
Vocabulary (Review)

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Jessi: Hi everyone, ジェシーです (Jeshī desu)。Jessi here!
Tomoyuki: こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa)、Tomoyukiです (desu)。
Jessi: Review the Japanese You've Learned this Season. Thank you for joining us! Tomoyuki... guess what? This is our last lesson of Absolute Beginner Season 2!
Tomoyuki: Oh.. you're right! This is lesson 25!
Jessi: Yes, can you believe it? Congratulations, everyone, for making it this far!
Tomoyuki: You've come a long way.
Jessi: Definitely. Okay, Tomoyuki, let's recap. What did we learn in the last lesson, Lesson 24?
Tomoyuki: In the last lesson, we learned how to ask how something was, and respond to the question.
Jessi: Yes, as in, how was the hike?
Tomoyuki: ハイキングはどうでしたか (Haikingu wa dō deshita ka)?
Jessi: It was fun.
Tomoyuki: たのしかったです。 (Tanoshikatta desu.)
Jessi: And in this last lesson, lesson 25, you'll review some of the Japanese you have learned in this season.
Tomoyuki: That's right. What's going on in the conversation?
Jessi: Well, it's time for Taylor, Chiemi, and Sarah to go back home to the US, and Masato and Kaori are seeing them off at the airport.
Tomoyuki: Let's listen to the conversation.
(At the airport)
かおり:ひこうき は なんじ です か。
Kaori: Hikōki wa nan-ji desu ka.
ちえみ:5じ はん です。
Chiemi: Go-ji han desu.
テイラー:まさとさん、かおりさん、おせわ に なりました。
Taylor: Masato-san, Kaori-san, osewa ni narimashita.
ちえみ:ほんとう に、ありがとう ございました。
Chiemi: Hontō ni, arigatō gozaimashita.
Kaori: Iie. Tanoshikatta desu.
Masato: Sara-chan, mata ne.
サラ:(goo gaa)
Sara: Goo gaa
テイラー:また、メール します。
Taylor: Mata, mēru shimasu.
Masato: Hai. Mata, aimashō.
Kaori: O-genki de.
Jessi: Let’s listen to the conversation again slowly.
(At the airport)
かおり:ひこうき は なんじ です か。
Kaori: Hikōki wa nan-ji desu ka.
ちえみ:5じ はん です。
Chiemi: Go-ji han desu.
テイラー:まさとさん、かおりさん、おせわ に なりました。
Taylor: Masato-san, Kaori-san, osewa ni narimashita.
ちえみ:ほんとう に、ありがとう ございました。
Chiemi: Hontō ni, arigatō gozaimashita.
Kaori: Iie. Tanoshikatta desu.
Masato: Sara-chan, mata ne.
サラ:(goo gaa)
Sara: Goo gaa
テイラー:また、メール します。
Taylor: Mata, mēru shimasu.
Masato: Hai. Mata, aimashō.
Kaori: O-genki de.
Jessi: Now let’s listen to it with the translation.
かおり:ひこうき は なんじ です か。
Kaori: Hikōki wa nan-ji desu ka.
Jessi: What time is the flight?
ちえみ:5じ はん です。
Chiemi: Go-ji han desu.
Jessi: Half past five.
テイラー:まさとさん、かおりさん、おせわ に なりました。
Taylor: Masato-san, Kaori-san, osewa ni narimashita.
Jessi: Masato, Kaori, thank you for everything.
ちえみ:ほんとう に、ありがとう ございました。
Chiemi: Hontō ni, arigatō gozaimashita.
Jessi: Really, thank you so much.
Kaori: Iie. Tanoshikatta desu.
Jessi: Not at all. It was fun.
Masato: Sara-chan, mata ne.
Jessi: Sarah, see you later.
テイラー:また、メール します。
Taylor: Mata, mēru shimasu.
Jessi: I'll e-mail you.
Masato: Hai. Mata, aimashō.
Jessi: Okay. Hope to see you again.
