
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: おはよう、木星。ナツコです。(Ohayō, Mokusei. Natsuko desu.)
Yoshi: おはよう、木星。よしです。(Ohayō, Mokusei. Yoshi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #137. Natsuko-san, it’s time to backtrack a bit.
Natsuko: Backtrack?
Peter: Backtrack.
Natsuko: Did we miss something?
Peter: Kind of. Yeah we missed it, okay. In our haste when we covered to, like we covered things as in I like ice cream. I like Japan, I like Japanese food, I like Italian food. We covered lots of different things.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: But we kind of missed – can you figure it out?
Natsuko: What?
Peter: I like to do something.
Natsuko: Ah I see.
Peter: Yeah so today, we are going to work on nominalizing verbs. Now to exemplify this, we have a conversation with three people. So can we say marriage counseling because one person is interviewing a married couple. It didn’t occur to me when I first read the conversation but do you think maybe they are in counseling?
Yoshi: When I read the conversation, I thought of, like, a famous couple on TV.
Peter: Ah!
Natsuko: Are being interviewed.
Yoshi: Umm, in, like, a talk show or something.
Peter: Well Yoshi-san, do you know a famous married couple in Japan?
Yoshi: There’s a whole bunch.
Peter: Give me one off the top of your head.
Yoshi: 野村夫妻 (Nomura fusai)
Peter: Okay, now give it to us, one more time.
Yoshi: 野村夫妻 (Nomura fusai)
Peter: Here we have the family name 野村 (Nomura), followed by
Yoshi: 夫妻 (fusai)
Peter: 夫妻 (fusai), and this is
Yoshi: Husband and wife.
Peter: Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Nomura is the translation. So we have an interview here with Mr and Mrs. Nomura. So please listen, see what you can pick up. The words in here most should be familiar. Now while the grammatical stuff in here is not too difficult, we do have some interesting vocabulary in there. So pay attention to see what you can pick up one time fast, one time slow and then we give you the English and Japanese. So here we go.
インタビューア (intabyūa) : 野村夫妻、週末に何をしますか。(Nomura fusai, shūmatsu ni nani o shimasu ka.)
夫 (otto) : 私は読むのが好きです。週末に本を一冊読みます。サスペンス小説が好きです。(Watashi wa yomu no ga suki desu. Shūmatsu ni hon o issatsu yomimasu. Sasupensu shōsetsu ga suki desu.)
妻 (tsuma) : 私は運動するのが好きです。土曜日と日曜日にスポーツセンターへ行きます。(Watashi wa undō suru no ga suki desu. Do-yōbi to nichi-yōbi ni supōtsu sentā e ikimasu.)
夫 (otto) : 私は料理するのも好きです。日曜日の夜に料理を作ります。(Watashi wa ryōri suru no mo suki desu. Nichi-yōbi no yoru ni ryōri o tsukurimasu.)
妻 (tsuma) : 彼の手料理がとても好きです。(Kare no teryōri ga totemo suki desu.)
Peter: One more time. Slowly please.
インタビューア (intabyūa) : 野村夫妻、週末に何をしますか。(Nomura fusai, shūmatsu ni nani o shimasu ka.)
夫 (otto) : 私は読むのが好きです。週末に本を一冊読みます。サスペンス小説が好きです。(Watashi wa yomu no ga suki desu. Shūmatsu ni hon o issatsu yomimasu. Sasupensu shōsetsu ga suki desu.)
妻 (tsuma) : 私は運動するのが好きです。土曜日と日曜日にスポーツセンターへ行きます。(Watashi wa undō suru no ga suki desu. Do-yōbi to nichi-yōbi ni supōtsu sentā e ikimasu.)
夫 (otto) : 私は料理するのも好きです。日曜日の夜に料理を作ります。(Watashi wa ryōri suru no mo suki desu. Nichi-yōbi no yoru ni ryōri o tsukurimasu.)
妻 (tsuma) : 彼の手料理がとても好きです。(Kare no teryōri ga totemo suki desu.)
