
Vocabulary (Review)

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Naomi: 直美です。 (Naomidesu.)
Peter: Peter here. Are You Ready For A Visit to Japan? Naomi Sensei, in this lesson, we will review the counters for hours and minutes and how to use formal and informal speech.
Naomi: そうですね。一時間 (Sōdesu ne. Ichijikan) For an hour, 一分間 (Ichi-funkan) for a minute, しません (Shimasen)
Peter: Won’t do.
Naomi: しない (Shinai)
Peter: Won’t do. Same meaning but different politeness level.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.)
Peter: We have a continued storyline from the last lesson. This conversation takes place on a bus.
Naomi: そうですね。バスの中です。 (Sōdesu ne. Basu no nakadesu.) And ガイドさんとお客さんが話しています。 (Gaido-san to ogyakusan ga hanashite imasu.)
Peter: The conversation is between a tour guide and the customer.
Naomi: ガイドが下山さん。お客さんが上田さんです。 (Gaido ga Shimoyama-san. Ogyakusan ga Ueda-sandesu.) The tour guide is Mr. Shimoyama, the customer is Ms.Ueda.
Peter: The tour guide speaks in, Naomi Sensei?
Naomi: Formal Japanese
Peter: But the customer speaks in
Naomi: Informal Japanese.
Peter: Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): ガイドさん、今日、大仏さんは 見ない? (Gaido-san, kyō, daibutsu-san wa minai?)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。残念ですが、鎌倉大仏へは 行きません。でも... (Hai. Zannen desu ga, Kamakura Daibutsu e wa ikimasen. Demo…)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): ええ?大仏さんに行かない。 (Ē? Daibutsu-san ni ikanai.)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。でも、明日、皆さんは 自由時間が たくさん ありますので... (Hai. Demo, ashita, mina-san wa jiyū jikan ga takusan arimasu node...)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): あ、そう。自由時間ある? (A, sō. Jiyū jikan aru?)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。朝九時から 午後三時十五分まで 自由時間です。 (Hai. Asa ku-ji kara gogo san-ji jūgo-fun made jiyū jikan desu.) ですから...六時間位あります。 (Desu kara... roku-jikan kurai arimasu) 皆さんのホテルから 大仏まで 歩きで大体15分ですので... (Mina-san no hoteru kara Daibutsu made aruki de daitai 15-fun desu node...)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): じゃあ、長谷寺は?今日、長谷寺に行く? (Jā, Hase-dera wa? Kyō, Hase-dera ni iku?)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): いえ、ですから、明日 たくさん自由時間が...。 (Ie, desu kara, ashita takusan jiyū jikan ga....)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): え?長谷寺へ行かないの? (E? Hase-dera e ikanai no?)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido, onegaishimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): ガイドさん、今日、大仏さんは 見ない? (Gaido-san, kyō, daibutsu-san wa minai?)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。残念ですが、鎌倉大仏へは 行きません。でも... (Hai. Zannen desu ga, Kamakura Daibutsu e wa ikimasen. Demo…)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): ええ?大仏さんに行かない。 (Ē? Daibutsu-san ni ikanai.)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。でも、明日、皆さんは 自由時間が たくさん ありますので... (Hai. Demo, ashita, mina-san wa jiyū jikan ga takusan arimasu node...)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): あ、そう。自由時間ある? (A, sō. Jiyū jikan aru?)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。朝九時から 午後三時十五分まで 自由時間です。 (Hai. Asa ku-ji kara gogo san-ji jūgo-fun made jiyū jikan desu.) ですから...六時間位あります。 (Desu kara... roku-jikan kurai arimasu) 皆さんのホテルから 大仏まで 歩きで大体15分ですので... (Mina-san no hoteru kara Daibutsu made aruki de daitai 15-fun desu node...)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): じゃあ、長谷寺は?今日、長谷寺に行く? (Jā, Hase-dera wa? Kyō, Hase-dera ni iku?)
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): いえ、ですから、明日 たくさん自由時間が...。 (Ie, desu kara, ashita takusan jiyū jikan ga....)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): え?長谷寺へ行かないの? (E? Hase-dera e ikanai no?)
