
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Make the Most of Your Japanese Skills - Don't Miss Your Big Chance to Start Speaking. In the previous lesson, you learned how to tell someone to do something.
Naomi: Such as...まっすぐ行ってください
Peter: Please go straight.In this lesson, you'll learn how to say what you're doing right now.
Naomi: Right. Like "I'm working" 仕事をしています。
Peter: This conversation takes place in
Naomi: 秋葉原
Peter: The Electronic Town, AKIHABARA.
She bumps into Ichirou Toyota who she met on the airplane.
Naomi: Right. フォトジャーナリストの豊田一郎さんです。
Peter: Right. Ichiro is a photojournalist. So the conversation is between...
Naomi: アシュリーさんと一郎さん
Peter: Ashely and Ichiro. Ashely is using
Naomi: formal Japanese as usual
Peter: How about Ichiro?
Naomi: Mixed. He's using both formal and informal Japanese.
Peter: We recommend that you reference the verb Lesson conjugation lesson for more information on the te form of a verb.
豊田一郎:そうですね、むし暑いですね。(Cell phone rings)
:ちょっと待って。今、すぐに帰る。(Hangs up)
Peter: Do you come here often?
Peter: Huh? Ohh! Ashley-san! What are you doing?
Peter: I'm shopping and sightseeing.
Peter: How about you, Ichiro Toyota?
Peter: Please, call me Ichiro.
Peter: I'm working.
Peter: I'm taking pictures of Akihabara.
Peter: Oh, work?
Peter: So, how's Japan?
Peter: It's a lot of fun!
Peter: But it's really hot, isn't it?
豊田一郎:そうですね、むし暑いですね。(Cell phone rings)
Peter: Yes it is,
Peter: it's really humid. (cell phone rings)
Peter: Excuse me for a moment.
Peter: ...Hello? Yeah. I'm in Akihabara right now.
Peter: I'm taking pictures...
:ちょっと待って。今、すぐに帰る。(Hangs up)
Peter: huh? A customer? Is waiting?
Peter: Okay, hold on. I'm leaving now. (Hangs up)
Peter: Ashley-san, I'm really sorry. I'd like to stay and chat but...
Peter: do you have time tomorrow evening?
Peter: Oh, tomorrow I'm going to Nikko.
Peter: But I'm free on the weekend.
Peter: Okay well, e-mail me! See ya.
Peter: So Ashley starts the conversation with one of the pick up lines from lesson18.
Naomi: そうですね。Right. She said ココよく来る?
Peter: Do you come here often?
Naomi: So...ピーターさん。よく、秋葉原に行きますか?
Peter: Do I often go to Akihabara? (Answer)
Naomi: Did you notice that Ichiro uses the shortened name of AKIHABARA?
Peter: Right. He said アキバ
Naomi: If you call 秋葉原 アキバ, it sounds like you know Akihabara very well. So I personally never say アキバ. I just feel like I'm not qualified.
Peter: Now Akihabara is known as an electronic town, but it's also known for its unique subculture.
Naomi: Right. There are a lot of cafes and shops targeting Otaku.
Peter: As you may already know, otaku refers to a person who is really into something, be it anime, manga, video games, electronics, whatever. Akihabara is known for being a place that a lot of otaku go to.
OK.There's more interesting word I'd like to mention. MUSHI ATSUI.
Naomi: Ah... Humid
Peter: Atsui is hot. And what's mushi?
Naomi: むし literally means steaming
Peter: So MUSHI ATSUI means steaming hot. Humid or muggy.
Naomi: You need to know this phrase if you're visiting Japan in summer.
Peter: It gets so MUSHI ATSUI in the summer in Japan.
Naomi: そうですね。Especially in August. 八月はむし暑いです。
Peter: Right. It's very humid in August.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 買い物 [natural native speed]
Peter shopping
Naomi 買い物 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 買い物 [natural native speed]
Naomi 呼ぶ [natural native speed]
Peter to call; V1
Naomi 呼ぶ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 呼ぶ [natural native speed]
Naomi 待つ [natural native speed]
Peter to wait; V1
Naomi 待つ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 待つ [natural native speed]
Naomi ゆっくり [natural native speed]
Peter at leisure, at one's own pace, slowly;Adv
Naomi ゆっくり [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi ゆっくり [natural native speed]
Peter immediately, instantly; Adv
Naomi すぐに [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi すぐに [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: OK. Let's take a look at a phrase.
Naomi: で
Peter: And. de (で) is short for それで (sore de), which means "so" or "and then". This usage of "DE" appeared in Lesson 13.
Naomi: Right. In lesson 13 Mr. Matsuda said to Ashley
Peter: "So, how's Japan?" SOREDE or DE is often used for changing the topic. Just like English "So,"
Naomi: で、ピーターさん、次は何ですか? So Peter, what's next?
Peter: Just like that. OK.Let's take a look at some adverbs that we saw in the lesson. The first one is
Naomi: ゆっくり
Peter: at leisure, at one's own pace
Naomi: Or it could mean take one's time.
Peter: Now in lesson 7 we said that ゆっくり means slowly.
Naomi: Right. Like ゆっくりおねがいします, Slowly please.
Peter: However the ゆっくり in this lesson doesn't necessarily mean slowly but rather take one's time.Can we have the sentence from this lesson's dialogue?
