
Vocabulary (Review)

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Naomi: 直美です。 (Naomidesu)
Peter: Peter here. Meet the Parents. Bonding At Break Time. In the previous lesson, Haruya was cleaning a Fish tank with Miyu’s mother Kiri. Kiri was giving him some orders, probably more than orders, instructions and he was following them. Now it seems like he has finished cleaning. The focus of this lesson is on the te form plus ください (Kudasai) and we will be looking at verbs that end in む、ぶ、ぬ (Mu, bu,nu) and す(Su).
Naomi: This conversation takes place at 天道さんのうちのリビングルーム (Tendō-san no uchi no ribingurūmu), the Living room of Tendo’s
Peter: The speakers are Miyu’s mother Kiri and Haruya. Therefore the speakers will be speaking formal Japanese.
Naomi: Use the review track to perfect your pronunciation.
Peter: Available in the premium section of the website, the learning center and through iTunes via the premium feed, the review track gives you vocabulary and phrases followed by a short pause. So you can repeat the words aloud.
Naomi: Let’s listen to today’s conversation.
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): (ふう)終わりました。 ((Fū) Owarimashita.)
天道きり (Tendō kiri): ありがとう、晴夜さん。休んでください。 ((Arigatō, Haruya-san. Yasunde kudasai.) はい、冷たいお茶。どうぞ。飲んでくださいね。 (Hai, tsumetai o-cha. Dōzo. Nonde kudasai ne.)
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): あ、ありがとうございます。(ゴクゴクゴクゴク) (A, arigatō gozaimasu. (goku goku goku goku))
(電話) (Denwa)
天道きり (Tendō kiri): はい。天道でございます。(Hai. Tendō de gozaimasu.) あら、パパ。 (Ara, papa.) ...あら、そう。今、ゴルフ場?...じゃあ、あと、二十分くらいね。 ( ... Ara, sō. Ima, gorufu-jō?... jā, ato, ni-juppun kuurai ne.) ...分かりました。....はーい。じゃあね。 (... Wakarimashita..... Hāi. Jā ne.)
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): (ゴクリ)あと...二十分.... ((gokuri) Ato...ni-juppun....) あ、(ゴロゴロゴロゴロ)痛い。イタタタタ...。 (a, (goro goro goro goro) Itai. Itatatata…) あ...あのお、トイレをかしてください。 (A... anō, toire o kashite kudasai.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido, onegaishimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): (ふう)終わりました。 ((Fū) Owarimashita.)
天道きり (Tendō kiri): ありがとう、晴夜さん。休んでください。 (Arigatō, Haruya-san. Yasunde kudasai.) はい、冷たいお茶。どうぞ。飲んでくださいね。 (Hai, tsumetai o-cha. Dōzo. Nonde kudasai ne.)
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): あ、ありがとうございます。 (A, arigatō gozaimasu.)
天道きり (Tendō kiri): はい。天道でございます。 (Hai. Tendō de gozaimasu.) あら、パパ。 (Ara, papa.) ...あら、そう。今、ゴルフ場?...じゃあ、あと、二十分くらいね。 (... Ara, sō. Ima, gorufu-jō?... jā, ato, ni-juppun kuurai ne.) ...分かりました。....はーい。じゃあね。 (... Wakarimashita..... Hāi. Jā ne.)
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya):あと...二十分....あ、(Ato...ni-juppun.... a,) 痛い。イタタタタ...。あ...あのお、トイレをかしてください。 (Itai. Itatatata...A... anō, toire o kashite kudasai.)
次は、英語が入ります。 (Tsugi wa, eigo ga hairimasu.)
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): (ふう)終わりました。 ((Fū) Owarimashita.)
OOZORA HARUYA: (whew) Finished.
天道きり (Tendō kiri): ありがとう、晴夜さん。休んでください。 (Arigatō, Haruya-san. Yasunde kudasai.)
TENDO KIRI: Thanks Haruya. Take a break.
