
Vocabulary (Review)

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Yoshi: おはよう、ハバナ。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Habana. Yoshi desu.)
Chigusa: おはよう、ハバナ。ちぐさです。(Ohayō, Habana. Chigusa desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #89. All right, we are joined again in the studio by Chigusa-san and Yoshi-san back for round 2 of the present progressive. Now today we are going to cover the negative present progressive. Now in order to do this, we will continue with yesterday’s conversation. The phone has been hung up and the husband and wife will have a little chit chat about what’s going on at home and who is doing what. Now two important things to pay attention to here. One, how they refer to their own children as opposed to yesterday when the babysitter was referring to them. Two is the conversation. Now yesterday we pointed out that married people, they talk in an informal, well, in most, most cases. Sometimes it is a rare exception, but they will be talking in informal but for today’s conversation, we are going to twist it and make it into the polite, more formal way of speaking.Here we go.
夫 (otto) : みんなは何していますか。(Minna wa nani shite imasu ka.)
妻 (tsuma) : 私の息子は宿題をやっています。(Watashi no musuko wa shukudai o yatte imasu.)
夫 (otto) : テレビは見ていませんか。(Terebi wa mite imasen ka.)
妻 (tsuma) : もちろん。見ていません。私の息子はテレビは見ません。(Mochiron. Mite imasen. Watashi no musuko wa terebi wa mimasen.)
夫 (otto) : はあ? (Hā?)
妻 (tsuma) : でも、あなたの娘たちは相変わらず悪い子です。あなたの長女は携帯で友達と話しています。そして、あなたの次女はまたネットを見ています。(Demo, anata no musume-tachi wa aikawarazu warui ko desu. Anata no chōjo wa keitai de tomodachi to hanashite imasu. Soshite, anata no jijo wa mata netto o mite imasu.)
夫 (otto) : 私たちの子供でしょう?(Watashi-tachi no kodomo deshō?)
妻 (tsuma) : いいえ。悪い子はあなたの。いい子は私の。(Iie. Warui ko wa anata no. Ii ko wa watashi no.)
夫 (otto) : はあ?(Hā?)
妻 (tsuma) : やっぱり、あなたの遺伝子が悪いですね。(Yappari, anata no idenshi ga warui desu ne.)
Yoshi: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
夫 (otto) : みんなは何していますか。(Minna wa nani shite imasu ka.)
妻 (tsuma) : 私の息子は宿題をやっています。(Watashi no musuko wa shukudai o yatte imasu.)
夫 (otto) : テレビは見ていませんか。(Terebi wa mite imasen ka.)
妻 (tsuma) : もちろん。見ていません。私の息子はテレビは見ません。(Mochiron. Mite imasen. Watashi no musuko wa terebi wa mimasen.)
夫 (otto) : はあ? (Hā?)
妻 (tsuma) : でも、あなたの娘たちは相変わらず悪い子です。あなたの長女は携帯で友達と話しています。そして、あなたの次女はまたネットを見ています。(Demo, anata no musume-tachi wa aikawarazu warui ko desu. Anata no chōjo wa keitai de tomodachi to hanashite imasu. Soshite, anata no jijo wa mata netto o mite imasu.)
夫 (otto) : 私たちの子供でしょう?(Watashi-tachi no kodomo deshō?)
妻 (tsuma) : いいえ。悪い子はあなたの。いい子は私の。(Iie. Warui ko wa anata no. Ii ko wa watashi no.)
夫 (otto) : はあ?(Hā?)
妻 (tsuma) : やっぱり、あなたの遺伝子が悪いですね。(Yappari, anata no idenshi ga warui desu ne.)
Yoshi: 次は、ピーターさんの英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Pītā-san no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
夫 (otto) : みんなは何していますか。(Minna wa nani shite imasu ka.)
HUSBAND: What is everybody doing?
妻 (tsuma) : 私の息子は宿題をやっています。(Watashi no musuko wa shukudai o yatte imasu.)
WIFE: My son is doing homework.
夫 (otto) : テレビは見ていませんか。(Terebi wa mite imasen ka.)
HUSBAND: He is not watching TV?
妻 (tsuma) : もちろん。見ていません。(Mochiron. Mite imasen.)
WIFE: Of course he is not watching.
妻 (tsuma) : 私の息子はテレビは見ません。(Watashi no musuko wa terebi wa mimasen.)
WIFE: My son doesn't watch TV.
夫 (otto) : はあ?(Hā?)
妻 (tsuma) : でも、あなたの娘たちは相変わらず悪い子です。(Demo, anata no musume-tachi wa aikawarazu warui ko desu.)
