
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: おはよう、サンディエゴ。ナツコです。(Ohayō, San Diego. Natsuko desu.)
Peter: Peter here and we are back with another lesson. Okay, Natsuko.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Today is a very, very special day.
Natsuko: I know.
Peter: Why is it a special day?
Natsuko: We have a special guest.
Peter: Who is here with us today?
Takase: タカセです。(Takase desu.)
Peter: Hello, タカセ (Takase). Can you introduce yourself to the whole world? No pressure.
Takase: Pressure. I can’t believe if I am doing this. 初めまして。タカセです。よろしくお願いします。(Hajimemashite. Takase desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Peter: Okay Natsuko, it’s great to have her here.
Natsuko: Finally in the studio.
Peter: Finally we dragged her kicking and screaming.
Takase: And this would be my last time.
Natsuko: No way. You are never going to leave.
Peter: Natsuko, you know the drill, yes?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: We got the key. She is not getting out.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Welcome to your new home.
Takase: Please, no.  
Peter: Okay, so without further adieu, we are going to jump into today’s conversation. Here we go.
高瀬 (Takase) : 今夜見ますか。(Kon’ya mimasu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : もちろん、見ます!私は始まるまで寝ません。ずっと応援します!
高瀬さんは?(Mochiron, mimasu! Watashi wa hajimaru made nemasen. Zutto ōen
shimasu! Takase-san wa?)
高瀬 (Takase) : もちろん、私も見ます!私も寝ません。ずっと叫びます!明日は仕
事に行きません。(Mochiron, watashi mo mimasu! Watashi mo nemasen. Zutto sakebimasu! Ashita wa shigoto ni ikimasen.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : えっ、もちろん、明日は休みですよ。あ、誰が好きですか。(E, mochiron, ashita wa yasumi desu yo. A, dare ga suki desu ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : もちろん、イチローです!彼の顔が好きです。(Mochiron, Ichirō desu! Kare no kao ga suki desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : 私は上原が好きです!ピーターは誰が好きですか。(Watashi wa Uehara ga suki desu! Pītā wa dare ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : え、何の話題ですか。(E, nan no wadai desu ka.)
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : 野球!野球!野球!野球!(Yakyū! Yakyū! Yakyū! Yakyū!)
ピーター (Pītā) : えー、野球?三月に?(Ē, yakyū? San-gatsu ni?)
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : えぇぇ、失礼ですね!全く!頑張れ、日本!(Eee, shitsurei desu ne! Mattaku! Ganbare, Nippon!)
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
高瀬 (Takase) : 今夜見ますか。(Kon’ya mimasu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : もちろん、見ます!私は始まるまで寝ません。ずっと応援します!
高瀬さんは?(Mochiron, mimasu! Watashi wa hajimaru made nemasen. Zutto ōen
shimasu! Takase-san wa?)
高瀬 (Takase) : もちろん、私も見ます!私も寝ません。ずっと叫びます!明日は仕
事に行きません。(Mochiron, watashi mo mimasu! Watashi mo nemasen. Zutto sakebimasu! Ashita wa shigoto ni ikimasen.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : えっ、もちろん、明日は休みですよ。あ、誰が好きですか。(E, mochiron, ashita wa yasumi desu yo. A, dare ga suki desu ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : もちろん、イチローです!彼の顔が好きです。(Mochiron, Ichirō desu! Kare no kao ga suki desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : 私は上原が好きです!ピーターは誰が好きですか。(Watashi wa Uehara ga suki desu! Pītā wa dare ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : え、何の話題ですか。(E, nan no wadai desu ka.)
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : 野球!野球!野球!野球!(Yakyū! Yakyū! Yakyū! Yakyū!)
ピーター (Pītā) : えー、野球?三月に?(Ē, yakyū? San-gatsu ni?)
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : えぇぇ、失礼ですね!全く!頑張れ、日本!(Eee, shitsurei desu ne! Mattaku! Ganbare, Nippon!)
Peter: Okay, you know the routine. Natsuko and Takase will give you the Japanese and I will give you the translation. Here we go.
高瀬 (Takase) : 今夜見ますか。(Kon’ya mimasu ka.)
TAKASE: Tonight, will you watch it?
夏子 (Natsuko) : もちろん、見ます!(Mochiron, mimasu!)
NATSUKO: Of course, I’ll watch!
夏子 (Natsuko) : 私は始まるまで寝ません。(Watashi wa hajimaru made nemasen.)
NATSUKO: I won’t go to sleep until it starts.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ずっと応援します!(Zutto ōen shimasu!)
NATSUKO: Then, I’ll cheer the whole time!
