
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: ナツコです。(Natsuko desu.)
Sachiko: さちこです。(Sachiko desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #162. YouTube Celebrities. Natsuko-san, YouTube, what do you think?
Natsuko: It’s becoming very popular in Japan as well, right? I hear a lot of people watching them.
Peter: Natsuko-san, can you give us the pronunciation of YouTube in Japanese?
Natsuko: ユーチューブ (Yūchūbu)
Peter: And just break that down?
Natsuko: (slow) ゆーちゅーぶ (Yūchūbu) (natural speed) ユーチューブ (Yūchūbu)
Peter: And Sachiko-san, tell us what today’s lesson is about.
Sachiko: So it’s about this man who has a great idea for a show that he wants to put on YouTube and he is telling the friend who isn’t as enthusiastic and that gap is just really interesting.
Peter: We are going to find out more about this. Here we go.
葵 (Aoi) : はい、もしもし。(Hai, moshimoshi.)
勇 (Isami) : 俺は天才だ!ねぇ、すごいアイディアがある!(Ore wa tensai da! Nee, sugoi aidia ga aru!)
葵 (Aoi) : 何?(Nani?)
勇 (Isami) : 最近ユーチューブ、すごい人気あるじゃん?(Saikin Yūchūbu, sugoi ninki aru jan?)
葵 (Aoi) : あ、うん。(A, un.)
勇 (Isami) : 俺たちで番組を作ろうぜ!(Ore-tachi de bangumi o tsukurō ze!)
葵 (Aoi) : どういう(番組)?(Dō iu (bangumi)?)
勇 (Isami) : 心の準備はできた?アーユーレディー?(Kokoro no junbi wa dekita? Ā yū redī?)
葵 (Aoi) : あ、うん、できた。(A, un, dekita.)
勇 (Isami) : じゃ、行くぜ。甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Ja, iku ze. Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
葵 (Aoi) : 何?!た、食べ物?(Nani?! Ta, tabemono?)
勇 (Isami) : その通り!(Sono tōri!)
甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
知らない人々にどっちが好きか聞くんだ。甘いもの、あるいは辛いもの。(Shiranai hitobito ni dotchi ga suki ka kiku n da. Amai mono, aruiwa karai mono.)
葵 (Aoi) : いやあ、わかるけど。何て言っていいかわかんない。(Iyā, wakaru kedo. Nan te itte ii ka wakannai.)
まあいいや。いつから撮るの?(Mā ii ya. Itsu kara toru no?)
勇 (Isami) : もちろん、今からに決まってんじゃん。アーユーレディー?レッツゴー!(Mochiron, ima kara ni kimatte n jan. Ā yū redī? Rettsu gō!)
Natsuko: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
葵 (Aoi) : はい、もしもし。(Hai, moshimoshi.)
勇 (Isami) : 俺は天才だ!ねぇ、すごいアイディアがある!(Ore wa tensai da! Nee, sugoi aidia ga aru!)
葵 (Aoi) : 何?(Nani?)
勇 (Isami) : 最近ユーチューブ、すごい人気あるじゃん?(Saikin Yūchūbu, sugoi ninki aru jan?)
葵 (Aoi) : うん。(Un.)
勇 (Isami) : 俺たちで番組を作ろうぜ!(Ore-tachi de bangumi o tsukurō ze!)
葵 (Aoi) : どういう(番組)?(Dō iu (bangumi)?)
勇 (Isami) : 心の準備はできた?アーユーレディー?(Kokoro no junbi wa dekita? Ā yū redī?)
葵 (Aoi) : うん、できた。(Un, dekita.)
勇 (Isami) : じゃ、行くぜ。甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Ja, iku ze. Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
葵 (Aoi) : 何?!食べ物?(Nani?! Tabemono?)
勇 (Isami) : その通り!(Sono tōri!)
甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
知らない人々にどっちが好きか聞くんだ。甘いもの、あるいは辛いもの。(Shiranai hitobito ni dotchi ga suki ka kiku n da. Amai mono, aruiwa karai mono.)
葵 (Aoi) : わかるけど。何て言っていいかわからない。(Wakaru kedo. Nan te itte ii ka wakaranai.)
まあいいや。いつから撮る?(Mā ii ya. Itsu kara toru?)