WIFE: But your daughters, as usual, are bad.
妻 (tsuma) : あなたの長女は携帯で友達と話しています。(Anata no chōjo wa keitai de tomodachi to hanashite imasu.)
WIFE: Your older daughter is talking on the cellphone with a friend.
妻 (tsuma) : そして、あなたの次女はまたネットを見ています。(Soshite, anata no jijo wa
mata netto o mite imasu.)
WIFE: And your second daughter is surfing the net again.
夫 (otto) : 私たちの子供でしょう?(Watashi-tachi no kodomo deshō?)
HUSBAND: Our children, right?
妻 (tsuma) : いいえ。(Iie.)
妻 (tsuma) : 悪い子はあなたの。(Waruiko wa anata no.)
WIFE: The bad kids are yours.
妻 (tsuma) : いい子は私の。(Ii ko wa watashi no.)
WIFE: The good kids are mine.
夫 (otto) : はあ?(Hā?)
HUSBAND: Huh? What?
妻 (tsuma) : やっぱり、あなたの遺伝子が悪いですね。(Yappari, anata no idenshi ga warui desu ne.)
WIFE: Just as I thought, your genes are bad.
Peter: What a lovely couple.
Yoshi: ぴったり。(Pittari.)
Chigusa: What a terrible mom!
Peter: Chigusa-san, let’s ask Yoshi-san what he thought of the conversation.
Chigusa: ヨシさん、どう思いましたか。(Yoshi-san, dō omoimashita ka.)
Yoshi: どこかで聞いたようなストーリーですね。(Dokoka de kiita yō na sutōrī desu ne.)
Peter: Where did you hear the story, childhood flashbacks?
Chigusa: Oho!
Yoshi: Aha, no….
Chigusa: Heavy….
Peter: Okay. So what we are going to do now is get into the vocabulary. Joining us again today is
Natsuko: 夏子です。よろしくお願いします。(Natsuko desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Peter: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.) And Yoshi-san, are you still with us?
Yoshi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: All right. Where is your greeting?
Yoshi: こんにちは。(Kon’nichiwa.)
Natsuko: こんにちは。(Kon’nichiwa.)
Peter: There we go, that’s better. All right, first word please, Natsuko-san.
Natsuko: はい。最初のキーワードは、相変わらず (Hai. Saisho no kīwādo wa, aikawarazu)
Peter: Without change.
Natsuko: (slow)あいかわらず (aikawarazu) (natural speed) 相変わらず (aikawarazu)
Peter: Now this is actually a grammatical construction, right?
Natsuko: Yes, it is but it’s kind of a phrase used as a common expression.
Peter: Yeah, it’s become a standard phrase, a stock phrase that you will hear many times. Somebody we know used to use it all the time when talking about his condition. Natsuko-san, go ahead.
Natsuko: ピーターさん、元気ですか。(Pītā-san, genki desu ka.)
Peter: 相変わらず、絶好調です。(Aikawarazu, zekkōchō desu.)
Natsuko: Here we go.
Peter: Yes. As always, without change, I am doing great. Now actually the way this is formed, instead of the ない(nai) we put in
Natsuko: ず (zu)
Peter: Natsuko-san, what’s the verb inside this expression?
Natsuko: 変わる (kawaru)
Peter: And this means
Natsuko: To change.
Peter: Now you gave us the dictionary form.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: What’s the plain negative?
Natsuko: 変わらない (kawaranai)
Peter: Okay. We have a ない (nai) at the end.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now that ない (nai) becomes
Natsuko: ず (zu)
Peter: Okay. Now we will have a write up on this inside the PDF but let’s move on. Next we have.
Yoshi: 次のキーワードは、いい子 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, ii ko)
Peter: Good boy, good girl, good child.
Yoshi: そして、悪い子 (Soshite, warui ko)
Peter: Bad boy, bad girl, bad child. Now this pattern and when I say this pattern, I am referring to adjective followed by
Yoshi: 子 (ko)
Peter: Is used quite a lot. There are many, many examples and we are going to give you a bunch. Natsuko-san, first one.
Natsuko: 賢い子 (kashikoi ko)
Peter: Smart child, sharp child.
Yoshi: いじめっ子 (ijimekko)
Peter: Bully.
Natsuko: いたずらっ子 (itazurakko)
Peter: Naughty child.
Yoshi: うるさい子 (urusai ko)
Peter: Loud child.
Natsuko: 素直な子 (sunao na ko)
Peter: Pure child. And notice the な (na) in here.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: One more time, please.
Natsuko: 素直な子 (sunao na ko)
Yoshi: 大人しい子 (otonashii ko)
Peter: Quiet child.
