
Vocabulary (Review)

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Sakura: 明けましておめでとうございます。さくらです。(Akemashite omedetō gozaimasu. Sakura desu.)
Peter: Happy New Year everybody. Peter here and we are back starting lessons for the New Year. We hope that everybody had a great holiday season but now it’s time to get back to the books. Right, Sakura?
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Today’s main point is
Sakura: 好き (suki)
Peter: Yes. We are going to give it to you one more time. Please try and get the meaning. See if it rings any bells that we are going to break it down for you.
Sakura: 好き (suki)
Peter: Okay Sakura, what does this mean?
Sakura: It means like, like something.
Peter: Yes, very nice and please break it down by syllable.
Sakura: (slow)すき (suki)
Peter: Okay, very nice and now, we are going to give you one more word before we get into today’s dialogue. Now this word is for food. Food in the sense of
Sakura: Cooked food.
Peter: Yes
Sakura: Dishes
Peter: Yes, dishes. Very, very nice way of putting it. Okay, and this word is
Sakura: 料理 (ryōri)
Peter: Very nice. Food, one more time, dishes.
Sakura: 料理 (ryōri)
Peter: Okay, and please break this down for us.
Sakura: (slow)りょうり (ryōri)
Peter: Okay. Again you want to hold in the middle because it has a う (u) in there. Can you just give us the syllables?
Sakura: (slow)りょうり (ryōri)
Peter: Very, very nice. Okay, and now, the last word we’d like to introduce. Last time we introduced where and who. Do you remember those words guys? If not, Sakura will give them to you one more time.
Sakura: どこ (doko)
Peter: Is where and
Sakura: 誰 (dare)
Peter: Who. Now we are going to give you one more question form and today, we are going to introduce what.
Sakura: 何 (nani)
Peter: So without further adieu, we are going to get into today’s lesson. Here we go.
さくら (Sakura) : 日本が好きですか。(Nihon ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : 日本料理が好きですか。(Nihon ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : 何が好きですか。(Nani ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。モスバーガーが好きです。(Sō desu ne. Mosu bāgā ga suki desu.)
Peter: Okay, we are going to give you the conversation one more time a little bit slower. Please listen again for anything that you might pick up that we covered in previous lessons. We intentionally give these lessons to cover the previous one. So if you haven’t heard the previous ones, if you are just tuning in, welcome but check the previous lessons to get some of the information and some of the vocabulary that we are covering in these. Okay, here we go again.
さくら (Sakura) : 日本が好きですか。(Nihon ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : 日本料理が好きですか。(Nihon ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : 何が好きですか。(Nani ga suki desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。モスバーガーが好きです。(Sō desu ne. Mosu bāgā ga suki desu.)
Peter: Okay, very nice. Now what we are going to do is we are going to break down this conversation for you. There is a lot of stuff in there and we are going to get it all to you right now. Here we go.
Sakura: 日本が好きですか。(Nihon ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Do you like Japan?
Sakura: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
Peter: Yes, I really like it.
Sakura: 日本料理が好きですか。(Nihon ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Do you like Japanese food?
Sakura: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
Peter: Yes, I really like it.
Sakura: 何が好きですか。(Nani ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: What do you like?
Sakura: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Peter: Okay. This is kind of like in English hmm..where you are thinking. If you need time to think, this is a great phrase because when you are starting out in Japanese, you might not be able to respond really quick and you need time in your mind to calculate and reconfigure. This is the phrase you want to use. Sakura, one more time, please.
Sakura: そうですね (sō desu ne)
Peter: Right. This is a great filler. It gives you a good time to think about what you want to say, construct your sentence properly and then spit it out. Okay, and then next, last one.
Sakura: モスバーガーが好きです。(Mosu bāgā ga suki desu.)
Peter: I like MOS Burger.
Peter: Now what do you think about this, Sakura?
Sakura: Umm I love MOS Burger as well. So…
Peter: Okay, I am sure a lot of you out there are saying MOS, what! What are you talking about and some of you might be saying, ah yes it’s very good. Sakura, can you please tell us about the most important thing in this lesson, MOS Burger.
Sakura: Okay, MOS Burger is an Japanese Burger shop.
Peter: Yes.
Sakura: Yes, and it offers you a lot of vegetables and a healthy type of burger.
Peter: No vegetables. Yes it’s true.
Sakura: Yes, yes.
Peter: But they are a little more pricey than in Burger shop but the quality is very good. So they have the philosophy, quality over quantity. So if you are coming to Japan, please definitely try MOS Burger. Now would you say this qualifies as Japanese food?
Sakura: I guess so, yes.
Peter: Definitely a little bit of an unusual answer to your question, what do you like…
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: But I think it was good because I think you can only have – talk about Sushi so much.
Sakura: That’s true, yes.

