
Vocabulary (Review)

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Naomi: 直美です。 (Naomidesu.)
Peter: Peter here. Meet the Parents, Three’s A Crowd. Just to recap you on the story and bring you up to speed, Miyu and Haruya want to get married but Miyu’s father Raizo doesn’t like Haruya. So Raizo has arranged a blind date for his daughter Miyu with an eligible bachelor he has chosen.
Naomi: Blind date.
Peter: Now the focus of this lesson is giving directions using
Naomi: てください (Te kudasai) phrases. This conversation takes place in Yukio’s car.
Peter: The conversation is between Yukio, the eligible bachelor and Raizo, Miyu’s father.
Naomi: And they are speaking polite Japanese.
Peter: Let’s have a listen to today’s conversation.
天道 雷三: 次の交差点を 左に 曲がってください。 (Tsugi no kōsaten o hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
山川 雪男 (Yamakawa Yukio): この、交差点を 左ですね。 (Kono, kōsaten o hidari desu ne.)
天道 雷三: はい。少し、まっすぐ 行ってください。 (Hai. Sukoshi, massugu itte kudasai.) ニ番目の信号を 右に 曲がってください。 (Ni-banme no shingō o migi ni magatte kudasai.)
山川 雪男 (Yamakawa Yukio): この信号を 右・・・。 (Kono shingō o migi....)
天道 雷三: で、コンビニの角を 左に 曲がってください。 (De, konbini no kado o hidari ni magatte kudasai.) 三百メートルくらい まっすぐ 行ってください。 (Sanbyaku mētoru kurai massugu itte kudasai.) あ、ここです。ここで とめてください。 (A, koko desu. Koko de tomete kudasai.) あ、雪男(ゆきお)君、時間ありますか。上がってください。妻と娘を 紹介しますよ。 (A, Yukio-kun, jikan arimasu ka. Agatte kudasai. Tsuma to musume o shōkai shimasu yo.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度はゆっくり、お願いします。 (Mōichido, onegaishimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri, onegaishimasu.)
天道 雷三: 次の交差点を 左に 曲がってください。 (Tsugi no kōsaten o hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
山川 雪男 (Yamakawa Yukio): この、交差点を 左ですね。 (Kono, kōsaten o hidari desu ne.)
天道 雷三: はい。少し、まっすぐ 行ってください。 (Hai. Sukoshi, massugu itte kudasai.)ニ番目の信号を 右に 曲がってください。 (Ni-banme no shingō o migi ni magatte kudasai.)
山川 雪男 (Yamakawa Yukio): この信号を 右・・・。 (Kono shingō o migi....)
天道 雷三: で、コンビニの角を 左に 曲がってください。(De, konbini no kado o hidari ni magatte kudasai.) 三百メートルくらい まっすぐ 行ってください。 (Sanbyaku mētoru kurai massugu itte kudasai.) あ、ここです。ここで とめてください。 (A, koko desu. Koko de tomete kudasai.) あ、雪男君、(A, Yukio-kun,) 時間ありますか。上がってください。妻と娘を 紹介しますよ。 (jikan arimasu ka. Agatte kudasai. Tsuma to musume o shōkai shimasu yo.)
今度は、英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa, eigo ga hairimasu)
天道 雷三: 次の交差点を 左に 曲がってください。 (Tsugi no kōsaten o hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
RAIZO TENDO: Turn left at the next intersection.
山川 雪男 (Yamakawa Yukio): この、交差点を 左ですね。 (Kono, kōsaten o hidari desu ne.)
YUKIO YAMAKAWA:Make a left here, right?
天道 雷三: はい。少し、まっすぐ 行ってください。 (Hai. Sukoshi, massugu itte kudasai.)ニ番目の信号を 右に 曲がってください。 (Ni-banme no shingō o migi ni magatte kudasai.)
RAIZO TENDO: Yes. Now go straight, and make a right at the second traffic signal.
山川 雪男 (Yamakawa Yukio): この信号を 右・・・。 (Kono shingō o migi....)
YUKIO YAMAKAWA: A right at this light...
天道 雷三: で、コンビニの角を 左に 曲がってください。 (De, konbini no kado o hidari ni magatte kudasai.) 三百メートルくらい まっすぐ 行ってください。 (Sanbyaku mētoru kurai massugu itte kudasai.)
RAIZO TENDO: Turn left at the convenience store on the corner and go straight for another 300 meters or so.
あ、ここです。ここで とめてください。 (A, koko desu. Koko de tomete kudasai.)
Oh, we're here. Please stop right here.
あ、雪男(ゆきお)君、時間ありますか。 (A, Yukio-kun, jikan arimasu ka.)
Do you have some time?
上がってください。 (Agatte kudasai.)
Why don't you come up?
妻と娘を 紹介しますよ。 (Tsuma to musume o shōkai shimasu yo.)
