
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Find Out About the Place Japanese People Go To Have a Good Time. In the previous lesson, you learned how to express your desire using -TAI
Naomi: Right. Such as 食べたい. 行きたい 座りたい
Peter: want to eat, want to go and want to sit down respectively.In this lesson, how to describe things using two or more adjectives.You'll learn some useful phrases for shopping situations. This conversation takes place at
Naomi: 公園
Peter: Park. In the previous lesson she visited the Edo Tokyo Museum. After she visited that museum she went to the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda-ward in Tokyo. On her way back from the Imperial Palace, she saw a Bon-odori dance in Hibiya park. There are a lot of street vendors in the park. So this lesson's dialogue/ conversation is between
Naomi: アシュリーと屋台の人
Peter: Ashley and some street vendors. The level of the formality is
Naomi: Mixed. You'll hear both formal and informal Japanese.
Peter: Reference.
Peter: Welcome! How about some okonomiyaki?
Peter: Young lady, would you like to buy some shaved ice?
Peter: It's cheap and delicious!
Peter: What's this?
Peter: It's taiyaki.
Peter: Is it fish?
Peter: No, there's "an" in the middle.
Peter: I'm sorry? There's what in the middle?
Peter: Anko. Sweet beans.
Peter: It's sweet and tastes great!
Peter: How much is it?
Peter: One for 130 yen,
Peter: or 3 for 300 yen.
Peter: Okay, I'll take one please.
Peter: That'll be 130 yen.
Peter: Do you have change?
Peter: Huh? 10,000 yen? You don't have any smaller change?
Peter: Sorry. I don't.
Peter: Guess it can't be helped...
Peter: Here's your change. 9,870 yen.
Peter: In the lesson notes of All About #7 Japanese Cuisine, you can find a really detailed write up about Okonomiyaki and kakigoori. What about Taiyaki? What's Taiyaki?
Naomi: Taiyaki is fish shaped pancake stuffed with sweetened bean paste.甘くておいしいです It's sweet and tastes really good.
Peter: Sweetened bean paste is called あん or あんこ, correct?
Naomi: Right. Some taiyaki are even stuffed with custard cream.
Peter: So if you're not brave enough to try the bean paste, you can try the Taiyaki stuffed with custard cream. Where can we see these kinds of street vendors?
Naomi: Usually at festivals. You'll sometimes see them at supermarkets or department stores.
Peter: Both "Okonomiyaki" and "taiyaki" end with "yaki". So this "Yaki" means "bake"?
Naomi: Right. Bake or fry. For example やきそば 
Peter: fried noodles.
Naomi: やきとり
Peter: skewered grilled chicken And the famous Teriyaki!
Naomi: Right. But てりやき is more like a cooking method than a dish itself . Like てりやきチキン  てりやきそーす and so on.
Peter: At the beginning of the lesson I said that Ashley saw a Bon-odori dance in Hibiya park. In All About Lesson 9, we kind of touched on Obon customs. Bon odori is the most common custom during Obon. People wearing yukata go to the neighborhood bon odori and dance around a stage.
Naomi: When I was a kid, I used to go to the Bon odori near my house. It's kind of like the Hawaiian hula dance, all of the movements have a meaning.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 小銭 [natural native speed]
Peter small change
Naomi 小銭 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 小銭 [natural native speed]
Naomi しょうがない [natural native speed]
Peter can't be helped; Adj(i)
Naomi しょうがない [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi しょうがない [natural native speed]
Naomi 安い [natural native speed]
Peter cheap, inexpensive ; Adj(i)
Naomi 安い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 安い [natural native speed]
Naomi 魚 [natural native speed]
Peter fish
Naomi 魚 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 魚 [natural native speed]
Naomi 中 [natural native speed]
Peter inside, in, among, middle
Naomi 中 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 中 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: First let's look at this phrase first.
Naomi: いかがですか。
Peter: When you offer some food or drink politely, you can say "[something] wa ikaga desu ka?"
Naomi: いかが is the polite way to say どう how. So if you want to offer some coffee to a friend you would say...コーヒーはどう? or コーヒーはどうですか? But in a very formal situation, you probably want to say コーヒーはいかがですか。
Peter: You'll hear this "[something] wa ikaga desu ka?" from vendors or at shops all the time.
Naomi: Or on an airplane. コーヒーはいかがですか。Would you like some coffee? お茶はいかがですか Would you like some tea?
Peter: OK. Then next word is...
Naomi: 魚
Peter: Fish.
Naomi: This Kanji almost looks like a fish, doesn't it?
Peter: Yeah, I can see it. The fin is at the bottom and the head is at the top. the middle square is the body. So, SAKANA is fish. YASAI is vegetable.(Lesson21). So how do you say meat?
Naomi: 肉
Peter: NIKU...Now, if you are vegetarian and you can't eat fish and meat, then what can you say?
Naomi: 私はベジタリアンです。肉と魚、ダメです。
Peter: It literally means - I'm a vegetarian. Meat and fish are no good.
Naomi: Or, you can say, 私は肉と魚を食べません
Peter: I don't eat meat or fish.... If you're a vegetarian, remember those phrases! What's next?
Naomi: お姉さん
Peter: elder sister, young lady, miss. In this dialogue, it was used to mean "young lady"or "miss"
Naomi: お兄さん is used for men
Peter: older brother, young man, Mr. Now, I don't personally recommend calling someone you don't know ONIISAN or ONEESAN, because it could be rude. However you'll hear this expression a lot, especially at a market place. The next word is?