Kaori: O-genki de.
Jessi: Take care.
Vocabulary and Phrase Usage
Jessi: Aww, so the time has come for Taylor and his family to leave...
Tomoyuki: That's right! They're at the airport saying goodbye.
Jessi: It seems like they've had a really fun time in Japan, though!
Tomoyuki: Yes, I think they made a lot of good memories.
Jessi: Definitely. And like you said, now they are saying goodbye...
Tomoyuki: There are so many different ways to say goodbye.
Jessi: That's true! There are a lot of different expressions in Japanese used when saying goodbye. Let's take a look at some of them here.
Tomoyuki: I'm sure all of you know the word さようなら (sayōnara) for "goodbye".
Jessi: さようなら (Sayōnara). This word is very well-known.
Tomoyuki: This is kind of formal, so a more casual, everyday version is またね (mata ne).
Jessi: またね (Mata ne). Masato said this to Sarah in the dialogue. It's kind of like “see ya" or "see you later" in English.
Tomoyuki: We also heard the phrase おせわになりました (o-sewa ni narimashita)。
Jessi: おせわになりました (O-sewa ni narimashita)。 We translated it as "thank you for everything", but basically, you say this to someone who has taken care of you in some way, helped you out, or done a lot for you.
Tomoyuki: It's great to use if you stay with someone.
Jessi: Yes, like in their case. Taylor's entire family stayed at Masato and Kaori's house, and so they are thanking them for everything they have done for them.
Tomoyuki: おせわになりました。 (O-sewa ni narimashita.)
Jessi: We also had, またあいましょう。 (Mata aimashō.)
Tomoyuki: This means, let's meet again.
Jessi: Do you remember the form ましょう (mashō) from lesson 22? Remember that this means let's. So literally, we have again, let's meet.
Tomoyuki: またあいましょう (Mata aimashō)。 Let's meet again.
Jessi: And finally, Kaori said...
Tomoyuki: おげんきで。 (O-genki de.)
Jessi: おげんきで。(O-genki de.) And this means "Take care".
Tomoyuki: You say this to someone you won't see for a while.
Jessi: Right. If you won't see that person again soon, you can use おげんきで (o-genki de)。
Tomoyuki: おげんきで (O-genki de)。
Jessi: Okay, we gave you a lot of expressions, so let's go back and recap them. First is?
Tomoyuki: またね (mata ne)
Jessi: “See ya”, or “see you later”; an informal way to say goodbye.
Tomoyuki: おせわになりました。 (O-sewa ni narimashita.)
Jessi: “Thank you for everything”; a phrase used to thank someone who has taken care of you or done something for you.
Tomoyuki: またあいましょう。 (Mata aimashō.)
Jessi: A phrase meaning "let's meet again", and...
Tomoyuki: おげんきで (O-genki de).
Jessi: A phrase meaning "take care". Great! Let's move on to the lesson focus.
Grammar Point
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll review some of the Japanese you've learned throughout this Absolute Beginner Season 2 series.
Tomoyuki: We'll go over 3 points.
Jessi: They are; asking and telling time, making a suggestion, and asking how something was.
Tomoyuki: Let's start with asking and telling time.
Jessi: This is a review of Lesson 10. Okay, so how do we ask what time something is?
Tomoyuki: [A] はなんじですか ([A ] wa nan-ji desu ka)。
Jessi: [A] はなんじですか ([A] wa nan-ji desu ka)。 So you can put any event or happening in place of A. Can we hear some examples?
Tomoyuki: ミーティングは なんじですか。 (Mītingu wa nan-ji desu ka.)
Jessi: What time is the meeting?
Tomoyuki: パーティーは なんじですか。 (Pātī wa nan-ji desu ka.)
Jessi: What time is the party? And how do we answer?
Tomoyuki: To tell time, you give the number, plus 時(じ)(ji), which means "hour".
Jessi: So, for example, three o'clock would be...
