
Vocabulary (Review)

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Yoshi: おはよう、ユーリカ。よしです。(Ohayō, Yūrika. Yoshi desu.)
Chigusa: おはよう、ユーリカ。ちぐさです。(Ohayō, Yūrika. Chigusa desu.)
Peter: Peter here. In today’s lesson, we have a bit of an ambitious plan. Yoshi-san, what are we going to try and cover today?
Yoshi: 色 (iro)
Peter: Colors and Yoshi-san, how many are we going to try and cover today?
Yoshi: A lot.
Peter: A lot. A big chunk of the crayon box is what we are going to try and take care of today. What we are going to do today is cover the major colors. Now we put a lot into this lesson and it may seem overwhelming but we think it will benefit you better to have all the colors in one place, at least one time. That way you can listen to this lesson over and over and hear the colors. Okay, with that said, this is a bit of a throwback. We are going to have a conversation that takes place in – Chigusa-san, how old would you say these kids are?
Chigusa: Five or six.
Peter: Five or six.
Chigusa: Or even younger.
Peter: And as these kids are in the same class, they are going to be speaking informal Japanese to each other. Now the teacher starts off polite, but the kids are speaking with each other. So it’s going to be very informal. Okay informal, lots of vocab, here we go.
先生 (sensei) : 皆さん、おかたづけの時間ですよ。(Mina-san, o-katazuke no jikan desu yo.)
よし (Yoshi) : おかたづけ嫌い!(O-katazuke kirai!)
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 色鉛筆の箱はどこ?(Iroenpitsu no hako wa doko?)
よし (Yoshi) : ここだよ。色鉛筆は?(Koko da yo. Iroenpitsu wa?)
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : ここにあるよ。「白」「灰色」「黒」「茶色」「赤」「桃色」「オ
レンジ」があるよ。(Koko ni aru yo. "Shiro" "haiiro" "kuro" "chairo" "aka" "momoiro" "orenji" ga aru yo.)
よし (Yoshi) : ここにもあるよ。「黄色」「黄緑」「緑」「水色」「青」「紫」がある。(Koko ni mo aru yo. "Kiiro" "kimidori" “midori" "mizuiro" "ao" "murasaki" ga aru.)
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : これで全部。(Kore de zenbu.)
Peter: One more time.Slowly please.
Chigusa: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
先生 (sensei) : 皆さん、おかたづけの時間ですよ。(Mina-san, o-katazuke no jikan desu yo.)
よし (Yoshi) : おかたづけ嫌い!(O-katazuke kirai!)
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 色鉛筆の箱はどこ?(Iroenpitsu no hako wa doko?)
よし (Yoshi) : ここだよ。色鉛筆は?(Koko da yo. Iroenpitsu wa?)
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : ここにあるよ。「白」「灰色」「黒」「茶色」「赤」「桃色」「オレンジ」があるよ。(Koko ni aru yo. "Shiro" "haiiro" "kuro" "chairo" "aka" "momoiro" "orenji" ga aru yo.)
よし (Yoshi) : ここにもあるよ。「黄色」「黄緑」「緑」「水色」「青」「紫」がある。(Koko ni mo aru yo. "Kiiro" "kimidori" “midori" "mizuiro" "ao" "murasaki" ga aru.)
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : これで全部。(Kore de zenbu.)
Chigusa: 今度は、ピーターの英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Pītā no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
先生 (sensei) : 皆さん、おかたづけの時間ですよ。(Mina-san, o-katazuke no jikan desu yo.)
TEACHER: Okay everyone, it's time to clean up!
よし (Yoshi) : おかたづけ嫌い!(O-katazuke kirai!)
YOSHI: I hate cleaning!
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 色鉛筆の箱はどこ?(Iroenpitsu no hako wa doko?)
CHIGUSA: Where's the colored pencil box?
よし (Yoshi) : ここだよ。(Koko da yo.)
YOSHI: Here it is!
よし (Yoshi) : 色鉛筆は?(Iroenpitsu wa?)
YOSHI: And the colored pencils?
