
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yoshi: おはよう、オークランド。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Ōkurando. Yoshi desu.)
Takase: おはよう、オークランド。タカセです。(Ohayō, Ōkurando. Takase desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #58. Nagasaki connection joining us again. ヨシ、今日元気ですか。(Yoshi, kyō genki desu ka.)
Yoshi: 元気です。タカセさん、今日元気ですか。(Genki desu. Takase-san, kyō genki desu ka.)
Takase: 元気です。ピーターも元気ですか。(Genki desu. Pītā mo genki desu ka.)
Peter: 相変わらず絶好調です。(Aikawarazu zekkōchō desu.) Today is part 3 of Airplane Encounter.
Peter: Okay, here we go.
ピーター (Pītā) : この交差点はすごいですね。(Kono kōsaten wa sugoi desu ne.)
高瀬 (Takase) : そうですね。人が多いです。(Sō desu ne. Hito ga ōi desu.)
よし (Yoshi) : そうですよ!世界一にぎやかな交差点ですよ!(Sō desu yo! Sekaiichi nigiyaka na kōsaten desu yo!)
高瀬 (Takase) : 本当ですか。(Hōntō desu ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : 本当ですよ!私は渋谷の専門家です。(Hōntō desu yo! Watashi wa Shibuya no senmonka desu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : 学生ですか。(Gakusei desu ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : いいえ。渋谷博士です。(Iie. Shibuya hakase desu.)
高瀬 (Takase) : 出身大学はどこですか。(Shusshin daigaku wa doko desu ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : 違います。大学ではないです。(Chigaimasu. Daigaku de wa nai desu.)
高瀬 (Takase) : やっぱり!渋谷おたくでしょう。(Yappari! Shibuya otaku deshō.)
よし (Yoshi) : 博士とおたくはどう違いますか。(Hakase to otaku wa dō chigaimasu ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : やっぱり、ピーター、二人で行きましょう。(Yappari, Pītā, futari de ikimashō.)
Peter:  One more time, slowly please.  
Takase: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : この交差点はすごいですね。(Kono kōsaten wa sugoi desu ne.)
高瀬 (Takase) : そうですね。人が多いです。(Sō desu ne. Hito ga ōi desu.)
よし (Yoshi) : そうですよ!世界一にぎやかな交差点ですよ!(Sō desu yo! Sekaiichi nigiyaka na kōsaten desu yo!)
高瀬 (Takase) : 本当ですか。(Hōntō desu ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : 本当ですよ!私は渋谷の専門家です。(Hōntō desu yo! Watashi wa Shibuya no senmonka desu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : 学生ですか。(Gakusei desu ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : いいえ。渋谷博士です。(Iie. Shibuya hakase desu.)
高瀬 (Takase) : 出身大学はどこですか。(Shusshin daigaku wa doko desu ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : 違います。大学ではないです。(Chigaimasu. Daigaku de wa nai desu.)
高瀬 (Takase) : やっぱり!渋谷おたくでしょう。(Yappari! Shibuya otaku deshō.)
よし (Yoshi) : 博士とおたくはどう違いますか。(Hakase to otaku wa dō chigaimasu ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : やっぱり、ピーター、二人で行きましょう。(Yappari, Pītā, futari de ikimashō.)
Peter:  Okay, you know the drill. Takase and Yoshi will give you the Japanese and I will give you the English. Here we go.  
ピーター (Pītā) : この交差点はすごいですね。(Kono kōsaten wa sugoi desu ne.)
PETER: This intersection is amazing.
高瀬 (Takase) : そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
TAKASE: That’s right.
高瀬 (Takase) : 人が多いです。(Hito ga ōi desu.)
TAKASE: There are many people.
よし (Yoshi) : そうですよ!(Sō desu yo!)
YOSHI: Of course, that’s right!
よし (Yoshi) : 世界一にぎやかな交差点ですよ!(Sekaiichi nigiyaka na kōsaten desu yo!)
YOSHI: It’s the world's most lively intersection!
高瀬 (Takase) : 本当ですか。(Hōntō desu ka.)
TAKASE: Is that true?
よし (Yoshi) : 本当ですよ!(Hōntō desu yo!)
YOSHI: That’s true!
よし (Yoshi) : 私は渋谷の専門家です。(Watashi wa Shibuya no senmonka desu.)
YOSHI: I’m a specialist about Shibuya.
ピーター (Pītā) : 学生ですか。(Gakusei desu ka.)
PETER: Are you a student?
よし (Yoshi) : いいえ。渋谷博士です。(Iie. Shibuya hakase desu.)
YOSHI: No. I’m a Shibuya PhD.
高瀬 (Takase) : 出身大学はどこですか。(Shusshin daigaku wa doko desu ka.)
TAKASE: Where did you graduate from?
