
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: おはよう、ハルピン。ナツコです。(Ohayō, Harupin. Natsuko desu.)
Yoshi: おはよう、ハルピン。よしです。(Ohayō, Harupin. Yoshi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. We are back with the two friends and their neighbor, the famous neighbor. Now this story is winding down. Today we are going to cover a lot of what we covered over the past few weeks. So this lesson is going to bring a lot together. Let’s get into today’s conversation. Here we go.
よし (Yoshi) : 信じられない!よくもだましたな。(Shinjirarenai! Yokumo damashita na.)
たけ (Take) : ごめん。なんで芸能人って言わなかったの!俺はびっくりしたよ。(Gomen. Nande geinōjin tte iwanakatta no! Ore wa bikkuri shita yo.)
よし (Yoshi) : 俺だって!俺もびっくりした。(Ore datte! Ore mo bikkuri shita.)
たけ (Take) : ところで、今夜車を貸してもらえる?(Tokorode, kon’ya kuruma o kashite moraeru?)
よし (Yoshi) : それは無理だ。貸してあげられないけど、渋谷まで送ってあげる。(Sore wa muri da. Kashite agerarenai kedo, Shibuya made okutte ageru.)
たけ (Take) : 悪いね。ありがとう。(Warui ne. Arigatō.)
Peter: One more time. Slowly please.
Take: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
よし (Yoshi) : 信じられない!よくもだましたな。(Shinjirarenai! Yokumo damashita na.)
たけ (Take) : ごめん。なんで芸能人って言わなかったの!俺はびっくりしたよ。(Gomen. Nande geinōjin tte iwanakatta no! Ore wa bikkuri shita yo.)
よし (Yoshi) : 俺だって!俺もびっくりした。(Ore datte! Ore mo bikkuri shita.)
たけ (Take) : ところで、今夜車を貸してもらえる?(Tokorode, kon’ya kuruma o kashite moraeru?)
よし (Yoshi) : それは無理だ。貸してあげられないけど、渋谷まで送ってあげる。(Sore wa muri da. Kashite agerarenai kedo, Shibuya made okutte ageru.)
たけ (Take) : 悪いね。ありがとう。(Warui ne. Arigatō.)
Peter: This time Take-san and Yoshi-san will give you the Japanese and I will give you the English.
よし (Yoshi) : 信じられない!(Shinjirarenai!)
YOSHI: I can't believe it!
よし (Yoshi) : よくもだましたな。(Yokumo damashita na.)
YOSHI: You fooled me.
たけ (Take) : ごめん。(Gomen.)
TAKE: Sorry.
たけ (Take) : なんで芸能人って言わなかったの!(Nande geinōjin tte iwanakatta no!)
TAKE: Why didn't you tell me she was a celebrity?
たけ (Take) : 俺はびっくりしたよ。(Ore wa bikkuri shita yo.)
TAKE: I was shocked.
よし (Yoshi) : 俺だって!(Ore datte!)
YOSHI: Me, too!
よし (Yoshi) : 俺もびっくりした。(Ore mo bikkuri shita.)
YOSHI: I was also surprised.
たけ (Take) : ところで、今夜車を貸してもらえる?(Tokorode, kon’ya kuruma o kashite moraeru?)
TAKE: By the way, can you lend me your car tonight?
よし (Yoshi) : それは無理だ。(Sore wa muri da.)
YOSHI: That's not gonna happen.
よし (Yoshi) : 貸してあげられないけど、渋谷まで送ってあげる。(Kashite agerarenai kedo, Shibuya made okutte ageru.)
YOSHI: I can't lend it to you, but I can give you a lift to Shibuya.
たけ (Take) : 悪いね。ありがとう。(Warui ne. Arigatō.)
TAKE: I feel bad. Thanks.
Peter: Yoshi-san, let’s ask Chigusa-san what she thought of today’s conversation.
Yoshi: ちぐささん、今日の会話はどうでしたか。(Chigusa-san, kyō no kaiwa wa dō deshita ka.)