夏子 (Natsuko) : 高瀬さんは?(Takase-san wa?)
NATSUKO: And, Takase?
高瀬 (Takase) : もちろん、(Mochiron,)
TAKASE: Of course.
高瀬 (Takase) : 私も見ます!(watashi mo mimasu!)
TAKASE: I’ll also watch!
高瀬 (Takase) : 私も寝ません。(Watashi mo nemasen.)
TAKASE: I also won’t sleep.
高瀬 (Takase) : ずっと叫びます!(Zutto sakebimasu!)
TAKASE: I’ll scream the whole time!
高瀬 (Takase) : 明日は仕事に行きません。(Ashita wa shigoto ni ikimasen.)
TAKASE: And tomorrow, I won’t go to work.
夏子 (Natsuko) : えっ、もちろん、(E, mochiron,)
NATSUKO: Hah? Of course.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 明日は休みですよ。(ashita wa yasumi desu yo.)
NATSUKO: Tomorrow is a holiday.
夏子 (Natsuko) : あ、誰が好きですか。(A, dare ga suki desu ka.)
NATSUKO: Who do you like?
高瀬 (Takase) : もちろん、イチローです!(Mochiron, Ichirō desu!)
TAKASE: Of course, Ichiro!
高瀬 (Takase) : 彼の顔が好きです。(Kare no kao ga suki desu.)
TAKASE: I like his face.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 私は上原が好きです!(Watashi wa Uehara ga suki desu!)
NATSUKO: I like Uehara.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ピーターは誰が好きですか。(Pītā wa dare ga suki desu ka.)
NATSUKO: Peter, who do you like?
ピーター (Pītā) : え、何の話題ですか。(E, nan no wadai desu ka.)
PETER: Hah? What’s the topic?
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : 野球!野球!野球!野球!(Yakyū! Yakyū! Yakyū! Yakyū!)
TAKASE and NATSUKO: Baseball! Baseball! Baseball! Baseball!
ピーター (Pītā) : えー、野球?三月に?(Ē, yakyū? San-gatsu ni?)
PETER: Hah? Baseball in March?
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : えぇぇ、失礼ですね!(Eee, shitsurei desu ne!)
TAKASE and NATSUKO: Hah? How rude!
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : 全く!(Mattaku!)
TAKASE and NATSUKO: Unbelievable!
高瀬と夏子 (Takase to Natsuko) : 頑張れ、日本!(Ganbare, Nippon!)
TAKASE and NATSUKO: Go for it, Japan!
Peter: Now there might be some people out there who still have no idea what we are talking about.
Natsuko: Oh yes, maybe.
Peter: And that’s understandable.
Natsuko: Like Peter.
Peter: Thank you, Natsuko. Ah I love it, I love this studio with you. It’s great. Whenever I need my pride beat up, I just give you a call. Okay Natsuko, what are we talking about?
Natsuko: Baseball.
Peter: Yes, and why are we talking about baseball?
Natsuko: Because Japan won the semi-finals in the world baseball classic.
Peter: Oh yes, and now they are on to the finals against Cuba.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And this will take place Monday, 9 PM in the US.
Natsuko: Oh so, it’s going to be early morning in Japan, right?
Peter: Yep. And just to tell you why we are talking about this, yesterday I was in Big Camera which is a big, big electronic store here and I went by the TV section and I saw 50 people crowded around the TV. I thought they were giving away TV and had, like some kind of special event. No, no, no, everybody was watching the game.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: On the elevator this morning, I was with David. We got on an elevator. Two Japanese guys got on and all they were talking about, you think we are going to win it. I can’t believe we made it. It’s the talk of the town.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So we figured we are going to take a little bit of time here to tell you about what’s going on with this.
Peter: Okay, so let’s start off with some vocabulary. Okay Natsuko, first word.
Natsuko: 応援 (ōen)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)おうえん (ōen)
Peter: One time fast.
Natsuko: 応援 (ōen)
Peter: This is
Natsuko: To support, to root for, to cheer for.
Peter: Yes, okay. This is a very, very useful word when it comes to sports.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: There is also another word for cheering section or group of cheering people. What is that?
Natsuko: 応援団 (ōendan)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)おうえんだん (ōendan)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 応援団 (ōendan)
Peter: Natsuko, do you belong to any 応援団 (ōendan)?
Natsuko: Umm, not really. Well, the National team generally.
Peter: Yes, all national teams.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay. And to form the verb, 応援 (ōen) plus
Natsuko: する (suru)
Peter: Okay, 応援します (ōen shimasu)
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And 応援しません (ōen shimasen). I support and I won’t or don’t support. Okay, next we have.