次は、英語が入ります。 (Tsugi wa, eigo ga hairimasu.)
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): ガイドさん、今日、大仏さんは 見ない? (Gaido-san, kyō, daibutsu-san wa minai?)
PASSENGER(UEDA):Mr. Guide, are we going to see the Great Buddha today?
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。残念ですが、鎌倉大仏へは 行きません。でも... (Hai. Zannen desu ga, Kamakura Daibutsu e wa ikimasen. Demo…)
GUIDE (SHIMOYAMA):Right, unfortunately we will not go to the Kamakura Great Buddha. But...
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): ええ?大仏さんに行かない。 (Ē? Daibutsu-san ni ikanai.)
PASSENGER (UEDA):Wha--t?? We're not going to the Great Buddha.
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。でも、明日、皆さんは 自由時間が たくさん ありますので... (Hai. Demo, ashita, mina-san wa jiyū jikan ga takusan arimasu node...)
GUIDE (SHIMOYAMA):Right, but tomorrow, you will have a lot of free time, so...
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): あ、そう。自由時間ある? (A, sō. Jiyū jikan aru?)
PASSENGER (UEDA):(dryly) Oh, really. We have free time?
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): はい。朝九時から 午後三時十五分まで 自由時間です。 (Hai. Asa ku-ji kara gogo san-ji jūgo-fun made jiyū jikan desu.) ですから...六時間位あります。 (Desu kara... roku-jikan kurai arimasu)
GUIDE (SHIMOYAMA):Yes. You'll have free time from nine in the morning to three fifteen p.m. So...you have around six hours.
皆さんのホテルから 大仏まで 歩きで大体15分ですので... (Mina-san no hoteru kara Daibutsu made aruki de daitai 15-fun desu node...)
It's about a fifteen minute walk from your hotel to the Great Buddha, so...
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): じゃあ、長谷寺は?今日、長谷寺に行く? (Jā, Hase-dera wa? Kyō, Hase-dera ni iku?)
PASSENGER (UEDA):How about Hasedera? Are we going to Hasedera today?
ガイド(下山) (Gaido (gezan)): いえ、ですから、明日 たくさん自由時間が...。 (Ie, desu kara, ashita takusan jiyū jikan ga....)
GUIDE (SHIMOYAMA):No, but like I said, tomorrow you will have a lot of free time...
客(上田) (Kyaku (ueda)): え?長谷寺へ行かないの? (E? Hase-dera e ikanai no?)
PASSENGER (UEDA): What? We're not going to Hasedera?
Naomi: ツアーガイドは大変な仕事ですね。 (Tsuāgaido wa taihen'na shigotodesu ne) It must be tough to be a tour guide.
Peter: I agree. Mr. Shimoyama, the tour guide, had to say the same thing again and again.
Naomi: まあそうですね。上田さん (Mā sōdesu ne. Ueda-san) is not listening at all. Did you notice? The tour guide said ですから (Desukara) twice in the dialogue.
Peter: I bet he is frustrated.
Naomi: そうね。 (Sō ne.) We use ですから (Desukara) when we are frustrated a lot.
Peter: Well maybe not solely that case in this case because you could also use it to – basically what it’s used for is to emphasize.
Naomi: Like he is emphasizing that he already explained that to 上田さん (Ueda-san)
Peter: See Naomi Sensei, you are in a bus seeing the same places over and over, saying the same things over and over. Nobody is listening to you. 大変な仕事です。 (Taihen'na shigotodesu.)
Naomi: ああ、そうですね。 (Ā, sōdesune.)
Peter: But jumping back to the dialogue, I noticed one more interesting point. 大仏さん (Osaragi-san) Mr. Big Buddha.
Naomi: Yeah with honorific suffix さん (San) or 様 (Sama). Some people put さん (San) or 様 (Sama) after those religious statues.
Peter: Now for those of you who don’t know what we are talking about here, Naomi Sensei, what is 大仏さん (Osaragi-san)
Naomi: Big statue of Buddha.
Peter: Located in, of course?