はい、冷たいお茶。どうぞ。飲んでくださいね。 (Hai, tsumetai o-cha. Dōzo. Nonde kudasai ne.)
Have some iced tea, here. Drink up.
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): あ、ありがとうございます。(ゴクゴクゴクゴク) (A, arigatō gozaimasu. (goku goku goku goku))
OOZORA HARUYA: Th-thank you. (gulp, gulp, gulp)
(電話) ((Denwa))
(telephone rings)
天道きり (Tendō kiri): はい。天道でございます。 ( Hai. Tendō de gozaimasu.)
TENDO KIRI: Hello, this is Tendo speaking.
あら、パパ。 (Ara, papa.) ...あら、そう。今、ゴルフ場? (... Ara, sō. Ima, gorufu-jō?)
Oh, hi honey. Oh really? You’re at the golf course now?
...じゃあ、あと、二十分くらいね。 (... jā, ato, ni-juppun kuurai ne.) ...分かりました。....はーい。じゃあね。 (... Wakarimashita..... Hāi. Jā ne.)
Okay, so in about 20 minutes, right? Got it. Okay. Bye.
大空晴夜 (Ōzora Haruya): (ゴクリ)あと...二十分 ((gokuri) Ato...ni-juppun....) ....あ (....a,)、痛い。イタタタタ...。(Itai. Itatatata…)
OOZORA HARUYA: (gulp) In...twenty minutes....Ouch...
あ...あのお、トイレをかしてください。 (A... anō, toire o kashite kudasai.)
May I use the bathroom?
Peter: Naomi Sensei, what’s going on here?
Naomi: I think Haruya feels too much stress and has upset stomach お腹が痛いですね。 (Onakagaitaidesu ne.)
Peter: お腹が痛い。 (Onakagaitai.) Have you ever used this phrase like this?
Naomi: え、お腹が痛いです。(E, onakagaitaidesu.) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah when I want to say like I got a butterfly in my stomach, I use this phrase.
Peter: Oh really?
Naomi: Yeah お腹が痛い。緊張します。お腹が痛い。 (Onakagaitai. Kinchō shimasu. Onakagaitai.)
Peter: I didn’t know about that usage.
Naomi: ああ、わかんないけど。 (Ā, wakan'naikedo.) Maybe it’s just me.
Peter: Okay. What are some other expressions that one can use when you kind of feel stressed?
Naomi: I always say like hah!
Peter: Hah!
Naomi: Yeah but some people might say 疲れた。 (Tsukareta.)
Peter: Which is a very interesting phrase which means literally, I am tired.
Naomi: Yeah worn out.
Peter: And it can be used to express physical exhaustion as well as mental exhaustion.
Naomi: そう、そうなんですよね。 (Sō,-sōna ndesu yo ne.) I use this 疲れた (Tsukareta) expression after the recording.
Peter: So not really physically tired but more mentally exhausted.
Naomi: そうね。 (Sō ne.) My brain is a bit tired.
Peter: It’s kind of like the way that お腹が痛い (Onakagaitai) was used.
Naomi: あ~そうかもしれない。 (A ~-sō kamo shirenai.) Right.
Peter: It wasn’t that he is like, he felt physical pain but it was more that it was mentally straining, the fact that the father will be home soon. So kind of like, I guess the side effect of the mental Anguish.
Peter: Okay let’s take a look at the vocab. The first word is
Naomi: 冷たい (Tsumetai)
Peter: Cold to the touch.
Naomi: (slow)つめたい (Tsumetai) (natural speed) 冷たい (Tsumetai)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 貸す (kasu)
Peter: To lend, let someone use.
Naomi: (slow)かす(kasu) (natural speed) 貸す (kasu)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: トイレ (toire)
Peter: Bathroom, restroom, toilet.
Naomi: (slow)トイレ (toire) (natural speed) トイレ (toire)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: ゴルフ場 (gorufu-jō)
Peter: Golf course.
Naomi: (slow)ゴルフじょう (Gorufuba) (natural speed) ゴルフ場 (gorufu-jō)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 休む (Yasumu)
Peter: To take a break, to take a rest.
