
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Okay, without further adieu, let’s get in today's lesson. Here we go.
Yoshi: おはよう、イスタンブール。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Isutanbūru. Yoshi desu.)
Take: おはよう、イスタンブール。タケです。(Ohayō, Isutanbūru. Take desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #70. Now on to today’s lesson. Today it’s part 1 of a three part series that will take place over the next 3 days. Now the name of this series is Homesick. What we are going to do over these three days, the point and the goal is to consolidate what we’ve done over the past 3, 4, 5, months and we’ve covered a lot of ground. So over the next 3 days, we are going to do some conversations to try and bring it all together. So without further adieu, let’s get into part 1. Here we go.
直樹 (Naoki) : 今日何時がいいですか。(Kyō nan-ji ga ii desu ka.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : あれは今日ですか。(Are wa kyō desu ka.)
直樹 (Naoki) : うん、あれは今日ですよ。(Un, are wa kyō desu yo.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : でも、今日は蒸し暑くて、夏ですし。もうだるいです。(Demo, kyō wa mushiatsukute, natsu desu shi. Mō darui desu.)
直樹 (Naoki) : でも、あなたは約束しましたよ。絶対に今週と言いました。忘れましたか。(Demo, anata wa yakusoku shimashita yo. Zettai ni konshū to iimashita. Wasuremashita ka.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : でも、気が変わりました。ここが気に入りました。ここが大好きです。(Demo, ki ga kawarimashita. Koko ga ki ni irimashita. Koko ga daisuki desu.)
直樹 (Naoki) : ここのどこが好きですか。(Koko no doko ga suki desu ka.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : 食べ物が美味しくて、仕事は楽で、人気者だし。何よりも安全ですから。(Tabemono ga oishikute, shigoto wa raku de, ninkimono da shi. Nani yori mo anzen desu kara.)
直樹 (Naoki) : しかし。。。(Shikashi…)
Take: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
直樹 (Naoki) : 今日何時がいいですか。(Kyō nan-ji ga ii desu ka.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : あれは今日ですか。(Are wa kyō desu ka.)
直樹 (Naoki) : うん、あれは今日ですよ。(Un, are wa kyō desu yo.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : でも、今日は蒸し暑くて、夏ですし。もうだるいです。(Demo, kyō wa mushiatsukute, natsu desu shi. Mō darui desu.)
直樹 (Naoki) : でも、あなたは約束しましたよ。絶対に今週と言いました。忘れましたか。(Demo, anata wa yakusoku shimashita yo. Zettai ni konshū to iimashita. Wasuremashita ka.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : でも、気が変わりました。ここが気に入りました。ここが大好きです。(Demo, ki ga kawarimashita. Koko ga ki ni irimashita. Koko ga daisuki desu.)
直樹 (Naoki) : ここのどこが好きですか。(Koko no doko ga suki desu ka.)
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : 食べ物が美味しくて、仕事は楽で、人気者だし。何よりも安全ですから。(Tabemono ga oishikute, shigoto wa raku de, ninkimono da shi. Nani yori mo anzen desu kara.)
直樹 (Naoki) : しかし。。。(Shikashi…)
Take: 次は、ピーターの英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Pītā no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
直樹 (Naoki) : 今日何時がいいですか。(Kyō nan-ji ga ii desu ka.)
NAOKI: What time is good for you today?
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : あれは今日ですか。(Are wa kyō desu ka.)
TOSHIHIKO: Is that today?
直樹 (Naoki) : うん、あれは今日ですよ。(Un, are wa kyō desu yo.)
NAOKI: Yes, it's today.
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : でも、今日は蒸し暑くて、夏ですし。(Demo, kyō wa mushiatsukute, natsu desu shi.)
TOSHIHIKO: But, it's humid today, and it's summer time, among other things.
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : もうだるいです。(Mō darui desu.)
TOSHIHIKO: I'm drained.
直樹 (Naoki) : でも、あなたは約束しましたよ。(Demo, anata wa yakusoku shimashita yo.)
NAOKI: But, you promised!
直樹 (Naoki) : 絶対に今週と言いました。(Zettai ni konshū to iimashita.)
NAOKI: You said, "definitely this week."
直樹 (Naoki) : 忘れましたか。(Wasuremashita ka.)
NAOKI: Did you forget?
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : でも、気が変わりました。(Demo, ki ga kawarimashita.)
TOSHIHIKO: But, I changed my mind.
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : ここが気に入りました。(Koko ga ki ni irimashita.)
TOSHIHIKO: I like it here.
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : ここが大好きです。(Koko ga daisuki desu.)
TOSHIHIKO: I love it here.
直樹 (Naoki) : ここのどこが好きですか。(Koko no doko ga suki desu ka.)
NAOKI: What do you like about here?
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : 食べ物が美味しくて、(Tabemono ga oishikute,)
TOSHIHIKO: The food is delicious,
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : 仕事は楽で、(shigoto wa raku de,)
TOSHIHIKO: work is easy,
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : 人気者だし。(ninkimono da shi.)
TOSHIHIKO: And I'm popular!
