
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: おはよう、ボストン。ナツコです。(Ohayō, Bosuton. Natsuko desu.)
Yoshi: おはよう、ボストン。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Bosuton. Yoshi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #92. Now this series is going to go on and on. What are you thinking? Oh yes, Natsuko-san.
Natsuko: Another series?
Peter: Another series. We got a new – a new drama slaughtered for our Thursday shows.
Natsuko: Wow!
Peter: Which means yes we will be back with this again tomorrow and then the next week and then next week and next week and we will see where it goes. Please give us some feedback about this and tell us what you think. So today Natsuko-san will be making her debut in this drama plus we are going to introduce you to another very interesting grammar structure. Now this is the conjunctive form of the present progressive. We are going to work on getting more than one idea in a sentence using the present progressive. Now this is quite useful for everyday conversation and really taking your Japanese to the next level. All right, with that said, let’s get on to today’s lesson. Here we go.
夏子 (Natsuko) : はい。(Hai.)
たけ (Take) : もしもし。今上野公園に来ています。今どこですか。(Moshimoshi. Ima Ueno Kōen ni kite imasu. Ima doko desu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : あ、今そちらへ向かっています。(A, ima sochira e mukatte imasu.)
たけ (Take) : どんな格好していますか。(Donna kakkō shite imasu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : 白い帽子をかぶっていて、赤いシャツを着ていて、犬をつれています。(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte ite, akai shatsu o kite ite, inu o tsurete imasu.)
たけ (Take) : 犬ですか!(Inu desu ka!)
夏子 (Natsuko) : うん、もちろん!犬は好きでしょう?(Un, mochiron! Inu wa suki deshō?)
たけ (Take) : 実は、あまり。。。(Jitsu wa, amari…)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ちょっと!うちの子を見てよ。気が変わりますよ。超かわいいのよ。(Chotto! Uchi no ko o mite yo. Ki ga kawarimasu yo. Chō kawaii no yo.)
たけ (Take) : そうですね。 楽しみにしています!(Sō desu ne. Tanoshimi ni shite imasu!)
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃ。後5分で。じゃあね。(Ja. Ato go-fun de. Jā ne.)
たけ (Take) : じゃあね。(Jā ne.)
Natsuko: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : はい。(Hai.)
たけ (Take) : もしもし。今上野公園に来ています。今どこですか。(Moshimoshi. Ima Ueno Kōen ni kite imasu. Ima doko desu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : あ、今そちらへ向かっています。(A, ima sochira e mukatte imasu.)
たけ (Take) : どんな格好していますか。(Donna kakkō shite imasu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : 白い帽子をかぶっていて、赤いシャツを着ていて、犬をつれています。(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte ite, akai shatsu o kite ite, inu o tsurete imasu.)
たけ (Take) : 犬ですか!(Inu desu ka!)
夏子 (Natsuko) : うん、もちろん!犬は好きでしょう?(Un, mochiron! Inu wa suki deshō?)
たけ (Take) : 実は、あまり。。。(Jitsu wa, amari…)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ちょっと!うちの子を見てよ。気が変わりますよ。超かわいいのよ。(Chotto! Uchi no ko o mite yo. Ki ga kawarimasu yo. Chō kawaii no yo.)
たけ (Take) : そうですね。 楽しみにしています!(Sō desu ne. Tanoshimi ni shite imasu!)
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃ。後5分で。じゃあね。(Ja. Ato go-fun de. Jā ne.)
たけ (Take) : じゃあね。(Jā ne.)
次は、ピーターさんの英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Pītā-san no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : はい。(Hai.)
たけ (Take) : もしもし。今上野公園に来ています。(Moshimoshi. Ima Ueno Kōen ni kite imasu.)
TAKE: Hello. I'm in Ueno Park.
たけ (Take) : 今どこですか。(Ima doko desu ka.)
TAKE: Where are you now?
夏子 (Natsuko) : あ、今そちらへ向かっています。(A, ima sochira e mukatte imasu.)
NATSUKO: Ah, I'm heading there now.
たけ (Take) : どんな格好していますか。(Donna kakkō shite imasu ka.)
TAKE: What do you look like?