Peter: This time Natsuko-san and Yoshi-san will give you the Japanese and I will give you the English. Here we go.
インタビューア (intabyūa) : 野村夫妻、週末に何をしますか。(Nomura fusai, shūmatsu ni nani o shimasu ka.)
INTERVIEWER: Mr. and Mrs. Nomura, what do you do on the weekends?
夫 (otto) : 私は読むのが好きです。(Watashi wa yomu no ga suki desu.)
HUSBAND: I like to read.
夫 (otto) : 週末に本を一冊読みます。(Shūmatsu ni hon o issatsu yomimasu.
HUSBAND: I read one book every weekend.
夫 (otto) : サスペンス小説が好きです。(Sasupensu shōsetsu ga suki desu.)
HUSBAND: I like suspense novels.
妻 (tsuma) : 私は運動するのが好きです。(Watashi wa undō suru no ga suki desu.)
WIFE: I like to exercise.
妻 (tsuma) : 土曜日と日曜日にスポーツセンターへ行きます。(Do-yōbi to nichi-yōbi ni supōtsu sentā e ikimasu.)
WIFE: I go to the sports gym on Saturdays and Sundays.
夫 (otto) : 私は料理するのも好きです。(Watashi wa ryōri suru no mo suki desu.)
HUSBAND: I also like to cook.
夫 (otto) : 日曜日の夜に料理を作ります。(Nichi-yōbi no yoru ni ryōri o tsukurimasu.)
HUSBAND: I cook on Sunday nights.
妻 (tsuma) : 彼の手料理がとても好きです。(Kare no teryōri ga totemo suki desu.)
WIFE: I like his cooking very much.
Natsuko: よしさんは何をするのが好きですか。(Yoshi-san wa nani o suru no ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: English please.
Natsuko: What do you like to do, Yoshi?
Peter: And question, one more time.
Natsuko: よしさんは何をするのが好きですか。(Yoshi-san wa nani o suru no ga suki desu ka.)
Yoshi: 最近はダンスクラスに行っています。(Saikin wa dansu kurasu ni itte imasu.)
Natsuko: え、それはすごいですね。(E, sore wa sugoi desu ne.)
Peter: English please.
Yoshi: Recently I have been going to a dance class. ナツコさんは週末に何するのが好きですか。(Natsuko-san wa shūmatsu ni nani suru no ga suki desu ka.)
Natsuko: 私は競馬を見に行くのが好きです。(Watashi wa keiba o mi ni iku no ga suki desu.)
Peter: English please.
Natsuko: I like to go watch horse racing.
Peter: Okay, now let’s take a look at vocabulary. Natsuko-san, first word.
Natsuko: 夫妻 (fusai)
Peter: Married couple.
Natsuko: (slow) ふさい (fusai) (natural speed) 夫妻 (fusai)
Peter: Sample sentence, please.
Natsuko: クリントン前大統領夫妻はとても仲がいい。(Kurinton zendaitōryō fusai wa totemo naka ga ii.)
Peter: The former president Mr. Clinton and his wife have a very good relationship. Yoshi-san, ah you know who wrote this one?
Yoshi: I did.
Peter: Okay so remember; contact us, attention Yoshi for any comments on today’s lesson.
Yoshi: I saw they were so close to each other that they could even have an open relationship. What’s happening?
Peter: Who’s next?
Yoshi: スポーツセンター (supōtsu sentā)
Peter: Sports club, fitness club.
Yoshi: (slow) スポーツセンター (supōtsu sentā) (natural speed) スポーツセンター (supōtsu sentā)
このあたりにいいスポーツセンターはありますか。(Kono atari ni ii supōtsu sentā wa arimasu ka.)
Peter: Is there a good fitness club around here?
Natsuko: サスペンス (sasupensu)
Peter: Suspense.
Natsuko: (slow) サスペンス (sasupensu) (natural speed) サスペンス (sasupensu)
Peter: Sample sentence, please.