Chigusa: 芸能人だと知らなくて、初めて会ったらビックリしちゃいますよね。(Geinōjin da to shiranakute, hajimete attara bikkuri shichaimasu yo ne.)
Peter: Yeah, I think if your neighbor was a celebrity and you happen to meet them without knowing, you’d be surprised. Yeah, I think you are dead on with that. Let me ask you this but Chigusa-san, I think you’ve met a lot of celebrities.
Chigusa: But not under circumstances like this.
Peter: You know you are the only celebrity I’ve ever met.
Chigusa: I am no celebrity, Peter.
Peter: Yeah, I think you are. Don’t move my dream Chigusa, don’t crush my dreams here. Listen, you are the only celebrity I met like I rode home like I met a celebrity. Yoshi-san is getting there.
Yoshi: I am working on it.
Peter: 頑張ってね。(Ganbatte ne.) Yoshi-san, have you met any celebrities besides Chigusa, of course?
Yoshi: I have met a couple especially when I was in New York. You know, I used to work in this Israeli soap store in Soho and I used to give out those little soap samples on the street and I saw Claire Danes walking by. I told her if she wanted a sample. She didn’t say anything, but she smiled and walked away, and I also saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie come into a store close to the soap store and I actually opened the door for Brad Pitt and they were just beautiful. They didn’t say anything. I also saw Uma Thurman walking by in the morning in front of the soap store. She was walking a dog, I think, with her boyfriend or someone.
Peter: All right. You know Yoshi, I was expecting a no but now we have been talking about this for a minute. All right, you all are too famous.
Chigusa: So interesting. So Soho is the place to go to if you want to meet celebrities.
Peter: I think so.
Chigusa: ふーん、勉強になりました。(Fūn, benkyō ni narimashita.)
Peter: Definitely. Yoshi, nice answer. Okay, now let’s take a look at today’s vocabulary, just one word because most of this other stuff is review. Yoshi-san, what’s that word?
Yoshi: だます (damasu)
Peter: To fool, to trick.
Yoshi: (slow) だます (damasu) (natural speed) だます (damasu)
Peter: And how about a sample sentence?
Yoshi: 人をだましてお金をとる。(Hito o damashite o-kane o toru.)
Peter: To fool someone and take their money, to trick someone and take their money. In Japan, there is a really well known way to take someone’s money. Yoshi-san, if I say to you だます (damasu), what automatically comes to your mind?
Yoshi: オレオレ詐欺 (oreore sagi)
Peter: Yoshi-san, can you tell us what that is? Give it to us one more time, break it down and then tell us what it is?
Yoshi: (slow) おれおれさぎ (oreore sagi)
Peter: So オレオレ詐欺 (oreore sagi), what does the first part mean?
Yoshi: 俺 (ore) as me calling myself as a guy, おれ (ore).
Peter: The masculine personal pronoun, おれ (ore).
Yoshi: Yes, and 詐欺 (sagi) fraud.
Peter: Me fraud, me me fraud. Help us out here.
Yoshi: So it's got a pretty big serious problem in Japan. It was a big news. So there are a bunch of young guys.
Peter: Entrepreneurs?
Yoshi: Yes. No. They are criminals, bad people. So a bunch of kids call random people, usually like older ladies like the age of your mother or grandma and they call up and if you answer, they just say it’s me, it’s me. I am in trouble. I need you to send me the money right away like you know put money in my bank account or something like that. And over the phone, they can’t really tell and because you know, the voice sounds like an emergency, so whoever gets his phone call, they panic and they just do whatever they tell you to do.
Peter: Maybe if you give us a little sample, we can envision it a bit better because you are very laid back, Yoshi-san. So panic it up a bit and make the call quick.
Yoshi: オレオレ。…もしもし、おばあちゃん、おれおれ。あのさ、ちょっと事故ちゃってさ、今すぐお金が必要なんだよね。ちょっと100万ぐらい口座に入れてくれない? (Ore ore… Moshimoshi, o-bā-chan, ore ore. Ano sa, chotto jikotchatte sa, ima sugu o-kane ga hitsuyō nan da yo ne. Chotto hyaku-man gurai kōza ni irete kurenai?) Something like that.
