
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sakura: さくらです。(Sakura desu.)
Peter: Peter here and we are back with another episode. Now today we have a great show for you. What did we introduce yesterday?
Sakura: 元気ですか。(Genki desu ka.)
Peter: Yes, the greeting for
Sakura: How are you?
Peter: Yes and this is as we said yesterday and we cannot, cannot, cannot stress this enough that this is one of the most important phrases in this language, right Sakura?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Okay, so now what we are going to do, from now on, we would like to start the day with
Sakura: 元気ですか。(Genki desu ka.)
Peter: Yes, okay so let me ask Sakura how she is doing. 今日は元気ですか。(Kyō wa genki desu ka.)
Sakura: はい、とっても元気です。(Hai, tottemo genki desu.)
Peter: Very, very nice.
Sakura: ピーターは元気ですか。(Pītā wa genki desu ka.)
Peter: 今日は絶好調。(Kyō wa zekkōchō.)
Sakura: Oh…
Peter: Okay, now without further adieu, we would like to jump into today’s lesson. Here is the setting for the conversation. Sakura is waiting for me in front of Tokyo station, okay. So let’s start the conversation.
ピーター (Pītā) : さくら、さくら! (Sakura, Sakura!)
さくら (Sakura) : あー、ピーター!(Ā, Pītā!)
ピーター (Pītā) : 元気ですか。(Genki desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : 元気!元気ですか。(Genki! Genki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : 元気ですよ。ええ、それは何ですか。(Genki desu yo. Ē, sore wa nan desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : これは私の鞄です。(Kore wa watashi no kaban desu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたの鞄ですか。(Anata no kaban desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : すてきですね。新しいですか。(Suteki desu ne. Atarashii desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
Peter: Okay, very nice. Now don’t worry too much about what’s in there. Try and listen. Try and get the gist of the conversation. We are going to break it down. Right after this, we are going to go through it one more time but this time much slower. Okay, so here we go.
ピーター (Pītā) : さくら! (Sakura!)
さくら (Sakura) : ピーター!(Pītā!)
ピーター (Pītā) : 元気ですか。(Genki desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : 元気!元気ですか。(Genki! Genki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : 元気ですよ。ええ、それは何ですか。(Genki desu yo. Ē, sore wa nan desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : これは私の鞄です。(Kore wa watashi no kaban desu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたの鞄ですか。(Anata no kaban desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : はい、そうです。(Hai. Sō desu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : すてきですね。新しいですか。(Suteki desu ne. Atarashii desu ka.)
さくら (Sakura) : はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
Peter: Okay, very, very, very, very nice, Sakura. Okay, now what we are going to do is we are going to have Sakura and her lovely voice read the dialogue once by herself and I will translate. You don’t want my Japanese getting in there. So, here we go.
ピーター (Pītā) : 元気ですか。(Genki desu ka.)
PETER: How are you?
さくら (Sakura) : 元気!(Genki!)
SAKURA: I‘m Fine!
さくら (Sakura) : 元気ですか。(Genki desu ka.)
SAKURA: How are you?
ピーター (Pītā) : 元気ですよ。(Genki desu yo.)
PETER: I'm Fine.
ピーター (Pītā) : それは何ですか。(Sore wa nan desu ka.)
PETER: What’s that?
さくら (Sakura) : これは私の鞄です。(Kore wa watashi no kaban desu.)
SAKURA: That’s my bag.
ピーター (Pītā) : あなたの鞄ですか。(Anata no kaban desu ka.)
PETER: Your bag?
さくら (Sakura) : はい、そうです。(Hai. Sō desu.)
SAKURA: Yes, that’s right.
ピーター (Pītā) : すてきですね。(Suteki desu ne.)
PETER: It‘s beautiful.
ピーター (Pītā) : 新しいですか。(Atarashii desu ka.)
PETER: Is it new?
さくら (Sakura) : はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
SAKURA: Yes, it is.