よし (Yoshi) : 違います。(Chigaimasu.)
YOSHI: You’re wrong. It’s different.
よし (Yoshi) : 大学ではないです。(Daigaku de wa nai desu.)
YOSHI: I didn’t go to university.
高瀬 (Takase) : やっぱり!(Yappari!)
TAKASE: Just as I thought.
高瀬 (Takase) : 渋谷おたくでしょう。(Shibuya otaku deshō.)
TAKASE: You’re someone obsessed with Shibuya, right?
よし (Yoshi) : 博士とおたくはどう違いますか。(Hakase to otaku wa dō chigaimasu ka.)
YOSHI: How is a PhD different from someone obsessed with something?
高瀬 (Takase) : やっぱり、ピーター、二人で行きましょう。(Yappari, Pītā, futari de ikimashō.)
TAKASE: *Just as I thought, Peter, let’s go, the two of us.
*「やっぱり」here can also be interpreted as “I’ve changed my mind” depending on the context.
Peter: Takase, where did you meet this guy?
Takase: I found him in Shibuya.
Yoshi: In front of Hachiko.
Peter: I like that. I can’t tell the difference between someone obsessed with something and a PhD. Can you, Yoshi?
Yoshi: No.
Peter: Takase?
Takase: No.
Peter: I think a lot of people will appreciate that line. A lot of people who maybe are married to PhDs or had the experience of sharing time together while one was pursuing a PhD.
Peter: Okay, long lesson. What we are going to do now is get into some vocabulary. Okay, here we go. Takase, first word.
Takase: 交差点 (kōsaten)
Peter: Intersection.
Takase: (slow)こうさてん (kōsaten) (natural speed)交差点 (kōsaten)
Peter: But I think it is true about the intersection in Shibuya. I believe it’s the busiest intersection in the world.
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: Right, Takase?
Takase: Yes. It always reminds me of the film, The Lord of the Rings.
Peter: What!
Takase: It’s a fighting scene.
Peter: When everyone is getting killed it means?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Yoshi, please.
Yoshi: I am confused.
Peter: Oh Takase, you rock. That’s all we can say.
Takase: But if you just go there and…
Peter: But don’t bring any weapons, please. We are not condoning this but Takase recommends that you go there, right Takase?
Takase: Yes, just feel the energy.
Peter: Okay.
Takase: 次の言葉に行きましょう。(Tsugi no kotoba ni ikimashō.)
Peter: Ah new expression, Takase. お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Takase: 次の言葉 (tsugi no kotoba)
Peter: Next word. Break it down, Takase.
Takase: (slow)つぎのことば (tsugi no kotoba) (natural speed)次の言葉 (tsugi no kotoba)
Peter: Okay, from now on, we would like to introduce this way to move on to new words. Here we go.
Yoshi: 世界 (sekai)
Peter: World.
Yoshi: (slow)せかい (sekai) (natural speed)世界 (sekai)
Peter: We have an expression in English, it’s a small world. What’s the expression in Japanese?
Yoshi: 世界は狭い (sekai wa semai)
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Yoshi: (slow)せかいはせまい (sekai wa semai)
Peter: And this is actually – the literal translation is, the world is narrow. So we say small, you guys say narrow. Give us the word for narrow.
Yoshi: 狭い (semai)
Peter: Again using the same context. If you meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time in a very unusual place, you would say
Takase: 世界は狭いですね。 (Sekai wa semai desu ne.)
Peter: And if you meet someone and you have a common friend, 7-degree separation thing going on here, you can also say
Yoshi: 世界は狭いですね。次の言葉。(Sekai wa semai desu ne. Tsugi no kotoba.)
Takase: 専門家 (senmonka)
Peter: Specialist.
Takase: (slow)せんもんか (senmonka) (natural speed)専門家 (senmonka)
Peter: And the first part of this word is, Yoshi?
Yoshi: 専門 (senmon)
Peter: Specialty. So the word 専門 (senmon) is specialty. Then we add on the 家 (ka) and it becomes
Takase: 専門家 (senmonka)
Peter: Which is
Takase: Specialist.
Peter: Yes, as in example, the word for economics in Japanese is
Takase: 経済 (keizai)
Peter: Break that down.
Takase: (slow)けいざい (keizai)
Peter: And one time fast
Takase: 経済 (keizai)
Peter: So Takase, what do we call someone whose specialty is the economy?
Takase: 経済専門家 (keizai senmonka)
Peter: Okay.
Takase: 次の言葉 (tsugi no kotoba)
Yoshi: 大学 (daigaku)
Peter: University.
Yoshi: (slow)だいがく (daigaku) (natural speed)大学 (daigaku)
Peter: Okay Takase, how many universities are there in Japan?
Takase: 702 (nana-hyaku ni)
Peter: 英語で何と言いますか。(Eigo de nan to iimasu ka.)