Naomi: Sure.ゆっくり話したいけど。
Peter: I'd like to stay and chat but...
Naomi: It doesn't mean you want to talk slowly. More like I'd like to take my time and talk with you.
Peter: The "Kedo" he added at the end of the sentence means "but"or "however" We'll give a more detailed explanation in the next lesson. OK. What's the next adverb?
Naomi: すぐに
Peter: immediately, instantly, shortly,
Naomi: For example, すぐに来てください。
Peter: Literally, immediately, please come. "Please come immediately"
As we learned in the previous lesson, "kite kudasai" means "please come."
Naomi: Right. すぐに right away 来てください please come. Please come right away.
"に" can also be dropped. So...すぐ来てください is also fine.
Peter: Next word?
Naomi: メール
Peter: E-mail. MEERU doesn't include snail mail. It's used exclusively for e-mail.
Naomi: The verb is メールをする or メールする
Peter: To email. To send an email. Sample sentence, please.
Naomi: すぐメールをしてください。
Peter: Please send an e-mail right away.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn 2 things. First, how to say "Please call me such and such." Second, how to talk about on-going actions and states. Such as "I'm eating" and "I'm listening" .
Naomi: Let's start with "Please, call me such and such."
Peter: In the dialogue, Ishirou seid...
Naomi: 一郎と呼んでください
Peter: Please call me Ichirou.
Naomi: 呼んで is the te-form of the verb 呼ぶ to call So...呼んでください means "please call."
Peter: Can we hear that sentence again?
Naomi: 一郎と呼んでください
Peter: Please call me Ichirou. Let's break down this sentence.
Naomi&Peter: 一郎 Ichiro と a particle used for quotes 呼んでください Please call. So "Please call me Ichirou."
Naomi: So the sentence pattern is "Such and such と呼んでください"
Peter: "Please call me such and such."
Naomi: 直美と呼んでください。
Peter: Please call me Naomi. "Peter TO YONDE KUDASAI." Please call me Peter.
If you have a nickname or a name that you prefer to go by, you can let people know by using the phrase [preferred name] to yonde kudasai (~とよんでください). For example?
Naomi: 私はトーマス・ブラウンです。トムとよんでください。
Peter: "I'm Thomas Brown. Please call me Tom."
Peter: On to the next grammar point.
Naomi: We'll be focusing on the usage of [te-form of a verb]+[iru/imasu].
Peter: [Te-form of a verb]+[iru/imasu] represents a present progressive action. It's like -ing in English.
To make this construction, we put the verb in the te-form and add iru (いる) or imasu (います).For now we'll stick to the formal speech, so let's use imasu for this lesson. In the dialogue, Ichiro said...
Naomi: 僕は仕事をしています。
Peter: Literally, "I'm doing work." It means "I'm working."or "I'm doing my job."
Naomi: The original phrase is 僕は仕事をする "I work"
Peter: To form the -ing, change the verb "Suru" to its Te form.
Naomi: する becomes して
Peter: "SHITE" is the te-from of the verb "SURU-to do" OK. So add "IMASU" to "SHITE"
Naomi: しています
Peter: Doing. So...
Naomi: 僕は仕事をする I work
Peter: Becomes...?
Naomi: 僕は仕事をしています I'm working.
Naomi: How about this sentence? 私は、観光する。
Peter: "I go sightseeing." "I'll go sightseeing." So we change the verb SURU to its te from.
Naomi: して
Peter: And add TE IMASU.
Naomi: しています So..私は観光しています。
Peter: I'm sightseeing. Let's try it with another verb. How do you say "to take a picture?"
Naomi: Picture is 写真 To take is 撮る So 写真を撮る
Peter: To take a picture. OK. Let's change the verb "TORU-to take" to the te-form.
Naomi: 撮って
Peter: Add IMASU
Naomi: 撮っています
Peter: Taking
Naomi: 写真を撮っています
Peter: Taking a picture
Naomi: 一郎さんは写真を撮っています。
Peter: Ichiro is taking pictures.
Peter: Let's form a question sentence. How do you say "What are you doing?"
Naomi: Wow... Isn't that a big jump? OK. Let's start with... 私は仕事をしています。
Peter: I'm working.
Naomi: The Yes/No question would be 仕事をしていますか。
Peter: Are you working?
Naomi: Then replace 仕事 (work) with なに(what) So...何をしていますか。
Peter: This means "What are you doing?"
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
What does "ピーターと呼んでください" mean?
A)Peter is taking photos. B)Please call me Peter. C)I'm Peter.
Naomi: The answer is ?
Peter: B)Please call me Peter.
Naomi: Such and Such と呼んでください means "Please call me such and such"
Peter: The second question. Which of the following sentences means "I'm taking pictures."
Naomi: A)写真を撮っています B)私はフォトジャーナリストです C)むし暑いですね
Peter: The answer is?
Naomi: A)写真を撮っています
Peter: I'm taking picture. What about choice B?
Naomi: 私はフォトジャーナリストです。I'm a photo journalist.
Peter: And choice C?
Naomi: むし暑いですね It's humid, isn't it.


Peter: OK. That concludes this lesson.
Naomi: In the next lesson, アシュリーさんは日光に行きます。Ashley is going to NIKKO.
Peter: She's going to do a homestay at the Mitsuokas house. You'll learn some useful expressions to use when visiting a Japanese home.
Naomi: じゃまた。


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