Naomi: (slow)やすむ (Yasumu) (natural speed) 休む (Yasumu)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 終わる (owaru)
Peter: To finish.
Naomi: (slow)おわる (Owaru) (natural speed) 終わる (Owaru)
Peter: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Naomi Sensei, what’s the first word we will look at?
Naomi: 冷たい (Tsumetai)
Peter: Which means cold to the touch. There is another word for cold.
Naomi: Ah you mean 寒い (Samui) right?
Peter: And that is when the air temperature is cold. 冷たい (Tsumetai) first object such as food or drink.
Naomi: Like この水は冷たいです。 (Kono mizu wa tsumetaidesu.)
Peter: This water is cold whereas 寒い (Samui) refers to air temperature.
Naomi: この部屋は寒いです。 (Kono heya wa samuidesu.)
Peter: It’s cold in this room. There is also one more thing I want to point out about 冷たい。 (Tsumetai.)
Naomi: 何? (Nani?) Personality.
Peter: Yes.
Naomi: なんで?なんで私のこと見てんの? (Nande? Nande watashinokoto mi ten no?)
Peter: 別に。 (Betsuni.) No reason in particular but if you want to call somebody cold like what a cold person, we also use 冷たい。 (Tsumetai.)
Naomi: In that case, you can’t use 寒い。 (Samui.)
Peter: Okay. What do we have next Naomi sensei?
Naomi: わかりました。 (Wakarimashita.)
Peter: わかりました (Wakarimashita) is the past tense of わかります (Wakarimasu) which is the masu form of the verb わかる (Wakaru) which means to understand. Now for the polite past form of verbs, please see Nihongo Dojo Style You and Beyond Lesson 23.
Naomi: Peter I have a question.
Peter: どうぞ。 (Dōzo.) Please go ahead.
Naomi: My students often ask me what is the difference between わかります (Wakarimasu) and わかりました. (Wakarimashita.) How do you translate them?
Peter: Wow that’s a great question. Umm, it’s そうですね... (Sōdesune...) which is a great Japanese filler expression for I am really not sure. Give me time to think. To be perfectly honest Naomi Sensei, I am not really sure. Can you help us out?
Naomi: そうですか。あの (Sōdesu ka. Ano) I think we tend to use わかりました (Wakarimashita) at the end of the conversation and we use わかります (Wakarimasu) as more like an 相槌 (Aidzuchi). I know what you mean. I see aaha! That’s わかります (Wakarimasu) and whereas わかりました (Wakarimashita) is like someone finished speaking and oh I think I got it わかりました (Wakarimashita) that kind of nuance I think.
Peter: Yeah I very, very rarely use わかります。 (Wakarimasu.)
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.)
Peter: It’s always kind of like I use the past tense meaning that I got it. はい、わかりました。 (Hai, wakarimashita.) like okay, it’s understood.
Naomi: That’s it.
Peter: Yeah.
Naomi: ということですね。 (To iu kotodesu ne.)
Peter: So maybe I am always trying to end the conversation or like let the person know はい、わかりました。 (Hai, wakarimashita.) 勉強になりました。 (Benkyō ni narimashita.) Thank you very much Naomi Sensei. Okay now on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Peter: Naomi Sensei, what’s today’s target sentence?
Naomi: トイレを貸してください。 (Toire o kashite kudasai.)
Peter: Can I use the restroom please. Now the literal translation is actually Can you please lend me your bathroom? Now of course, we are going to take a closer look at this to kind of like breakdown the sentence and see where the meaning, Can I please use the restroom is derived from. So Naomi Sensei, let’s take a look at the components here. What do we have first?
Naomi: トイレ (Toire)
Peter: Restroom.
Naomi: を (O)
Peter: Object marker.
Naomi: 貸して (Kashite)
Peter: This is the te form of the verb 貸す (Kasu) to lend.
