
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: The Best Japanese Dish You'll Ever Have. In the previous lesson, you learned some useful phrases that you will use and hear when visiting a Japanese family.
Naomi: Like, さあ、入ってください。Please come on in.
Peter: In this lesson you'll learn how to combine 2 verbs and how to say "anything" in Japanese.
Naomi: 今、アシュリーは光岡さんのうちにいます。
Peter: Ashley is now at the Mistuokas' house.
Naomi: お昼ごはんを食べます。
Peter: She's going to eat lunch with Rei Mitsuoka's parents. So the conversation is between...
Naomi: アシュリーさんと光岡さんの両親
Peter: Ashley and Rei's parents. They'll be using...
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Peter: Reference-Lesson16
:いただきます。(eats soba)
Peter: Ashley, are there any foods you don't like?
Peter: Not really.
Peter: I'll eat anything.
Peter: Oh, that's good.
Peter: It's not much, but here you are.
Peter: Oh, it's soba, isn't it? I love soba!
:いただきます。(eats soba)
Peter: Itadakimasu. (eats soba)
Peter: Yum! It's really good!
Peter: Try some of this, too. It's yuba.
Peter: Yuba from Nikko is famous.
Peter: And also, this is kon'nyaku.
Peter: Mmm, they're all good!
Peter: But...what's yuba?
Peter: It's like a cousin of tofu.
Peter: It's a very healthy food.
Peter: Where do you want to go in Nikko?
Peter: I want to see Toshōgū and Kegon no Taki.
Peter: And I also want to take a walk around Chūzenjiko and ride in a boat.
Peter: That's quite a lot.
Peter: Well then, let's eat quickly and go!
Peter: Wow, she wants to do lots of things. She said she wants to see...
Naomi: 東照宮 と 華厳の滝
Peter: TOUSHOUGUU is a shinto shrine.
Naomi: Right. It's designated as a World Heritage Site.
Peter: KEGONNOTAKI or kegon fall is a famous waterfall.
Naomi: そうです Kegon fall is one of Japan's highest waterfalls.
Peter: Ashley also said that she wants to go to CHUUZENJI-KO
Naomi: 中禅寺湖 is a lake. 湖 means lake So...Lake Chuzenji. 日光もいいところです。
Peter: So you think Nikkou is a good place to visit?
Naomi: If you're in the Tokyo area I strongly recommend visiting Nikkou. It takes only 2 hours by train.
Peter: And what I found especially interesting is the phrase the mother said when she served food. What did she say?
Naomi: なにもありませんが、どうぞ。
Peter: It's not much, but here you are. What did she serve?
Naomi&Peter: そば(buckwheat noodles)ゆば(Tofu skin, dried beancurd or bean skim)and こんにゃく(yam paste, or devil's tongue)
Peter: It's not "not much"
Naomi: I would say it's a feast.
Peter: And I can tell you that she prepared all the food for Ashley.
Naomi: She's being very humble. It's like "these dishes are not good enough for you"
Peter: (Comment)+(one's own experience)
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 嫌い [natural native speed]
Peter dislikable, hate ; Adj(na)
Naomi 嫌い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 嫌い [natural native speed]
Naomi 有名 [natural native speed]
Peter famous ; Adj(na)
Naomi 有名 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 有名 [natural native speed]
Naomi 兄弟 [natural native speed]
Peter siblings, brothers and sisters
Naomi 兄弟 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 兄弟 [natural native speed]
Naomi 食べ物 [natural native speed]
Peter food
Naomi 食べ物 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 食べ物 [natural native speed]
Naomi たくさん [natural native speed]
Peter a lot, many, much
Naomi たくさん [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi たくさん [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: First let's look at the phrase the mother said to Ashley in the first line.
Naomi: アシュリーさん、嫌いなものはありますか。
Peter: Ashley, are there any foods you don't like? Ashely, is there anything you don't like?
Naomi: 嫌い means dislikable and it's a na adjective and もの is thing。。。嫌いなもの
Peter: means dislikable thing or things you don't like. We introduced the word 嫌い in lesson 16. Now, Naomi-sensei, I've been asked "KIRAINA MONO ARIMASU KA", but I've also been asked "Sukikirai ga arimasu ka?" Do you have likes and dislikes?
Naomi: Right. 好き嫌いがありますか。is also a common expression. 好き is "like" 嫌い is "dislike" or hate
Peter: So "SUKI KIRAI GA ARIMASU KA?" is literally "Do you have likes and dislikes?" Now, the interesting part is this question is not really asking about what foods you like, but rather what foods you don't like.
Naomi: Right. So there aren't any foods you don't like, you can say... 好き嫌いありません。If you do, just say the foods you don't like. For example, そばが嫌いです。I dislike SOBA.
Peter: OK. TSUGI ONEGAISHIMASU. The next word please.
Naomi: 早く
Peter: fast, quickly, soon. It's the adverbial form of the adjective HAYAI meaning "fast" or "quick"
Naomi: So 早いis an adjective and means "Fast"or"quick" And 早く is an adverb and means "fast" or "quickly"
Peter: Adjectives modify and describe nouns whereas adverbs describe how an action is done.
Naomi: So 食べる is a verb meaning to eat....So...早く食べる
Peter: To eat quickly.