Lesson focus

Peter: So now what we are going to do is break down and look close at like. One more time give us the phrase for likes.
Sakura: 好き (suki)
Peter: And the question, do you like?
Sakura: 好きですか。(Suki desu ka.)
Peter: Yes, we use this to say, do you like Japanese food, one more time, please.
Sakura: 日本料理が好きですか。(Nihon ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Okay. And this means
Sakura: Do you like Japanese food?
Peter: Yes, very, very nice. So this is a phrase that’s so useful because when you come here, many people are going to be asking you, do you like this, do you like this, do you like this, do you like this. And of course, you are going to have to say, I like it and of course food is very, very important and it’s one of these aspects. And today, we are going to stick to food because we’ve been covering food a lot, we are going to build it up slowly and get you to spin you off, okay. So what we would like to do now is give us the word for food one more time, please.
Sakura: 料理 (ryōri)
Peter: Okay. We would like to take this word and we’d like to apply it to other foods because in Tokyo, you find they have top notch food in all kinds of cuisine. So what we are going to do is we are going to ask you questions first. We are going to let you try and catch on before we give you the answer when we talk about an ethnic food, we are going to build up your vocabulary through this drill. So what is the word for Japanese food, one more time?
Sakura: 日本料理 (Nihon ryōri)
Peter: Okay, we are going to give you some other countries' foods. Please listen and see if you can pick up what country and what food we are talking about. So what we are going to do is, Sakura is going to ask me if I like a certain ethnic food.
Sakura: Okay.
Peter: Here we go.
Sakura: イタリア料理が好きですか。(Itaria ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Okay, did you get that? One more time please, Sakura, a little bit slower.
Sakura: (slow)いたりありょうりがすきですか。(Itaria ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.) Okay, and just give us the ethnic food.
Sakura: イタリア料理 (Itaria ryōri)
Peter: Everybody get that. Sakura, please tell us.
Sakura: Italian.
Peter: Yes, Italian food. Okay, next.
Sakura: フランス料理が好きですか。(Furansu ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: One more time, nice and slow.
Sakura: (slow)ふらんすりょうりがすきですか。(Furansu ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: はい、とても好きです。 (Hai, totemo suki desu.) One more time Sakura, give us just the ethnic food.
Sakura: フランス料理 (Furansu ryōri)
Peter: Everybody get that. Sakura, please.
Sakura: It’s French cuisine, French food.
Peter: Yeah, very, very nice. Next.
Sakura: タイ料理が好きですか。(Tai ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: One more time, nice and slow.
Sakura: (slow)たいりょうりがすきですか。(Tai ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
Sakura: タイ料理 (Tai ryōri)
Peter: And Sakura, this is?
Sakura: Thai food.
Peter: Yes, Thai food. Okay, here is the big test guys. Last one we are going to do.
Sakura: インド料理が好きですか。(Indo ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: One more time, nice and slow, really stress the first part.
Sakura: (slow)いんどりょうりがすきですか。(Indo ryōri ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.) Okay and give it to us one time.
Sakura: インド料理 (Indo ryōri)
Peter: Yes, everybody, yes altogether Indian food.
Sakura: Right, Indian.
Peter: This is very, very useful, very, very practical. This is something you can use every day. Your friends will say, do you like this, you know when you go to decide what to eat, they are going to ask, do you like this, do you like that. Now I’d also like to take a little time and focus on the next question that you asked. The last question.
Sakura: 何が好きですか。(Nani ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Okay, one more time, nice and slow.
Sakura: (slow)なにがすきですか。(Nani ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Okay, what do you like? The way you answer is something, something が好きです (ga suki desu), correct? One more time, let’s get the correct pronunciation please, Sakura. Something, something
Sakura: が、好きです。(ga, suki desu.)
Peter: Yeah. Now what we are going to do is we are going to ask Sakura what kind of food, what type of dish she likes okay. So here we go. さくら、何が好きですか。(Sakura, nani ga suki desu ka.)
Sakura: イタリア料理が好きです。(Itaria ryōri ga suki desu.)
Peter: Very nice. We will give you one more time. さくら、何が好きですか。(Sakura, nani ga suki desu ka.)
Sakura: イタリア料理が好きです。(Itaria ryōri ga suki desu.)
Peter: Okay, everybody get that. Sakura, what food do you like?
Sakura: I like Italian.
Peter: Yes, me too, but it’s tough. I do like Japanese very much. Japanese food, it’s very good. We want to just get you introduced to this. Now of course, this phrase is not limited to food but we are trying to not get you too spread out as you could see and the first question was, do you like Japan? Now Sakura, what we can do is, I can ask Sakura if she likes certain countries just by taking off the food. Right?
Sakura: That’s right.
Peter: And the first one Sakura asked me
Sakura: 日本が好きですか。(Nihon ga suki desu ka.)
Peter: Do you like Japan? We added the word for food which is
Sakura: 料理 (ryōri)
Peter: And add them together
Sakura: 日本料理 (Nihon ryōri)
Peter: Yes. Then we introduced you to Italian food
Sakura: イタリア料理 (Itaria ryōri)
Peter: French food
Sakura: フランス料理 (Furansu ryōri)
Peter: Thai food
Sakura: タイ料理 (Tai ryōri)
Peter: And Indian food.
Sakura: Right. インド料理 (Indo ryōri)
Peter: Now we can obviously drop the food from these and ask if she likes the place or the country. So let’s ask. さくら、イタリアが好きですか。(Sakura, Itaria ga suki desu ka.)
Sakura: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
Peter: Yes very nice. さくら、タイが好きですか。(Sakura, Tai ga suki desu ka.)
Sakura: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
Peter: Okay. さくら、インドが好きですか。(Sakura, Indo ga suki desu ka.)
Sakura: はい、とても好きです。(Hai, totemo suki desu.)
Peter: Okay, very, very nice and of course, this is applicable to all types of things but right now, we are just easing you into this. Okay, so we hope you had a very useful lesson. If you get anything out of this lesson, please get a MOS Burger. Okay, I am a little overboard with this you see but it’s very, very good. Okay, so we are going to stop here and since we are doing this daily, we would like to introduce a new way of saying goodbye. Since we are going to be seeing you tomorrow, we can say
Sakura: また明日ね。(Mata ashita ne.)
Peter: Yes, and can you give us the word for tomorrow, break it down nice and slow?
Sakura: Okay. (slow)あした (ashita)
Peter: Yes, and by syllable.
Sakura: (slow)あした (ashita)
Peter: Tomorrow and so, the whole phrase goes
Sakura: また明日ね。(Mata ashita ne.)


Peter: Okay, see you tomorrow, bye.


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