Naomi: 小銭
Peter: small change, small amount of money.The first Kanji means "small" and the second Kanji means "money" So "small amount of money", "small change". The street vendor said...
Naomi: 小銭ない?
Peter: You don't have small change? It's informal. So how would you ask if someone has smaller change using formal Japanese?
Naomi: 小銭がありますか。
Peter: Do you have small change?  If you do, you say...
Naomi: はい、あります。
Peter: If you don't you say...
Peter: Ashely paid for a 130 yen pancake with a 10,000 yen bill . ...it's like buying a hot dog by 100 dollar bill.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn 3 things. First, how to combine two or more adjectives and the usage of the particle nā
Naomi: Let's start with combining adjectives.
Peter: When two or more adjectives are used to describe some thing or person, they can be combined into one sentence by changing all adjectives but the last one into the -te form. First of all, allow us to explain how to create the -te form of i-adjectives.
Naomi: To form the te form, drop the final い and add くて
For example, cheap in Japanese is やすい. やすい becomes やすくて
Peter: Notice how the final syllable "I" became "Kute"
Naomi: Delicious in Japanese is おいしい. So おいしい becomes おいしくて
Peter: How do you say "sweet"
Naomi: あまい.
Peter: So the te-form of "AMAI" is...
Naomi: あまくて
Peter: Next we'll show you how to combine i adjectives. For example, "Cheap and delicious" is
Naomi: 安くて おいしい
Peter: Notice the first adjective "YASUKUTE" is in the te form of "YASUI"
Naomi: Right. You CAN NOT use the particle と, which means "and", and say 安いとおいしい to mean cheap and delicious. You have to change the first adjective to the te form.
Peter: How do you say "cheap, delicious and sweet"?
Naomi: 安くて、おいしくて、あまい。
Peter: Notice the first two adjectives are in te-form and the final adjective stays in a dictionary form. Remember that the final adjective will always stay in the dictionary form. Sample sentence please.
Naomi: このクッキーは安くておいしくて甘い。
Peter: These cookies are cheap, delicious, and sweet.
Peter: Now, let's move on to the na-adjective. How do you form the te-form of a na-adjective?
Naomi: Add で to the dictionary form. So 元気
Peter: energetic, fine, healthy
Naomi: becomes 元気で
Peter: Very simple. Just add "DE" to the dictionary form. Another example?
Naomi: きれい
Peter: beautiful or clean. It ends in an "i" sound but it's actually a na-adjective.
Naomi: The te form of きれい is きれいで
Peter: OK. So how do you say... energetic, and beautiful.
Naomi: 元気できれい
Peter: Notice the first adjective "GENKI DE" is the te-form of "GENKI"
Naomi: It's not 元気ときれい. You have to change the preceding adjective into the te-form. 
Peter: Sample sentence, please?
Naomi: アシュリーさんは元気できれいです。
Peter: Ashley is energetic and beautiful.
Peter: Now that you know how to put both types of adjectives into the te-form, you can create sentences where you use two or more adjectives. Can we have a sample sentence?
Naomi: このクッキーは、安くてきれいでおいしいです。
Peter: These cookies are cheap,beautiful and delicious. Can we hear the adjective part again?
Naomi: 安くて cheap きれいで beautiful おいしい tasty
Peter: Notice that the preceding two adjectives are in the te-from
Naomi: やすくてand きれいで
Peter: And the final adjective is in the dictionary form
Naomi: おいしい
Peter: On to our next target.
Naomi: The Particle なあ
Peter: The sentence-ending particle nā (なあ) can express either positive feelings such as happiness, thankfulness, and admiration, or negative feelings such as unhappiness, envy, pity, ridicule, and contempt. It can be similar to "How ~!" or "What ~!" in English.
Can we hear the sentence from the dialogue?
Naomi: しょうがないなぁ
Peter: Guess it can't be helped. He says this because Ashley gave him a 10000 yen bill to pay for a 130yen snack. It's like buying a hot dog with a 100 dollar bill from a street vendor. I think he's mostly saying it to himself and not saying it directly to Ashley, though.
Naomi: He's expressing his slightly annoyed feelings by saying なぁ. However you can also express positive feelings using なぁ。
Peter: For example...
Naomi: きれいだなぁ・・・。
Peter: It's beautiful!"/"How beautiful!!"
Naomi: Please be careful because なー is only used in informal speech so... You can not usually say きれいですなぁー。
Peter: In grammatical terms, this sentence ending particle naa is "an exclamatory particle for informal situation" What that means is you can express strong feelings of yours by adding naa in informal speech.
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words means fish?
Naomi: A)肉 B)魚 C)野菜
Peter: The answer is?
Naomi: B)魚 fish
Peter: A)NIKU means meat C)YASAI means vegetables. The second question.
Which of the following phrases means "Sweet and tasty"
Naomi: A)あまいおいしい B)あまいとおいしい C)あまくておいしい
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)あまくておいしい Sweet and tasty
Peter: Remember, you have to change the preceding adjective into the te from, and the last one stays in the dictionary.


Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley is going to electric town in Akihabara and she gets lost. You'll learn some expressions for asking directions.
Naomi: じゃ、また


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