
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Understanding Directions - Never Get Lost Again. In the previous lesson, you learned how to say "I like something"
Naomi: Right. For example, 私は花火が好きです。
Peter: I like fireworks. In this lesson you'll learn how to describe locations and also learn how to say "Let's go." in Japanese. Now this lesson's conversation takes place the very next day of the previous episode. If you remember the previous episode, Subaru Suzuki asked if Ashley was free the following night.
Naomi: Right. He asked 明日の夜暇? Are you free tomorrow night?
Peter: It seems like they're going to a fireworks show the following night. Where does this conversation take place?
Naomi: 道です on the street. I think Ashley is lost.
Peter: Ashley calls up Daisuke on his cell phone to ask for directions. That's how the conversation starts. The formality of the conversation is...
Naomi: Mixed.
Peter: Hello? Ashley, where are you now?
Peter: Umm... I don't know!
Peter: What's nearby?
Peter: There's a bookstore...and a bank...and a big park.
Peter: Oh hi, it's Suzuki.
Peter: Is there a flower shop next to the park?
Peter: Flower shop? No, there isn't.
Peter: Is there a convenience store nearby?
Peter: Yes, there is.
Peter: Right now, I'm in front of Seven Eleven.
Peter: In front of Seven Eleven?
Peter: Isn't there a flower shop to the left of it?
Peter: ...Oh! Yes! There is.
Peter: We're all in front of the flower shop.
Peter: In front of the flower shop? Oh!! (runs)
Peter: I'm so sorry, everyone.
Peter: It's okay, no problem!
Peter: Wow, is that a kimono?
Peter: It's not a kimono. This is a yukata.
Peter: Yukata?
Peter: Wow, it's cute!
Peter: Well then, let's go!
Naomi: ピーターさん花火好きですか。
Peter: (Comment)
Naomi: Have you ever been to a fireworks event in Japan?
Peter: (Comment ) In the previous lesson you said that lots of fireworks shows are held during summer. Is that throughout japan?
Naomi: Yes.Japan's three biggest fireworks event are Oomagari fireworks competition in Akita, the Tsuchiura fireworks competition in Ibaraki prefecture and the Nagaoka firework event in Nigata.
Peter: Didn't you go to the one in Tsuchiura?
Naomi: Yes. I did. They had the best fireworks I've ever seen. It was absolutely fantastic. But the traffic was awful. Just too many people.
Peter: In the dialogue, it seems like Rei Mitsuoka was wearing a Yukata.
Naomi: Right. Yukata is a cotton kimono. It was originally a bath robe though.
Peter: Yeah, I can tell. The first Kanji means to bath and the second Kanji means clothe. Do people wear Yukata very often in their daily life?
Naomi: Not very often. Some people wear them to festivals or fireworks events during summer but ...those are the only occasions I can think of.
Peter: There's another I can think of...at RYOKAN, or Japanese inns. People wear Yukata at Ryokan.
Naomi: Yeah, you're right.
Peter: At Ryokan, they offer Yukata as pajamas.
Naomi: Right. But you can't take them home.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 大きい [natural native speed]
Peter big, large
Naomi 大きい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 大きい [natural native speed]
Naomi みんな [natural native speed]
Peter everyone
Naomi みんな [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi みんな [natural native speed]
Naomi 問題 [natural native speed]
Peter problem
Naomi 問題 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 問題 [natural native speed]
Naomi 着物 [natural native speed]
Peter kimono
Naomi 着物 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 着物 [natural native speed]
Naomi かわいい [natural native speed]
Peter cute, pretty
Naomi かわいい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi かわいい [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Peter: What's the very first phrase Daisuke Honda said on the phone?
Naomi: もしもし?
Peter: Hello? (on the phone) Moshi moshi... sounds cute.
Naomi: I've heard it's from the verb 申す to humbly say.
Peter: So it was originally "I'm humbly talking to you" then?
Naomi: Right.
Peter: Interesting. Next, in the conversation, there are a lot of places. Let's go over them.
Naomi: 本屋
Peter: bookstore "Hon" is "book" "ya" is "shop or store" so "Hon ya" is bookstore. Can you say it again slowly?
Naomi: ほ・ん・や /本屋
Peter: The next word is
Naomi: 花屋 
Peter: Flower shop or florist.
Naomi: 花 is flower 屋 is shop. So 花屋 Flower shop.
Peter: The next word is?
Naomi: 銀行
Peter: bank There's a long o vowel sound at the end.
Naomi: Right ぎんこー
Peter: The next word is
Naomi: 公園
Peter: park The first syllable has a long o sound.
Naomi: こーえん
Peter: Next word?
Naomi: コンビニ
Peter: That's the abbreviation of
Naomi: コンビニエンスストアー
Peter: convenience store. In the lesson notes, there's a list of names of places. So please make sure to check them out. Next let's go over the words that indicate location.
Naomi: 隣
Peter: Next to. next door.neighbor
Naomi: For example, 公園の隣 is
Peter: Next to the park. When talking about a location, we mention "A landmark" first, add the particle "no" and then a word that indicates location.
Naomi&Peter: 公園 "Park" の "'s" or "of" 隣 "next door" So 公園の隣 literally means "Next door of the park" "Next to the park" in natural English.
Naomi: So 本屋の隣 would be
Peter: Next to the bookstore.
Peter: Next word?
Naomi: 前
Peter: front, in front of
Naomi: コンビニの前 
Peter: Literally, "Convenience store's front" of course it means "in front of the convenience store." Next?
Naomi: 左
Peter: Left as the opposite word of right.
Naomi: 本屋の左
Peter: Literally, bookstore's left side, of course it means "to the left of the bookstore" The next word is
Naomi: 近く
Peter: near, nearby,
Naomi: So 公園の近く would be
Peter: Literally, park's nearby, Near the park. In the conversation/dialogue, Daisuke said...
Naomi: 近くに何がありますか。
Peter: What's nearby? Let's break down this sentence.
Naomi &Peter: 近く near に particle indicates location. なにwhat が particle あります to exist か question. So 近くにat nearby何がありますかwhat exists? "What's nearby?"
Naomi: The dictionary form of あります is ある. So in an informal situation,that would be

