
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Naomi: なおみです。(Naomi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. A not so regular restaurant Part 1.
Naomi: Not so regular? 普通じゃない?(Futsū ja nai?)
Peter: 普通じゃない、ですね。(Futsū ja nai, desu ne.) Not so regular.
Naomi: 普通じゃないレストラン。(Futsū ja nai resutoran.) Interesting.
Peter: We will find out what this story develops into I guess over the next few weeks but for now, let’s talk about well, the lesson itself. Naomi-sensei, what are we covering today?
Naomi: 今日は文法がありません。(Kyō wa bunpō ga arimasen.) There is no grammar point today in this lesson.
Peter: Well no new grammar point.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: For the beginner level series. Now – now if you don’t understand something inside this lesson, we have covered it before. So you can check the grammar bank, go through there and I am sure that the grammar point will appear. Now the conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) At a not so regular restaurant.
Peter: そのくらいわかるでしょ。(Sono kurai wakaru desho.) We know that Naomi-sensei but we hope to have a little hint but no hints about what kind of food they are serving. Now the conversation is between
Naomi: A customer and a waiter or waitress.
Peter: So we know for sure that well, not with us but normally the person working at the store will be using polite Japanese. Now, what about the patron? What kind of Japanese is the patron using today?
Naomi: Polite.
Peter: Or at least I think he starts out polite but I think the whole nuance is very polite. So with that said, let’s take a listen to today’s conversation. Here we go.
店員 (ten’in) : お飲み物はお決まりですか。(O-nomimono wa o-kimari desu ka.)
客 (kyaku) : グレープフルーツジュース、お願いします。(Gurēpufurūtsu jūsu, onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
店員 (ten’in) : グレープフルーツジュースです。どうぞ。(Gurēpufurūtsu jūsu desu. Dōzo.)
客 (kyaku) : 注文いいですか。(Chūmon ii desu ka.)
店員 (ten’in) : はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
客 (kyaku) : えっと、ガーデンサラダを一つと…。(Etto, gāden sarada o hitotsu to…)
店員 (ten’in) : はい。(Hai.)
客 (kyaku) : ドレッシングなしで、お願いします。(Doresshingu nashi de, onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : ガーデンサラダを、ドレッシングなしで。かしこまりました。(Gāden sarada o, doresshingu nashi de. Kashikomarimashita.)
客 (kyaku) : あとは... えっと... あっ!そうそうそう、モモンガのチーズメンチカツを一つ。(Ato wa... Etto... A! sō sō sō, momonga no chīzu menchikatsu o hitotsu.)
店員 (ten’in) : モモンガチーズメンチですね... 以上で?(Momonga chīzu menchi desu ne... Ijō de?)
客 (kyaku) : はい。以上です。(Hai. Ijō desu.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。少々お待ちください。(Kashikomarimashita. Shōshō o-machi kudasai.)
Naomi: もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : お飲み物はお決まりですか。(O-nomimono wa o-kimari desu ka.)
客 (kyaku) : グレープフルーツジュース、お願いします。(Gurēpufurūtsu jūsu, onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
店員 (ten’in) : グレープフルーツジュースです。どうぞ。(Gurēpufurūtsu jūsu desu. Dōzo.)
客 (kyaku) : 注文いいですか。(Chūmon ii desu ka.)
店員 (ten’in) : はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
客 (kyaku) : えっと、ガーデンサラダを一つと…。(Etto, gāden sarada o hitotsu to…)
店員 (ten’in) : はい。(Hai.)
客 (kyaku) : ドレッシングなしで、お願いします。(Doresshingu nashi de, onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : ガーデンサラダを、ドレッシングなしで。かしこまりました。(Gāden sarada o, doresshingu nashi de. Kashikomarimashita.)
客 (kyaku) : あとは... えっと... あっ!そうそうそう、モモンガのチーズメンチカツを一つ。(Ato wa... Etto... A! sō sō sō, momonga no chīzu menchikatsu o hitotsu.)
