
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: This is a Japanese Gift For You. ジェシーです。(Jeshii desu.) Jessi here.
Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです。(Kon'nichi wa! Naomi desu.) Naomi here!
Jessi: Thanks as always for joining us! Naomi, could you remind us what we learned in the last lesson, Lesson 7?
Naomi: Sure! In the last lesson, we learned our first sentence pattern - AはBです。(A wa B desu).
Jessi: That's right. We used it to say our names, as in...?
Naomi: わたしはなおみです。(Watashi wa Naomi desu.)
Jessi: And in this lesson, we're going to practice using it to make different sentences. First, we'll listen to the conversation.
Naomi; It continues from the last lesson.
Jessi: Yes, Taylor has met Masato and Kaori at the airport, and they are still talking. And with that, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

かおり:テイラーさん、これはおみやげです。どうぞ。(Teirā-san, kore wa omiyage desu. Dōzo.)
テイラー:ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
かおり:いえいえ。(Ie ie.)
English Host: Let’s listen to the conversation again slowly.
かおり:テイラーさん、これはおみやげです。どうぞ。(Teirā-san, kore wa omiyage desu. Dōzo.)
テイラー:ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
かおり:いえいえ。(Ie ie.)
English Host: Now let's listen to it with the translation.
かおり:テイラーさん、これはおみやげです。どうぞ。(Teirā-san, kore wa omiyage desu. Dōzo.)
Jessi: Taylor, this is a little something for you.
テイラー:ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
Jessi: Thank you very much!
かおり:いえいえ。(Ie ie.)
Jessi: Don't mention it.
Post conversation banter
Jessi: Taylor sounds really thankful for something! He said ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!) What was it?
Naomi: Well, Kaori gave him some omiyage.
Jessi: If you remember from Lesson 3, おみやげ (omiyage) is a small gift given to someone. For example, if you go on a trip, or are visiting from somewhere, a gift you bring from that area is referred to as おみやげ (omiyage).
Naomi: It's an important part of Japanese culture. We love giving and receiving おみやげ (omiyage).
Jessi: It's a really fun custom, I think! By the way, listeners, do you remember how to say "You're welcome"? Naomi? Can you remind us?
Naomi: It's どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
Jessi: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.) But Kaori said something different this time. What did Kaori say in return when Taylor said ありがとうございます(Arigatō gozaimasu) ?
Naomi: She said いえいえ~ (ie ie~)。
Jessi: いえいえ~ (ie ie~)。 Another way to say "You're welcome?"
Naomi: Exactly! いいえ actually means "no," so when you say いえいえ~ (ie ie~), it's like "no~ don't worry about it"
Jessi: Like, "Oh, it's nothing!" "No problem!"
Naomi: That's right.
Jessi: If you can't remember the original phrase we learned, どういたしまして... (Dō itashimashite...) then this one should be much easier.
Naomi: Yeah, I agree.
Jessi: And there was one more new word, which was...?
Naomi: どうぞ。(Dōzo.)
Jessi: Here you are, or here you go.
Naomi: She said this when handing over the gift.
Jessi: Yes, you can use it when you give something to someone. And not only that, it can also be used to mean "go ahead" as well.
Naomi: Yes, like if you want someone to go ahead of you, you can say, どうぞ~ (Dōzo~)
Jessi: Okay, let's move onto the lesson focus.
Jessi: In this lesson, we are going to review our first sentence pattern, A is B.
Naomi: AはBです。(A wa B desu.) Listeners, do you remember this pattern?
Jessi: Basically, AはBです (A wa B desu.) means "A is B." We can insert words for A and B to create simple sentences. A is what we're talking about, and B is what we're identifying it as. Last time, we used it to talk about ourselves. For example...?
Naomi: わたしはなおみです。(Watashi wa Naomi desu.)