夏子 (Natsuko) : 白い帽子をかぶっていて、(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte ite,)
NATSUKO: I'm wearing a white hat,
夏子 (Natsuko) : 赤いシャツを着ていて、(akai shatsu o kite ite,)
NATSUKO: a red shirt,
夏子 (Natsuko) : 犬をつれています。(inu o tsurete imasu.)
NATSUKO: and I'm with a dog.
たけ (Take) : 犬ですか!(Inu desu ka!)
TAKE: A dog!
夏子 (Natsuko) : うん、もちろん!(Un, mochiron!)
NATSUKO: Yes, of course.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 犬は好きでしょう?(Inu wa suki deshō?)
NATSUKO: You like dogs, right?
たけ (Take) : 実は、あまり。。。(Jitsu wa, amari…)
TAKE: The truth is, I don't really...
夏子 (Natsuko) : ちょっと!うちの子を見てよ。(Chotto! Uchi no ko o mite yo.)
NATSUKO: Hey! Look at my baby.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 気が変わりますよ。(Ki ga kawarimasu yo.)
NATSUKO: You'll change your mind.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 超かわいいのよ。(Chō kawaii no yo.)
NATSUKO: It's super cute.
たけ (Take) : そうですね。 楽しみにしています!(Sō desu ne. Tanoshimi ni shite imasu!)
TAKE: Right. I'm looking forward to it.
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃ。(Ja.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : 後5分で。(Ato go-fun de.)
NATSUKO: In five, then.
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃあね。(Jā ne.)
NATSUKO: See you.
たけ (Take) : じゃあね。(Jā ne.)
TAKE: See you.
Peter: Actually before we get into vocab, there are a few things we want to point out about the conversation. The first thing we’d like to look at is the sentence.
Natsuko: 今、上野公園に来ています。(Ima, Ueno Kōen ni kite imasu.)
Peter: First things first. Notice that in the sentence
Natsuko: 今、上野公園に来ています。(Ima, Ueno Kōen ni kite imasu.)
Peter: The subject is left out. Now as it’s a phone call and there is usually caller ID, you know you can see who the phone call is coming from, the subject is kind of understood here but for argument sake, let’s put the subject in, what would the sentence look like?
Natsuko: 今、私は上野公園に来ています。(Ima, watashi wa Ueno Kōen ni kite imasu.)
Peter: Again in this sentence, the subject is left out. Next point we’d like to look at is the present progressive of the verb to come. The direct translation of the present progressive of 来る (kuru) is I am coming. However the meaning of the present progressive differs for some verbs. In Japanese, sometimes the present progressive is also used to represent a current state. In this case,
Natsuko: 来ています (kite imasu)
Peter: Represents the state of having come. In this case, to Ueno Park to illustrate this better, let’s give another example. What we have in mind here is
Natsuko: 泊まる (tomaru)
Peter: To stay. Now Natsuko-san, can you give us an example sentence?
Natsuko: 今、ハイアットに泊まっています。(Ima, Haiatto ni tomatte imasu.)
Peter: Now I am staying at the Hyatt hotel and of course, this has the same meaning in English. I am staying at the Hyatt. Again this represents the state of staying at that hotel for the trip, not actually remaining at the hotel and we have one more example, Natsuko-san.
Natsuko: 窓が閉まっている。(Mado ga shimatte iru.)
Peter: The window is in a state of being closed. The window is closed. Now another good example of this would be I am commuting to school. Natsuko-san, could you give us the sentence for “I am commuting to university”?
Natsuko: 私は大学に通っています。(Watashi wa daigaku ni kayotte imasu.)
Peter: Now this doesn’t mean at a particular time, that person is going to school. It means they are in the state of studying at that university. Okay, so this is one point we want to really stress that sometimes it’s not that actual action taking place in the present time but rather a state. All right, okay next thing we’d like to look at.
Yoshi: どんな格好をしていますか。(Donna kakkō o shite imasu ka.)
Peter: What kind of appearance. Now again this is another one that is representing a state. And the best translation for this is what do you look like. What state is your appearance in and the reason this one is quite tricky is because you can be talking about a person’s clothing or their features. For example, can we have that question one more time?
Natsuko: どんな格好をしていますか。(Donna kakkō o shite imasu ka.)
Peter: What does he look like? He is a big guy. How would we say that?