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : ここにあるよ。(Koko ni aru yo.)
CHIGUSA: Here they are.
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「白」("Shiro")
CHIGUSA: There's white,
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「灰色」("haiiro")
CHIGUSA: gray,
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「黒」("kuro")
CHIGUSA: black,
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「茶色」("chairo")
CHIGUSA: brown,
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「赤」("aka")
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「桃色」("momoiro")
CHIGUSA: peach,
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : 「オレンジ」があるよ。("orenji" ga aru yo.)
CHIGUSA: and orange.
よし (Yoshi) : ここにもあるよ。(Koko ni mo aru yo.)
YOSHI: They're also here.
よし (Yoshi) : 「黄色」("Kiiro")
YOSHI: There's yellow,
よし (Yoshi) : 「黄緑」("kimidori")
YOSHI: yellow-green,
よし (Yoshi) : 「緑」(“midori")
YOSHI: green,
よし (Yoshi) : 「水色」("mizuiro")
YOSHI: light blue,
よし (Yoshi) : 「青」("ao")
YOSHI: blue,
よし (Yoshi) : 「紫」がある。("murasaki" ga aru.)
YOSHI: and purple.
ちぐさ (Chigusa) : これで全部。(Kore de zenbu.)
CHIGUSA: That's all of them.
Peter: Okay Chigusa-san, what did you think of today’s conversation?
Chigusa: It’s a very cute conversation.
Peter: 懐かしい?(Natsukashii?)
Chigusa: 懐かしいです。(Natsukashii desu.)
Peter: And Yoshi-san, how about you?
Yoshi: This sounds very familiar. My sister just started teaching my nieces to clean up.
Peter: So for you, the point of the conversation was the cleaning.
Yoshi: Yeah, yeah.
Peter: Not the colors?
Chigusa: Not the colors.
Peter: That’s good. Okay, what was that word we had Yoshi-san, 懐かしい (natsukashii)? Can you break that down?
Yoshi: 懐かしい (natsukashii)
(slow) なつかしい (natsukashii) (natural speed) 懐かしい (natsukashii)
Peter: Nostalgic. Okay, now let’s get into the vocab there. Lots in there today. Lots of colors and stuff. Joining us for vocab is Sakura-san.
Sakura: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Yoshi: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Peter: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.) Okay, first word.
Sakura: おかたづけ (o-katazuke)
Peter: Tidy up.
Sakura: (slow) おかたづけ (o-katazuke) (natural speed) おかたづけ (o-katazuke)
Peter: And what verb does this come from?
Sakura: かたづける (katazukeru)
Peter: Now we drop the る (ru), the final syllable and we add a prefix
Sakura: お (o)
Peter: To get this word. To tidy up.
Sakura: It’s for children, おかたづけ (o-katazuke).
Peter: Ah really?
Sakura: Yes. For adults it’s かたづけ (katazuke). We don’t put お (o).
Peter: Why is that?
Sakura: We often put お (o) in front of children’s words. I don’t know why but we do.
Peter: We are going to have to look into that. Hmm!
Sakura: Umm…
Peter: Can you give us another example?
Sakura: Like
Yoshi: お昼寝 (o-hirune)
Peter: Nap. What a beautiful word! Can you just give it to us one more time and break it down?
Yoshi: (slow) おひるね (o-hirune) (natural speed) お昼寝 (o-hirune)
Peter: Now the word in there for nap is
Yoshi: 昼寝 (hirune)
Peter: But as we are talking about with the kids' words.
Yoshi: お (o)
Peter: Is attached to the front of 昼寝 (hirune). Next we have
Yoshi: 色鉛筆 (iroenpitsu)
Peter: Colored pencils.
Yoshi: (slow) いろえんぴつ (iroenpitsu) (natural speed) 色鉛筆 (iroenpitsu)
Peter: Now let’s take a closer look at this word. Yoshi-san, what’s the word for color?
Yoshi: 色 (iro)
Peter: And just break that down.
Yoshi: (slow) いろ (iro) (natural speed) 色 (iro)
Peter: Now what’s the word for pencil?
