
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: おはよう、リマ。ナツコです。(Ohayō, Rima. Natsuko desu.)
Yoshi: おはよう、リマ。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Rima. Yoshi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #81. All right, we are back with the final day.
Natsuko: Final day?
Peter: Final day of speaking about “to want.” Well, to want to do something, yes.
Natsuko: Don’t surprise me.
Peter: No, no Natsuko, we will be around for a while.
Natsuko: Yes, please.
Peter: Okay, so again, this is part 3, the third lesson dealing with “want to do.” Now this defers to “want something.” We are talking about “want to do something.” Now if you missed the previous two lessons, please see Wednesday and Tuesday lesson or beginner lesson 80 and beginner lesson #79. All right, before we get in, ヨシさん、今日、元気ですか。(Yoshi-san, kyō, genki desu ka.)
Yoshi: 元気です。ナツコさん、元気ですか。(Genki desu. Natsuko-san, genki desu ka.)
Natsuko: 今日もとっても元気です。ピーターは?(Kyō mo tottemo genki desu. Pītā wa?)
Peter: 今日は絶好調です。(Kyō wa zekkōchō desu.)
Natsuko: 今日も、絶好調ですね。あれ?(Kyō mo, zekkōchō desu ne. Are?)
Peter: No, just today.
Natsuko: あ、そうなの?(A, sō na no?)
Peter: そうですね。今日も絶好調です。(Sō desu ne. Kyō mo zekkōchō desu.) Okay, now the reason that I am feeling so good, we are feeling so good is today, we have a very interesting conversation. So what we are going to do is get right in. Here we go.
渡辺 (Watanabe) : やっと同窓会ですね。川村さん、お久しぶりです。(Yatto dōsōkai desu ne. Kawamura-san, o-hisashiburi desu.)
川村 (Kawamura) : ああー、渡辺君、お久しぶりです。(Ā, Watanabe-kun, o-hisashiburi desu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 10年ぶりですね。(Jū-nen buri desu ne.)
川村 (Kawamura) : ああ、そうですね。卒業以来ですね。(Ā, Sō desu ne. Sotsugyō irai desu ne.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 実は、あなたに言いたいことがあります。(Jitsu wa, anata ni iitai koto ga arimasu.)
川村 (Kawamura) : え、何ですか。(E, nan desu ka.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : ずっと昔から言いたかったけど、私は恥ずかしがり屋だったから、あの時言うことができませんでした。(Zutto mukashi kara iitakatta kedo, watashi wa hazukashigariya datta kara, ano toki iu koto ga dekimasen deshita.)
川村 (Kawamura) : 実は、私もあなたに言いたいことがあります。(Jitsu wa, watashi mo anata ni iitai koto ga arimasu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : え、私に?何ですか。(E, watashi ni? Nan desu ka.)
Yoshi: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : やっと同窓会ですね。川村さん、お久しぶりです。(Yatto dōsōkai desu ne. Kawamura-san, o-hisashiburi desu.)
川村 (Kawamura) : ああー、渡辺君、お久しぶりです。(Ā, Watanabe-kun, o-hisashiburi desu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 10年ぶりですね。(Jū-nen buri desu ne.)
川村 (Kawamura) : ああ、そうですね。卒業以来ですね。(Ā, Sō desu ne. Sotsugyō irai desu ne.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 実は、あなたに言いたいことがあります。(Jitsu wa, anata ni iitai koto ga arimasu.)
川村 (Kawamura) : え、何ですか。(E, nan desu ka.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : ずっと昔から言いたかったけど、私は恥ずかしがり屋だったから、あの時言うことができませんでした。(Zutto mukashi kara iitakatta kedo, watashi wa hazukashigariya datta kara, ano toki iu koto ga dekimasen deshita.)
川村 (Kawamura) : 実は、私もあなたに言いたいことがあります。(Jitsu wa, watashi mo anata ni iitai koto ga arimasu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : え、私に?何ですか。(E, watashi ni? Nan desu ka.)
Yoshi: 次は、ピーターさんの英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Pītā-san no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe) : やっと同窓会ですね。(Yatto dōsōkai desu ne.)
WATANABE: Finally, the reunion, right?
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 川村さん、お久しぶりです。(Kawamura-san, o-hisashiburi desu.)
WATANABE: Ms. Kawamura, it's been a long time.