I'll introduce you to my wife and daughter.
Naomi: I think there are a lot of useful phrases in the dialogue such as 右に曲がってください。真っ直ぐ行ってください。 (Migi ni magatte kudasai. Massugu itte kudasai.)
Peter: Please turn right and please go straight.
Naomi: I would say these are essential phrases for taking a taxi.
Peter: Definitely and I think you picked two of the really useful for getting by in a taxi. For example, you picked a turn right.
Naomi: 右に曲がってください。 (Migi ni magatte kudasai.)
Peter: And then in the dialogue, we also had
Naomi: 左に曲がってください。 (Hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
Peter: Please turn left. Then we had go straight
Naomi: 真っ直ぐ行ってください。 (Massugu itte kudasai.)
Peter: And you just forgot to include one in the follow up that I think is probably one of the most important.
Naomi: Most important 何ですか? (Nandesuka?) what is it?
Peter: Please stop.
Naomi: Haha そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.) Yeah right 止めてください。 (Tomete kudasai.)
Peter: Especially the way the meters run in Japan.
Naomi: そうね。高いですよね。 (Sō ne. Takaidesu yo ne.) It’s expensive.
Peter: Right now, it’s up to ¥710 for the first – I think it’s a couple fraction of a kilo or something.
Naomi: ひどいよね。 (Hidoi yo ne.)
Peter: It’s pretty expensive. So you want to use this right away.
Naomi: 止めてください。止めてください。 (Tomete kudasai. Tomete kudasai.)
Peter: Please stop, please stop. Also one other interesting thing I kind of noticed was couple of interesting things going on with the kanji here. The kanji for intersection, I think it is pretty straightforward right?
Naomi: ああ、そうですね。交差点。 (Ā, sōdesune. Kōsaten.)
Peter: It’s three characters and the first two characters make up the word
Naomi: 交差 (Kōsa)
Peter: Which means crossing. The last character means
Naomi: 点 (Ten)
Peter: Point. So crossing point. The point where two things cross.
Naomi: 面白い、面白い。 (Omoshiroi, omoshiroi.)
Peter: Right
Naomi: Umm それから (Sore kara) What I found interesting is 信号 (Shingō)
Peter: Traffic light or traffic signal.
Naomi: The first character 信 (Shin) means belief or trust. So since people trust the signal, they follow the traffic light.
Peter: I never thought about it that way.
Naomi: 今考えたんだけどね。 (Ima kangaeta ndakedo ne.) I am not saying this based on any research or anything. So…
Peter: でも面白いですね。 (Demo omoshiroidesu ne.)
Naomi: Nice pneumatic right?
Peter: Really good pneumatic and the reason we are kind of talking about the characters now is I think the quicker you get into kanji, definitely the better.
Naomi: ね。そうそうそう。思います。 (Ne. Sō sō sō. Omoimasu.) I agree.
Peter: And that’s why we have the kanji close up so just the meanings there, not to overwhelm you but just so you could kind of understand like trust signal, traffic light because you really are putting your life in the hands of a computer.
Naomi: ですね。(Desu ne.)
Peter: Okay let’s take a look at the vocab.
Naomi: コンビニ (konbini)
Peter: Convenient store.
Naomi: (slow)コンビニ (konbini) (natural speed) コンビニ (konbini)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 角 (kado)
Peter: Corner.
Naomi: (slow)かど (Kado) (natural speed) 角 (kado)
Peter: Next
Naomi: 曲がる (magaru)
Peter: To turn.
Naomi: (slow)まがる (magaru) (natural speed) 曲がる (magaru)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 交差点 (kōsaten)
Peter: Intersection.
Naomi: (slow)こうさてん (Kō sa ten) (natural speed) 交差点 (kōsaten)
Peter: Next
Naomi: 信号 (shingō)
Peter: Traffic light, traffic signal.
Naomi: (slow)しんごう (Shin gou) (natural speed) 信号 (shingō)
Peter: Next
Naomi: 止める (Tomeru)
Peter: To stop
Naomi: (slow)とめる (Tomeru) (natural speed) 止める (Tomeru)
Peter: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Naomi Sensei, what’s the first word or phrase we will be looking at?
Naomi: I’d like to introduce three words. Is that okay?
Peter: Okay. Go right ahead, three.
Naomi: 交差点 (kōsaten)
Peter: Intersection.
Naomi: 角 (kado)
Peter: Corner.
Naomi: 信号 (shingō)
Peter: Traffic light. So how are they used in today’s conversation?
Naomi: 次の交差点 (Tsugi no kōsaten)
Peter: The next intersection. 次 (Tsugi) is next.
Naomi: の (No)
Peter: Is possessive.