Natsuko: 彼はがっしりしています。(Kare wa gasshiri shite imasu.)
Peter: And how about thin?
Natsuko: 彼は痩せています。(Kare wa yasete imasu.)
Peter: Fat.
Natsuko: 彼は太っています。(Kare wa futotte imasu.)
Peter: And here we are talking about the general features. Now we can also talk about the clothing as we did in the dialogue. In the dialogue, we had
Natsuko: 白い帽子をかぶっていて、赤いシャツを着ていて、犬を連れています。(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte ite, akai shatsu o kite ite, inu o tsurete imasu.)
Peter: Okay, here we are talking about the appearance and again when we talk about what kind of appearance, what do you look like, what kind of appearance, it could refer to many different things as in features or as in someone’s clothing.
Peter: Okay, now on to today’s vocab, here we go.
Yoshi: 向かう (mukau)
Peter: Go toward, to head towards.
Yoshi: (slow)むかう (mukau) (natural speed) 向かう (mukau)
Peter: Can we have an example sentence from Natsuko-san?
Yoshi: ナツコさん、例をお願いします。(Natsuko-san, rei o onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: 駅に向かって、左手にまっすぐ行ってください。(Eki ni mukatte, hidarite ni massugu itte kudasai.)
Peter: Some directions there.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: How about an example from Yoshi-san?
Natsuko: ヨシさん、例文をお願いします。(Yoshi-san, reibun o onegai shimasu.)
Yoshi: 病気は回復へ向かっています。(Byōki wa kaifuku e mukatte imasu.)
Peter: In the first example, we were talking about the actual direction. Now in this one, one more time, Yoshi-san.
Yoshi: 病気は回復へ向かっています。(Byōki wa kaifuku e mukatte imasu.)
Peter: Heading towards getting better. So not a literal direction here. Okay, so please be aware of the multiple ways to use this. Next we have, ナツコさん、お願いします。(Natsuko-san, onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、格好をする (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, kakkō o suru)
Peter: To dress.
Natsuko: (slow)かっこうをする (kakkō o suru) (natural speed) 格好をする (kakkō o suru)
Peter: How about an example?
Natsuko: いい格好をする (ii kakkō o suru)
Peter: Show off. All right, next.
Yoshi: 暖かい格好をする (atatakai kakkō o suru)
Peter: Wear something warm and before we gave you multiple examples of talking about someone’s appearance. Next.
Yoshi: 次のキーワードは、かぶる (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, kaburu)
Peter: To wear, referring to something on the head. And it has that pull down motion.
Yoshi: (slow)かぶる (kaburu) (natural speed) かぶる (kaburu)
Peter: Yoshi-san, can we have an example?
Yoshi: 帽子をかぶる。(Bōshi o kaburu.)
Peter: To wear a hat. To put on a hat. Natsuko-san,
Natsuko: ヘルメットをかぶる。(Herumetto o kaburu.)
Peter: To wear a helmet. To put on a helmet and one last example for wearing something on the head. How about a ski mask in case you are going to rob something.
Natsuko: 目だし帽をかぶる。(Medashibō o kaburu.)
Peter: So again this is the verb because you are pulling down over the head that’s the motion.
Yoshi: Actually Peter, the common thing for the Japanese robbers to wear is white mask and sunglasses.
Peter: Now that you say, yes. Yoshi, would you be willing to dress up for a picture?
Yoshi: Of course, yeah.
Natsuko: The common style for a robber?
Peter: So we are going to see if we get a picture of Yoshi up on the website. Natsuko – Natsuko-san, how about you?
Natsuko: No way, no thanks.
Yoshi: How about if we all dress up like that?
Peter: I am going to go with Natsuko-san here. And Natsuko-san, how do we politely refuse?
Natsuko: 遠慮します。(Enryo shimasu.)
Peter: ヨシさん、遠慮します。(Yoshi-san, enryo shimasu.)
Yoshi: Okay, I will ask Nathan.
Peter: All right. So we will see if we can get that picture up there for you. Okay, next.
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、気が変わります (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, ki ga kawarimasu)
Peter: To change one’s mind. Next we have
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、連れる (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, tsureru)
Peter: To take with.