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson, you'll learn 2 things. One, how to give detailed locations using arimasu and imasu. Second, how to make a suggestion with -mashō (-ましょう)
Naomi: Let's review the verbs あります and います
Peter: As we learned lesson 6, Arimasu and imasu are both verbs that express "to be," "to exist," "to be located," or "to have." Arimasu is used for inanimate things.
Naomi: Such as buildings and plants.
Peter: whereas imasu is used for animate things
Naomi: such as people and animals.
Peter: The thing that exists is usually marked by particle "ga." How do you say "there's a park."
Naomi: park is 公園 so... 公園があります
Peter: There's a park. A park is inanimate, so you have to use arimasu. So how to you say "there's a customer"
Naomi: customer is お客さん so...お客さんがいます。
Peter: There's a customer. A customer is animate, so you have to use imasu. In English "There's a park, there's a customer" we use same "there is" but in Japanese, you have to use different word for animate and inanimate objects. So, in formal speech,
Naomi: あります for inanimate and いますis for animate
Peter: For informal speech,
Naomi: ある for inanimate and いる for animate
Peter: OK. Let's review the affirmative and negative forms of "arimasu". Can you say..."There's a park" again?
Naomi: In formal speech, 公園があります
Peter: How about the negative?
Naomi: 公園がありません
Peter: Park doesn't exist. There isn't a park. How about informal speech. first affirmative?
Naomi: 公園がある
Peter: How about the negative?
Naomi: 公園がない
Peter: It's a new phrase. Nai means doesn't exist.
Naomi: So 時間がない means
Peter: Time doesn't exist. I don't have time, there isn't time.
Naomi: お金means money so...お金がない means
Peter: Money doesn't exist. I don't have money. There isn't money.
Peter: Next, let's learn how to describe the location of something in relation to a landmark.
Naomi: For example, 本屋の隣に花屋があります。
Peter: There's a flower shop next to the bookstore.
Naomi &Peter: 本屋の隣 next to the bookstore. に particle indicates location, corresponds English "in""at""on" 花屋があります "Flower shop exist.""There's a flower shop."
So, "next to the bookstore, there's a flower shop." "There's a flower shop next to the bookstore."
Peter: Can we hear the sentence again?
Naomi: 本屋の隣に花屋があります
Peter: There's a flower shop next to the bookstore. In the conversation/dialogue, we have...
Naomi: 私は、今、セブンイレブンの前にいます。
Peter: I'm in front of Seven-Eleven now.
Naomi: 私は as for me, or me? いま now セブンイレブンの前 in front of seven-eleven に particle that indicates location, います to exist.
Peter: So "Me? now in front of seven eleven exist." Of course it means "I'm in front of seven eleven now."
Peter: On the the next grammar point.
Naomi: How to make a suggestion with -mashō Like 行きましょう Let's go.
Peter: At the end of the dialog, Daisuke suggest that they go ("Let's go!") using
Naomi: 行きましょう
Peter: This -mashō is known as the volitional form and is used to politely suggest, propose or invite. To make the volitional, we start with a verb in the masu form (see Lesson 14), take away -masu, and attach -mashō instead. Let's illustrate it with some example. How do you say "to go"
Naomi: 行く
Peter: Now that's the dictionary form. What's the corresponding masu form?
Naomi: 行きます
Peter: Drop masu to form the so-called masu stem.
Naomi: 行き
Peter: And attach -mashō
Naomi: 行きましょう Let's go.
Peter: How do you say "to drink"?
Naomi: 飲む
Peter: the corresponding masu form is?
Naomi: 飲みます
Peter: Drop masu to get the masu stem.
Naomi: 飲み
Peter: attach -mashō
Naomi: 飲みましょう Let's drink
Peter: OK.Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words is "Hello" on the phone.
Naomi: A)もしもし B)と申します C)もういちど
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)もしもし Hello
Peter: Next question, which of the following phrases means "in front of the bank"
Naomi: A)本屋の隣 B)銀行の前 C)コンビニの近く
Peter: the answer is
Naomi: B)銀行の前
Peter: "Honya no tonari" means "next to the bookstore" "Konbini nochikaku"means near the convenience store.
Peter: Which of the following sentences means "Let's go!"
Naomi: A)行く B)行きます C)行きましょう
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)行きましょう 


Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley is going to receive an interesting present from Subaru. And you'll learn more about formal and informal speech.
Naomi: じゃ、また。


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