Naomi: 交差点 (Kōsaten)
Peter: Intersection. So literally next intersection or intersection of next, the next intersection. Okay so that covers the intersection. What do we have next?
Naomi: コンビニの角 (Konbini no tsuno)
Peter: Corner of the convenient store.
Naomi: コンビニ (Konbini) is convenient store and の (No) is again possessive and 角 (Tsuno) means corner.
Peter: So literally a convenient store corner.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: Or the corner of the convenient store and finally we have
Naomi: 二番目の信号 (Ni-banme no shingō)
Peter: The second traffic signal.
Naomi: 二番目 (Ni-banme)
Peter: The second
Naomi: の (No)
Peter: Possessive.
Naomi: 信号 (Shingō)
Peter: Traffic signal.
Naomi: The second traffic light.
Peter: Something along those lines but yes actually you have the second traffic light but you see a pattern here. The noun in focus comes after the の (No), the possessive and something descriptive about it. So the next intersection, the convenience store’s corner, second traffic light.
Naomi: Instead of 二番目の信号 (Ni-banme no shingō) you can say 次の次の信号 (Tsugi no tsugi no shingō)
Peter: Next, next traffic light and again, this is in place of an ordinal number. So if you don’t know the word for first, second, you can use 次 (Tsugi) next which is much more I would say a word of higher frequency.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.)
Peter: Third. So what if we had third. Can we say 次の次の次の信号? (Tsugi no tsugi no tsugi no shingō?)
Naomi: Technically yes but it's a bit confusing. So I think people wouldn’t use 次の (Tsugi no) more than twice.
Peter: So after two, you are going to have to memorize the ordinal numbers. So let’s just go through the first three. What’s the word for first?
Naomi: 一番目 (Ichi-banme)
Peter: How about second?
Naomi: 二番目 (Ni-banme)
Peter: And then third.
Naomi: 三番目 (San-banme)
Peter: So you see a pattern. The number plus 番 (Ban) and 目 (Me).
Naomi: It was covered in a previous lesson.
Peter: And finally before we take a look at the grammar, what is the last phrase we are looking at?
Naomi: ここで止めてください。 (Koko de tomete kudasai.)
Peter: First we have
Naomi: ここ (Koko)
Peter: Here followed by
Naomi: で (De)
Peter: A particle which indicates location of an action. So in English, it’s kind of equivalent to the in or at and in this case, here is the place that you want someone to
Naomi: 止める (Tomeru)
Peter: Stop and that expression is
Naomi: 止めてください。 (Tomete kudasai.)
Peter: Please stop. So please stop here.
Naomi: So the sentence pattern would be place で止めてください。 (De tomete kudasai.)
Peter: Place where the action takes place marked by the particle で (De) and finally we have the expression please stop
Naomi: 止めてください (Tomete kudasai)
Peter: So Naomi Sensei, how do we say please stop there.
Naomi: There like there near you or there over there.
Peter: Not too far. Say about two car lines in front of you.
Naomi: そこで止めてください。 (Sokode tomete kudasai.)
Peter: And how about if you see your destination a couple of blocks away.
Naomi: あそこで止めてください。 (Asoko de tomete kudasai.)
Peter: So the only thing that changes is the place from ここ (Koko) here そこ (Soko) there and あそこ (Asoko) over there. Rest of the phrase stays the same. Okay on to today’s grammar point.

Lesson focus

Peter: Naomi Sensei, what’s today’s target phrase?
Naomi: 真っ直ぐ行ってください。 (Massugu itte kudasai.)
Peter: Please go straight.
Naomi: 真っ直ぐ (Massugu)
Peter: Straight.
Naomi: 行って (itte)
Peter: Is the te form of the verb 行く (Iku).
Naomi: ください (Kudasai)
Peter: Please. Now as we explained in the previous lesson and actually the previous two lessons, we are going over the te form of a verb plus ください (Kudasai) which is used to ask someone to do something for you. In the previous, previous lesson we covered class II verbs. In the previous lesson, we covered class I verbs that end in む、ぶ、ぬ (Mu, bu,nu) and つ (Tsu).
Naomi: 今日はく、ぐ、う、つ、る、です。 (Kyō wa ku, gu, u,tsu,ru,desu.) In today’s lesson, we are focusing on the te form conjugation of class I verbs which has く、ぐ、う、つ (Ku, gu, u,tsu) and る (Ru) endings.
Peter: Now while it seems like there is a lot more, it’s not too bad because there are groups we can break them into. First group we are going to break things into is the く、ぐ (Ku, gu) group. So Naomi Sensei, first can we have an example of a class I verb that ends in ku.
Naomi: 聞く (Kiku) To hear, to listen.
Peter: How do we change this into the te form?
Naomi: く (Ku) becomes いて (Ite). So 聞いて (Kiite).
