Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Let's review the key vocabulary.
あたたかい. "Warm," あ-た-た-か-い. あたたかい.
いいてんき. "Nice weather." いいてんき.
This phrase is made up of two words:
いい, meaning "good," い-い. いい.
てんき, "weather." て-ん-き. てんき.
Let's review.
Respond to the prompts by speaking aloud.
Then repeat after me, focusing on pronunciation.
Do you remember how to say "hot?"
あつい (atsui)
あつい (atsui)
And the sentence-ending particle that's used to build consensus?
ね (ne)
ね (ne)
Do you remember how to say "today?"
きょう (kyō)
きょう (kyō)
And the topic-marking particle?
は (wa)
は (wa)
Do you remember how Karen says,
"It's hot today, isn't it?"
きょうは あついですね。(Kyō wa atsui desu ne.)
きょうは あついですね。(Kyō wa atsui desu ne.)
Do you remember how Ichika Ishikawa agrees by saying,
"It is, isn't it?"
そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Do you remember how to say "good weather?"
いいてんき (ii tenki)
いいてんき (ii tenki)
And how to say "cold?"
さむい (samui)
さむい (samui)

