
Vocabulary (Review)

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Chigusa: おはよう、ダカール。ちぐさです。(Ohayō, Dakāru. Chigusa desu.)
Jun: おはよう、ダカール。ジュンです。(Ohayō, Dakāru. Jun desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #104. All right, today we are continuing on with giving and receiving verbs. Now yesterday, we covered the verb, Chigusa-san.
Chigusa: あげる (ageru)
Peter: To give. Now today we are going to cover the te-form plus.
Chigusa: あげる (ageru)
Peter: Which means to do for as in to do for someone. Now today’s conversation is a bit long. So we are going to jump right into today’s conversation. Here we go.
山森 (Yamamori) : はい、山森です。(Hai, Yamamori desu.)
前原 (Maehara) : もしもし、前原ですけど。(Moshimoshi, Maehara desu kedo.)
山森 (Yamamori) : ああ、どうも。私はもう品川に着きました!後どのぐらいで着きますか。(Ā, dōmo. Watashi wa mō Shinagawa ni tsukimashita! Ato dono gurai de tsukimasu ka.)
前原 (Maehara) : 実は、まだ会社にいます。(Jitsu wa, mada kaisha ni imasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : えー、大丈夫ですか。(Ē, daijōbu desu ka.)
前原 (Maehara) : ええ、大丈夫ですけど、まだ仕事が残ってます。(Ee, daijōbu desu kedo, mada shigoto ga nokotte masu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : 大丈夫です。手伝ってあげますよ。(Daijōbu desu. Tetsudatte agemasu yo.)
前原 (Maehara) : えー、そんな。いいですよ。(Ē, sonna. Ii desu yo.)
山森 (Yamamori) : いいから。今から行きます。30分後に着きます。(Ii kara. Ima kara ikimasu. San-juppun go ni tsukimasu.)
前原 (Maehara) : ああ、ありがとうございます。(Ā, arigatō gozaimasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : 早く片付けましょう。仕事はどれですか。(Hayaku katazukemashō. Shigoto wa dore desu ka.)
前原 (Maehara) : はい、これです。(Hai, kore desu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : え?百ページもあるんですか。あ、用事を思い出しました。じゃ、失礼します。頑張ってください!(E? Hyaku-pēji mo aru n desu ka. A, yōji o omoidashimashita. Ja, shitsurei shimasu. Ganbatte kudasai!)
前原 (Maehara) : えー?ちょっと待って!(Ē? Chotto matte!)
Natsuko: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : はい、山森です。(Hai, Yamamori desu.)
前原 (Maehara) : もしもし、前原ですけど。(Moshimoshi, Maehara desu kedo.)
山森 (Yamamori) : ああ、どうも。私はもう品川に着きました!後どのぐらいで着きますか。(Ā, dōmo. Watashi wa mō Shinagawa ni tsukimashita! Ato dono gurai de tsukimasu ka.)
前原 (Maehara) : 実は、まだ会社にいます。(Jitsu wa, mada kaisha ni imasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : えー、大丈夫ですか。(Ē, daijōbu desu ka.)
前原 (Maehara) : ええ、大丈夫ですけど、まだ仕事が残っています。(Ee, daijōbu desu kedo, mada shigoto ga nokotte imasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : 大丈夫です。手伝ってあげますよ。(Daijōbu desu. Tetsudatte agemasu yo.)
前原 (Maehara) : えー、そんな。いいですよ。(Ē, sonna. Ii desu yo.)
山森 (Yamamori) : いいから。今から行きます。30分後に着きます。(Ii kara. Ima kara ikimasu. San-juppun go ni tsukimasu.)
前原 (Maehara) : ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : 早く片付けましょう。仕事はどれですか。(Hayaku katazukemashō. Shigoto wa dore desu ka.)
前原 (Maehara) : はい、これです。(Hai, kore desu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : え?百ページもあるんですか。あ、用事を思い出しました。じゃ、失礼します。頑張ってください!(E? Hyaku-pēji mo aru n desu ka. A, yōji o omoidashimashita. Ja, shitsurei shimasu. Ganbatte kudasai!)
前原 (Maehara) : えー?ちょっと待って!(Ē? Chotto matte!)
Take: 次は、ピーターさんの英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Pītā-san no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : はい、山森です。(Hai, Yamamori desu.)
YAMAMORI: Yes, this is Yamamori.
前原 (Maehara) : もしもし、前原ですけど。(Moshimoshi, Maehara desu kedo.)
MAEHARA: Hello, this is Maehara.
山森 (Yamamori) : ああ、どうも。(Ā, dōmo.)
YAMAMORI: Ah, hello.
山森 (Yamamori) : 私はもう品川に着きました!(Watashi wa mō Shinagawa ni tsukimashita!)
