
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: You Had Better Ask This Question Before You Do This in Japan.
Naomi: 皆さん、日本語はどうですか。楽しいですか。Everyone, how's your Japanese study going? Having fun?
Peter: You learned "[something] wa dou desu ka?" sentence structure in lesson 13 and the adjective "tanoshii" in the previous lesson. So far, we've covered a lot of grammar points. So what we're going to do in this lesson is slow down a little and focus on reviewing the grammar.
Naomi: We'll also look at useful vocab and phrases for sightseeing in this lesson.
Peter: This lesson's conversation has two parts. The first part of the conversation takes place at
Naomi: 駅 a train station
Peter: Ashley wants to go to Edo Tokyo Museum. She's at the train station now. The nearest train station from the museum is Ryogoku. But Ashley is not sure if the train she's going to catch is going to Ryogoku, so she's asking the an older friendly-looking woman a question. The second part of the conversation takes place at
Naomi: 江戸東京博物館
Peter: Edo Tokyo Museum. Probably at the entrance of the museum. She's buying a ticket at the ticket counter. The formality level of the conversation is?
Naomi: The middle aged lady is using informal Japanese but Ashley and the person at the ticket counter are using formal Japanese.
Peter: Please Reference Lesson 8 12 and 14.
Peter(At Edo Tokyo Museum)
Peter: Um, excuse me; does this train go to Ryogoku?
Peter: Huh? Ryogoku? No, it doesn't.
Peter: But that Sobu-sen does.
Peter: Sobuse? Which one?
Peter: That one. That yellow train. Do you understand?
Peter: Oh, yes. I understand.
Peter: Thank you very much!
Peter: Welcome to the Edo Tokyo Museum.
Peter: One adult ticket please.
Peter: It's 600 yen.
Peter: Today at one, there's a tea ceremony.
Peter: Would you like to participate? It's "muryō."
Peter: "Muryō?" What's "muryō?"
Peter: It's free. Zero yen.
Peter: Okay then, I'll participate.
Peter: Is it okay to take pictures?
Peter: Yes, it's okay.
Peter: Ma'am, you can't use flash.
Peter: Edo is the old name of Tokyo correct?
Naomi: Right. The Tokugawa shogunate had its government in 江戸. When Tokugawa shogunate era finished, the new government changed the name of the city form 江戸 to 東京.
Peter: The place Ashley is heading to is Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan.
Naomi: Right. 博物館 is museum. 江戸東京博物館 Edo Tokyo Museum.
Peter: Guided tours are available in English, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Russian and of course Japanese.
Naomi: もちろん、無料です。
Peter: And of course the tour is 無料 no charge. Is this place interesting?
Naomi: Well, it depends on whether you're interested in history and culture or not. I personally find it interesting though.
Peter: That museum is in Ryougoku right?
Naomi: Right. There's also 国技館 in 両国.
Peter: Kokugikan is the National Sports Arena. As we mentioned in the All about series, the Japanese national sport is sumo wrestling. Now, can we see matches anytime?
Naomi: I don't think so. Sumo matches are held only in odd numbered months.
Peter: So that would be January, March, May, July, September and November?
Naomi: Right. でも、国技館は1月、5月、9月だけです。
Peter: And out of those 6 months, only January, May and September matches are held in Tokyo.
Naomi: 3月は大阪、7月は名古屋、11月は福岡にいきます。
Peter: The other months, they go to Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka. Do we need to buy tickets in advance?
Naomi: そうですね。If you'd like to get a good seat or go on Saturday or Sunday, yes.
Peter: If you're going during the week or you don't care that much about your seat, you should be able to get a ticket...
Naomi: It's not guaranteed but...yeah, maybe.... 多分、大丈夫です。
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 電車 [natural native speed]
Peter train
Naomi 電車 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 電車 [natural native speed]
Naomi ただ [natural native speed]
Peter free
Naomi ただ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi ただ [natural native speed]
Naomi 参加 [natural native speed]
Peter participation
Naomi 参加 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 参加 [natural native speed]
Naomi 写真 [natural native speed]
Peter photograph, picture
Naomi 写真 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 写真 [natural native speed]
Naomi 無料 [natural native speed]
Peter free, no charge
Naomi 無料 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 無料 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: There are two words that mean "Free of charge" in the dialogue. They are...
Naomi: むりょー and ただ
Peter: "free, no charge." So...what's the difference?
Naomi: I would say むりょー sounds more formal and ただ sounds colloquial.
Peter: So if you want to know if something is free, can you say..."Kore wa muryou desu ka?" or "kore wa tada desu ka?"
Naomi: Exactly.
Peter: The next word is?
Naomi: 出席
Peter: attendance. There's also a similar word.
Naomi: Right, 参加
Peter: Participation.
Naomi: Both 出席 and 参加 are nouns. When you add する or をする, they become verbs.
出席する or 出席をする
Peter: to attend
Naomi: 参加する
Peter: to join, to participate. OK. What do we have next?
Naomi: 黄色い
Peter: Yellow.
Naomi: きいろ「い」It ends in [い] so, it's an i-adjective.
Peter: Let's take a look at more color-related adjectives.
Naomi: 赤い
Peter: Red
Naomi: 白い
Peter: White
Naomi: 青い
Peter: Blue
Naomi: 黒い
Peter: Black
Naomi: 茶色い
Peter: Blown. Please notice all of these ended with [i] which makes them i adjectives. So...
Naomi: 黄色い電車
Peter: Yellow train
Naomi: 赤い電車
Peter: red train.
Naomi: So..."電車" is a train. Why don't we look at transportation-related vocab now.
Peter: Good idea. How do you say subway or metro?
Naomi: 地下鉄
Peter: CHIKA is underground and TETSU mean iron or rail. So CHIKATESTSU means underground rail, subway, metro, tube. Can we hear it slowly again?
Naomi: ちかてつ
Peter: OK. How do you say "Bus"
Naomi: バス
Peter: Sounds similar to bus in English.
Naomi: But be careful, if you say ぶす it means ugly woman. So you don't want to confuse them.
Peter: Can we hear them side by side?
Naomi: バス(Peter, bus) ブス(Peter, ugly woman).
Peter: OK. How do you say airplane?
Naomi: 飛行機
Peter: Say that again slowly please? ゆっくりお願いします
Naomi: ひ・こ・う・き  ひこーき
Peter: There's a long "KO" sound in the middle. HI-KOO-ki
Naomi: Correct.