俊彦 (Toshihiko) : 何よりも安全ですから。(Nani yori mo anzen desu kara.)
TOSHIHIKO: More than anything, it is safe here.
直樹 (Naoki) : しかし。。。(Shikashi…)
NAOKI: But...
Peter: All right, what a conversation!
Yoshi: Aaha.
Peter: Did we peak your interest, Yoshi?
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: You know we are not showing Yoshi or Take the rest of the script. So they are getting it day by day too. Take, what do you think?
Take: いやあ、ちょっとわかんないな、これは。(Iyā, chotto wakannai na, kore wa.)
Peter: All right, but we will be filling you in bit by bit. Tomorrow you get another piece of the puzzle. All right, lots of vocab in there. So we are going to get right in. Here we go.
Peter: Okay Natsuko, first word. By the way Natsuko, where did you come from?
Natsuko: Oh hi, I just jumped in.
Peter: Well, welcome to the show.
Natsuko: 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui)
Peter: Humid.
Natsuko: (slow)むしあつい (mushiatsui) (natural speed)蒸し暑い (mushiatsui)
Peter: How is Japan in the summer?
Natsuko: すごく蒸し暑いです。(Sugoku mushiatsui desu.)
Peter: ものすごく蒸し暑いです。(Monosugoku mushiatsui desu.)
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: It is like a wall of humidity.
Natsuko: Nice expression.
Peter: Like you are walking and you could feel the water parting around you.
Natsuko: Maybe.
Peter: Now what are the two characters that make up this word? What’s the first one?
Natsuko: 蒸し (mushi)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Steam.
Peter: Steam. 暑い (atsui) is hot. So steam hot and it really is that way. It’s almost like….
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: But a sauna actually feels drier than a Japanese summer. So yes, very humid, steam hot, 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui).
Natsuko: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: Do you like it?
Natsuko: No.
Peter: Quick answer and associated with this word is our next word.
Natsuko: 次の言葉は、だるい (Tsugi no kotoba wa, darui)
Peter: Drained, feeling tired. Now I don’t know how to directly translate this. It’s a feeling that you have to experience when you come here and feel the humidity.
Natsuko: I see.
Peter: And the 12-hour workdays, the 14-hour workdays, the 16-hour workdays, the 18-hour workdays, just no energy.
Natsuko: Right. (slow)だるい (darui) (natural speed)だるい (darui)
Peter: Can you give us an example?
Natsuko: 体がだるい (karada ga darui)
Peter: My body feels drained.
Natsuko: だるいから仕事は休みましょう。(Darui kara shigoto wa yasumimashō.)
Peter: Not going to work, Natsuko.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: You will be in the studio.
Natsuko: ああ、だるいなあ。(Ā, darui nā.)
Peter: One more time, what you just said?
Natsuko: だるいから、仕事を休みましょう。(Darui kara, shigoto o yasumimashō.)
Peter: Because I am drained, because I have no energy, because I am feeling tired, let’s take the day off. Next.
Natsuko: 次は、絶対に (Tsugi wa, zettai ni)
Peter: Surely, definitely, for sure.
Natsuko: (slow)ぜったいに (zettai ni) (natural speed)絶対に (zettai ni)
Peter: What was the example sentence you just gave us about だるい (darui)?
Natsuko: だるいから、仕事を休みましょう。(Darui kara, shigoto o yasumimashō.)
Peter: 絶対にダメです。(Zettai ni dame desu.)
Natsuko: Hah…
Peter: And what does this mean, Natsuko?
Natsuko: Definitely not.
Peter: Definitely, 100% not going to happen.
Natsuko: No.
Peter: Okay, give us what I just said in Japanese?
Natsuko: 絶対にだめです。(Zettai ni dame desu.)
Peter: One more time, a little more feeling.
Natsuko: 絶対にだめです。(Zettai ni dame desu.)
Peter: Natsuko, Shakespeare Takahashi just asked you out for a date.
Natsuko: 絶対にだめです。(Zettai ni dame desu.)
Peter: This is, your mind is 110% made up.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: What do we have next?
Natsuko: 次は、忘れる (Tsugi wa, wasureru)
Peter: Forget.
Natsuko: (slow)わすれる (wasureru) (natural speed)忘れる (wasureru)
Peter: Natsuko.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: How do we say “often forget” in Japanese?
Natsuko: よく忘れる (yoku wasureru)
Peter: And the polite form?
Natsuko: よく忘れます (yoku wasuremasu)
Peter: Please remember this one because you can use it as much as you like. It just may come in handy.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, let’s get into some interesting expressions. Natsuko, what’s the first one?
Natsuko: 気が変わる (ki ga kawaru)
Peter: Change one’s mind.
Natsuko: (slow)きがかわる (ki ga kawaru) (natural speed)気が変わる (ki ga kawaru)
Peter: Now what’s the first character?
Natsuko: 気 (ki)
Peter: And what does this mean?
Natsuko: Feeling, spirit, air. It has many meanings.
Peter: Okay, and then what’s the second word we have in this expression?
