
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Fit in and Make Friends - Several Surefire Phrases to Help Your Social Life. In the previous lesson, we learned about Informal and Formal speech.
Naomi: Right. For example, in a formal situation we say アシュリーは学生じゃありません
Peter: Ashely is not a student.
Naomi: But in an informal situation, we say アシュリーは学生じゃない
Peter: Ashely is not a student. It's the exact same sentence but the level of formality is different. In this lesson, you'll learn the usage of adjectives and you'll also learn how to say that you like something.
Naomi: You can also review the informal and formal speech.
Peter: This lesson's conversation takes place at
Naomi: アシュリーさんの歓迎会 a welcome party for Ashley.
Peter: This lesson's conversation is a continuous line from the previous episode. In the previous episode, Ashely and Daisuke Honda were talking about drinks and Ashley asked Daisuke
Naomi: お勧めは? What's your recommendation? /What do you recommend?
Peter: The conversation is between...
Naomi: Well, the first part is between Ashley and Daisuke Honda.
Peter: And in the second part, a new character named Subaru Suzuki joined their conversation.
Peter: The formality of the conversation is...
Naomi: mixed.
Peter: Before we listen to the conversation we recommend that you reference Conjugation lesson 3 about adjectives.
Peter: Well, that's a tough question.
Peter: Hmm…what do you like?
Peter: Do you like sweet alcohol?
Peter: No, I don't like sweet alcohol.
Peter: Okay, how about Japanese sake?
Peter: I'll leave it up to you!
Peter: Here you go!
Peter: Wow, what a pretty cup!
Peter: Oh, that's an "o-choko."
Peter: "O-choko?" That's a weird name.
Peter: Hey, Ashley…do you like "hanabi?"
Peter: What's..."hanabi?"
Peter: *Hyuuuuu...bang!*
Peter: "Fireworks" in English.
Peter: Yeah, yeah, fireworks! Fireworks!
Peter: Yes, I like them! I really like them.
Peter: Really? Are you free tomorrow night?
Peter: Naomi-sensei, do you like sake?
Naomi: What do you mean? Do you mean alcohol in general or Japanese rice wine?
Peter: Good point! In English, if we say "sake", it refers to Japanese rice wine. But in Japanese, sake means alcohol in general. 
Naomi: 日本酒 is Japanese rice wine 酒 means alcohol but we often say お酒
Peter: Put the polite prefix "o" in front of sake.So Naomi-sensei, ...  Do you like alcohol?お酒が好きですか。
Naomi: Well...I don't mind drinking it but I don't really like お酒. ピーターさんは? How about you Peter?
Peter: 生ビールが好きです。( Whether you like draft beer or not, please say this sentence in order to introduce the word for draft beer. )
Naomi: Oh, you like draft beer?
Peter: Right. 生ビール is draft beer. 生means raw, fresh or uncooked, but when talking about beer it means "draft". ビール means beer.
Naomi: In order to order draft beer, you can say 生ビール、ください。 or just say  生ください。
Peter: Yeah, I always order like "生一つ。" One draft beer. 生ビールはおいしいです Especially in summer.
Naomi: そうですね。Speaking of summer, a lot of 花火大会 are held during summer.
Peter: 花火大会 is a fireworks show /event  
Naomi: 花火 is fire work. はな means flower and 火 means fire.
Peter: 花火 literally means fire flower. Yeah, the fire works do look like flowers.
Naomi: There's also a famous movie called hanabi directed by Takeshi Kitano.
Peter: Right. Didn't that movie get the highest prize at the Biennale Venice Film Festival?
Naomi: そうですね。It recieved the the highest awrad at that festival in 1997.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi むずかしい [natural native speed]
Peter difficult
Naomi むずかしい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi むずかしい [natural native speed]
Naomi 何 [natural native speed]
Peter what
Naomi 何 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 何 [natural native speed]
Naomi 変 [natural native speed]
Peter weird, strange, odd, eccentric; Adj(na)
Naomi 変 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 変 [natural native speed]
Naomi 花火 [natural native speed]
Peter fireworks
Naomi 花火 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 花火 [natural native speed]
Naomi 任せます [natural native speed]
Peter to leave to someone, to entrust someone with something
Naomi 任せます [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 任せます [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 甘い
Peter: sweet. In the lesson notes, there's a vocab list with words that relate to flavor. So make sure to check it out. Let's look at some words form the chart. How do you say "salty"
Naomi: しょっぱい
Peter: Break down?
Naomi: しょ・っ・ぱ・い  しょっぱい
Peter: How do you say "spicy"?
Naomi: からい
Peter: Break down?
Naomi: か・ら・い からい
Peter: What's the next word?
Naomi: カクテル
Peter: cocktail.In the conversation, Ashley said that she doesn't like 甘いカクテル, or "sweet cocktails". But all cocktails are sweet. Right?
Naomi: Not all. ブラッディーメアリーはしょっぱいですよ。
Peter: ...Sorry.Right. There are also しょっぱいカクテル.
Naomi: 質問
Peter: question. In All about series lesson12, we introduced the phrase-
Naomi: 質問ありますか。
Peter: Do you have any questions?
Naomi: If you DO have a question, your answer would be ... はいあります
Peter: Yes, I do. If not?
Naomi: いいえ、ありません。(No, I don't) or you can say 大丈夫です。
Peter: I'm OK. In the previous lesson, we learned the dictionary form of ARIMASU is ARU. So, let's try to say "Do you have any questions" in informal Japanese. ARIMASU becomes ARU and we say
Naomi: 質問ある?