YAMAMORI: I've already arrived at Shinagawa.
山森 (Yamamori) : 後どのぐらいで着きますか。(Ato dono gurai de tsukimasu ka.)
YAMAMORI: How much longer until you arrive?
前原 (Maehara) : 実は、まだ会社にいます。(Jitsu wa, mada kaisha ni imasu.)
MAEHARA: The truth is, I'm still at the office.
山森 (Yamamori) : えー、大丈夫ですか。(Ē, daijōbu desu ka.)
YAMAMORI: Huh? Are you okay?
前原 (Maehara) : ええ、大丈夫ですけど、まだ仕事が残っています。(Ee, daijōbu desu kedo, mada shigoto ga nokotte imasu.)
MAEHARA: Everything's okay, but there is still work remaining.
山森 (Yamamori) : 大丈夫です。手伝ってあげますよ。(Daijōbu desu. Tetsudatte agemasu yo.)
YAMAMORI: It's okay, I'll help.
前原 (Maehara) : えー、そんな。いいですよ。(Ē, sonna. Ii desu yo.)
MAEHARA: Huh? That's alright.
山森 (Yamamori) : いいから。(Ii kara.)
YAMAMORI: It's alright.
山森 (Yamamori) : 今から行きます。(Ima kara ikimasu.)
YAMAMORI: I'll go now.
山森 (Yamamori) : 30分後に着きます。(San-juppun go ni tsukimasu.)
YAMAMORI: I'll be there in 30 minutes.
前原 (Maehara) : ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
MAEHARA: Thank you.
山森 (Yamamori) : 早く片付けましょう。(Hayaku katazukemashō.)
YAMAMORI: Let's take care of this quickly.
山森 (Yamamori) : 仕事はどれですか。(Shigoto wa dore desu ka.)
YAMAMORI: Which is the work?
前原 (Maehara) : はい、これです。(Hai, kore desu.)
山森 (Yamamori) : え?百ページもあるんですか。(E? Hyaku-pēji mo aru n desu ka.)
YAMAMORI: There's more than 100 pages!
山森 (Yamamori) : あ、用事を思い出しました。(A, yōji o omoidashimashita.)
YAMAMORI: Ah, I remembered I have something to do!
山森 (Yamamori) : じゃ、失礼します。(Ja, shitsurei shimasu.)
YAMAMORI: Excuse me. I'll be leaving now.
山森 (Yamamori) : 頑張ってください!(Ganbatte kudasai!)
YAMAMORI: Good luck! Please work hard.
前原 (Maehara) : えー?ちょっと待って!(Ē? Chotto matte!)
MAEHARA: Huh? Wait a minute!
Peter: All right Chigusa-san, let’s ask Jun-san what he thought of today’s conversation.
Chigusa: Okay. ジュンさん、どう思いましたか。(Jun-san, dō omoimashita ka.)
Jun: ええ、とても面白いと思いました。(Ee, totemo omoshiroi to omoimashita.)
Peter: Chigusa-san, what did he just say?
Chigusa: He thought it was quite good.
Peter: All right. With that said, let’s get into today’s vocabulary. Here we go. First word, ちぐささん、お願いします。(Chigusa-san, onegai shimasu.)
Chigusa: もう (mō)
Peter: Already.
Chigusa: (slow)もう (mō) (natural speed) もう (mō)
Peter: Chigusa-san, can we ask Jun-san to give us an example sentence?
Chigusa: ジュンさん、例文をお願いします。(Jun-san, reibun o onegai shimasu.)
Jun: もう食べたから、ご飯はいらないです。(Mō tabeta kara, gohan wa iranai desu.)
Peter: As I‘ve already eaten, I don’t need food. Now you use this when you’ve already completed an action and in this example sentence, the subject has already eaten. In the dialogue, Yamamori is already at Shinagawa. He has already arrived at Shinagawa. So the action is complete, okay? Next we have, ジュンさん、お願いします。(Jun-san, onegai shimasu.)
Jun: どうも (dōmo)
Peter: Now actually this brings us back to our first lesson. Now the reason we are bringing this up is this word has multiple uses. It can be used as a greeting as in this conversation, right Chigusa-san?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: What else can we use this for?
Chigusa: For apology.
Peter: Yeah, if you bump someone on the street or do something like that, right?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: So give us a quick.
Chigusa: どうもすみません。(Dōmo sumimasen.)
Peter: ____(06:48) See I am willing to forgive you already! One more way that we can use this is as
Chigusa: Thank you.
Peter: So if you receive some food or something or someone does something kind to you, you can just say
Chigusa: どうも。(Dōmo.)
Peter: As we passed 100 episodes, you know we figured that it might be a bit nostalgic to go back and bring back this lesson. All right, next we have, ちぐささん、お願いします。(Chigusa-san, onegai shimasu.)