川村 (Kawamura) : ああー、渡辺君、お久しぶりです。(Ā, Watanabe-kun, o-hisashiburi desu.)
KAWAMURA: Ah, Mr. Watanabe, it's been a long time!
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 10年ぶりですね。(Jū-nen buri desu ne.)
WATANABE: It's been 10 years, right?
川村 (Kawamura) : ああ、そうですね。卒業以来ですね。(Ā, Sō desu ne. Sotsugyō irai desu ne.)
KAWAMURA: That's right. Since graduation, right?
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 実は、あなたに言いたいことがあります。(Jitsu wa, anata ni iitai koto ga arimasu.)
WATANABE: The truth is, I have something I want to say to you.
川村 (Kawamura) : え、何ですか。(E, nan desu ka.)
KAWAMURA: Huh, what?
渡辺 (Watanabe) : ずっと昔から言いたかったけど、(Zutto mukashi kara iitakatta kedo,)
WATANABE: For a long time I've wanted to say it, but,
渡辺 (Watanabe) : 私は恥ずかしがり屋だったから、(watashi wa hazukashigariya
datta kara,)
WATANABE: in the past I was shy,
渡辺 (Watanabe) : あの時言うことができませんでした。(ano toki iu koto ga dekimasen deshita.)
WATANABE: And at that time I couldn't say it.
川村 (Kawamura) : 実は、私もあなたに言いたいことがあります。(Jitsu wa, watashi mo anata ni iitai koto ga arimasu.)
KAWAMURA: The truth is, I have something I want to say to you, too.
渡辺 (Watanabe) : え、私に?何ですか。(E, watashi ni? Nan desu ka.)
WATANABE: Huh? Me? What?
Peter: So Natsuko-san, what did you think of today’s conversation?
Natsuko: Pretty interesting. Isn’t it?
Peter: Yes, and as you could probably tell, we have started another mini-series.
Natsuko: This one is not a Penguin, right?
Peter: Not a penguin and this one also, well as of right now, it doesn’t seem to have too many – how can we say politely crazy people or… I know, interesting characters in this one.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: But then again we never know what will happen here. Natsuko-san, can we ask Yoshi-san what he thought of this in Japanese?
Natsuko: ヨシさん、この会話は、どう思いましたか。(Yoshi-san, kono kaiwa wa, dō omoimashita ka.)
Yoshi: なんだか、青春ドラマが始まりそうな予感がします。(Nandaka, seishun dorama ga hajimarisō na yokan ga shimasu.)
Natsuko: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: Wait! Wait! What kind of drama? Give it to us one more time, Yoshi-san?
Yoshi: 青春ドラマ (seishun dorama)
Peter: ナツコさん、お願いします。(Natsuko-san, onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: Drama of younger days.
Peter: We are not that old, Natsuko-san. Sorry, Yoshi-san, we are not that old. Come on, this is right around our time, 10-year unions.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now the characters in this word, what’s that word one more time? ヨシさん、お願いします。(Yoshi-san, onegai shimasu.)
Yoshi: 青春 (seishun)
Peter: So Natsuko, what was the first kanji in this word?
Natsuko: 青 (sei)
Peter: And this is?
Natsuko: Blue.
Peter: Now what does this blue – what does blue imply in Japanese?
Natsuko: It often means young and maybe immature.
Peter: Why would it mean this?
Natsuko: I think there are several reasons but one is because in Japanese, sometimes you call something green, blue.
Peter: Yeah, so this is crossing over for this color.
Natsuko: Uhoo…
Peter: And the green is associated with…
Natsuko: The fruits are still not ripe.
Peter: All right. So the rest of the word was
Yoshi: 春 (shun)
Peter: And what does this kanji mean?
Yoshi: Spring.
Peter: Green spring or blue spring.
Natsuko: Yes, and in this word, it means the springtime of your life, so early days.
Yoshi: Though you can always have 青春 (seishun) in your heart.
Natsuko: Did you hear that?
Peter: Oh what a sentimental guy, Yoshi-san! And how do we say this in Japanese?
Yoshi: How about 一生青春 (isshō seishun)?
Peter: Natsuko-san, verdict please.
Natsuko: I agree.
Peter: All right, there it is. A Yoshi-san original. Young at heart.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now again this is us creating words and creating conversation. So I don’t think this is the accepted norm for young at heart but if you are spending time with Yoshi-san, it’s going to be okay.
Yoshi: Okay.