Natsuko: (slow)つれる (tsureru) (natural speed) 連れる (tsureru)
Peter: And this is used when you take with you a living animated thing.
Natsuko: Yes, usually.
Peter: Okay, so if it’s a book, what would you say?
Natsuko: 持つ (motsu)
Peter: To hold and to have but when it’s something living, we say
Natsuko: 連れる (tsureru)
Peter: And in this case, what was it?
Natsuko: 犬 (inu)
Peter: Okay, so to bring the dog.
Natsuko: 犬を連れている。(Inu o tsurete iru.)
Peter: Natsuko-san, let’s ask Yoshi-san for an example.
Natsuko: ヨシさん、例をお願いします。(Yoshi-san, rei o onegai shimasu.)
Yoshi: ナツコさんを連れて、パーティーに行きます。(Natsuko-san o tsurete, pātī ni ikimasu.)
Peter: To take Natsuko to a party.
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、超可愛い (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, chō kawaii)
Peter: Super cute. Break it down, Natsuko-san.
Natsuko: (slow)ちょうかわいい (chō kawaii) (natural speed) 超可愛い (chō kawaii)
Peter: Now what we want to look at is this
Natsuko: 超 (chō)
Peter: Now if you put this in front of adjectives, it makes it super.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Really, really amazingly something.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Recently you can use this with almost any adjective. Just put it in front of the adjective and you have super something.
Natsuko: Yes, a bit slangy isn’t it?
Peter: Yeah, so we recommend that you’d use this among friends.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And not in informal situations.
Natsuko: Yes, you better not.
Peter: Now what’s one way using this construction to say it’s unbelievably delicious.
Yoshi: これ、超うまい。(Kore, chō umai.)
Peter: And remember, what Yoshi just said is more of a male way of speaking. What do we say on the female side?
Natsuko: これ、超美味しいね。(Kore, chō oishii ne.)
Peter: And on the other side of the spectrum, we have
Natsuko: 超まずい。(Chō mazui.)
Peter: Extremely bad.
Natsuko: Bad taste.
Peter: Yeah, as in food. Now is this for both guys and girls?
Natsuko: Yes, I think so.
Peter: And again when you are talking among friends, if you are at a business meeting and you are having some dinner, I don’t think this is the word you really want to say.
Natsuko: Yes, you shouldn’t say.
Peter: Yeah. So again this is the phrase for the intimate circle.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay, now on to today’s grammar point. Today’s grammar point is the conjunctive form of the present progressive. Now in the dialogue, what do we have, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: 白い帽子をかぶっていて、赤いシャツを着ていて、犬を連れています。(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte ite, akai shatsu o kite ite, inu o tsurete imasu.)
Peter: So I am wearing a white hat. Wearing a red shirt and I am with a dog. Now to see how this construction is formed, let’s first look at the present progressive. Natsuko-san, how do we form the present progressive, one more time?
Natsuko: You add いる (iru) to the te-form of a verb.
Peter: Okay, so how about eating?
Natsuko: 食べている (tabete iru)
Peter: Now the auxiliary verb
Natsuko: いる (iru)
Peter: Is a class 2 verb.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And it’s conjugated accordingly. So remember, the te-form acts as a conjunction. So we have the te-form conjunction. So all we have to do is turn the いる (iru) into
Natsuko: いて (ite)
Peter: And we do this by dropping the る (ru) and adding the
Natsuko: て (te)
Peter: To the auxiliary verb. And then we continue on with the sentence. With this construction, we can make more elaborate sentences instead of saying three separate sentences.
Natsuko: 白い帽子をかぶっています。赤いシャツを着ています。犬を連れています。(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte imasu. Akai shatsu o kite imasu. Inu o tsurete imasu.)
Peter: Instead of using these three extremely basic sentences, these simple sentences to explain about her appearance, we can use the te-form for the present progressive and make it into one sentence.
Natsuko: 白い帽子をかぶっていて、赤いシャツを着ていて、犬を連れています。(Shiroi bōshi o kabutte ite, akai shatsu o kite ite, inu o tsurete imasu.)


Peter: All right. More about this inside the PDF. For today, that’s going to do it.
Natsuko: じゃ、また明日ね。(Ja, mata ashita ne.)
Peter: またね。(Mata ne.)


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