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Jessi: Hi everyone, ジェシーです(Jeshī desu)。 Jessi here!
Motoko: こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa)、Motokoです(desu)。
Jessi: Welcome to Absolute Beginner Season 2, Lesson 7 - How Much Do Things Cost in Japan?
Thanks for joining us again for our Absolute Beginner Season 2 series. All right; so, in the last lesson, we learned how to ask how someone is, and how to respond to that question.
Motoko: Yes, we learned 元気(げんき)ですか? (genki desu ka?)
Jessi: “How are you?”
Motoko: and はい、元気(げんき)です。 (hai, genki desu.)
Jessi: “I'm fine.” That's right. And in this lesson, we'll learn how to ask how much something is.
Motoko: Yes. What's happening in the conversation?
Jessi: This conversation is a continuation from the last lesson, and Taylor and Kaori are still talking on Skype. This time, they'll be talking about the exchange rate between US dollars and Japanese Yen.
Motoko: Okay! Let's listen to the conversation.
テイラー:いま、えん は ほんとうに たかい です...。
Taylor: Ima, en wa hontō ni takai desu....
かおり:そう です か?1ドル は いくら です か。
Kaori: Sō desu ka? Ichi-doru wa ikura desu ka.
テイラー:1ドル は 78えん です。
Taylor: Ichi-doru wa nana-jū hachi-en desu.
Kaori: Nana-jū hachi-en? Takai!
Jessi: Let’s listen to the conversation again slowly.
テイラー:いま、えん は ほんとうに たかい です...。
Taylor: Ima, en wa hontō ni takai desu....
かおり:そう です か?1ドル は いくら です か。
Kaori: Sō desu ka? Ichi-doru wa ikura desu ka.
テイラー:1ドル は 78えん です。
Taylor: Ichi-doru wa nana-jū hachi-en desu.
Kaori: Nana-jū hachi-en? Takai!
Jessi: Now let’s listen to it with the translation.
テイラー:いま、えん は ほんとうに たかい です...。
Taylor: Ima, en wa hontō ni takai desu....
Jessi: The yen is really strong at the moment…
かおり:そう です か?1ドル は いくら です か。
Kaori: Sō desu ka? Ichi-doru wa ikura desu ka.
Jessi: Really? How much is one dollar?
テイラー:1ドル は 78えん です。
Taylor: Ichi-doru wa nana-jū hachi-en desu.
Jessi: One dollar is seventy-eight yen.
Kaori: Nana-jū hachi-en? Takai!
Jessi: Seventy-eight yen? That's strong!
Vocabulary and Phrase Usage
Jessi: So, Taylor and Kaori are talking about the current exchange rate.
Motoko: Yes. They're talking about えん と ドル (en to doru), yen and dollars. It sounds like the yen is very strong..
Jessi: Mm, it does.. this is actually the current situation in Japan right now!
Motoko: Yes, the yen is very 高い (takai), or strong.
Jessi: 高い.. (Takai..) this actually means expensive, right?
Motoko: Yes, like an expensive price.
Jessi: But when talking about currency, the translation becomes "strong".
Motoko: That's right. 高い (Takai)
Jessi: Again, this means expensive, or "strong" when talking about currency. And, what's the opposite word?
Motoko: 安い (yasui)
Jessi: 安い (Yasui) cheap, inexpensive, and also "weak" when talking about currency.
Motoko: 安い (yasui)
Jessi: I think it's best to remember them as a pair. One more time, Motoko? They are?
Motoko: 高い (Takai), expensive, and 安い (yasui), cheap.
Jessi: Great. So, when talking about prices and currency, it really helps to know big numbers, doesn't it.
Motoko: Definitely!
Jessi: So, let's review numbers 20 through 100. Now, to get numbers like 20, 30, 40, and so on, it's best to think of how many 10s there are in that number.
Motoko: For example, 20 is 2 tens, right? Two is に (ni), and ten is じゅう (jū), so.. 20 is にじゅう (ni-jū).
Jessi: にじゅう (Ni-jū.) Two tens.. or, twenty! And the pattern just keeps on going like that, with the first number changing. So for example, 30 is...
Motoko: さんじゅう (san-jū)
Jessi: 40 is
Motoko: よんじゅう (yon-jū)
Jessi: 50 is
Motoko: ごじゅう (go-jū)
Jessi: 60 is
Motoko: ろくじゅう (roku-jū)
Jessi: 70 is
Motoko: ななじゅう (nana-jū)
Jessi: 80 is
Motoko: はちじゅう (hachi-jū)
Jessi: 90 is
Motoko: きゅうじゅう (kyū-jū)
Jessi: Great! So those are the multiples of 10. If you have more complex number, like, say... 53... you just say 50, and then 3. So again, 50 is?
Motoko: ごじゅう (go-jū)
Jessi: plus 3
Motoko: さん (san)
Jessi: So, all together?
