Good bye, everyone. The second question. Which of following expressions means "Thank you for everything"
Naomi: A)色々ありがとうございました B)お元気で C)おかげさまで。
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)色々ありがとうございました
Peter: Choice B)
Naomi: お元気で
Peter: means "Take care" Choice C)
Naomi: おかげさまで。
Peter: is Thanks for asking.


Peter: That concludes this lesson. The next lesson would be the final episode. You'll learn more goodbye phrases.


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