Peter: All right. So let’s get into vocab. Today we don’t have too many words but what we do have, we are going to look at thoroughly. So here we go. Natsuko-san, first word お願いします (onegai shimasu).
Natsuko: 最初のキーワードは、同窓会 (Saisho no kīwādo wa, dōsōkai)
Peter: School reunion.
Natsuko: (slow)どうそうかい (dōsōkai) (natural speed) 同窓会 (dōsōkai)
Peter: Yoshi-san, let’s ask Natsuko-san if she has been to her school reunion.
Yoshi: ナツコさん、同窓会に行きましたか。(Natsuko-san, dōsōkai ni ikimashita ka.)
Natsuko: しばらく行っていません。(Shibaraku itte imasen.)
Peter: So Natsuko hasn’t been. You haven’t been to a school reunion?
Natsuko: For a while, yes.
Peter: Yeah. My 10-year union was a couple of years ago but unfortunately I couldn’t go because I was in Japan.
Natsuko: Oh, you should have invited all of them then to Japan. Hey gather!
Peter: Ah would you like to pay for 300 tickets, Natsuko-san or maybe we could convince them to have it in Tokyo. We will see but, school reunion. Now are there other types of unions?
Natsuko: How about 同期会 (dōkikai)?
Peter: And what’s this?
Natsuko: It’s basically the same with 同窓会 (dōsōkai), but it is usually used for a company.
Peter: Ah so people who have retired.
Natsuko: Not always but you know, they hold 同期会 (dōkikai) among those who still work.
Peter: Ah.
Natsuko: But also for someone who retired and it’s a gathering for people who enter the company in the same year.
Peter: Now I see. So kind of like the school union is for the class of 93 or something.
Natsuko: Yes, yes.
Peter: And what was the word one more time, please?
Natsuko: 同期会 (dōkikai)
Peter: And this is for people who would enter the company in the same year.
Natsuko: Aaha.
Peter: Okay.
Natsuko: And you call them 同期 (dōki).
Peter: Okay.
Natsuko: The same year.
Peter: I see. Now school union, one more time, please.
Natsuko: 同窓会 (dōsōkai)
Peter: Now is this for elementary school, middle school, high school and university?
Natsuko: Maybe yes. I think so.
Peter: Okay, yeah but elementary school union. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of that.
Natsuko: Oh really? They do have it.
Peter: Really?
Natsuko: Uhoo…
Peter: So in Japan, they actually have elementary school reunions.
Natsuko: Yes, they do.
Peter: Wow! Yes, again we’d love to hear what’s going on in your country. Please let us know how often you get together. What’s going on there? Please keep the posts coming. All right, next we have
Yoshi: 次のキーワードは、ぶり (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, buri) (slow)ぶり (buri) (natural speed) ぶり (buri)
Peter: Now this is a suffix when attached means for the first time in. In the dialogue, what did we have?
Yoshi: 10年ぶり (jū-nen buri)
Peter: So the
Yoshi: ぶり (buri)
Peter: Is attached to the time which in this case was
Yoshi: 10年 (jū-nen)
Peter: For the first time in 10 years. So, how will we say, for the first time in one year?
Yoshi: 1年ぶり (ichi-nen buri)
Peter: First time in six months.
Yoshi: 6ヶ月ぶり (rokkagetsu buri)
Peter: First time in one month.
Yoshi: 1ヶ月ぶり (ikkagetsu buri)
Peter: But Natsuko-san, is this a little too short to use ぶり(buri)?
Natsuko: It depends on the case, you know. Maybe some of them joke like, あ~、24時間ぶり。(Ā, ni-jū yo-jikan buri.)
Peter: The first time in 24 hours.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Yoshi-san liked that one.
Yoshi: Yeah, I am going to use it.
Natsuko: Logically it’s correct.
Peter: Okay, so there is no time limit. I guess it depends on how often you do something.
Natsuko: Yes, right.
Peter: Again this is a suffix attached to a certain amount of time. Okay, next.
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、以来 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, irai)
Peter: Since.
Natsuko: (slow)いらい (irai) (natural speed) 以来 (irai)
Peter: Natsuko-san, can you give us an example?
Natsuko: お正月以来、全く休みがありません。(O-shōgatsu irai, mattaku yasumi ga arimasen.)
Peter: I haven’t had a holiday since New Year’s.
Natsuko: Is that about you, Peter?
Peter: I think about all of us, Natsuko-san. Everybody here.