Chigusa: 品川 (Shinagawa)
Peter: Place name in Tokyo.
Chigusa: (slow)しながわ (Shinagawa) (natural speed) 品川 (Shinagawa)
Peter: Now Chigusa-san, can you tell us something about Shinagawa?
Chigusa: In Shinagawa, there is a famous hotel named Shinagawa Prince.
Peter: Very nice.
Chigusa: Yeah, very nice.
Peter: Have you been there?
Chigusa: Yeah, I used to take tennis lessons there, too.
Peter: Yeah, I think that’s the whole point. Please explain to everybody what this hotel has. It’s not just a hotel. It’s almost like a getaway. It’s got an IMAX theater, what else?
Chigusa: They have restaurants, bars, shops, bowling centers, they have everything.
Peter: Yeah, it’s this huge complex.
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: Jun-san. Have you been there?
Jun: Ah I’ve never been there unfortunately.
Peter: All right. We are going to take you there because it’s that good. You could probably spend the whole day just hanging out there with the different things to do but it’s going to be a bit expensive and in that vicinity, they have many more things to do. They have a bunch of restaurants located nearby. So you could really go there and spend a day. Now also located in Shinagawa is for many foreign people who are in Japan, the immigration office and that’s where you will go to take care of the visa issues. Now there is a bus in front of Shinagawa station that will take you directly to the immigration office about a 10-minute ride and located right outside the station. Also there is a train to Haneda airport. So if you want to get to Haneda, you can go to Shinagawa and take the train from there. So it’s so much going on transportation wise and entertainment wise at Shinagawa. Now beyond the scope of this lesson to get into everything but we just want to touch on the tip of the iceberg. All right, next we have, Jun-san.
Jun: 着く (tsuku)
Peter: To arrive.
Jun: (slow)つく (tsuku) (natural speed) 着く (tsuku)
Peter: And Jun-san, can you ask Chigusa-san to give us an example sentence?
Jun: ちぐささん、例文をお願いします。(Chigusa-san, reibun o onegai shimasu.)
Chigusa: 5時に東京に着きます。(Go-ji ni Tōkyō ni tsukimasu.)
Peter: I will arrive in Tokyo at 5 o’ clock. All right, next we have.
Chigusa: 残る (nokoru)
Peter: To remain, intransitive.
Chigusa: (slow)のこる (nokoru) (natural speed) 残る (nokoru)
Peter: Now when there is something left to do, we use the present progressive form of this verb. In the dialogue, what do we have, Chigusa-san?
Chigusa: まだ仕事が残っています。(Mada shigoto ga nokotte imasu.)
Peter: There is still work remaining, there is still work to do. I have heard this one a lot. There is still food left, as in you didn’t finish your food.
Chigusa: ご飯残ってるよ。(Gohan nokotte ru yo.)
Peter: Well okay, that’s the informal version. How about the polite version?
Chigusa: ご飯が残っています。(Gohan ga nokotte imasu.)
Peter: Yeah, but the first one is kind of the one you probably hear more because only a person on the intimate level would tell you there is still food left. So the first one Chigusa-san gave us is probably the one you will hear more often. All right, now we have the transitive of to remain which is
Chigusa: 残す (nokosu)
Peter: Now I use the te-form of this verb quite often. The te-form is
Chigusa: 残して (nokoshite)
Peter: And I usually attach please with this.
Chigusa: 残してください (nokoshite kudasai)
Peter: So please leave some for me. Jun-san, you like that?
Jun: Yes, pretty good.
Peter: Yeah, you definitely want to. If you see a dish going very fast, feel free to use this expression 残してください (nokoshite kudasai). Leave some for me. Please leave some. All right, next we have
Jun: 手伝う (tetsudau)
Peter: To help.
Jun: (slow)てつだう (tetsudau) (natural speed) 手伝う (tetsudau)
Chigusa: There is also 手を貸す (te o kasu) too, which means till under hand.
Peter: Now that’s a bit more idiomatic, right?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: Can you give us that expression, one more time?
Chigusa: 手を貸す (te o kasu)
Peter: And break it down.
Chigusa: (slow)てをかす (te o kasu) (natural speed) 手を貸す (te o kasu)
Peter: This directly translates to
Chigusa: Lend a hand.
Peter: Yeah, all right. Thank you very much and can they be used interchangeably?
Chigusa: Yeah, quite so.
Peter: All right. So there you go. Thank you, Chigusa-san. Next we have.
Jun: そんな (sonna)
Peter: Now this is an expression used in cases of mild shock, disbelief, surprise, many different situations that you can use this word and for some people, it’s actually a habit. Often when you are talking to them, they will interject with
Jun: そんな (sonna)
Peter: So Chigusa-san, what was the situation that was used in today’s dialogue?