Peter: Do you have any questions. The next word is...
Naomi: 任せます
Peter: I'll leave it to you.
Naomi: It's really a useful word. まかせる is the dictionary form
Peter: To entrust a task to someone, to leave to. It's really a useful phrase. When you friend says to you. "What time should we meet?" and you don't have any preference, you can say
Naomi: 任せます It's up to you. I'll leave it to you. You 're in charge.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn mainly 2 things. First, you'll learn about i-adjectives and na-adjectives. Then next, you'll learn how to talk about what you like using the word suki. OK. Let's get started.
Naomi: As we learned in the last lesson, in Japanese, there are two kinds of adjectives - i-adjectives and na-adjectives.
Peter: Can we have some i-adjectives?
Naomi: Actually, you've already learned a lot of i-adjectives, such as 甘い sweet / 難しい difficult / おいしい tasty /熱い hot /すごい great
Peter: These are the dictionary forms of i-adjectives and please note that those words end with the i syllable. OK. How about another type of adjective?
Naomi: You have some na adjectives in this lesson.
Such as 変 strange きれい beautiful ひま free as in free time 好き likable or favorite
Peter: Actually the endings of the dictionary form na-adjectives are random. The reason they're called na adjectives is because of how they're used before a noun. When a Na-adjective comes right before a noun, na follows it.
Naomi: For example, "strange" is へん name is 名前 but "Strange name is not へんなまえ but it's へんななまえ
Peter: You need to insert "na" between the adjective and the noun. How would you say "free day"
Naomi: free is ひま day is ひ So "free day" would be ひまなひ
Peter: How do you say favorite alcohol? or alcohol you like?
Naomi: favorite or likable is すき and alcohol is お酒 so 好きなお酒
Peter: See how na is inserted? When i adjectives come before a noun, it's pretty easy.For example, "sweet alcohol" is
Naomi: Sweet is あまい alcohol is お酒 So...甘いお酒
Peter: sweet alcohol. With i-adjectives, we just put it before the noun. Just like English. No need to add any sound. How do you say "hot day"
Naomi: Hot is あつい day is ひ so 暑い日
Peter: hot day. How about "difficult name"
Naomi: difficult is むずかしい name is 名前 So... 難しい名前
Peter: OK. So remember there are two types adjectives in Japanese. One is
Naomi: i-adjectives
Peter: and the other is
Peter: na-adjectives. And when a noun comes right after na adjective, you need to add
Naomi: な
Peter: before the noun. OK? On to the next grammar point.
Naomi: You'll learn how to say "I like something."
Peter: To talk about what you like, you can use the adjective suki. It is an adjective that literally means "liked" or "likeable" but has the same meaning as "I like ~" in English.
Let's illustrate with some examples. How do you say " I like Japan."
Naomi: 私は日本が好きです。
Peter: I like Japan. Let's look at the components.
Naomi&Peter: 私は I and particle "wa" so..."As for me" 日本"Japan"が"particle好き likable です copula "is" So literally, "as for me, Japan likable is." "For me, Japan is likable" of course it means "I like Japan" in natural English.
Naomi: The thing you like is marked by the particle が.
Peter: So if you like alcohol, you would say...
Naomi: 私はお酒が好きです。
Peter: I like alcohol. If you like Sushi...
Naomi: 私はすしが好きです。
Peter: I like Sushi.
Naomi: So the sentence pattern is 私は[something]が好きです。
Peter: I like something. If it's clear that you are talking about yourself, you can drop the "watashi wa" part.
Peter: Next, let's talk about degrees of liking or not liking something.
In the lesson notes, there's a chart, so please take a look at it. Let's go over those sentence patterns. How do you say "I love something."
Naomi: We put..大 meaning "big" in front of 好き. For example, 天ぷらが大好きです。
Peter: I love Tempura. How do you say you don't like something?
Naomi: The negative form of 好きです is 好きじゃありません or 好きじゃないです
So... お酒が好きじゃありません or お酒が好きじゃないです
Peter: I don't like alcohol.OK. How do you say you dislike or hate something.
Naomi: dis-likable or hated is きらい so ビールが嫌いです。
Peter: I dislike beer. I hate beer. How would you say you really hate something.
Naomi: In that case, you can put 大 in front of 嫌い For instance, 嘘が大嫌いです。
Peter: I hate lies a lot. I really hate lies. So Naomi-sensei, what do you like and what do you hate?
Naomi: Well...私は...アイスクリームが大好きです。
Peter: You love ice cream.
Naomi: And タバコが大嫌いです。
Peter: You hate smoking.
Naomi: ピーターさんは? How about you?
Peter: (answer)
Peter: OK.Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words means alcohol in general?
Naomi: A)花火 B)生 C)お酒
Peter: The answer is ?
Naomi: C)お酒
Peter: "hanabi" is fireworks and "nama" means draft beer. OK, next question.
Naomi's going to ask a question in Japanese. So choose the best answer.
Naomi: 花火が好きですか。
A)はい、大好きです。B)はい。嫌いです。 C)いいえ、好きです。
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)はい。大好きです Yes, I love it.
Peter: Shitsumon, mouichido onegaishimasu. Can you read the question again?
Naomi: 花火が好きですか。
Peter: Do you like fireworks? So the answer should be
Naomi: はい、大好きです。
Peter: Yes. I love it.


​​Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley is going to go to a fireworks show with Daisuke and Subaru and you'll learn how to talk about location in Japanese.
Naomi: じゃ、また。


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