Okay, very, very, very nice Sakura. Now let’s get into the vocabulary of this lesson. Let’s give you the new vocabulary first. Now can you give us the word for bag one more time, please.
Sakura: かばん (kaban)
Peter: Yes, very nice. Now can you say this one more time, please?
Sakura: かばん (kaban)
Peter: Okay, now break it down for us.
Sakura: (slow)かばん (kaban)
Peter: Bag, one time fast.
Sakura: かばん (kaban)
Peter: Very, very nice. Okay, then we had the word for new which is
Sakura: 新しい (atarashii)
Peter: Very nice. One more time, please.
Sakura: 新しい (atarashii)
Peter: New. Now break this down for us.
Sakura: (slow)新しい (atarashii)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 新しい (atarashii)
Peter: Yes, new. Okay, so we have the new words and we have some old words, right? What is the word for looks nice?
Sakura: 素敵 (suteki)
Peter: Yes, very, very nice. Now I am sure some of you noticed out there. We have a very, very important point to today’s lesson. Sakura, can you give us that point?
Sakura: Possessives.
Peter: Yes, very, very nice. Yes, today we are going to do the possessive noun. The possessive in Japanese is quite easy, right Sakura?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: There is one little particle, one little syllable that we can put in there and it makes everything ours, ours, ours. Can you give us that, Sakura?
Sakura: Yes that is の (no)
Peter: Very nice. One more time, please.
Sakura: の (no)
Peter: Yes and Sakura, what does this wonderful, little particle の (no) do?
Sakura: It makes it possessive.
Peter: Yes, very nice. So for example, this is a very, very important word, pay attention. Mine, how do I say mine, mine, mine, mine, and mine.
Sakura: Okay. 私の (watashi no)
Peter: Yes, very nice. One more time, please.
Sakura: 私の (watashi no)
Peter: Yes. With this little particle, it becomes yours.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Okay. And speaking of yours, how would we say yours?
Sakura: あなたの (anata no)
Peter: Yes see, just add that little の (no) and it’s possessive. One more, how about “his”?
Sakura: 彼の (kare no)
Peter: Hers
Sakura: 彼女の (kanojo no)
Peter: Yes. Very nice. Ours
Sakura: 私たちの (watashi-tachi no)
Peter: Yours, pleural.
Sakura: あなた達の (anata-tachi no)
Peter: Theirs
Sakura: 彼らの (kare-ra no)
Peter: Okay. Do you see, all you do is add the simple
Sakura: の (no)
Peter: And it’s yours.

Lesson focus

Peter: Now we are going to do a little scene for you and we will be displaying our very poor acting but here we go. We will set this scene in the supermarket. Now how do we say supermarket in Japanese?
Sakura: スーパー (sūpā)
Peter: Yes. What did you guys do to this word? You crushed it down. Can you give it to us one more time?
Sakura: スーパー (sūpā)
Peter: Yes, supermarket and now please break it down by syllable.
Sakura: (slow)スーパー (sūpā)
Peter: Yes and one time fast.
Sakura: スーパー (sūpā)
Peter: Yes, supermarket. You remember, to hold the う (u) and the あ (a), right?
Sakura: Umm, yes.
Peter: One more time.
Sakura: スーパー (sūpā)
Peter: Yes, okay. So this scene sets place at the
Sakura: スーパー (sūpā)
Peter: And me and Sakura, we don’t – we’ll pretend we don’t know each other and we are going to buy some food.
Sakura: Umm.
Peter: And we wind up in the same section and that supermarket, they sell sushi. So we’ll pretend that me and Sakura are walking. You know, I am coming in from the right, she is coming in from the left. We are walking and we put our hand on the box of sushi at the same time. So I would say to Sakura, すみません、これは私の寿司です。(Sumimasen, kore wa watashi no sushi desu.)
Sakura: いいえ、これは私の寿司です。(Iie, kore wa watashi no sushi desu.)
Peter: いいえ、これは私の寿司です。(Iie, kore wa watashi no sushi desu.)
Sakura: いえ、私のです!(Ie, watashi no desu!)
