
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Everything You Need to Know about Climate and Weather in Japan. In the previous lesson, you learned the pattern "From ... To".
Naomi: Such as 1時から二時まで From 1 to 2 o'clock.
Peter: And you also learned some useful words and grammar for checking in at a hotel. In this lesson, you’ll learn some more useful set phrases at the hotel and some weather-related vocabulary.
Naomi: This lesson's grammar point is[どこ] where
Peter: Right.So you'll learn how to ask where something is.
Peter: This lesson's conversation takes place at
Naomi: ホテルです。
Peter: at a hotel.
Naomi: 朝ですね。
Peter: In the morning. And the conversation is mainly between
Naomi: アシュリーとホテルのスタッフ 
Peter: Ashley and a Hotel employee. And it's a conversation between a hotel clerk and a customer, so you'll hear formal Japanese. Now, the dialogue is a bit complicated. First Ashley is fast asleep in bed. The alarm clock rings and she turns on the TV and watches the weather forecast. Then the setting changes. She takes the elevator and goes to the lobby, where she is looking for something.
Naomi: I wonder what she's looking for.
Peter: Please listen to the dialogue to find out.
Alarm clock sound: ピピピ ロクジデス ピピピ ロクジデス
アシュリー:(yawns) (turns on TV)
テレビ: 今日の天気です。
:東京 雨 時々 くもり。 
:横浜、雨 のち 晴れ、千葉... 
アシュリー:あめ ときどき くもり...
---Elevator hall
Alarm clock sound: ピピピ ロクジデス ピピピ ロクジデス
Peter: (beep-beep-beep) It's six o'clock! (beep-beep-beep) It's six o'clock!
アシュリー:(yawns) (turns on TV)
Peter: (yawns and turns on TV)
テレビ: 今日の天気です。
Peter: And now for today's weather.
:東京 雨 時々 くもり。 
Peter: In Tokyo, showers and occasionally cloudy.
:横浜、雨 のち 晴れ、千葉... 
Peter: In Yokohama, showers in the morning and then it will clear up. In Chiba...
アシュリー:あめ ときどき くもり...
Peter: Showers and...occasionally cloudy...
---Elevator hall
Peter ---Elevator hall
Peter: Good morning. Which floor?
Peter: First floor, please.
Peter: Certainly.
Peter ---Lobby
Peter: Good morning.
Peter: Excuse me, where can I catch a taxi?
Peter: Right over here.
Peter: Thank you.
Peter: Do you have an umbrella?
Peter: Umbrella?
Peter: No, I don't.
Peter: Okay, here you are.
Peter: Have a nice day.
Peter: I can tell you that Japanese people do use umbrellas a lot. Even if it's hardly raining, you'll see some people with their umbrellas out.
Naomi: Yeah...I guess it's true. We do use umbrella a lots.
Peter: Not only umbrellas, but Japanese women use parasols when they walk on the street in summer time.
Naomi: Right. I a use parasol too. Parasol in Japanese is 日傘 日Sun 傘umbrella かさ becomes がさ when it's combined with another noun.
Peter: You don't like getting suntanned?
Naomi: No! Suntan or ultra violet rays damage your skin... Well ...at least that what Japanese woman believe. Suntan is 日焼け 
Peter: Hi-yake... So they think Hi-yake is bad for the skin, and that's why they use hi-gasa in the summer.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 雨 [natural native speed]
Peter rain
Naomi 雨 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 雨 [natural native speed]
Naomi 時々 [natural native speed]
Peter sometimes
Naomi 時々 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 時々 [natural native speed]
Naomi くもり [natural native speed]
Peter cloudy
Naomi くもり [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi くもり [natural native speed]
Naomi 何階 [natural native speed]
Peter which floor
Naomi 何階 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 何階 [natural native speed]
Naomi タクシー乗り場 [natural native speed]
Peter taxi stand, taxi terminal
Naomi タクシー乗り場 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi タクシー乗り場 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: What's the first phrase?
Naomi: おはようございます。
Peter: Good morning.
Naomi: To friends, おはよう!
Peter: OK. Let's review greetings. In the morning you say
Naomi: おはようございます
Peter: During the day, you say
Naomi: こんにちは。
Peter: Hello. In the evening, you say...
Naomi: こんばんは。
Peter: So, once again please.
Naomi: おはようございます(good morning)こんにちは(hello)こんばんは(good evening)
Peter: OK. What's next?
Naomi: Let's look at some set phrases from the dialogue.
Peter: OK. What's the first phrase?
Naomi: かしこまりました
Peter: Certainly,sir. or Certainly, ma'am
Naomi: かしこまりました is a formal way to say わかりました "I understand"
Peter: Right."Wakarimashita" and "Kashikomarimashita" both mean "okay" with the meaning of "I understand" or "I see". Kashikomarimashita is a formal version used mostly by people who are addressing their customers. What's the next phrase?
Naomi: いってらっしゃいませ
Peter: It literally means "go and come back", and it's said to someone who is leaving a certain place but is expected to return in the future.
Naomi: In casual situations, we say いってらっしゃい。There isn't a word or phrase for it in English?
Peter: I don't think we have a similar phrase. The closest translation would be... OK. What's the next word?
Naomi: 何階
Peter: What floor.
Naomi: 何 is "what" and 階 is a counter for floor. So なんかい is what floor. Some people say なんがい. Both are fine.
Peter: In the dialogue, we also have...
Naomi: 一階
Peter: the first floor.
Naomi: or "grand floor" in England or Australia.
one is 一 floor is 階 but for some reason we don't say いちかい we say いっかい
Peter: There's a chart in Appendix 7. So please make sure to check it out. Let's quickly go over a few. The first floor in the States /the grand floor in England is
Naomi: 一階  
Peter: The next floor would be...
Naomi: 二階
Peter: go on.
Naomi: 三階, 四階、五階 。。。and so on.
Peter: And what floor is...
Naomi: 何階