Naomi: 鎌倉。 (Kamakura.)
Peter: And it’s probably what Kamakura is best known for or at least one of the things.
Naomi: Yeah.
Peter: If you see a brochure about Kamakura, you are going to see this statue, you know.
Naomi: そうですね。見ます。この鎌倉の大仏はとても有名です。 (Sōdesu ne. Mimasu. Kono kamakuranodaibutsu wa totemo yūmeidesu.)
Peter: So this statue in Kamakura is very famous.
Naomi: そうです。本当に有名ですね。 (Sōdesu. Hontōni yūmeidesu ne.) I am not 100% sure but it’s designated as one of the national treasures.
Peter: Okay check the lesson comments for verification. On to today’s vocab.
Peter: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. First we have a phrase.
Naomi: 自由時間 (jiyū-jikan)
Peter: Free time.
Naomi: (slow)じゆうじかん (Ji Yūji kan) (natural speed) 自由時間 (jiyū-jikan)
Peter: Next word
Naomi: 残念 (zannen)
Peter: Regrettable, too bad.
Naomi: (slow)ざんねん (Zan'nen) (natural speed) 残念 (zannen)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 歩き (aruki)
Peter: A walk, walking.
Naomi: (slow)あるき (Aruki) (natural speed) 歩き (aruki)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: ですから (desukara)
Peter: Therefore.
Naomi: (slow)ですから (desukara) (natural speed) ですから (desukara)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 6時間 (6-Jikan)
Peter: Six hours.
Naomi: (slow)ろくじかん (Ro kuji kan) (natural speed) 6時間 (6-Jikan)
Peter: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases for this lesson. Naomi sensei, what do we have first?
Naomi: 歩き (Aruki)
Peter: Walking, on foot. Now 歩き (Aruki) is a noun from the verb
Naomi: 歩く (Aruku)
Peter: To walk.
Naomi: 徒歩 (Toho) also means walking or on foot but 徒歩 (Toho) sounds slightly polite.
Peter: Yeah it’s a bit more sophisticated.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.) Sophisticated.
Peter: Now when the particle で (De) follows a means of transportation, it means to go by that means of transportation. In short, let’s give you a couple of examples to really clarify this. Naomi Sensei, what’s the word for bus?
Naomi: バス (Basu)
Peter: Now if the particle で (De) follows this, it means to go by bus.
Naomi: バスで (Basu de)
Peter: To go by bus.
Naomi: バスで行きます。 (Basu de ikimasu.)
Peter: I will go by bus or to go by bus. What’s the word for taxi?
Naomi: タクシー (Takushī)
Peter: To go by taxi.
Naomi: タクシーで。タクシーで行きます。 (Takushī de. Takushī de ikimasu.)
Peter: To go by taxi. Okay so you got the pattern. Means of transportation followed by で (De). Naomi Sensei, how do we say by train?
Naomi: 電車で (Densha de)
Peter: By foot, on foot.
Naomi: 歩きで (Aruki de)
Peter: Or the other word we had
Naomi: 徒歩で (Toho de)
Peter: On foot. So means of transportation marked by the particle で (De) as で (De)is a particle that’s used to indicate means. Well one of these is, okay. Now there is actually one more way to say on foot. Lots of things as well in Japan, a lot of people live near the station. So lots of things are done on foot.
Naomi: You mean 歩いて (Aruite)
Peter: That’s right. The te form of the verb
Naomi: 歩く (Aruku)
Peter: Now this will be covered in lesson 3.
Naomi: はい。そうです。 (Hai. Sōdesu.)
Peter: So just hang on a second. If you knew that already, congratulations but we are going to cover that in lesson 3 of this new series which would actually be lesson 28. Jumping back to the means of transportation followed by the particle で (De), let’s have a sample sentence.
Naomi: 私は毎日学校に歩きで行きます。 (Watashi wa Mainichi gakkō ni aruki de ikimasu.)
Peter: I walk to school every day. The literal translation here, I go to school on foot. Okay one more sample sentence and let’s stick with 歩きで (Aruki de).