Peter: Perfect. Just go through it, one more time line by line.
Yoshi: もしもし、おばあちゃん、(Moshimoshi, o-bā-chan,)
Peter: Hello, grandma.
Yoshi: おれおれ。(ore ore.)
Peter: It’s me, it’s me.
Yoshi: ちょっと事故ちゃってさ、(chotto jikotchatte sa,)
Peter: I caused an accident.
Yoshi: 今すぐお金が必要なんだよね。(ima sugu o-kane ga hitsuyō nan da yo ne.)
Peter: I need money quickly.
Yoshi: 100万ぐらい口座に入れてくれない?
Peter: Can you put a million yen in my bank account and of course about $10,000 and then afterwards, they give the bank they want the money wired to, right?
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: I could never figure out how they got the names, like because usually when you wire money, the name comes up. So maybe they did some background research on the person they were calling or I never really got that if they had background information or they were just able to call on them without the information.
Chigusa: Like sometimes they go 相手の口座に振り込んでください (aite no kōza ni furikonde kudasai), I think they don’t give their own names but they give the account of the person who got involved in the accident, the other person’s account.
Peter: So as I caused this accident, this guy, he wants money. If I don’t pay him, it’s going to be a huge problem, send the money to this guy.
Chigusa: Right but my mom got a phone call like that once.
Peter: Really?
Chigusa: Really and in that case, the guy – no, no, no it was a lady calling and she knew the name of my sister.
Peter: Really?
Chigusa: Yeah. Her name is かおり (Kaori) and…
Peter: Thought she would give it out.
Chigusa: Yeah.
Peter: She will give it out again.
Chigusa: But she was like, it’s me and the name like it’s me, かおり (Kaori).
Peter: She pretended to be your sister.
Chigusa: Yes. And my mom got the phone but she could tell that it wasn’t her voice. She hung up the phone but…
Peter: Yeah, so a bunch of different methods but yeah this was a huge, huge problem in Japan. Like we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars sent.
Chigusa: Actually my grandpa paid.
Peter: Really?
Chigusa: 300万。(San-byaku-man.)
Peter: Three million yen?
Chigusa: Yes, like just a few months ago. It was terrible.
Peter: I could see like I would be really worried if I had granddaughters like you and your sister. Okay wow! We got a bit off track there but let’s just take a quick look at this conversation. Yoshi-san, first line.
Yoshi: 信じられない!(Shinjirarenai!)
Peter: Negative plain potential form of the verb 信じる (shinjiru), to believe. So we have 信じる (shinjiru) to believe, can believe is, Yoshi-san.
Yoshi: 信じられる (shinjirareru)
Peter: Then we turn it into the negative which is
Yoshi: 信じられない (shinjirarenai)
Peter: There it is, that’s it. Literally can’t believe it, but again here, the subject is inferred, it’s the speaker. I is inferred, I can’t believe and it, the thing that the speaker can’t believe, followed by
Yoshi: よくだましたな。(Yoku damashita na.)
Peter: Well tricked is the literal translation. So much is inferred. Now here Take lied to Yoshi. So here Yoshi is the speaker, よくだました (yoku damashita). Here Yoshi is speaking. The subject is actually Take. Take tricked Yoshi. So if we fill in this sentence, it actually comes out to be
Yoshi: あなたは私をよくだましたな。(Anata wa watashi o yoku damashita na.)
Peter: You, me tricked literally. Again we reverse the order to get in English, you tricked me. So the speaker is saying how the listener tricked him. The listener responds by
Chigusa: ごめん。(Gomen.)
Peter: I am sorry.
Chigusa: 何で芸能人って言わなかったの!(Nande geinōjin tte iwanakatta no!)
Peter: Why didn’t you tell me it was a celebrity?
Chigusa: 俺はびっくりしたよ。(Ore wa bikkuri shita yo.)
Peter: I was surprised, I was shocked.