Lesson focus

Peter: This lesson is designed to review some grammar points you've already learned. So, what are we going to review first?
Naomi: Verb conjugation of class 1 verb. For example 行く"to go" and わかる"to understand"
Peter: IKU is covered in lesson14, and WAKARU is covered in lesson 12. Now, there's a very useful expression in the dialogue.
Naomi: Right. Ashley said..すみません、この電車は両国に行きますか。
Peter: Excuse me, does this train go to Ryogoku? It's an extremely useful phrase at a train station or bus stop. Let's break down this sentence.
Naomi&Peter: すみません Excuse me この電車 This train は topic marking particle 両国にRyogoku-name of a place plus direction marking particle "Ni" So, "RYOGOKU NI" means "To Ryogoku" 行きます masu form of a verb "to go" か question.
Peter: So, literally, "Excuse me. This train to Ryogoku go?" Of course it means "Excuse me, does this train go to Ryogoku?"
Naomi: If you want to go to "Tokyo" you can say この電車は東京に行きますか。
Peter: "Does this train go to Tokyo?"
Naomi: If you'd like to go to Narita, that would be この電車は成田に行きますか。
Peter: "Does this train go to Narita?" So...if you are taking a bus and want to go to Ryogoku....Replace "Densha" with "Basu"
Naomi: このバスは両国に行きますか。
Peter: Does this bus go to Ryogoku? If you're heading to Tokyo by bus?
Naomi: このバスは東京に行きますか。
Peter: Does this bus go to Tokyo? Or... you can use KORE-this instead of "KONO DENSHA" or "KONO BASU".
Naomi: Right.That's easier. これは両国に行きますか。
Peter: Does this go to Ryogoku?
Naomi: これは東京に行きますか。
Peter: Does this go to Tokyo?
Naomi: これは成田に行きますか
Peter: Does this go to Narita?
Peter: When Ashley got to the museum, she bought the ticket.
Naomi: Right. She said....大人一枚、お願いします
Peter: One adult ticket please. The counter mai and the usage of Onegaishimasu is covered in lesson 8 so if you have any trouble understanding this sentence please go back to Lesson 8 and review that lesson.
We also introduced the words "daijōbu" and "dame" in Lesson 8. Daijoubu means "it's okay" or "it's all right", while dame is the opposite and means "not okay" or "not all right". What is being referred to as "okay" or "not okay" depends on context. In this dialog, daijōbu and dame refer to the acts of taking a picture and using the camera flash, respectively. Can we hear the sentences?
Naomi: Sure. Ashley said 写真、大丈夫ですか。
Peter: Literally, "Pictures, OK?" of course it means "Is it okay to take pictures?"
Naomi: Ashley omitted the particle "は," but you can insert は and say... 写真は大丈夫ですか。
Peter: "Is it okay to take pictures?"
Naomi: Exactly the same meaning.
Peter: Can we hear the "Dame" sentence?
Naomi: Sure. The employee at the museum said... フラッシュは駄目です。
Peter: Literally,"Flash is not okay." In more natural English "You can't use flash."
I just heard people using these 大丈夫 and ダメ sentences at the Subway sandwich shop.
Naomi: Right. The clerk asks you 「野菜、大丈夫ですか」
Peter: Vegetables OK? or "Are you OK with all the vegetables here?" If you're OK just say..
Naomi: 大丈夫です or 大丈夫
Peter: If you don't like a certain vegetable, you can say...
Naomi: オリーブ、ダメです。
Peter: Olives are not good. A more natural translation is No olives.
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. Naomi's going to give a question in Japanese and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the best response.OK. The first question.
Naomi: いくらですか。A)無料です B)参加します C)電車です
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)無料です
Peter: The question
Naomi: いくらですか
Peter: Means "how much is it?" So the best response is A)
Naomi: 無料です. It's free.
Peter: The second question,
Naomi: これは、両国に行きますか。
A)行きませんか B)行きましょう C)はい、行きます
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)行きます
Peter: Wow, this is tricky. What's the question again?
Naomi: これは両国に行きますか。
Peter: Does this go to Ryogoku?
Naomi: So the answer is C)行きます
Peter: Yes. It does. A)Ikimasen ka? means "Why don't we go" or “Would you like to go?” This "masenka" is covered in Lesson 18 and 19. B)Ikimashou is "Let's go"; This grammar is covered in Lesson 17.


Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley is going to a restaurant in the museum so you'll learn some useful expressions to use at a restaurant.
Naomi: じゃまた。


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