Naomi: はい。歩きで10分くらいです or 歩きで10分ぐらいです。 (Hai. Aruki de 10-bu kuraidesu or aruki de 10-bu guraidesu.)
Peter: It’s about 10 minutes on foot.
Naomi: Actually 10分 (10-Bu) 10 minutes. The length of time is today’s review grammar point.
Peter: Now the counter for minutes is
Naomi: 分 (Bun) or 分間。1分。2分。3分。 (Punkan. 1-Bu. 2-Bu. 3-Bu.)
Peter: One minute, two minutes, three minutes.
Naomi: Right.
Peter: Now the counter for hours is
Naomi: 時間 (Jikan) or maybe I should say 間。1時間。 (Ma. 1-Jikan.)
Peter: One hour
Naomi: 2時間 (2-Jikan)
Peter: Two hours
Naomi: 3時間 (3-Jikan)
Peter: Three hours. The sound change is a little tricky but check our PDF. There is a list for the duration of time.
Naomi: ピーターさんの出身はニューヨークですね。東京からニューヨークまで何時間ですか。 (Pītā-san no shusshin wa nyūyōkudesu ne. Tōkyō kara nyūyōku made nan-jikandesu ka.)
Peter: 13時間くらいですね。(13-Jikan kuraidesu ne.) It’s about 13 hours from Tokyo to my home New York.
Naomi: じゃあ、ニューヨークから東京までは何時間ですか。 (Jā, nyūyōku kara Tōkyō made wa nan-jikandesu ka.)
Peter: そうですね。14時間くらいですね。 (Sōdesu ne. 14-Jikan kuraidesu ne.)
Naomi: 長いんだ。 (Nagai nda.)
Peter: 長いですね。 (Nagaidesu ne.) So it’s about 14 hours coming back.
Naomi: Interesting.
Peter: Yeah something to do with tailwinds. On to today’s grammar point.

Lesson focus

Peter: Now again, this lesson was designed to review two things. Naomi Sensei, the first one was
Naomi: Period of time such as minutes and hours.
Peter: Which is very important in Japanese because there are a couple of tricks along the way. So check out the PDF for this lesson and the second point, this lesson was designed to cover
Naomi: Formal and informal speech.
Peter: So we want to help you be able to speak informal Japanese as well as formal Japanese because when speaking with friends Naomi Sensei, what are you going to speak?
Naomi: Informal Japanese.
Peter: And the majority of time, we will probably spend with
Naomi: Friends かな (Ka na).
Peter: かな? (Ka na?) Maybe, but yeah you most likely spend most of your time speaking in informal Japanese. However things can really go bad if you use informal Japanese in the wrong situation. So you really need to know both.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: And that’s why in this lesson, we are going to look at the difference. Naomi Sense, what are we going to take a look at?
Naomi: In the dialogue, we have 鎌倉大仏へは行きません。 (Kamakura daibutsu e wa ikimasen.)
Peter: We are not going to Kamakura’s Buddhist statue. Let’s break down this sentence. Naomi Sensei, first we have
Naomi: The subject is dropped. So 私達は (Watashitachi wa) is omitted.
Peter: So if this was in a textbook or if you wanted everything written out, we would have marked by the topic marking particle.
Naomi: は (Wa)
Peter: But here it’s implied.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: So actually second we have
Naomi: 鎌倉大仏 (Kamakura daibutsu)
Peter: Kamakura’s Buddhist statue.
Naomi: へ (E)
Peter: It is actually the Hiragana character.
Naomi: へ (E)
Peter: But when it’s used as a particle, it’s read
Naomi: へ (E)
Peter: And of course, this particle indicates direction. This is followed by
Naomi: は (Wa)
Peter: So if you remember, Naomi Sensei said something was omitted. A は (Wa) was omitted. So if we put that back in there, this is actually the second は (Wa) in the sentence. Here this va doesn’t indicate the topic but rather
Naomi: Shows contrast.
Peter: After this we have
Naomi: 行きません。 (Ikimasen.)
Peter: Won’t go or don’t go. So we won’t go to Kamakura’s Buddhist statue.