勇 (Isami) : もちろん、今からに決まってんじゃん。アーユーレディー?レッツゴー!(Mochiron, ima kara ni kimatte n jan. Ā yū redī? Rettsu gō!)
Take: 次は、英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
葵 (Aoi) : はい、もしもし。(Hai, moshimoshi.)
AOI: Hello.
勇 (Isami) : 俺は天才だ!ねぇ、すごいアイディアがある!(Ore wa tensai da! Nee, sugoi aidia ga aru!)
ISAMI: I'm a genius! I have a great idea!
葵 (Aoi) : 何?(Nani?)
AOI: What's up?
勇 (Isami) : 最近ユーチューブ、すごい人気あるじゃん?(Saikin Yūchūbu, sugoi ninki aru jan?)
ISAMI: YouTube is really popular these days, isn’t it?
葵 (Aoi) : あ、うん。(A, un.)
AOI: Yeah.
勇 (Isami) : 俺たちで番組を作ろうぜ!(Ore-tachi de bangumi o tsukurō ze!)
ISAMI: Let's make our program ourselves!
葵 (Aoi) : どういう(番組)?(Dō iu (bangumi)?)
AOI: What kind (of program)?
勇 (Isami) : 心の準備はできた?アーユーレディー?(Kokoro no junbi wa dekita? Ā yū redī?)
ISAMI: Are you sitting down? Are you ready?
葵 (Aoi) : あ、うん、できた。(A, un, dekita.)
AOI: Yeah, I'm ready.
勇 (Isami) : じゃ、行くぜ。甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Ja, iku ze. Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
ISAMI: So, here I go: Sweet one? Spicy one? Which one?
葵 (Aoi) : 何?!た、食べ物?(Nani?! Ta, tabemono?)
AOI: What? You mean food?
勇 (Isami) : その通り!(Sono tōri!)
ISAMI: Exactly!
勇 (Isami) : 甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
ISAMI: "Sweet one? Spicy one? Which one?"
勇 (Isami) : 知らない人々にどっちが好きか聞くんだ。甘いもの、あるいは辛いもの。(Shiranai hitobito ni dotchi ga suki ka kiku n da. Amai mono, aruiwa karai mono.)
ISAMI: We ask strangers which one they like. Something sweet or something spicy.
葵 (Aoi) : いやあ、わかるけど。何て言っていいかわかんない。(Iyā, wakaru kedo. Nan te itte ii ka wakannai.)
AOI: Umm, I get it, but… I don't know what to say.
葵 (Aoi) : まあいいや。いつから撮るの?(Mā ii ya. Itsu kara toru no?)
AOI: Anyway, whatever. When do we record?
勇 (Isami) : もちろん、今からに決まってんじゃん。アーユーレディー?レッツゴー!(Mochiron, ima kara ni kimatte n jan. Ā yū redī? Rettsu gō!)
ISAMI: Right away, of course! Are you ready? Let's go!
Sachiko: ナツコさん、どう思いましたか。(Natsuko-san, dō omoimashita ka.)
Natsuko: いやなんか、よくわからなかったんですけど。何がやりたいのかな。(Iya nanka, yoku wakaranakatta n desu kedo. Nani ga yaritai no ka na.)
Peter: You didn’t understand what they wanted to do.
Natsuko: I am not sure.
Peter: Sachiko-san, help us out here. I think it’s pretty clear.
Sachiko: So the one person with the brilliant idea wanted to make a show serving what people like better. Sweet foods or spicy foods and so he is all revved up and ready to go.
Natsuko: Ah I see.
Peter: Makes sense now, right?
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: What we are going to do now is jump into the vocab and then after that, we are going to take a look at this dialogue. Here we go.
Natsuko: 天才 (tensai)
Sachiko: Genius.
Natsuko: (slow) てんさい (tensai) (natural speed) 天才 (tensai)
Natsuko: ユーチューブ (Yūchūbu)
Sachiko: YouTube.
Natsuko: (slow) ゆーちゅーぶ (Yūchūbu) (natural speed) ユーチューブ (Yūchūbu)
Natsuko: 番組 (bangumi)
Sachiko: Program.
Natsuko: (slow) ばんぐみ (bangumi) (natural speed) 番組 (bangumi)
Peter: Now this can be used for radio and TV, correct?
Natsuko: Correct.