Natsuko: 変わる (kawaru)
Peter: Change.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So the exact translation is, change one’s feeling but that’s the literal translation and it should be interpreted as
Natsuko: Change one’s mind.
Peter: Exactly. Example, please.
Natsuko: 気が変わりました。やっぱり明日のドライブには行きません。(Ki ga kawarimashita. Yappari ashita no doraibu ni wa ikimasen.)
Peter: One more time.
Natsuko: 気が変わりました。やっぱり明日のドライブには行きません。(Ki ga kawarimashita. Yappari ashita no doraibu ni wa ikimasen.)
Peter: I changed my mind. Yeah, I am not going on tomorrow’s drive.
Natsuko: 次は、気に入る (Tsugi wa, ki ni iru)
Peter: To like.
Natsuko: (slow)きにいる (ki ni iru) (natural speed)気に入る (ki ni iru)
Peter: And what’s the polite form?
Natsuko: 気に入ります (ki ni irimasu)
Peter: Can you give us an example sentence?
Natsuko: 新しい車が気に入りました。(Atarashii kuruma ga ki ni irimashita.)
Peter: I like the new car. One more.
Natsuko: あなたは絶対私のプレゼントを気に入ります。(Anata wa zettai watashi no purezento o ki ni irimasu.)
Peter: One more time.
Natsuko: あなたは絶対私のプレゼントを気に入ります。(Anata wa zettai watashi no purezento o ki ni irimasu.)
Peter: You will definitely like my present. What do you think, Natsuko?
Natsuko: Yes, I think so.
Peter: A lot of confidence there, that person.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: What do we have next?
Natsuko: 次は、楽 (Tsugi wa, raku)
Peter: Easy, effortless, comfortable.
Natsuko: (slow)らく (raku) (natural speed)楽 (raku)
Peter: Example, please.
Natsuko: 楽な仕事 (raku na shigoto)
Peter: Easy work. Is your work easy?
Natsuko: No.
Peter: No.
Natsuko: And I guess Peter’s work is not as well.
Peter: So tough. Okay, next we have.
Natsuko: 人気者 (ninkimono)
Peter: Popular, popular person, the favorite.
Natsuko: (slow)にんきもの (ninkimono) (natural speed)人気者 (ninkimono)
Peter: Example sentence, please.
Natsuko: シェイクスピア高橋は、ジャパニーズポッドの人気者です。(Sheikusupia Takahashi wa, Japanīzupoddo no ninkimono desu.)
Peter: Yes. I agree 100%!
Natsuko: I wonder why.
Peter: Because he is the man, Shakespeare. Everybody loves Shakespeare Takahashi.
Natsuko: I guess so.
Peter: Everybody but you, Natsuko.
Natsuko: Umm surprising, isn’t it?
Peter: Shocking. Okay, one more time that sentence, please.
Natsuko: シェイクスピア高橋は、ジャパニーズポッドの人気者です。(Sheikusupia Takahashi wa, Japanīzupoddo no ninkimono desu.)
Peter: Shakespeare Takahashi is japanesepod101’s most popular character. The truth has been spoken.
Natsuko: Almost like a star, isn’t it?
Peter: Oh yes.
Natsuko: Wow!
Peter: Next.
Natsuko: 次は、安全 (Tsugi wa, anzen)
Peter: Safe.
Natsuko: (slow)あんぜん (anzen) (natural speed)安全 (anzen)
Peter: What is the common usage that you will see around construction sites?
Natsuko: Oh, yes.
Peter: Or dangerous places.
Natsuko: 安全第一 (anzen daiichi)
Peter: Safety first.
Natsuko: (slow)あんぜんだいいち (anzen daiichi) (natural speed)安全第一 (anzen daiichi)
Peter: Safety first. Okay, now as we said in the beginning, the goal of today’s lesson was to review some vocabulary, grammar structures and other things we covered in the past. Now the first grammar structure that we covered is something, something ですし (desu shi), something, something だし (da shi).
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: Now this grammar structure is used to say among other things.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And in addition to.
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: So what did we have in the dialogue?
Natsuko: でも、今日は蒸し暑くて、夏ですし。(Demo, kyō wa mushiatsukute, natsu desu shi.)
Peter: Today it’s hot and it’s summer in addition to other things and so on. Not just these two reasons, of course it’s the reasons that he said, it’s humid and it's summer time but more than that, there are other things too that he is just not mentioning. So this is the time you want to use し (shi).
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: When you said some of the reasons but there are others, you attach this at the end of the sentence.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Natsuko, can you give us an example?
Natsuko: もう眠いし、終わりにしましょう。(Mō nemui shi, owari ni shimashō.)
Peter: Let’s finish up. I am sleepy and so among other things, I am sleepy, maybe I am hungry, maybe there are other reasons but just し (shi) lets you know that there are other things.
Natsuko: Yes, right.


Peter: Okay, in addition, we covered some other grammar points that you can find in the PDF. Well that’s going to do it for today.
Natsuko: じゃ、また明日ね。(Ja, mata ashita ne.)
Peter: Yes, see you tomorrow.


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