Naomi: 行く means to go and it's a verb so 早く行く
Peter: To go quickly. There's a adverb list in the lesson notes so please make sure to check it. OK.TSUGI WA NAN DESU KA? What's next, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: 兄弟 
Peter: siblings, brothers and sisters. Let's take a look at the Kanji. The first kanji is...
Naomi: あに meaning older brother
Peter: The second Kanji is...
Naomi: 弟 meaning younger brother.
Peter: But KYOODAI refers to not only male siblings but also female siblings.
Naomi: そうです。For example 兄弟がいますか。means
Peter: Do you have brothers or sisters? or Do you have any siblings? But in this lesson's dialogue, KYOUDAI was used in a unique way.
Naomi: Right.
Peter: When Ashely asked what YUBA is.The mother said.
Naomi: 豆腐の兄弟です。It's the brother of tofu.
Peter: In the English translation it becomes "cousin", which is more common in English, but it literally means "brother of tofu" in Japanese. What the mother really meant was Tofu and Yuba are pretty similar.
Naomi: I don't think it's a very common way to explain but I thought it was a pretty clever explanation.
Peter: OK. What's the next word?
Naomi: とっても
Peter: Very. In lesson 15 we learned the word TOTEMO. TOTEMO also means "very" what's the difference?
Naomi: In とっても, there is a stop sound. So it sounds a little stronger and a bit colloquial.
Peter: So if you're writing Japanese, it's better to stick to TOTEMO.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn 2 things. One, how to say the word "anything" in Japanese. Two, how to combine 2 verbs using the te-form. Let's start with the word "anything".
Naomi: Let's start with the word "anything" used in an affirmative sentence. -何でも
Peter: Can we hear that again? The word for "anything" is?
Naomi: なんでも
Peter: The question word NAN is followed by the particle DEMO...NANDEMO. Can we have a sample sentence?
Naomi: Sure. 食べます is "to eat" So...何でも食べます。
Peter: I eat anything. I eat whatever.
Peter: How about the word for "nothing"?
Naomi: 何も plus negative sentence.
Peter: Can we hear that word again? The word for nothing is ...
Naomi: なにも
Peter: the question word NANI followed by the particles MO. Can we hear a sample sentence?
Naomi: 何も食べません。
Peter: I don't eat anything, I won't eat anything. Please notice that the following verb 食べません is negative.
Naomi: 何もありません。
Peter: Now, literally this is "we have nothing" but in more natural English we'd say "we don't have anything". There's a detailed chart in the lesson notes where you can learn more of these kinds of words, such as "anywhere", "nowhere", "anyone" "no one" etc. So please check them out.
Peter: On to our next grammar point. The next grammar point is...
Naomi: Combining two verbs using the te-form
Peter: In today's lesson, you will learn how to combine two or more verbs. To express a succession of actions or events, all verbs except the final one must be changed into the te-form. In this case, it is similar to using "and" in English to join multiple verbs ("eat and drink", "run and jump").
Naomi: In lesson22, you learned that you can combine two or more adjectives by using te-form. When it comes to verbs, it's basically the same idea.
Peter: Let's illustrate with examples. To say "to buy and eat", put the preceding verb "To buy" in the te from.
Naomi: 買う is to buy かって is the te-form.
Peter: And add the verb "to eat."TABERU So...
Naomi: 買って食べる 
Peter: To buy and eat
Naomi: For example, いつも私は、ランチを買って食べる。
Peter: I always buy and eat my lunch. Notice the かって is translated as "buy and"
Naomi: If you want to say this this sentence more formally , change the final verb in to the formal form or masu form. So..いつも私はランチを買って食べます。
Peter: Please notice that only the final verb determines the politeness level. Can you read the verb part only? Informal speech.
Naomi: 買って食べる (to buy and eat)
Peter: Formal speech
Naomi: 買って食べます (to buy and eat)
Peter: See how the first verb "KATTE" doesn't change? How about the past tense?
Naomi: Change the final verb into the past. So...買って食べました。
Peter: Bought and ate. In English when you are talking about the past action, you have to change all the verbs into the past tense. However in Japanese all you have to do is change the tense of the last verb, and it means that all of the verbs in the te-form took place in the past.
Naomi: Right. In Japanese, the final verb determines the tense and politeness level of the whole sentence.
Peter: Can you read a sample sentence from the dialogue?
Naomi: 早く食べて、行きましょう。
Peter: Let's eat quickly and go! Let's break down this sentence.
Naomi: 早く quickly 食べて te from of a verb "TABERU-to eat" and it means "eat and" in this case, 行きましょう IKI is the masu stem of a verb "IKU-to go" mashou is the polite volitional so "IKI-MASHOU" is "let's go".
Peter: Again, it means "Let's eat quickly and go!"
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words means "siblings, brothers and sisters"
Naomi: A)兄弟 B)両親 C)子供
Peter: The answer is...
Naomi: A)兄弟
Peter: siblings, brothers and sisters. Now the choice B)
Naomi: 両親
Peter: is parents. and the choice C)
Naomi: 子供
Peter: is child. OK. The next question. What does
Naomi: 「何でも食べます」
Peter: means? A)I don't eat. B)I eat anything. C)Do you eat anything?
Naomi: The answer is?
Peter: B) I eat anything.
Naomi: 何でも食べます


Peter: OK. That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley's going to meet Ichiro Toyota and she's going to talk about her trip to Nikko. So you'll learn
Naomi: How to describe past actions. それじゃ、また。


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