Sachiko: Correct.
Peter: And how about the internet, what’s going on with the internet?
Natsuko: Ah maybe you can use it for some posts but I think you call them contents.
Peter: So…
Sachiko: Pronounce the Japanese way.
Natsuko: Yeah, yeah, yeah. コンテンツ (kontentsu)
Sachiko: Yeah.
Peter: Just give us that, one more time.
Natsuko: (natural speed) コンテンツ (kontentsu) (slow) こんてんつ (kontentsu)
Sachiko: Next.
Natsuko: 心の準備 (kokoro no junbi)
Sachiko: Mentally prepare.
Natsuko: (slow) こころのじゅんび (kokoro no junbi) (natural speed) 心の準備 (kokoro no junbi)
Peter: Now this phrase is quite common.
Natsuko: Right.
Sachiko: Yeah.
Peter: And literally it’s “hearts preparation” but again we will mention this over and over. In Japanese,こころ (kokoro) is not just the heart but actually usually the mind.
Natsuko: Yeah, right.
Sachiko: Yeah, that’s true.
Peter: So mental preparation.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So before something really big, so this guy is going way overboard. Are you mentally prepared? Have you got yourself ready?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Are you ready for this?
Sachiko: Yes. Usually it's reserved for exams or competition and something major like something really important in your life.
Natsuko: You are right.
Sachiko: Not for a YouTube program.
Peter: Well it can change your life.
Natsuko: Maybe.
Peter: Okay, and then finally we have the expression
Natsuko: その通り (sono tōri)
Sachiko: Exactly.
Natsuko: (slow) そのとおり (sono tōri) (natural speed) その通り (sono tōri)
Peter: So you have the demonstrative その (sono) that, followed by
Natsuko: 通り (tōri)
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: Same or similar.
Peter: Yeah, that’s the same. And so that’s it. You nailed it, exactly. Okay, now let’s take a look at this conversation. Natsuko-san again, yeah what is going on here, we are going to figure it out. Now let’s take a look at the second line.
Natsuko: 俺は天才だ!すごいアイディアがある!(Ore wa tensai da! Sugoi aidia ga aru!))
Peter: Now let’s take a look at the second part. Sachiko, what does this mean?
Sachiko: I have a great idea.
Peter: Now let’s take a look at it literally. First we have
Sachiko: Great.
Peter: Followed by
Sachiko: Idea.
Peter: Then
Sachiko: Is there.
Peter: Great idea there is. When ある (aru) is used, it literally means there exists but it can also be translated as to have.
Natsuko: Right.
Sachiko: Right.
Peter: So when we translate this, I have a great idea but literally, great idea there is.
Sachiko: Close enough.
Peter: Close enough. Okay, next we are going to take a look at what – I think we are going to really focus on the guy speaker. What do we have next from the guy speaker?
Natsuko: 最近ユーチューブがすごい人気あるじゃん?(Saikin Yūchūbu ga sugoi ninki aru jan?)
Peter: Okay yeah, we want to focus on that last bit there. Natsuko-san, what do we end that with?
Natsuko: じゃん (jan)?
Peter: What does this mean?
Natsuko: Ah it means じゃない (ja nai).
Peter: Yeah. It’s kind of like a contracted じゃない (ja nai).
Natsuko: And you know, asking in a asking way.
Peter: Yeah, it’s a tag question. So recently, YouTube is popular, isn’t it? Now in English, you kind of coordinate this with the verb that precedes it but the great thing about Japanese is じゃん (jan) will kind of magically coordinate itself with the verb that precedes it.
Natsuko: Yeay!
Sachiko: Right.
Peter: Yeay!
Natsuko: I heard that this is, you know, kind of a Kanto dialect.
Sachiko: Definitely. I am from Osaka and I would never say じゃん (jan). We would say やん (yan) instead.
Natsuko: Oh!
Sachiko: But that’s a different lesson right there.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: Yeah, a little sneak preview with the upcoming Osaka dialect.
Natsuko: Yes.
Sachiko: Huh!
Peter: Lesson. Okay, now we get into some really interesting things here. Let’s just jump down to the girl saying what kind of show.
Natsuko: どういう番組?(Dō iu bangumi?)