Motoko: ごじゅうさん (go-jū-san)
Jessi: ごじゅうさん. (Go-jū-san.) Fifty three. Not that bad, right? You're just putting the pieces together. Let's try one more. How about... 27!
Motoko: Okay. Twenty, にじゅう(ni-jū), plus seven, なな (nana)。にじゅう なな。 (Ni-jū-nana.)
Jessi: にじゅうなな。 (Ni-jū-nana.) 27. Okay listeners, are you ready to try one? How about, 88?
Motoko: Remember that 8 is はち (hachi).
Jessi: All right; so, if you said...
Motoko: はちじゅうはち (hachi-jū-hachi)
Jessi: Then you've got your numbers down!! Okay, let's move on to the lesson focus.
Grammar Point
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask how much something is.
Motoko: It's very simple.
Jessi: Yes! Very simple. Motoko, could you give us the pattern?
Motoko: Sure. It is "Aはいくらですか。" ("A wa ikura desu ka.")
Jessi: This follows our “A is B” pattern. Aはいくらですか (A wa ikura desu ka)。 Let's break this down.
Motoko: A (Jessi - the item you're talking about) は いくら (wa ikura) (Jessi: how much) ですか。 (desu ka.)
Jessi: So, one more time?
Motoko: Aはいくらですか。 (A wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: [slowly] Aはいくらですか。 (A wa ikura desu ka.) Okay, so in place of A, we can put an item that you are talking about.
Motoko: If you are in a shop, words like "this" and "that" are very useful.
Jessi: Good point! Listeners, do you remember how to say "this" and "that"?
Motoko: "This" is これ (kore), and "that" is それ (sore).
Jessi: Let's put them into our pattern.
Motoko: Okay. これ・は・いくら・ですか。 (Kore wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: [slowly] これはいくらですか。 (Kore wa ikura desu ka.) How much is THIS? You can say this as you point to something close to you. これはいくらですか。 (Kore wa ikura desu ka.)
Motoko: That's right. We also have それはいくらですか (sore wa ikura desu ka)。
Jessi: [slowly] それはいくらですか。 (Sore wa ikura desu ka.) How much is THAT? You can say this as you point to something that's farther away. それはいくらですか。 (Sore wa ikura desu ka.)
Motoko: Let's practice with the listeners.
Jessi: Sounds good! Listeners, repeat after Motoko. How much is this?
Motoko: これはいくらですか。 (Kore wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: Great! And again, please repeat. How much is that?
Motoko: それはいくらですか。 (Sore wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: Okay, sounding good. Now, let's take a look at the example we had in the dialogue.
Motoko: Sounds good.
Jessi: Taylor mentioned that the yen was really strong at the moment
Motoko: いま、えん は ほんとうに たかい です…。 (Ima, en wa hontō ni takai desu….)
Jessi: And so Kaori asked Taylor how much one dollar was in yen.
Motoko: 1ドル は いくら です か。 (ichi-doru wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: 1ドル (ichi-doru) (one dollar) は いくら (wa ikura) (how much) です か (desu ka)。
Motoko: 1ドル は いくら です か。 (ichi-doru wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: Great! Now, here's a hint. If you're already talking about something, and you want to ask how much it is, you can simply ask, いくらですか。 (Ikura desu ka.)
Motoko: いくらですか。 (Ikura desu ka.) is simply How much is it?
Jessi: So if the object you're asking about is obvious, trying asking just いくらですか (Ikura desu ka.)。
Motoko: Yes. Please repeat after me. いくらですか。 (Ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: Okay! By the way, how do we answer the question いくらですか (ikura desu ka)?
Motoko: Good question! You can say Aは (A wa) [amount]です (desu), or just [amount]です (desu).
Jessi: Okay, so again, that's Aは (A wa)[amount] です (desu), or even just [amount]+です (desu). For example, when Kaori asked Taylor how much a dollar was in yen, Taylor said...
Motoko: 1ドル は 78えん です。 (ichi-doru wa 78-en desu.)
Jessi: One dollar is 78 yen. He could have also just said 78円(えん)です (78-en desu), right?
Motoko: That's right.
Jessi: All right, now that we've got the question down, let's have the listeners practice some more.
Motoko: Sure!
Jessi: Listeners, pretend that you're at a store, and you see something that you like. It's close to you, and you point to it and ask how much it is. What do you ask?
Motoko: Here's a hint. "This" is これ (kore).
Jessi: Okay, the answer is...?
Motoko: これはいくらですか。 (Kore wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: How much is this? Okay, and now the item you're asking about is farther away. You point to it and ask how much it is. What do you ask?
Motoko: Here's a hint. "That" is それ (sore).
Jessi: Okay! And the answer is...?
Motoko: それはいくらですか。 (Sore wa ikura desu ka.)
Jessi: How much is that?
Motoko: Great job, everyone!


Jessi: All right; well that's going to wrap it up for this lesson! For practice, try making sentences in the comments asking how much something is.
Motoko: We look forward to hearing from you!
Jessi: Until next time.
Motoko: じゃまた。 (Ja mata.)


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