Chigusa: Yamamori offers to go back and help Maehara, and Maehara is surprised.
Peter: Yeah, the workplace is not in Shinagawa. It seems that Yamamori would have to get back on a train, go all the way to the workplace plus actually work. So this is a pretty surprising thing. So Maehara is a bit taken back. So kind of an interjection of surprise like wow! You may also hear this expression if you compliment someone repeatedly and that person may be a bit embarrassed and like Jun-san, you are looking really good today. Did you get a haircut or those new clothes? You are looking really good.
Jun: え~、そんな。(Ē, sonna.)
Peter: As in.
Chigusa: そんなことはないです。(Sonna koto wa nai desu.)
Peter: And which is a very polite and Japanese way to refuse a compliment and we went over this one before. If someone says to you, your Japanese is very good, Chigusa-san, how would you answer if you were a foreigner?
Chigusa: そんなことないです。(Sonna koto nai desu.)
Peter: As in that’s not the case. You know, there is still work to be done. In Jun’s case, that’s not the case as he is politely refusing the compliments you are showering on him. In Maehara’s case
Jun: そんなこと必要ない。(Sonna koto hitsuyō nai.)
Peter: That thing is not necessary. You don’t have to do that. I feel bad if you were to do this. So it’s kind of an expression to rebuff someone’s compliments or offers and sometimes to show surprise or disbelief. All right, next we have
Jun: 思い出す (omoidasu)
Peter: To remember. Jun-san, let’s ask Chigusa-san to give us an example sentence.
Jun: ちぐささん、例文をお願いします。(Chigusa-san, reibun o onegai shimasu.)
Chigusa: 今日試験があることを思い出した。(Kyō shiken ga aru koto o omoidashita.)
Peter: I remember that I have a test today, and finally we have.
Chigusa: 片付ける (katazukeru)
Peter: To clean up, to take care of.
Chigusa: (slow)かたづける (katazukeru) (natural speed) 片付ける (katazukeru)
Peter: Now this has many meanings, too. Let’s go with the literal meaning to clean up. How would we say to clean up my room?
Chigusa: 部屋を片付ける (heya o katazukeru)
Peter: Now this can also mean to take care of as in to take care of a problem. Now how do we say that?
Chigusa: 問題を片付ける (mondai o katazukeru)
Peter: I had this friend and he often said, I will take care of the problem for you. How would we say that in Japanese?
Chigusa: 私が問題を片付けてあげるよ。(Watashi ga mondai o katazukete ageru yo.)
Peter: And there it is. The te-form plus あげる (ageru), which brings us to today’s grammar point. Now today the verb
Chigusa: あげる (ageru)
Peter: Is an auxiliary verb used with the te-form of verbs and this means someone does something as a favor for someone. Now in this form, the subject is marked with the particle
Chigusa: は (wa)
Peter: The indirect object, the receiving party is marked with a particle
Chigusa: に (ni)
Peter: Then the object can be marked with the object marker
Chigusa: を (o)
Peter: And then finally we have the te-form plus
Chigusa: あげる (ageru)
Peter: The てあげる (te ageru) construction is mostly used among friends or people of equal standing. The 敬語 (keigo) or polite form of this auxiliary verb is
Chigusa: 差し上げる (sashiageru)
Peter: But we are going to have more about this in future episodes. It was brought up on the message board yesterday, how would you address someone who is above you and the answer is 差し上げる (sashiageru). Whether we are talking about just giving something to someone or doing something for someone, the verb we use is
Chigusa: 差し上げる (sashiageru)
Peter: But again more about this in a later lesson. Now when using this construction, there are certain cases where the receiving party, the indirect object actually becomes the direct object and takes the particle
Chigusa: を (o)
Peter: You can find out more about that inside the PDF. For now please listen to the following example.
Jun: ちぐささん、財布を忘れました。お金がないです。(Chigusa-san, saifu o wasuremashita. O-kane ga nai desu.)
Chigusa: 大丈夫です。貸してあげます。(Daijōbu desu. Kashite agemasu.)
Peter: How nice of you, Chigusa-san! And his voice was so sad.
Chigusa: I know.
Peter: All right, one more time, slowly please.
Chigusa: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
Jun: ちぐささん、財布を忘れました。(Chigusa-san, saifu o wasuremashita.)
Peter: Chigusa, I forgot my wallet.
Jun: お金がないです。(O-kane ga nai desu.)
Peter: I have no money.
Chigusa: 大丈夫です。(Daijōbu desu.)
Peter: It’s all right.
Chigusa: 貸してあげます。(Kashite agemasu.)
Peter: I will lend you.


Peter: So that’s going to do for today.
Chigusa: またね。(Mata ne.)
Chigusa: またね。(Mata ne.)


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