Peter: That we can’t stress this phrase enough どういう (dō iu). In spoken Japanese, it is just used all the time. What kind of show? Natsuko-san, how about what kind of food?
Natsuko: どういう食べ物?(Dō iu tabemono?)
Peter: Yeah, what kind of food. This is used all the time in Spoken Japanese, what kind. Okay, now in the textbooks, of course you will come across どんな (donna).
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: I guess it just doesn’t roll off the tongue as well and there is politeness issues with it but even in sometimes politer Japanese, どういう (dō iu) will get in there.
Natsuko: Yeah, right.
Peter: Okay, and then we jump to the next part.
Natsuko: 心の準備はできた?(Kokoro no junbi wa dekita?)
Peter: Are you mentally prepared, followed by
Natsuko: アーユーレディー?(Ā yū redī?)
Peter: And Sachiko-san, help us out here.
Sachiko: Well a lot of Japanese people actually say this in English. They say it but with the Japanese accent, アーユーレディー (ā yū redī)? It's just a comical thing to say.
Peter: Yeah. They take these certain catch phrases.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: They turn them into
Sachiko: Japanglish.
Peter: Yes. I think people whose ears are not adjusted or kind of adjusted to hearing the katakana pronunciation, the first time I heard these words, they didn’t make any sense to me.
Natsuko: No wonder.
Peter: Okay, so yeah this is a very comical way. Then we have yes, うん、できた (un, dekita). This is followed by
Natsuko: じゃ、行くぜ。(Ja, iku ze.)
Peter: じゃ (ja) is a filler okay, followed by 行くぜ (iku ze). Now I am going to go or I am going out, I am going to tell you. The ぜ (ze) is used by male speakers
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: Kind of for emphasis.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: I am going to go now. And this is followed with
Natsuko: 甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay. And this is actually today’s grammar point. Now 甘い (amai) means what, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: Sweet.
Peter: And 辛い (karai) means what, Sachiko-san?
Sachiko: Spicy.
Peter: But when we attach the の (no) on to this,
Natsuko: Sweet thing.
Peter: Yes, again in the previous lesson, we nominalized phrases and in previous lessons, we used の (no) to nominalize verbs. Here we are actually using it to nominalize adjectives. And this is done by adding a の (no).
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: A popular phrasing for asking people if they like certain things is 甘いのはすきですか (Amai no wa suki desu ka), do you like sweet things? Then of course どっちか (dotchi ka) is どっち (dotchi) is short for どちら (dochira) and it just means which do you like but here the phrasing is very interesting. Three questions. Sachiko-san,
Sachiko: 甘いのか。辛いのか。どっちか。(Amai no ka. Karai no ka. Dotchi ka.)
Peter: Sweet things, hot things which and in spoken Japanese, you will often come across か (ka), かどっち (ka dotchi) or どちら (dochira). This is a very popular phrasing but more about that inside the PDF. And you won’t really come across this in textbooks unless you are reading someone’s spoken words but it’s a very popular way to phrase it.
Sachiko: Very rhythmical, too.
Peter: Very nice and now this is followed by the listeners kind of not exactly following what the person is speaking about because 甘い (amai) thing, sweet things and hot things, well what exactly you are talking about. So she wants to kind of specify. She wants to clarify what the speaker is talking about and she compensates by asking
Natsuko: 何?食べ物?(Nani? Tabemono?)
Peter: What food, what? Are you talking about food and he is. All right, we are running short on time today but one last phrase we should take a look at. A last phrase he says
Natsuko: もちろん、今からに決まってるじゃん。(Mochiron, ima kara ni kimatte ru jan.)
Peter: Of course, you know we are going to do it from now or of course we are going to start now. So this phrase
Natsuko: 決まってる (kimatte ru)
Peter: It’s been decided or you know what’s coming. All right, and then of course we have our
Sachiko: Japanglish. アーユーレディー?レッツゴー! (Ā yū redī? Rettsu gō!)
Peter: Oh man!
Sachiko: Which actually means are you ready, let’s go in case you didn’t catch that.


Peter: Oh all right, we are going to stop here but any questions, stop by and leave us a post. Stop by japanesepod101.com, pick up the PDF and any other questions, just leave us a post and we will get back to you. That’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃあ、また明日ね。(Jā, mata ashita ne.)
Sachiko: また明日。(Mata ashita.)


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