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Let's take a closer look at the conversation.
Do you remember how Ms. Sasaki asks,
"Are you Japanese?"
にほんじんですか。 (Nihon-jin desu ka.)
First is にほんじん (Nihon-jin) "Japanese," as in a Japanese person. にほんじん (Nihon-jin).
There are two components.
This starts with にほん (Nihon), "Japan." に-ほ-ん. にほん.
After this is じん (jin), "person." じ-ん. じん.
Together, にほんじん (Nihon-jin) literally means "Japan person," but translates as "Japanese" as in a Japanese person. にほんじん.
Note: にほんじん (Nihon-jin) is a noun, not an adjective.
Next is です(desu). Here, it's like the "are" in "are you." で-す. です.
Last is the particle, か (ka), the question-marking particle. か. か.
This turns the sentence into a question.
All together, it's にほんじんですか。This literally means "Japanese person [you] are?" but it translates as "Are you Japanese?"
Note the [you] is understood from context, as this is a two person conversation.
にほんじんですか。 (Nihon-jin desu ka.)
Let's take a closer look at the response.
Do you remember how Ms. Nagaoka says,
"Yes, I'm Japanese."
はい、にほんじんです。 (Hai, Nihon-jin desu.)
The first part is はい, meaning, "yes." は-い. はい.
It answers Ms. Sasaki's yes-or-no question, "Are you Japanese?"
Next is にほんじん (Nihon-jin), "Japanese," as in a person from Japan. にほんじん (Nihon-jin).
After this is です. Here, it's like the "am" in "I am." です.
Note: the "I" is understood through context.
All together, it's はい、にほんじんです。 (Hai, Nihon-jin desu.) This literally means "Yes, Japanese person [I] am," but it translates as "Yes, I'm Japanese."
はい、にほんじんです。 (Hai, Nihon-jin desu.)
The pattern is
{NATION} じんです。 (-jin desu.)
{NATION} じんです。
To use this pattern, simply replace the {NATION} placeholder with the country you're from.
Imagine you're from the United States of America. アメリカ (Amerika), an abbreviated form of "the United States of America." ア-メ-リ-カ. アメリカ.
"I'm American."
アメリカじんです。 (Amerika-jin desu.)
"I'm American."
アメリカじんです。 (Amerika-jin desu.)
In the conversation, the response to the yes-no question was "yes."
In the case the answer were "no," the corresponding Japanese response would be いいえ, meaning, "no."
For example, if Ms. Sasaki asks
アメリカじんですか。 (Amerika-jin desu ka.)
"Are you American?"
Ms. Nagaoka would answer
いいえ、にほんじんです。 (Iie, Nihon-jin desu.)
"No, I'm Japanese."