Natsuko: 友達とサスペンス映画を見た。(Tomodachi to sasupensu eiga o mita.)
Peter: I saw a suspense movie with my friend. ナツコさん、サスペンスが好きですか。(Natsuko-san, sasupensu ga suki desu ka.)
Natsuko: いや、私はあんまり好きじゃないです。よしさんはサスペンス映画は好きですか。(Iya, watashi wa anmari suki ja nai desu. Yoshi-wan wa sasupensu eiga wa suki desu ka.)
Yoshi: はい、好きですよ。(Hai, suki desu yo.)
Peter: Next we have
Yoshi: 小説 (shōsetsu)
Peter: Novel.
Yoshi: (slow) しょうせつ (shōsetsu) (natural speed) 小説 (shōsetsu)
Peter: Sample sentence, please.
Yoshi: 彼は小説を書いています。(Kare wa shōsetsu o kaite imasu.)
Peter: He is writing a novel. One more.
Yoshi: その小説はベストセラーになった。(Sono shōsetsu wa besuto serā ni natta.)
Peter: That novel became a bestseller. Next.
Natsuko: 手料理 (teryōri)
Peter: Home cooking.
Natsuko: (slow) てりょうり (teryōri) (natural speed) 手料理 (teryōri)
Peter: Natsuko-san, can you tell us something about the characters that make up this word?
Natsuko: It’s actually made up of two words and one is 手 (te) which means hand and the other is 料理 (ryōri) which means cooking and dishes.
Peter: So literally it’s hand cooking and you could think of it this way. Handmade food.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And handmade food is
Natsuko: Home cooking.
Peter: There it is. And for some people out there who didn’t like that, well you can have handmade food at a restaurant too. Well we will counter with this. The best handmade food is made at home. Next we have
Yoshi: 一冊 (issatsu)
Peter: One copy. Now 冊 (satsu) is a counter for bound things, not people, books and other things that you have bound. Okay.
Yoshi: (slow) いっさつ (issatsu) (natural speed) 一冊 (issatsu)
Peter: It’s a short pause in between the い (i) and さ (sa).
Yoshi: いっさつ (issatsu)
Peter: A short pause in there. Okay, now on to today’s grammar point. Nominalizing verbs. Now Natsuko-san, in Japanese, how many ways are there to nominalize verbs?
Natsuko: I think there are several.
Peter: Oh maybe actually a good phrase now. Very good point, Natsuko-san. Now with that said, let’s take a look at the one we looked at today.
Natsuko: Okay, you add の (no).
Peter: To the dictionary form of the verb. For example, in the dialogue, we had the verb to read.
Natsuko: 読む (yomu)
Peter: We nominalize it by adding
Natsuko: の (no)
Peter: Add them together
Natsuko: 読むの (yomu no)
Peter: Reading, to read. Yoshi-san, we also had to exercise
Yoshi: 運動する (undō suru)
Peter: And we nominalized it by
Yoshi: 運動するの (undō suru no)
Peter: So regardless of the class of the verb, the class 1, class 2, class 3 doesn’t matter. The way we nominalized it today was we added の (no) to the plain form. Now in Japanese, there are other ways to nominalize verbs. Inside today’s PDF, we will have a write up of that plus in another lesson, soon to come lesson, we will cover other ways to nominalize the verbs but today, what we introduced with this verb のが好き (no ga suki). This is almost like a set phrase when talking about things you like to do.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And that’s the point we want to get out today when you talk about things you like. For example, Natsuko-san, if you like baseball
Natsuko: 野球が好き (yakyū ga suki)
Peter: I like baseball. Now how about I like playing baseball?
Natsuko: 野球するのが好き (yakyū suru no ga suki)
Peter: Verb のが好き (no ga suki) is for things you like to do.


Peter: Okay, more about this and more about other things inside today’s PDF. So stop by japanesepod101.com.
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)
Natsuko: また明日ね。(Mata ashita ne.)


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