Natsuko: 叫ぶ (sakebu)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)さけぶ (sakebu)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 叫ぶ (sakebu)
Peter: And what’s this?
Natsuko: To scream.
Peter: Right. Yes, I feel bad for タカセ(Takase)’s neighbors. 叫ぶ (sakebu) and the negative would be
Natsuko: 叫びません (sakebimasen)
Peter: Yes. Okay, next up we have
Natsuko: 休み (yasumi)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)やすみ (yasumi)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 休み (yasumi)
Peter: 明日は何の休みですか。(Ashita wa nan no yasumi desu ka.)
Natsuko: 明日は春分の日です。(Ashita wa Shunbun no hi desu.)
Peter: 春分の日は英語で何と言いますか。(Shunbun no hi wa Eigo de nan to iimasu ka.)
Natsuko: Spring Equinox.
Peter: Very nice. Yeah, I made you say that. I don’t want to say it myself.
Natsuko: Well a big word.
Peter: Big word, too big for me. Thank you, Natsuko.
Natsuko: Oh, my god.
Peter: Okay, so tomorrow is a national holiday.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Which works out very nice.
Natsuko: Uhoo…
Peter: Next we have
Natsuko: 顔 (kao)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)かお (kao)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 顔 (kao)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Face
Peter: Okay. Now you also hear がお (gao) and this is usually if there is a Chinese character that comes before かお (kao). Usually かお (kao) gets changed to がお (gao). The K gets changed to a G. For example, we have
Natsuko: 笑顔 (egao)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Smile.
Peter: Yes, smile. So many times, people say to Natsuko, 素敵な笑顔 (suteki na egao)
Natsuko: Thank you.
Peter: And now you are red.
Natsuko: Yeah, literally it's a laughing face.
Peter: Natsuko, what a nice laughing face you have. So yeah, it’s usually taken as a smile.
Natsuko: Smile, yes.
Peter: What a lovely smile. So if you want to compliment your wife or your girlfriend, you would use, what a nice smile, right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: The phrase used before which is
Natsuko: 素敵な笑顔 (suteki na egao)
Peter: Yes. Okay, next we have
Natsuko: 話題 (wadai)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Topic.
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)わだい (wadai)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 話題 (wadai)
Peter: In the conversation, what did we say?
Natsuko: 何の話題ですか。(Nan no wadai desu ka.)
Peter: What’s the topic? So I had no idea what was going on? Yeah, usually three-way conversations are a bit difficult. So this phrase might really come in handy.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: You know when you join in a conversation, what’s going on? 何の話題ですか。(Nan no wadai desu ka.)
Natsuko: Yes, very useful.
Peter: Okay, next we have.
Natsuko: 失礼 (shitsurei)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: In this case, it means rude.
Peter: Yes.
Natsuko: We can also use this word, like excuse me.
Peter: Yeah. So this word again has multiple meanings. In this case, it means rude. Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)しつれい (shitsurei)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 失礼 (shitsurei)
Peter: So in the conversation, I didn’t know what was going on about baseball but for Japanese, it’s so important right now that I should have known. Right, Natsuko?
Natsuko: Yes, definitely please.
Peter: Okay, next we have
Natsuko: 全く (mattaku)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)まったく (mattaku)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 全く (mattaku)
Peter: And what’s this?
Natsuko: It has many meanings like absolutely. In this case, like unbelievable.
Peter: Yeah, there is no way you can’t know. So completely unbelievable. So if someone does something very surprising, you will hear this word a lot. Right, Natsuko?
Natsuko: Maybe.
Peter: And one more time the word.
Natsuko: 全く (mattaku)
Peter: Yes, like completely unbelievable. Okay, next up.
Natsuko: 頑張れ (ganbare)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)がんばれ (ganbare)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 頑張れ (ganbare)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Go for it.
Peter: And go for it, Japan as tonight probably a few hours after you hear or maybe after you hear this, they will be playing for the world baseball classic.
Natsuko: Yes. 頑張れ日本!(Ganbare Nippon!)
Peter: Usually we do survivor series today but this is taking such precedent. You cannot believe how much the country is getting into this.
Natsuko: Right.


Peter: People everywhere are talking about this. So we are looking forward to seeing what happens. Okay, so that’s going to do it for today. One final last call to cheer for Japan.
Natsuko: 頑張れ日本!(Ganbare Nippon!)
Takase: 頑張れ日本!(Ganbare Nippon!)
Peter: There you are. タカセ!(Takase!)
Natsuko: また明日ね。(Mata ashita ne.)
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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