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you'll learn how to ask where something is using doko (どこ) and learn useful weather-related vocabulary
Peter: First things first, let's get into "Asking location", shall we?
Naomi: OK. The question word "Where" is どこ in Japanese.
Peter: Right.In the dialog, Ashley asked where she could catch a taxi. Can you read that sentence please?
Naomi: タクシー乗り場はどこですか。
Peter: Where's the taxi stand. Where can I take a taxi? Let's break down this phrase.
Naomi&Peter: タクシー乗り場 "Taxi stand" は "topic marker," どこ "where" です "copula" ...so "is" or "are" か "question"
Naomi: So... As for taxi stand, where is question
Peter: In more natural English, "where's the taxi stand?" or "where can I take a taxi?"
Naomi: So, say the thing you're looking for and add はどこですか。
Peter: So if you're looking for an air port?
Naomi: 空港はどこですか。
Peter: Where's the airport?
Naomi: Train station is 駅 so 駅はどこですか。
Peter: Where's the station?
Naomi: Bathroom is トイレ so トイレはどこですか
Peter: Where's the bathroom?
Remember, the construction is [ Place ] wa doko desu ka? OK? Next, let's take a look at some commonly-used vocabulary related to the weather. What's the first word?
Naomi: 晴れ
Peter: sunny Next,
Naomi: 曇り
Peter: cloudy
Naomi: 雨
Peter: rain. In the dialogue, the weather forecast said...
Naomi: 雨 時々 曇り
Peter: ame "rain" tokidoki "sometimes" kumori "cloudy" So ...
Naomi: 雨時々曇り
Peter: means "showers, occasionally cloudy"
Naomi: 雨 のち 晴れ
Peter: ame "rain" nochi "after" hara" sunny. So ...
Naomi: 雨のち晴れ
Peter: showers (in the morning )and then it will clear up. Something to remember is that the word のち, meaning "after", only shows up in weather forecasts.
OK. Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer. OK. The first question.
Which of the following means "good morning"
Naomi: A)こんにちは B)おはようございます C)こんばんは
Peter: The answer is?
Naomi: B)おはようございます
Peter: Some of the listener might have noticed that the pronunciation Good morning in Japanese is a bit similar to the state Ohio.
Naomi: Not really...
Peter: Anyways on to the next question.Which of the following means the first floor?
Naomi: A)一度 B)何階 C)一階
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)一階
Peter: The counter for floor is kai....So nan-kai is what floor. The answer is (C)ikkai.


Peter: In the next lesson, Ashley is going to take a taxi. So ...
Naomi: You'll learn some useful vocab and phrases for taking a taxi.
Peter: See you next lesson!
Naomi: じゃまた


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