Natsuko: Oh no.
Peter: But recently I think we’ve actually – we are almost there, almost but still 6 months is too long.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now what we want to point out about 以来 (irai) is you add this to a noun.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: There is no possessive marker in there, の (no). What we do is add it directly to the noun. In the dialogue, we had
Natsuko: 卒業以来 (sotsugyō irai)
Peter: Since graduation. In the example we just looked at, we had
Natsuko: お正月以来 (o-shōgatsu irai)
Peter: Again 以来 (irai) gets added to the noun. Next we have
Yoshi: 次のキーワードは、恥ずかしがり屋 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, hazukashigariya)
Peter: Shy.
Yoshi: (slow)はずかしがりや (hazukashigariya) (natural speed) 恥ずかしがり屋 (hazukashigariya)
Peter: Now Yoshi-san, what word does this come from?
Yoshi: 恥ずかしい (hazukashii)
Peter: And this means, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: Feel embarrassed.
Peter: Yes. The difference between 恥ずかしい (hazukashii) and 恥ずかしがり屋 (hazukashigariya) is the い (i) from 恥ずかしい (hazukashii) gets dropped and we add on
Natsuko: がり(gari) and then 屋 (ya).
Peter: So, shy person. What is the character at the end that 屋 (ya) the kanji at the end?
Natsuko: It means house.
Peter: So the house of someone feeling embarrassed, shy.
Natsuko: And often used for stores.
Peter: Good point. So this is what we have for “shy.” Natsuko-san, can we ask Yoshi-san what’s the opposite of shy?
Natsuko: ヨシさん、恥ずかしがり屋の反対は何ですか。(Yoshi-san, hazukashigariya no hantai wa nan desu ka.)
Yoshi: 積極的な人 (sekkyokuteki na hito) or maybe 社交的な人 (shakōteki na hito)
Peter: Both would be okay.
Natsuko: Yes, there are many ways.
Peter: Yeah, I think in Japanese, there are few ways to say outgoing.
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: The first one Yoshi-san gave us was
Yoshi: 積極的 (sekkyokuteki)
Peter: And the second one was
Natsuko: 社交的 (shakōteki)
Peter: Now more about these in the PDF.

Lesson focus

Peter: Now let’s move on to today’s point. Today’s point is the past tense of wanting to do something. Now if we remember, たい (tai) is actually an auxiliary adjective. So it’s added to the masu-stem of verbs to indicate one wants to do something. Now since it ends in い (i), it’s conjugated as an i-adjective. Now Natsuko-san, how do we say, today it’s hot in Japanese?
Natsuko: 今日は暑い。(Kyō wa atsui.)
Peter: How do we say yesterday was hot?
Natsuko: 昨日は暑かった。(Kinō wa atsukatta.)
Peter: The い (i) becomes
Natsuko: かった (katta)
Peter: Again the conjugation of i-adjectives to the past tense い (i) becomes
Natsuko: かった (katta)
Peter: Now in the dialogue, what did we have?
Natsuko: ずっと昔から言いたかった。(Zutto mukashi kara iitakatta.)
Peter: I wanted to say for a long time, I wanted to say. So we turned
Natsuko: 言いたい (iitai)
Peter: Into.
Natsuko: 言いたかった (iitakatta)
Peter: The い (i) becomes
Natsuko: かった (katta)
Peter: And this is the way we conjugate to the past tense. So if you want something, it’s
Natsuko: たい (tai)
Peter: If you wanted something
Natsuko: たかった (takatta)
Peter: Yes, and of course before this comes the appropriate masu-stem of the verb. Okay, now one more thing we’d like to look at. In today’s dialogue, we often use the structure
Yoshi: ことがあります (koto ga arimasu)
Peter: Now こと (koto) means thing and あります (arimasu) is to exist for inanimate objects. So there exists this thing. Now what did we put in front of this?
Natsuko: 言いたいことがあります。(Iitai koto ga arimasu.)
Peter: There is this thing I want to say. And it’s quite a different construction than I want to say. Now we are going to have more about these two constructions in the PDF but we wanted to point out that you will often hear in Japanese こと (koto), which is actually a nominalizer. It turns the phrase into a noun. Before があります (ga arimasu), there is this thing and before こと (koto) explains what this thing is.


Peter: All right, so that’s going to do it.
Natsuko: じゃ、また明日ね。(Ja, mata ashita ne.)
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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