店員 (ten’in) : モモンガチーズメンチですね... 以上で?(Momonga chīzu menchi desu ne... Ijō de?)
客 (kyaku) : はい。以上です。(Hai. Ijō desu.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。少々お待ちください。(Kashikomarimashita. Shōshō o-machi kudasai.)
Naomi: 今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : お飲み物はお決まりですか。(O-nomimono wa o-kimari desu ka.)
WAITRESS: Would you like something to drink?
客 (kyaku) : グレープフルーツジュース、お願いします。(Gurēpufurūtsu jūsu, onegai shimasu.)
CUSTOMER: I'd like some grapefruit juice, please.
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
WAITRESS: Sure. (She goes to get the drink.)
店員 (ten’in) : グレープフルーツジュースです。どうぞ。(Gurēpufurūtsu jūsu desu. Dōzo.)
WAITRESS: Here's your grapefruit juice.
客 (kyaku) : 注文いいですか。(Chūmon ii desu ka.)
CUSTOMER: Can I order now?
店員 (ten’in) : はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
客 (kyaku) : えっと、ガーデンサラダを一つと…。(Etto, gāden sarada o hitotsu to…)
CUSTOMER: Um. I'll have a garden salad and ...
店員 (ten’in) : はい。(Hai.)
客 (kyaku) : ドレッシングなしで、お願いします。(Doresshingu nashi de, onegai shimasu.)
CUSTOMER: No dressing, please.
店員 (ten’in) : ガーデンサラダを、ドレッシングなしで。かしこまりました。(Gāden sarada o, doresshingu nashi de. Kashikomarimashita.)
WAITRESS: A garden salad with no dressing... Sure.
客 (kyaku) : あとは... えっと... あっ!そうそうそう、モモンガのチーズメンチカツを一つ。(Ato wa... Etto... A! sō sō sō, momonga no chīzu menchikatsu o hitotsu.)
CUSTOMER: And...oh..that's right...and a momonga minced cutlet with cheese.
店員 (ten’in) : モモンガチーズメンチですね... 以上で?(Momonga chīzu menchi desu ne... Ijō de?)
WAITRESS: And a momonga minced cutlet with cheese. Is that it?
客 (kyaku) : はい。以上です。(Hai. Ijō desu.)
CUSTOMER: Yes, that's it.
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。少々お待ちください。(Kashikomarimashita. Shōshō o-machi kudasai.)
WAITRESS: Great. I'll be right back with your order.
Peter: なおみ先生。(Naomi-sensei.)
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: 今日の会話に出てきたお客さんは、ちょっとおかしいですよ。(Kyō no kaiwa ni dete kita o-kyaku-san wa, chotto okashii desu yo.) So the customer today’s dialogues, I think he is a bit strange. Well I know he is a bit strange.
Naomi: Why do you think so? どうして?(Dōshite?)
Peter: だって、グレープフルーツジュースとメンチカツ。(Datte, gurēpufurūtsu jūsu to menchikatsu.) Like grapefruit juice and fried meat.
Naomi: What’s wrong with that? It sounds fine to me.
Peter: Are you serious?
Naomi: なんで?なんでなんで? (Nande? Nande nande?) I don’t get it.
Peter: 胸焼けですよ。(Muneyake desu yo.) Heartburn.
Naomi: え~、じゃあ…。(Ē, jā…) What would you order instead of grapefruit juice, coke?
Peter: お冷 (o-hiya), water or yeah コーラ (kōra) or something along that line like coke or something like that but not grapefruit juice.
Naomi: I can’t agree with you.
Peter: 良かったです。(Yokatta desu.) That means it’s true, it’s really strange because…
Naomi: どうして?どうして?(Dōshite? Dōshite?)
Peter: もしなおみ先生がおかしくないと思ったら…。(Moshi Naomi-sensei ga okashiku nai to omottara…) Like if you don’t think it’s strange, then it’s strange because….
Naomi: Because I am strange?
Peter: ピンポーン!(Pinpōn!)