Takase: 702. There are 702 universities in Japan.
Peter: And Takase, where did we get this information?
Takase: 文部科学省 (monbu kagakushō)
Peter: Where was that?
Takase: 文部科学省 (monbu kagakushō). It’s also known as MEXT.
Peter: MEXT. It stands for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science &Technology. Is that all, Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: It seems like there should be more. Why not just add everything into this ministry? Yes umm, the number we got 702 is from the 2003 report on schools and education in Japan. Yes, we are moving up. From now on, all facts will be sourced but from now on, usually in the PDFs. So we are just letting you know now. 次の言葉。(Tsugi no kotoba.)
Takase: 博士 (hakase)
Peter: A person who holds a doctorate.
Takase: (slow)はかせ (hakase) (natural speed)博士 (hakase)
Peter: Okay, Takase. Do we have an example for 博士 (hakase)
Takase: ジキル博士とハイド氏 (Jikiru-hakase to Haido-shi)
Peter: 英語で何と言いますか。(Eigo de nan to iimasu ka.)
Takase: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Peter: Ah. もう一度日本語でお願いします。(Mō ichi-do Nihon-go de onegai shimasu.)
Takase: ジキル博士とハイド氏 (Jikiru-hakase to Haido-shi)
Peter: And there is the 博士 (hakase)
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Can you break that down?
Takase: (slow)じきるはかせ (Jikiru-hakase) (natural speed)ジキル博士 (Jikiru-hakase)
Peter: And what’s the rest of him?
Takase: ハイド氏 (Haido-shi)
Peter: Break that down.
Takase: (slow)はいどし (Haido-shi) (natural speed)ハイド氏 (Haido-shi)
Peter: And I hear the ハイド (Haido) but what’s the 氏 (shi) on the end?
Takase: 氏 (shi) means Mr.
Peter: Ah. 次の言葉 (tsugi no kotoba)
Yoshi: オタク (otaku)
Peter: Otaku. A geek, a geek or someone obsessed with something but the actual meaning of this word is much more complicated and complex and in the future, due to the many, many requests, we are actually going to cover this topic in detail with Takase as the host.
Yoshi: (slow)おたく (otaku) (natural speed)オタク (otaku)
Peter: So we could say, obsessed with something. What will you call someone obsessed with games?
Takase: ゲームオタク (gēmu otaku)
Peter: And how about anime?
Yoshi: アニメオタク (anime otaku)
Peter: Okay, so the construction is the subject in front, the theme in front for examples games or anime and then after followed by
Yoshi: オタク (otaku)
Peter: Okay, next we have
Takase: 博士とオタクはどう違いますか。(Hakase to otaku wa dō chigaimasu ka.)
Peter: How is a PhD different from someone obsessed with something? Takase, how do we construct this?
Takase: 博士とオタクはどう違いますか。(Hakase to otaku wa dō chigaimasu ka.)
Peter: So the 博士 (hakase) then we use the particle と (to), then we have オタク (otaku) followed by the particle は (wa). So the construction is A, then the particle と (to), B followed by the particle は (wa) followed by
Takase: どう違いますか (dō chigaimasu ka)
Peter: A
Takase: と (to)
Peter: B
Takase: は (wa)
Peter: Followed by
Takase: どう違いますか。(do chigaimasu ka.)
Peter: Okay. Ah, I have a great example.
Takase: What?
Peter: ピーターとタカセはどう違いますか。(Pītā to Takase wa dō chigaimasu ka.)
Takase: 全然違います。(Zenzen chigaimasu.) You are completely different.
Peter: Completely the same.
Takase: No, different.
Peter: Like family.
Takase: No. Never.
Peter: Now that’s funny. All right, okay Takase is too much fun for today but Takase, there is another way to construct the どう違います (dō chigaimasu)
Takase: Yes.
Peter: We had A followed by the particle と (to), B followed by は (wa) but we can also reverse this. We can take A followed by the particle は (wa), B followed by the particle と (to) and then
Takase: どう違いますか。(dō chigaimasu ka.)
Peter: And this has the same meaning, right?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: So in the original sentence, we had 博士とオタクは (hakase to otaku wa). Now let’s give it to the new construction.
Takase: 博士はオタクとどう違いますか。(Hakase wa otaku to dō chigaimasu ka.)
Peter: Okay. Now Takase, here is the question for you. は (wa), the particle は (wa), と (to) and が (ga), the particle が (ga), はどう違いますか。(wa dō chigaimasu ka.) So Takase, what’s the difference between は (wa) and が (ga)?


Takase: Peter, we are out of time now.
Peter: No, Takase.
Takase: Yes.
Peter: More time, we have more time.
Takase: No. また明日。(Mata ashita.)
Peter: Okay, see you tomorrow.
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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