Peter: いえ、私のです! (Ie, watashi no desu!)
Okay. So that last example was a bit extreme arguing in the supermarket. Let’s see if we cannot get a better example. I think I might have one. Sakura, now we can talk about bags and brands because brand bags are big, big business here. Right, Sakura?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Many girls have lots of designer handbags. Now the problem with this is, we would like Sakura to ask the question so you could get the proper pronunciation. Problem is, I am a guy and I don’t have a handbag which is the topic for today. So what we will do is we are going to do two birds, one stone and we are going to do, My Girlfriend’s Bag. In order to do this, in order to talk about my girlfriend, what we will do is first get the word for girlfriend. How do we say girlfriend?
Sakura: 彼女 (kanojo)
Peter: Yes, one more time, please.
Sakura: 彼女 (kanojo)
Peter: Girlfriend and this is the same word for girl but it has the meaning of girlfriend.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So how do I say my girlfriend?
Sakura: 私の彼女 (watashi no kanojo)
Peter: Yes. Okay, now here is the million dollar question. How do I say, my girlfriend’s bag.
Sakura: 私の彼女のかばん (watashi no kanojo no kaban)
Peter: Okay, did everyone get that out there? My girlfriend which is
Sakura: 私の彼女 (watashi no kanojo)
Peter: Yes. My girlfriend and her bag
Sakura: 彼女のかばん (kanojo no kaban)
Peter: Yes. Altogether
Sakura: 私の彼女のかばん (watashi no kanojo no kaban)
Peter: Yes, so we have two
Sakura: Possessives.
Peter: Yes, two の(no) s
Sakura: の、そう。(No, sō.)
Peter: So this is – so like I said in Japanese, it’s very easy to form the possessive. So what Sakura is going to ask is about my girlfriend’s bag and she is going to add in the brand name because this is a very important topic over here. So please listen and see if you can pick up the brand name we are talking about. Okay, here we go.
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはグッチですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Gutchi desu ka.)
Peter: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) Okay, one more time.
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはグッチですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Gutchi desu ka.)
Peter: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) Remember this word guys. もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはグッチですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Gutchi desu ka.)
Peter: Okay. はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) Okay, and give us the brand, just the brand.
Sakura: グッチ (Gutchi)
Peter: Everybody out there gets that. Is your girlfriend’s bag
Sakura: グッチ (Gutchi)
Peter: Yes, Gucci is what we are talking about. Okay, now you got it. Let’s do two more. Here we go.
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはルイヴィトンですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Rui Viton desu ka.)
Peter: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) Okay. もう一度ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはルイヴィトンですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Rui Viton desu ka.)
Peter: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) So give us the brand one more time.
Sakura: ルイヴィトン (Rui Viton)
Peter: Yes, is your girlfriend’s bag ルイヴィトン (Rui Viton)?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Okay and last one for the day folks.
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはコーチですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Cōchi desu ka.)
Peter: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) One more time. ゆっくりお願いします。(Yukkuri onegai shimasu.) Sakura.
Sakura: あなたの彼女のカバンはコーチですか。(Anata no kanojo no kaban wa Cōchi desu ka.)
Peter: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.) Okay and give us the English.
Sakura: Is your girlfriend’s bag COACH?
Peter: Yes, COACH is the word. Okay and the real answer to this is no.
Sakura: Now boys have to give presents to girlfriends.
Peter: Sakura…
Sakura: Popular presents. I don’t have them either actually.
Peter: Anybody out there who wants to give Sakura a handbag, Louis Vuitton, would you prefer Louis Vuitton?
Sakura: Umm nice.
Peter: Yeah okay, just send it down to...we have an address on www.japanesepod101.com. Please send it down.


Peter: Okay, so that’s going to wrap it up for today. Again a little long but as we are just building your base, I think we are building a great base for you guys. I mean, in three weeks, you guys have come so far, really, really far, okay. So that’s going to wrap it up for today.
Sakura: また明日ね。(Mata ashita ne.)
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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