Natsuko: 可愛い子 (kawaii ko)
Peter: Cute child. So lots of these in here. Next.
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、遺伝子 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, idenshi)
Peter: Genes.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now what did we have in the dialogue?
Natsuko: あなたの遺伝子 (anata no idenshi)
Peter: Your genes. And then what was it followed by?
Natsuko: あなたの遺伝子が悪いですね。(Anata no idenshi ga warui desu ne.)
Peter: Your genes are bad. Aren’t they?
Natsuko: What a conversation!
Peter: Yeah, umm but this word you will come across quite often. It’s used in many conversations, I think.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now in addition to conversations, a lot of food products will have this next phrase written on the packaging because there is a big debate now-a-days between genetically modified food and without any alteration. So you may see this on many packages. ナツコさん、お願いします。(Natsuko-san, onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: 遺伝子組み換えの (idenshi kumikae no)
Peter: Genetically modified. I am personally all for this.
Natsuko: Oh really?
Peter: Yeah. How about you, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: Well I want my genes modified.
Peter: What! All right, see that’s the spirit. Now you are a 21st century girl. All right, now a few more things we want to talk about in the dialogue. Yesterday we had this word, too. What was the word for internet?
Natsuko: ネット (netto)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)ネット (netto) (natural speed) ネット (netto)
Peter: Now this is an abbreviation of
Natsuko: インターネット (intānetto)
Peter: So the word is much more similar to the English internet but you can cut this down to just
Natsuko: ネット (netto)
Peter: Now remember there is a slight pause in there as there is a ちっちゃい「つ」(chitchai “tsu”) in there. So you got to watch out for that. Next we’d like to talk about the double は (wa). Can you give us the sentence, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: 私の息子は、テレビは見ません。(Watashi no musuko wa, terebi wa mimasen.)
Peter: Double は (wa).
Natsuko: Uh.
Peter: Any help here? What’s going on? Two topics.
Yoshi: This sentence is emphasizing two things.
Peter: The son and the TV.
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: And this is the pattern that you will come across in Japanese. Now inside the PDF, we will have more on this but we wanted to introduce you to this because you may hear it and you may think that something is wrong but in reality, it’s a perfectly fine sentence. Next up is the use of the possessive here.
Natsuko: 悪い子はあなたの。(Warui ko wa anata no.)
Peter: The bad child, the bad children are yours.
Natsuko: いい子は、私の。(Ii ko wa, watashi no.)
Peter: The good children are mine. Now you see that we are ending these sentences in
Natsuko: の (no)
Peter: The possessive. Now what’s inferred here is
Natsuko: 子 (ko)
Peter: Yes. And of course to make it polite, we would add on.
Natsuko: です (desu)
Peter: Yeah. Again in Japanese, a lot is inferred. So we can end the sentence just with the possessive.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So for example, listen to this next two line conversation.
Yoshi: 誰のかばんですか。(Dare no kaban desu ka.)
Natsuko: あ、私の!(A, watashi no!)
Peter: Whose bag is this? Mine. It’s mine but what’s inferred is it’s my bag.

Lesson focus

Peter: Now on to today’s grammar point.
Natsuko: ていません (te imasen)
Peter: The negative present progressive. Now yesterday we had
Natsuko: ています (te imasu)
Peter: The present progressive, but today we are going to talk about the negative. So Natsuko-san, we are speaking, you are speaking, I am speaking but Yoshi-san is not speaking. Can you give us the three sentences?
Natsuko: 私は話しています。あなたは話しています。ヨシさんは話していません。(Watashi wa hanashite imasu. Anata wa hanashite imasu. Yoshi-san wa hanashite imasen.)
Peter: Yeah, because it’s been a while since he spoke. You are quiet today, Yoshi-san. What’s wrong?
Yoshi: Um… Little tired.
Peter: Yeah. I am not tired.
Natsuko: Really?
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: 相変わらず絶好調?(Aikawarazu zekkōchō?)
Peter: There it is. So when you want to say the negative not doing something, we use
Natsuko: ていません (te imasen)
Peter: So the te-form doesn’t change. What changes is the verb
Natsuko: いる (iru)
Peter: Yes. Now again more on this in the PDF. This is the introduction we wanted to give you. The te-form of the verb doesn’t change. What changes is what comes after it, the いる (iru). The attached いる (iru) changes.


Peter: All right, so that’s going to wrap it up for today. Again stop by japanesepod101.com. Stop by, say hi and be sure to leave us a post.
Natsuko: じゃ、また明日ね。(Ja, mata ashita ne.)
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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