Peter: So we drop the く (Ku) and replace it with
Naomi: いて (Ite)
Peter: So the te form of the verb to listen is
Naomi: 聞いて (Kiite)
Peter: And it’s a long vowel きいて (Kīte). It’s not きて (Kite) which is
Naomi: You come.
Peter: Yeah so it’s a long vowel 聞いて (Kiite). Now how about verbs that end in ぐ (Gu).
Naomi: 急ぐ。 (Isogu.) To hurry.
Peter: And how do we get the te form?
Naomi: ぐ (Gu) becomes いで (Ide). So 急ぐ (Isogu) becomes 急いで (Isoide).
Peter: So we drop the ぐ (Gu) and replace it with
Naomi: いで (Ide)
Peter: This is very similar to く (Ku). We drop く (Ku) and replace it with
Naomi: いて (Ite)
Peter: ぐ (Gu) is く (Ku) with two little
Naomi: Dots 点々 (Tenten).
Peter: So く (Ku) becomes ぐ (Gu). When it’s conjugated, you can look at it the same way. The いて (Ite) gets two dots. So it becomes
Naomi: で。いで (De. Ide)。
Peter: So this covers the conjugation of く (Ku) and ぐ (Gu) but there is one exception Naomi Sensei?
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.) 行く (Iku) becomes 行って (itte).
Peter: So for the verb 行く (Iku) to go which is used so often. It’s not conjugated by dropping the く (Ku) and adding the いて (Ite) but rather you drop the く (Ku) and replace it with a pause plus te.
Naomi: 行って (itte)
Peter: Again inside the PDF very detailed write up. Finally we have
Naomi: う、つ、る (U,tsu,ru) endings.
Peter: And these are conjugated the same exact way. You drop the last syllable, add a short pause plus te. For example, how do we say to buy?
Naomi: 買う (Kau)
Peter: Ending in う (U). What’s the te form?
Naomi: 買って (Katte)
Peter: A short pause in there. It’s not かて (Kate). It’s かって (Katte) Short pause. 買う (Kau) we drop the う (U) and replace it with
Naomi: って (Tte)
Peter: Altogether
Naomi: 買って (Katte)
Peter: Listen for the short pause. Next we have to wait.
Naomi: 待つ (Matsu)
Peter: Ending in つ (Tsu)。 Again we are going to drop that つ (Tsu)。 and replace it with a short pause plus て (Te).
Naomi: 待って (Matte)
Peter: Hear the pause in there. One more time.
Naomi: 待って (Matte)
Peter: Finally we have the verb used often in today’s conversation.
Naomi: 曲がる (Magaru)
Peter: To turn. We are going to drop the る (Ru) and replace it with a short pause plus て (Te).
Naomi: 曲がって (Magatte)
Peter: One more time listen for the pause.
Naomi: 曲がって (Magatte)
Peter: So what do we have from today’s conversation?
Naomi: 次の交差点を左に曲がってください。 (Tsugi no kōsaten o hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
Peter: Please turn left at the next corner.
Naomi: じゃあ、練習しませんか。皆さん。 (Jā, renshū shimasen ka. Minasan.) Why don’t we practice?
Peter: いいですね。 (Īdesu ne) That sounds like a good idea. Why don’t you give us directions to our office in Akasaka?
Naomi: From Akasaka station?
Peter: Which station?
Naomi: Chiyoda Line.
Peter: Okay sounds pretty good.
Naomi: 赤坂の駅を出てください。 (Akasaka no eki o dete kudasai.)
Peter: So exit Akasaka station.
Naomi: 右に曲がってください。 (Migi ni magatte kudasai.)
Peter: Please turn right.
Naomi: 真っ直ぐ行ってください。 (Massugu itte kudasai.)
Peter: Go straight.
Naomi: 大きい交差点を左に曲がってください。 (Ōkī kōsaten o hidari ni magatte kudasai.)
Peter: Turn left at the big intersection.
Naomi: 50メートルくらい行ってください。 (50 Mētoru kurai itte kudasai.)
Peter: And go about 50 meters.
Naomi: 左を見てください。 (Hidari o mite kudasai.)
Peter: Look left.
Naomi: ピーターがいます。 (Pītā ga imasu.)
Peter: Peter is there. 直美先生もいます。 (Naomi sensei mo imasu.) Okay and one quick thing that’s very interesting is the usage of the particle を (O) in the sentence pattern. Normally when an action takes place, it’s usually marked with で (De) but here the place where you are turning is marked with the object marker を (O). The direction is marked with に (Ni). So I thought that was really interesting. Something I struggled with when I first started studying.
Naomi: I think it's a pretty difficult sentence structure but I recommend you to memorize the sentence pattern.
Peter: Probably the best way.


Peter: All right. That’s going to do for today.
Naomi: コメント、書いてくださいね。 (Komento, kaite kudasai ne.)


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