Naomi: ひどい…。(Hidoi…)
Peter: ありがとうございます。認めてくださいまして、ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu. Mitomete kudasaimashite, arigatō gozaimasu.) Thank you for admitting it. It makes the whole thing go so much easier.
Naomi: ひどい。(Hidoi.)
Peter: Grapefruit juice, salad dressing, fried cutlets. It’s just such a bad base.
Naomi: え~、そうかなあ。ふーん。まあいいや。(Ē, sō ka nā. Fūn. Mā ii ya.)
Peter: Now there are some other interesting points in this conversation. Naomi-sensei, let’s take a quick look at one other point before we move on. That is
Naomi: モモンガのチーズメンチカツ。(Momonga no chīzu menchikatsu.)
Peter: So deep fried flying squirrel burger.
Naomi: うーん。モモンガが flying squirrel ですね。 (Ūn. Momonga ga “flying squirrel” desu ne.)
Peter: はい。(Hai.)
Naomi: I am pretty sure it has a double meaning.
Peter: もう一つは?(Mō hitotsu wa?)
Naomi: もも焼きじゃないのかな?(Momo yaki ja nai no ka na?)
Peter: Which is
Naomi: ももが (momo ga) thigh or chicken thigh, 焼き (yaki) is bake or fried.
Peter: So it’s kind of like a little bit of a play on words. So not really a flying squirrel burger but the inner part of the thigh, chicken thigh burger.
Naomi: そうかな?(Sō ka na?) I hope it is.
Peter: Yeah, I think so.
Naomi: Yeah, because I have never heard that Japanese people eat flying squirrels.
Peter: They don’t even have squirrels in Japan or they are very rare.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: Yes, squirrels are so rare in Japan.
Naomi: そうかな。東京ではそうですね、見ないですね。(Sō ka na. Tōkyō de wa sō desu ne, minai desu ne.)
Peter: Okay, so we will find that in our coming episodes but for now, let’s take a look at the vocab.
Peter: First we have
Naomi: 飲み物 (nomimono)
Peter: A beverage, drink.
Naomi: (slow) のみもの (nomimono) (natural speed) 飲み物 (nomimono)
Peter: Next we have a phrase.
Naomi: お決まりですか (o-kimari desu ka)
Peter: Have you decided?
Naomi: (slow) おきまりですか (o-kimari desu ka) (natural speed) お決まりですか (o-kimari desu ka)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: グレープフルーツジュース (gurēpufurūtsu jūsu)
Peter: Grapefruit juice.
Naomi: (slow) グレープフルーツジュース (gurēpufurūtsu jūsu) (natural speed) グレープフルーツジュース (gurēpufurūtsu jūsu)
Peter: ウ、ウ。(U, u.) 長かったですね。(Nagakatta desu ne.) That was pretty long.
Naomi: 長かったね。(Nagakatta ne.)
Peter: Next we have
Naomi: 注文 (chūmon)
Peter: Order.
Naomi: (slow) ちゅうもん (chūmon) (natural speed) 注文 (chūmon)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: ガーデンサラダ (gāden sarada)
Peter: Garden salad.
Naomi: (slow) ガーデンサラダ (gāden sarada) (natural speed) ガーデンサラダ (gāden sarada)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: ドレッシング (doresshingu)
Peter: Dressing.
Naomi: (slow) ドレッシング (doresshingu) (natural speed) ドレッシング (doresshingu)
Peter: Next we have a phrase.
Naomi: かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita)
Peter: All right. Understood.
Naomi: (slow) かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita) (natural speed) かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 以上 (ijō)
Peter: That’s it.
Naomi: (slow) いじょう (ijō) (natural speed) 以上 (ijō)
Peter: Let’s take a look at some of the phrases we covered in this lesson.
Peter: Naomi-sensei, what do we have first?
Naomi: お決まりですか。(O-kimari desu ka.)
Peter: Have you decided?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) 決まる (kimaru) is to be decided. So 決まりましたか (kimarimashita ka) will be have it been decided?