Yoshi: 俺だって!(Ore datte!)
Peter: And me, me too.
Yoshi: 俺もびっくりした。(Ore mo bikkuri shita.)
Peter: I was also surprised. Then we have
Chigusa: ところで (tokorode)
Peter: Again topic changer, by the way.
Chigusa: 今夜車を貸してもらえる?(kon’ya kuruma o kashite moraeru?)
Peter: Can’t you lend me your car tonight? Now here we have the potential form of the verb to receive. もらう (morau) becomes もらえる (moraeru). Again the potential form. Remember, もらう is a class 1 verb. We put it into the potential form and to do this, the final う (u) becomes え (e) and we attach る (ru), もらえる (moraeru). We are going to discuss this point in a minute. Yoshi responds with
Yoshi: それは無理だ。(Sore wa muri da.)
Peter: That’s impossible.
Yoshi: 貸してあげられないけど、(Kashite agerarenai kedo,)
Peter: I can’t lend it to you but
Yoshi: 渋谷まで送ってあげる。(Shibuya made okutte ageru.)
Peter: I can’t take it to Shibuya. Again here, it’s inferred literally what’s said is, can’t lend it to you but to Shibuya we will send. Again there is nothing in there about the subjects and indirect objects. Just literally Yoshi-san, give me the sentence one more time.
Yoshi: 貸してあげられないけど、渋谷まで送ってあげる。(Kashite agerarenai kedo, Shibuya made okutte ageru.)
Peter: 貸してあげられないけど (kashite agerarenai kedo), literally can’t lend but
Yoshi: 渋谷まで送ってあげる (Shibuya made okutte ageru)
Peter: “To Shibuya will send” but again in Japanese, it’s inferred. Now again, the speaker is speaking here and in the previous sentence, Take asked for permission to borrow the car. So it’s established that it’s Yoshi’s car. So in this sentence, the context is that he is the subject. He is the one with the ability to decide to give or to do which makes Take the indirect object. So let’s just fill it in, give the sentence one more time with the subject and the indirect object.
Yoshi: 私はあなたに車を貸してあげられないけど、あなたを渋谷まで送ってあげる。(Watashi wa anata ni kuruma o kashite agerarenai kedo, anata o Shibuya made okutte ageru.)
Peter: Okay. So again, what we want to do here is just you know, look inside the conversation and see how so much gets dropped because it’s inferred. That’s how in Japanese, the sentences get condensed down. If you are looking at a textbook and you memorize that textbook and you come here and you talk with your friends, that sentence is going to be chopped down. Kind of like you’ve seen, like in pet shops, you bring in a hairy dog, you drop it off to get its haircut and you come back and it’s shaved. Pets kind of like, you get to the bare bones of this sentence. In Japanese, with a lot of inferred.
Yoshi: Yes, even with the hair, a dog is still a dog.

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Peter: A sentence is still a sentence. Okay, on to today’s grammar point, which is
Yoshi: てもらえる (te moraeru)
Peter: Can receive something done, can receive some action. Now this is used to ask if someone can do something for you. Okay, some kind of action. In the dialogue we had, Yoshi-san.
Yoshi: 貸してもらえる (kashite moraeru)
Peter: Can you lend me something, can someone lend someone something? We have the te-form of a verb, followed by もらえる (maraeru). Now this is the plain form when asking someone outside inner circle, you would say the polite form
Yoshi: 貸してもらえますか (kashite moraemasu ka)
Peter: And this is a bit deceptive because probably you would go with the potential form of the verb いただく (itadaku) which is
Yoshi: 貸していただけますか (kashite itadakemasu ka)


Peter: But this is a grammar point for a different lesson. Okay, Thank you again Chigusa-san and Yoshi-san, very interesting オレオレ (oreore) story オレオレ詐欺 (oreore sagi), very interesting story. Okay, that’s going to do for today. Remember to stop by japanesepod101.com, pick up that PDF, inside the learning center, so much more to bring it all together. See you tomorrow.
Chigusa: またね。(Mata ne.)
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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