Naomi: So if you don’t want to be so formal, use 行かない (Ikanai) instead of 行きません (Ikimasen)
Peter: So the sentence would read.
Naomi: 鎌倉大仏へは行かない。 (Kamakura daibutsu e wa ikanai.)
Peter: We won’t go to Kamakura’s Buddhist statue. Now if you picture the bus situation, this is something that the married couple would say to one another.
Naomi: 鎌倉大仏へは行かない。 (Kamakura daibutsu e wa ikanai.) Yeah そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.) or you can even drop the particles. 鎌倉大仏、行かない。 (Kamakura daibutsu, ikanai.)
Peter: So it makes it even shorter. So the subject is dropped, the particles are dropped. Everything gets dropped. So kind of the closer the relationship, the more particles you can drop.
Naomi: So the conversation gets shorter and shorter.
Peter: A lot more is implied and inferred. Now this is an option for the customer but the tour guide would never use this informal Japanese with the customers.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.)
Peter: Naomi Sensei, let’s look at how we got from 行きません (Ikimasen), I won’t go very polite to 行かない (Ikanai) I ain’t going. I don’t know if it’s a right translation but I ain’t going okay. 行きません (Ikimasen) to 行かない (Ikanai). Where should we start?
Naomi: That’s a good question. I would recommend start from masu form to ません (Masen).
Peter: Okay. So the polite nonpast for to go is 行きます (Ikimasu) right from the verb 行く (Iku). Now how do we say we won’t go?
Naomi: 行きません。 (Ikimasen.)
Peter: So 行きます (Ikimasu) becomes
Naomi: 行きません (Ikimasen)
Peter: And what changes?
Naomi: ます (Masu) becomes ません (Masen).
Peter: That’s it?
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: Straightforward. Now how about 行かない (Ikanai).
Naomi: We have different rules for different classes. Where shall we start?
Peter: Let’s just look at this one and let everyone know that inside the PDF, there is a very detailed explanation for all the classes.
Naomi: Good idea. So the original verb of 行かない (Ikanai) is 行く (Iku). So change く (Ku) to か (Ka) and add ない (Nai). That’s it.
Peter: That’s it.
Naomi: Makes sense?
Peter: Perfect sense. You drop again the う (U) syllable but this time you go to the あ (A) column.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: Take the あ (A) in this case く (Ku) becomes か (Ka). We attach
Naomi: ない (Nai)
Peter: And then we have it 行かない (Ikanai). Now again, inside the PDF, a very detailed write up and this is one of the most important things probably you could study if you have a lot of friends and you are speaking informal Japanese.
Naomi: ピーターさんは、よくバーに行きますか (Pītā-san wa, yoku bā ni ikimasu ka)?
Peter: 行きません。 (Ikimasen.)
Naomi: We talk informal right?
Peter: Because of Naomi Sensei.
Naomi: But in the office, we usually speak in informal, right?
Peter: Yes because we don’t have a lot of respect in the office.
Naomi: そういうことじゃないけど。 (Sō iu koto janaikedo.) More causal.
Peter: More casual because we are all friends.
Naomi: Yeah so in the office, I might ask Peter like ピーター、ランチ行く? (Pītā, ranchi iku?)
Peter: 行かない。 (Ikanai.) So are you going to go to lunch today? I won’t go but you see how everything got shortened. One more time.
Naomi: ピーター、ランチ行く? (Pītā, ranchi iku?)
Peter: Just Peter, Lunch, will go.
Naomi: そうですね (Sōdesune). In the polite situation, that should be ピーターさんはランチに行きますか? (Pītā-san wa ranchi ni ikimasu ka?)
Peter: And here it gets shortened all the way to
Naomi: ピーター、ランチ行く? (Pītā, ranchi iku?)
Peter: And the answer 行かない。 (Ikanai.)
Naomi: Instead of 行きません。 (Ikimasen.)
Peter: And 私は行きません。 (Watashi wa ikimasen.) So everything is shortened.


Peter: All right that just about does it for today. Thank you again for listening.
Naomi: じゃあ、また。 (Jā, mata.)


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