Peter: So yes the grammar behind this is a little complex but I think please just understand this one as a set phrase and we translated it as have you decided or it can also be are you ready?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: If you go to MacDonald’s or you go to some of these other fast food places, you will hear when you go up to the counter
Naomi: お決まりですか。(O-kimari desu ka.)
Peter: Are you ready?
Naomi: Or 注文はお決まりですか。(Chūmon wa o-kimari desu ka.)
Peter: Have you decided on your order?
Naomi: 注文 (chūmon) means order.
Peter: What if you are not ready?
Naomi: まだです。(Mada desu.)
Peter: まだです。(Mada desu.) That’s a bit curt.
Naomi: そうかな?(Sō ka na?) I always use that. まだです。(Mada desu.)
Peter: Or I will say もう少し時間を頂けますか (mō sukoshi jikan o itadakemasu ka) or can I have a little more time?
Naomi: Yeah, you are so polite.
Peter: Too polite.
Naomi: No, no, no at the good restaurant, yeah you should be polite. So yeah that’s a nice phrase to know もうちょっと時間をください (mō chotto jikan o kudasai).
Peter: Naomi-sensei, one day you will be polite. Next we have
Naomi: かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita)
Peter: All righty. Certainly understood.
Naomi: そうですね。これは、わかりましたの humble form ですね。(Sō desu ne. Kore wa, wakarimashita no “humble form” desu ne.)
Peter: So just think of it as I understand.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: But actually this phrase was used previously by people to address the king, right?
Naomi: あ、そうかもね。(A, sō ka mo ne.)
Peter: So there is a lot of respect that goes into this phrase. Next we have
Naomi: 以上 (ijō)
Peter: This is all. That will be it.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) When you finished ordering, you can say 以上です (ijō desu).
Peter: That’s all, that will be all.
Naomi: Or waiter or the waitress might ask you like, 以上でいいですか (ijō de ii desu ka).
Peter: Will that be all?
Naomi: 以上でよろしいですか。(Ijō de yoroshii desu ka.)
Peter: Is that all, can we also say 以上でございますか (ijō de gozaimasu ka).
Naomi: あ、いいですね。(A, ii desu ne.)
Peter: ちょっと、なんで私がとても丁寧な言葉を教えてるんでしょうかね。(Chotto, nande watashi ga totemo teinei na kotoba o oshiete ru n deshō ka ne.)
Naomi: あ、でも以上でよろしいですか、もとっても丁寧ですよ。(A, demo ijō de yoroshii desu ka, mo tottemo teinei desu yo.)
Peter: 私の方が勝ちでしょ。(Watashi no hō ga kachi desho.) I win.
Naomi: なんでもいいや。(Nande mo ii ya.)
Peter: And Naomi-sensei, I have a question. You know Bugs Bunny?
Naomi: え?(E?)
Peter: That’s all folks Dadadadadada... That will be over. Dadadadadadada… That’s all folks.
Naomi: え、知らない。何ですか。(E, shiranai. Nan desu ka.) What is it?
Peter: Like the Porky Pink, he comes out at the end of Bugs Bunny and I wonder if they translate it as 以上です (ijō desu). 以上です!(Ijō desu!)
Naomi: 本当?わかんない。(Hontō? Wakannai.) でも、以上です (demo, ijō desu) is bit polite じゃない (ja nai)? For kids cartoon.
Peter: And that’s all folks.
Naomi: じゃあ、またね。とかじゃないの?(Jā, mata ne. Toka ja nai no?)
Peter: No. So we have to check that. So if anybody out there knows what Porky Pig says at the end of the cartoons or how it’s translated, let us know.

Lesson focus

Peter: So on to the grammar point, which we don’t have today but what we would like to do is just go over again couple of things we talked about in today’s lesson. These phrases and expressions are very, very useful actually. These phrases we covered today are essential for making a way through a restaurant.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: So do you want to cover anything else today?
Naomi: ガーデンサラダをドレッシングなしで。(Gāden sarada o doresshingu nashi de.)
Peter: So Garden salad without dressing. So here we are going to cover なしで (nashi de). This is used to ask the person preparing something to leave out whatever proceeds なしで (nashi de).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Especially if you have an allergy.