Yoshi: 鉛筆 (enpitsu)
(slow) えんぴつ (enpitsu) (natural speed) 鉛筆 (enpitsu)
Peter: This is straightforward, just a color pencil, that’s it. Nothing to it, straightforward, direct translation, color pencil okay. Now that we have the color pencils, let’s talk about the colors. Okay, what we are going to do here is we are going to go through the colors. We are going to give the Japanese ones, then we are going to give the English, then the breakdown, then the Japanese one more time. So there is no commentary in there, just straight run through the colors. Here we go.
Yoshi: 白 (shiro)
Peter: White.
Yoshi: (slow) しろ (shiro) (natural speed) 白 (shiro)
Sakura: 灰色 (haiiro)
Peter: Gray.
Sakura: (slow) はいいろ (haiiro) (natural speed) 灰色 (haiiro)
Yoshi: 黒 (kuro)
Peter: Black.
Yoshi: (slow) くろ (kuro) (natural speed) 黒 (kuro)
Sakura: 茶色 (chairo)
Peter: Brown.
Sakura: (slow) ちゃいろ (chairo) (natural speed) 茶色 (chairo)
Yoshi: 赤 (aka)
Peter: Red.
Yoshi: (slow) あか (aka) (natural speed) 赤 (aka)
Sakura: 桃色 (momoiro)
Peter: Peach.
Sakura: (slow) ももいろ (momoiro) (natural speed) 桃色 (momoiro)
Yoshi: オレンジ (orenji)
Peter: Orange.
Yoshi: (slow) おれんじ (orenji) (natural speed) オレンジ (orenji)
Sakura: 黄色 (kiiro)
Peter: Yellow.
Sakura: (slow) きいろ (kiiro) (natural speed) 黄色 (kiiro)
Yoshi: 黄緑 (kimidori)
Peter: Yellow green.
Yoshi: (slow) きみどり (kimidori) (natural speed) 黄緑 (kimidori)
Sakura: 緑 (midori)
Peter: Green.
Sakura: (slow) みどり (midori) (natural speed) 緑 (midori)
Yoshi: 水色 (mizuiro)
Peter: Light blue.
Yoshi: (slow) みずいろ (mizuiro) (natural speed) 水色 (mizuiro)
Sakura: 青 (ao)
Peter: Blue.
Sakura: (slow) あお (ao) (natural speed) 青 (ao)
Yoshi: 紫 (murasaki)
Peter: Purple.
Yoshi: (slow) むらさき (murasaki) (natural speed) 紫 (murasaki)
Peter: Okay. Now a few things we want to point out about these colors. Sakura-san, what’s the word for color, one more time?
Sakura: 色 (iro)
Peter: Now listen to the following colors. Gray.
Sakura: 灰色 (haiiro)
Peter: Yellow.
Sakura: 黄色 (kiiro)
Peter: Light blue.
Sakura: 水色 (mizuiro)
Peter: Do you hear the color in there? Some words for color actually include the word color as in the words we just gave you. A couple others are standalone words. The word for green
Sakura: 緑 (midori)
Peter: And the word for purple
Sakura: 紫 (murasaki)
Peter: Now the reason we are pointing this out is some of the colors can be used not only in this way but also as i-adjectives. Now there will be a write up about this inside the PDF. So you want to stop by japanesepod101.com and pick up that PDF. There will be a detailed chart about the different uses. Now the ones that end in 色 (iro), the Japanese word for color plus the standalone words, they cannot take the い (i) of the i-adjective but other words for color can and you may have come across some already. Last we have
Sakura: 全部 (zenbu)
Peter: All.
Sakura: (slow) ぜんぶ (zenbu) (natural speed) 全部 (zenbu)


Peter: So our goal today was to introduce you to lots of colors. Now what we introduced today is the noun form. And here is the key and also a little bit of the trick which we will talk about inside the PDF. Some of these words also have an adjective form. Today we gave you the noun form. All correct, okay, that’s going to do it for today.
Sakura: またね。(Mata ne.)
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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