Tomoyuki: 三時(さんじ) (san-ji)。 And then you add です (desu). 三時(さんじ)です (san-ji desu)。 It's at 3 o'clock.
Jessi: Right. And remember also that 半(はん) (han) means "half", and is used to indicate half hours. For example, “It’s 3:30” would be?
Tomoyuki: 三時半(さんじはん)です (San-ji han desu)。 Okay listeners, listen and repeat.
Tomoyuki: ミーティングはなんじですか。 (Mītingu wa nan-ji desu ka.)
三時半(さんじはん)です。 (San-ji han desu.)
Jessi: Great. Let's move onto the next point.
Tomoyuki: Saying "let's [verb]" in Japanese.
Jessi: This is a review of Lesson 22. What's the pattern, Tomoyuki?
Tomoyuki: Well, you simply use the ましょう (mashō) form of the verb.
Jessi: Right, you change the final ます (masu) to ましょう (mashō), and that means "Let's do [that verb]." For example?
Tomoyuki: たべます (Tabemasu) is “to eat”, and so “let's eat” is たべましょう (tabemashō).
Jessi: たべましょう (Tabemashō). How about another one?
Tomoyuki: あいます (Aimasu) is “to meet”, and so “let's meet” is あいましょう (aimashō).
Jessi: We saw this word earlier in the phrase "Let's meet again".
Tomoyuki: Ahh right, またあいましょう (mata aimashō)。
Jessi: Okay listeners, now it's your turn. Listen, and repeat.
Tomoyuki: Let's eat. たべましょう (Tabemashō)。
Tomoyuki: Let's meet again. またあいましょう (Mata aimashō)。
Jessi: Okay, and now the last one we'll go over is...
Tomoyuki: Asking and saying how something was
Jessi: And this is one we learned recently, in Lesson 24.
Tomoyuki: Yes. Do you remember how it goes?
Jessi: What's the pattern?
Tomoyuki: Aは どうでしたか。 (A wa dō deshita ka.)
Jessi: Aは どうでしたか (A wa dō deshita ka)。 where A is some event, place, or thing. For example?
Tomoyuki: ハイキングは どうでしたか。 (Haikingu wa dō deshita ka.)
Jessi: How was the hike? or How was hiking? We also learned how to respond to this by using adjectives in their past tense form.
Tomoyuki: We changed the ending of the adjective from い (I) to かった (katta).
Jessi: Yup, do you remember that rule? So, for example if we had the adjective fun, たのしい (tanoshii)... what would that be in the past?
Tomoyuki: たのしかった (Tanoshikatta)
Jessi: Right, たのしかった (tanoshikatta). And then we just add です (desu) at the end.
Tomoyuki: たのしかったです (Tanoshikatta desu).
Jessi: Let's give a short question and answer example. Let's pretend that Tomoyuki went to the US on vacation. I could ask him... アメリカは、どうでしたか (Amerika wa, dō deshita ka)? “How was the US?”
Tomoyuki: たのしかったです (Tanoshikatta desu)!It was fun!
Jessi: Excellent. Okay listeners, pretend that you went on a trip to Japan. Tomoyuki will ask you how it was... please respond that it was fun! Are you ready?
Tomoyuki: にほんは、どうでしたか? (Nihon wa, dō deshita ka?)


Jessi: Okay, that was great!
Tomoyuki: よくできました (Yoku dekimashita)。 Good job!
Jessi: All right, well, I think that's going to do it for this lesson... and this series!
Tomoyuki: Yes; that is the end of Absolute Beginner Season 2.
Jessi: Thank you everyone for listening.
Tomoyuki: Yes. ありがとうございます (Arigatō gozaimasu)!
Jessi: We hope you learned a lot more in this second season!
Tomoyuki: As always, please let us know if you have any questions.
Jessi: Yup! Well, that's all for now! Hope to see you again soon.
Tomoyuki: Bye everyone! またあいましょう (Mata aimashō)!


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