Naomi: ください (Kudasai)
Peter: Please and when combined with the te form of the verb, please do this. Please do this for me. So as we’ve already explained in the previous lesson, the te form of a verb plus ください (Kudasai) is used to ask someone to do something for the speaker. In the previous lesson, we used the te form plus class II verbs. Now today we are going to cover class I verbs. Not just class I verbs, but….
Naomi: Class I verbs that end in む、ぶ、ぬ and す. (Mu, bu,nu ando su.)
Peter: Now I think the best way to kind of explain the class is just take a look at the verbs and we will kind of revisit this. So can you give us an example of a class I verb that ends in む (Mu)
Naomi: 飲む (Nomu) To drink.
Peter: So the last syllable is む。飲む。 (Mu. Nomu.) Let’s have another example. Can we have an example of a class I verb that ends in ぶ (Bu)
Naomi: 遊ぶ (Asobu) To play.
Peter: Or to hang out.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: How about one that ends in ぬ (Nu)
Naomi: There is only one verb 死ぬ (Shinu) to die.
Peter: And how about one that ends in す (Su)
Naomi: 話す (Hanasu) To speak, to say.
Peter: So let’s take a look at how to conjugate these. Again inside the PDF, there is a chart for this but we will go through it quickly. Naomi Sensei, what do we have first?
Naomi: 飲む (Nomu) becomes 飲んで (Nonde)
Peter: The む (Mu) is dropped and it’s replaced with
Naomi: んで。飲んで。 (Nde. Non de.)
Peter: What do we have for to play 遊ぶ (Asobu)
Naomi: ぶ (Bu) becomes んで (Nde). So 遊ぶ (Asobu) becomes 遊んで (Asonde).
Peter: And what do we have for the last one that’s kind of in this group inside of class I verbs meaning that it’s conjugated the same way.
Naomi: 死ぬ (Shinu) becomes 死んで (Shinde).
Peter: So for verbs that end in む、ぶ (Mu, bu) or ぬ (Nu) that syllable is dropped and it’s replaced with
Naomi: んで (Nde)
Peter: How about verbs that end in す (Su)
Naomi: す (Su) becomes して (Shite).
Peter: So す (Su) is dropped and replaced with
Naomi: して (Shite)
Peter: So the verb to speak is
Naomi: 話す (Hanasu)
Peter: Becomes
Naomi: 話して (Hanashite)
Peter: Again, inside the lesson note a more very detailed explanation. So let’s take a look at what we have from today’s dialogue.
Naomi: 休んでください。 (Yasunde kudasai.)
Peter: Please take a break. Again the verb 休む (Yasumu) ends in
Naomi: む (Mu)
Peter: So that’s dropped and replaced with
Naomi: んで (Nde)
Peter: Then we add to it
Naomi: ください (Kudasai)
Peter: Please take a break.
Naomi: 休んでください。 (Yasunde kudasai.)
Peter: Next we have
Naomi: 飲んでください。 (Nonde kudasai.)
Peter: Please drink and I think in this case, it was please drink some tea and finally we have
Naomi: 貸す (Kasu)
Peter: To lend
Naomi: トイレを貸してください。 (Toire o kashite kudasai.)
Peter: Can I use the bathroom but literally please lend me your bathroom.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.) The usage of Japanese 貸す (Kasu) is bit different from the usage of English to lend.
Peter: But in a way, it’s very similar to the usage here. It’s just that it’s a different verb. In English we have, can I use your bathroom? So you are not really using it per say but it’s a verb that’s commonly used in a sentence when asking for permission to go to the bathroom and here it’s the same thing. And this is a very, very useful expression.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sōdesu ne.) Right.
Peter: Again in American English, toilet is very crude but in Japanese, the katakana word for toilet トイレ (Toire). It’s not crude at all. It’s perfectly okay.
Naomi: Yeah there is a word list of PDF which means bathroom. So please 読んでください。 (Yondekudasai.)


Peter: Please read it. Okay that’s going to do for today.
Naomi: また聞いてください。 (Mata kiitekudasai.)


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