
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: ナツコです。(Natsuko desu.)
Kazunori: カズノリです。(Kazunori desu.)
Peter: Peter here and we are back again with another lesson in practical and basic Japanese. Okay, we have a great lesson for you today, a really good lesson. This one is for everybody out there who has been asking about how to compliment members of the opposite sex. Okay…
Natsuko: Very important, yeah.
Peter: Yes, I think so. Okay, all right, we are not going to adjust our pick lines, not very good pick up lines but something to kind of get used to. We don’t guarantee anything. You are on your own when you use these but we are just going to give them to you. I am sorry, Natsuko. We are going to shower you with compliments today.
Natsuko: Uh sounds nice.
Peter: Okay, let’s start. We are going to introduce some basic vocabulary first before we get into the conversation. Okay, now can you give us the first word?
Natsuko: 素敵 (suteki)
Peter: Okay, very nice. One more time please.
Natsuko: 素敵 (suteki)
Peter: And what does this word mean?
Natsuko: Nice or pretty.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Or cool.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Cute.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: It can mean, kind of anything.
Peter: Yeah, you can talk about clothing with it or the way your clothes look, it looks very nice. So we can pretty much sum it up, nice appearance and just break it down first please.
Natsuko: (slow)すてき (suteki)
Peter: Okay, one more time very quickly.
Natsuko: 素敵 (suteki)
Peter: Very, very nice and how about what’s another word?
Natsuko: 綺麗 (kirei)
Peter: Yes, one more time, please.
Natsuko: 綺麗 (kirei)
Peter: And what does this word mean?
Natsuko: Pretty.
Peter: Yes, very nice. Okay, and let’s just do one more word.
Natsuko: 美しい (utsukushii)
Peter: Very nice. This means
Natsuko: Beautiful.
Peter: Very nice. One more time, please
Natsuko: 美しい (utsukushii)
Peter: Okay, and we just wanted to give you the brief introduction to the vocabulary, the adjectives that we would be learning today and now we are going to jump into the conversation. Now here is the situation. We are going to do a little bit of role playing today. So bear with us. Me and Alpha male Kazunori are going out to a bar and we go into the bar and we see lovely Natsuko standing right at the bar. So we are going to use our best lines to try and talk to her. Okay, so without further adieu, we are going to give you our role playing abilities.
一徳 (Kazunori) : すみません。あなたは素敵ですね。(Sumimasen. Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとても素敵ですね。(Anata wa totemo suteki desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : あなたはきれいですね。(Anata wa kirei desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとてもきれいですね。(Anata wa totemo kirei desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : あなたは美しいです。(Anata wa utsukushii desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとても美しいです。(Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : あなた達はうるさい!(Anata-tachi wa urusai!)
Peter: Okay, very, very, very nice. That was perfect. I am speechless. I really can’t comment on how useful these lines would be for you in your search for a girlfriend for all you males out there using this but any way, we are going to give this to you. You do what you want with it. So as you could see, the conversation didn’t go well. We are going to give it to you one more time and this time, we are going to slow it down a bit. Okay, and the word for slow is
Natsuko: ゆっくり (yukkuri)
Peter: Yeah so very, very ゆっくり (yukkuri) this time.
一徳 (Kazunori) : すみません。あなたは素敵ですね。(Sumimasen. Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとても素敵ですね。(Anata wa totemo suteki desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : あなたはきれいですね。(Anata wa kirei desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとてもきれいですね。(Anata wa totemo kirei desu ne.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : あなたは美しいです。(Anata wa utsukushii desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとても美しいです。(Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : あなた達はうるさい!(Anata-tachi wa urusai!)
Peter: Okay, very, very, very nice. Natsuko, how useful or how realistic do you think this conversation is?
Natsuko: Oh it depends on who you meet.
Peter: Perfect, perfect. Okay, so we had a bit of a long introduction today and the conversation, today's conversation was a little long. So we are going to jump right in breaking this dialogue down. Okay, why don’t we have two guys? I am going to step back and I will just translate the lines. We are going to have them read it nice and slowly and give the exact translation. Okay, so one more time, first line, please.
一徳 (Kazunori) : すみません。あなたは素敵ですね。(Sumimasen. Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
KAZUNORI: Excuse me, You look nice.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
NATSUKO: Thank you.
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとても素敵ですね。(Anata wa totemo suteki desu ne.)
PETER: You look very nice.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
NATSUKO: Thank you.
一徳 (Kazunori) : あなたはきれいですね。(Anata wa kirei desu ne.)
KAZUNORI: You look pretty.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
NATSUKO: Thank you.
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとてもきれいですね。(Anata wa totemo kirei desu ne.)
PETER: You look very pretty.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
NATSUKO: Thank you.
