Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hey, guys! Risa here. Welcome to the Ask Risa video series where you ask me a question and I answer them. Let's check out the questions we received this week.
Here's a question from Vittoria.
ビットリアさん、ありがとうございます 。 “Thank you very much. Vittoria.”
Hi, Risa! Hi! What do you or in general Japanese people think about strangers who wear yukata?
“Well, I think it’s good that foreigners wear yukatas if it looks good.”
“Regardless of whether it’s Japanese or foreigners,”
“I feel like a loose and untidy yukata doesn’t look good.”
“That'll be great if you wear it in the correct manner.”
“A loose yukata means, for example, the front or the bottom of your yukata comes open.”
あまり良くないと思うので、 “That’s not cool.”
そういうことがなければ全然素敵だと思いますよ。 “If that doesn’t happen, it looks very nice.”
サシャさんからの質問です。 “This is a question from Sushant.”
ありがとうございます。“Thank you very much.”
Hey, Risa! Hey, Sushant! Do people from Tokyo and Osaka have different dialect or different words they speak casually? Even in Nagoya and Kyoto, it's a bit different. Why so?
サシャさんはどちらの国の方なんでしょうか。 “What country do you live in, Sushant?”
“I guess your country is the same,”
日本には色々な方言があって “but there are a variety of dialects in Japan.”
“The Kansai and Osaka dialects are especially well known.”
あの日本のコメディアンの人たち芸人人たちが大阪とか関西出身の人が多くて “Many Japanese comedians are from the Kansai area”
“and they speak in the Kansai or Osaka dialect on TV,”
“In Tokyo, people say ikemasen or dame for “Don’t do that.”
“But in Osaka, they say “akan” instead.”
“I’m afraid that my pronunciation is incorrect.”
“They say nande yanen for nande meaning “why.”
そう、あとは、名古屋と京都もやっぱり違うprefecture, 違う県なので、名古屋弁もあれば京都弁もありますね。
“And there are also Nagoya and Kyoto dialects spoken in certain areas.”
“The Kyoto dialect is popular and it’s in the top three dialects that the Japanese men prefer.”
“The Kyoto dialect sounds exquisite and feminine.”
“As for the Nagoya dialect, for example, they say “...dagan” or something like that.”
“I’m from the area near Nagoya and I often use “erai.”
“In other areas, erai means “in a high position,”
“but we use it as “to be tired.”
「本当にえらい」とか使いますね。 “We are like, “Oh, I’m really erai (tired).”
もし日本の方言には学びたいなら “If you want to learn Japanese dialects,”
是非、この description にあるリンクをチェックしてみてください。
“please check the link in the description.”
ありがとうございます。 “Thank you very much.”
オサムモハマッドさんからの質問です。 “This is a question from Osam Mohamad.”
ありがとうございます。“Thank you very much.”
Hello, Risa! Have you ever visited Egypt?
“I have never been to Egypt, so I would definitely like to go there.”
“Also, I haven’t been to Africa, so I’d like to go.”
“When imagining what Egypt is like,”
“I come up with pyramids and sphinxes first of all.”
“And also there is a famous food called “kushari,” right?”
それが食べてみたいです。“I’d like to try it.”
見たらすごく美味しそうだった。“It looks really good.”
はい。ありがとうございます。 “Thank you very much.”
ジョシュさんからの質問です。 “This is a question from Josh.”
Does making a pronunciation mistake while talking to people in Japan is awful or laughable? I'm worried if I try it. in anyways thank you.
Thank you! Josh-san, don't worry. It's not awful at all.
“If you make a mistake and it induces laughter, that’s not bad.”
“At least, I don’t think that’s bad.”
心配しないでどんどんトライしてください。 “Don’t be afraid and please try again and again.”
Don’t be afraid, Josh-san!
Thank you so much for the question.
“If you are worried about your pronunciation or a speech error,”
“there is the Voice Recorder Study Tool on our website, so please use it.”
ボイスレコーダーしたりツールには日本語の先生の発音したものとあとあなたの発音を録音して、 “With the Voice Recorder Study Tool, you can record your pronunciation”
聞き比べることができるので、“and compare it to our teacher’s pronunciation.”
“If you are worried about your pronunciation or a speech error,”
それで練習するといい勉強になると思います。 “the tool will help you a lot.”
トカラさんからの質問です。 “This is a question from Tokala.”
Hi, Risa! You are a very cool person and make learning Japanese fun. Thank you so much! Thank you. I wanted to know if in Japan, people are very quiet when it comes to connecting in public? In the US, it seems that with social media, people are scared to talk to each other now. Thank you! Thank you!
トカラさん、いつもありがとうございます。 “Thank you for your question, Tokala.”
“These days, we are able to communicate via social media without having in-person conversations.”
“For example, texting on the Internet.”
“Well, those ways have become very common.”
“It’s like, how can I say… It’s very convenient”
“but it seems like people’s networks have been weakening.”
“I think SNS is also a good way, but the most important thing”
“is respecting the people around you and communicating with them.”
“I’d like to live like that.”
“Yes, I’ve seen such recent issue among young people on TV.”
“Social media makes many young people bad at communicating.”
なんだろうなあ〜 “Let’s see…”
“For example, people do stuff to show to others on social media.”
そういうの聞きますね。 “I hear about such things.”
“But I want to communicate with a lot of people and enrich my life.”
答えになってるでしょうか。 “Am I answering your question?”
もっとコミュニケーション取ろうぜ。 “Let’s communicate more!”
That's all for this episode. Thanks to everyone who submitted their questions. Thank you!
“I thank you all of you who gave me a question and I couldn’t answer today. Thanks, everyone.”
Okay, stay tuned for more Ask Risa. Bye! ありがとう、皆。 “Thanks, everyone.”