Peter: Or if you don’t like something.
Naomi: まあまあ、そうだけどね。(Mā ma, sō da kedo ne.)
Peter: So for example, if you want a Hamburger without onions?
Naomi: ハンバーガーをオニオンなしで。(Hanbāgā o onion nashi de.)
Peter: So Hamburger without onions and of course, you would add お願いします (onegai shimasu) unlike Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: ハンバーガーをオニオン抜きで。(Hanbāgā o onion nuki de.) It would be good too.
Peter: Yes, now なし/抜きで (nashi / nuki de) are almost interchangeable but there are several instances where they are not. Prevalent one is with ice, 氷 (kōri).
Naomi: あ、そうですね。あの、氷なしで。コーラを氷なしで。(A, sō desu ne. Ano, kōri nashi de. Kōra o kōri nashi de.)
Peter: Cola please. No ice.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: Now inside the PDF there are a couple more very useful examples and again you can reinforce what you learned in today’s lesson. Also if you are heading to Japan, go into the premium learning center, use the voice recording tool to actually practice this. It will really be worth it when you get the food that you want as a lot of Japanese people are not very accustomed to providing the food your way.
Naomi: あ、そうかもしれないですね。(A, sō kamo shirenai desu ne.) I am always surprised when I go to lunch with Markee, he always asks something to the waiter.
Peter: Yeah very アメリカ人らしい (Amerika-jin rashii).
Naomi: そう。カルボナーラをベーコンなしで、とかね。(Sō. Karubonāra o bēkon nashi de, toka ne.)
Peter: So Carbonara without the Bacon.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) まあ (mā) Markee doesn’t like Carbonara, but.
Peter: So he just wants the Bacon.
Naomi: え、違う、あの。 (E, chigau, ano.) He might not use this phrase because he doesn’t like Carbonara.
Peter: Is Carbonara supposed to come with Bacon?
Naomi: Yeah, I think so. No?
Peter: I don’t know but these phrases will help you get whatever you are eating in the way you wanted.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: Now we learned how to get things without but how do you ask someone to add it on like you don’t want the bacon but you want the onions and peppers.
Naomi: You mean 追加 (tsuika)? It’s a bit difficult grammar for…
Peter: For people who want to eat the way they want. Sorry you’re not advanced enough to get the food you want.
Naomi: Okay. 追加。(Tsuika.)
(slow) ついか (tsuika) (natural speed) 追加 (tsuika)
Peter: You can use this in a couple of ways. You can put the item and then say 追加でお願いします (tsuika de onegai shimasu), for example.
Naomi: ベーコンを追加でお願いします。(Bēkon o tsuika de onegai shimasu.)
Peter: So please add on Bacon or you could say 追加お願いします (tsuika onegai shimasu) and then add the item which is not grammatically correct but you do get the point across. 追加お願いします (tsuika onegai shimasu) but 追加 (tsuika) has the notion that like it’s something you are going to add on, but it’s going to cost you.
Naomi: あ、そうですね。(A, sō desu ne.)
Peter: We will work on how to get free stuff another time but.
Naomi: あ、でも大盛りとかはいいかもしれないですね。(A, demo ōmori toka wa ii kamo shirenai desu ne.)
Peter: Yes, which is
Naomi: Big serving?
Peter: Yeah.
Naomi: Or large size.
Peter: Kind of like the good old super size.
Naomi: そうそうそう。カレーを大盛りでお願いします。(Sō sō sō. Karē o ōmori de onegai shimasu.)
Peter: Curry in your biggest size. Let me have your biggest plate of curry.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)


Peter: That’s going to do it for today. いいいいい以上です!(I i i i i ijō desu!)
Naomi: じゃじゃじゃじゃじゃじゃあ、またね!(Ja ja ja ja ja jā, mata ne!)
Peter: That’s definitely not the character. You just destroyed the Porky Pig.
Naomi: じゃあ、また。(Jā, mata.)8


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