一徳 (Kazunori) : あなたは美しいです。(Anata wa utsukushii desu.)
KAZUNORI: You are beautiful.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ありがとう。(Arigatō.)
NATSUKO: Thank you.
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたはとても美しいです。(Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu.)
PETER: You are very beautiful.
夏子 (Natsuko) : あなた達はうるさい!
NATSUKO: You guys are annoying!
Peter: Okay, very, very nice. As you could see, again we conform the conversation to fit our needs. So you find that a lot of these conversations are forced but there is a lot of good stuff in there and what we would like to do now is break down the vocabulary. So there are a few new things in there and one of them is this word that comes up often. You could see these two guys are not the highest on the evolutionary ladder. Their pickup lines in my case, I am the second one and all I do is add the word とても (totemo). Now can you give us the word once, please?
Natsuko: とても (totemo)
Peter: And what does this word mean?
Natsuko: Very.
Peter: Very, very nice, yes. Can you break it down for us now?
Natsuko: (slow)とても (totemo)
Peter: Okay, very nice and this word as she said means very and it’s a very, very useful word. You will hear it very often. Last week, we studied, busy. So how would I say very busy?
Natsuko: とても忙しい (totemo isogashii)
Peter: Yes, very nice and how would I say very delicious?
Natsuko: とても美味しい (totemo oishii)
Peter: Yes, very, very nice. A very, very useful phrase, very, very versatile. Again this is one you might want to put in the memory bank because you will use it over and over again. Okay, the next word we have is this word for annoying but it also means – it has many meanings.
Natsuko: うるさい (urusai)
Peter: Yes, and one more time nice and slow please.
Natsuko: (slow)うるさい (urusai)
Peter: Very nice and can you give us the rough translation because it has many meanings. So give us a few of those meanings.
Natsuko: Well of course annoying, noisy.
Peter: Yes.
Natsuko: I think it basically means noisy. You know something.
Peter: Exactly. So the real meaning of the word is noisy or loud but in this case, me and the alpha male Kazunori his charm didn’t work this time. So for Natsuko, we are very annoying, loud and, like, bothersome. You know, kind of like too much. So in this case, this is what it meant. We covered some things for all you guys out there. Now what about the ambitious girls out there who would like to meet some good looking Japanese guys. What words can they use to compliment men?
Natsuko: かっこいい (kakkoii)
Peter: Okay, very nice and what does this word mean?
Natsuko: Good looking.
Peter: Okay, very, very nice. Can you break this word down for us?
Natsuko: かっこいい (kakkoii)
Peter: Okay, very nice. Good looking, cool and one time fast, please.
Natsuko: かっこいい (kakkoii)
Peter: Okay, so Natsuko, let’s pretend you go out with your friend and you see a good looking guy at the bar, what would you say to your friend?
Natsuko: 彼はかっこいい。(Kare wa kakkoii.)
Peter: Yes, very, very nice and for the really ambitious girls out there and they can walk up to the guy and they can say directly to him
Natsuko: あなたはかっこいいですね。(Anata wa kakkoii desu ne.)
Peter: Okay, and one more time a little slower.
Natsuko: (slow)あなたはかっこいいですね。(Anata wa kakkoii desu ne.)
Peter: Okay, very nice. Now I noticed this word
Natsuko: 素敵 (suteki)
Peter: Nice appearance. This can also be used complimenting guys, correct?
Natsuko: Yes, yes.
Peter: So you can walk up to the guy and say
Natsuko: あなたは素敵ですね。(Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
Peter: Okay, very nice. One more time, a little slower.
Natsuko: (slow)あなたはすてきですね。(Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
Peter: Very nice and one time fast.
Natsuko: あなたは素敵ですね。(Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
Peter: Okay. So I’d like to wrap up today. We are going to go through the phrases just one more time very quickly and we are going to use, you are. Okay and we are going to have Natsuko say compliments for guys, Kazunori will say compliments for girls. Okay, so here we go.
Kazunori: あなたは素敵ですね。(Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
Natsuko: あなたは素敵ですね。(Anata wa suteki desu ne.)
Kazunori: あなたは綺麗ですね。(Anata wa kirei desu ne.)
Natsuko: あなたはかっこいいですね。(Anata wa kakkoii desu ne.)
Kazunori: あなたは美しいです。(Anata wa utsukushii desu.)
Natsuko: あなたはうるさいです。(Anata wa urusai desu.)


Peter: Very, very nice. Okay, so that’s going to wrap it up for us today. Again no guarantees. We are not responsible what happens when you go around throwing these words at people of the opposite sex but good luck with them and that’s going to wrap it up for today.
Natsuko: またね。(Mata ne.)
Peter: じゃあね。(Jā ne.)
Peter: じゃあね。(Jā ne.)


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