Jessi: "I am Naomi." We just insert the words わたし, which means I, and your name into the pattern. We can also put an occupation in place of our name, too. For example?
Naomi: わたしはパイロットです。(Watashi wa pairotto desu.)
Jessi: "I'm a pilot." Okay, and now we're going to use this sentence pattern to talk about things other than ourselves. As much as everyone loves to talk about themselves…
Naomi: You'll learn another useful way to use this pattern!
Jessi: Okay, let's look at how it was used in the dialogue. Kaori said....
Naomi: これはおみやげです。(Kore wa omiyage desu.)
Jessi: これは...おみやげです...(Kore wa... omiyage desu...) There's a は (wa), and there's a です (desu)... so this is our "A is B" pattern, isn't it.
Naomi: That's right!
Jessi: So let's take a look at the words that replace A and B in this sentence. The first one is...?
Naomi: これ (Kore)
Jessi: これ (Kore), and this means...?
Naomi: "This"!
Jessi: So the sentence starts with これ (kore), "this". And then we have は (wa). And the word after that?
Naomi: おみやげ (omiyage)
Jessi: After おみやげ (omiyage), we had the word です to finish the pattern. Can we hear the whole sentence again?
Naomi: これはおみやげです。(Kore wa omiyage desu.)
Jessi: Literally, this is a small gift. We translated it as "This is a little something for you". Can we hear it one more time?
Naomi: (Slowly) これ は おみやげ です。 (Kore wa omiyage desu.)
Jessi: これはおみやげです。 (Kore wa omiyage desu.) Repeat after Naomi. "This is a small gift."
Naomi: これはおみやげです。 (Kore wa omiyage desu.)
Jessi: This is a good one to remember if you are giving someone a gift from your home country or some place that you've visited.
Naomi: Let's try another one.
Jessi: What word can we use? How about...
Naomi: 水!(Mizu!)
Jessi: Ah, 水 (mizu)! Listeners, do you remember this word? It means "water." So how would we say "This is water"?
Naomi: これは水です。(Kore wa mizu desu.)
Jessi: Let's break it down.
Naomi: これ (kore) “this”, は (wa), 水 (mizu) “water”, です (desu)
Jessi: One more time?
Naomi: これは水です。(Kore wa mizu desu.)
Jessi: Okay listeners, repeat after Naomi. This is water.
Naomi: これは水です。(Kore wa mizu desu.)
Jessi: Great! So between the first sample sentence and the second, the only thing that changed was part B of the pattern, right?
Naomi: Yes! これは おみやげ です (kore wa omiyage desu) and これは 水 です (kore wa mizu desu).
Jessi: So now you can go around identifying things in Japanese! Let's practice it a bit now, shall we?
Naomi: Why not!
Jessi: Let's use a new word, something simple.
Naomi: Okay! Since we used water, this time, how about alcohol?
Jessi: Good word choice! Maybe that drink that looks like water actually isn't! We wouldn't want to get the two confused. Okay, so how would we say alcohol?
Naomi: お酒 (o-sake)
Jessi: お酒 (o-sake). Now, we have this word in English! In English, it's pronounced "sake." But it's important to know, this word means different things in both languages! "Sake" in English refers to a particular drink - Japanese rice wine.
Naomi: Right. But when you say お酒 (o-sake) in Japanese, this refers to alcohol in GENERAL.
Jessi: Yes! So technically, beer, wine, cocktails, rice wine, it all falls under お酒 (o-sake). So just something to keep in mind! Okay, so back to our sentence pattern. How would you say, this is alcohol?
Naomi: Here's a hint. Remember that the pattern was これはBです。(Kore wa B desu.)
Jessi: Okay, and the answer is?
Naomi: これはお酒です (Kore wa o-sake desu).
Jessi: これはお酒です (Kore wa o-sake desu), meaning "This is alcohol." Good for warning your guests.
Naomi: So now with this AはBです (A wa B desu) structure, you can introduce yourself AND say what something is!
Jessi: And really, that's only the beginning of what you can do with this pattern, so please commit it to memory! Thanks for listening, and see you next time!
Naomi: Bye, everyone! じゃまた。(Ja mata.)

Lesson conversation

かおり:テイラーさん、これはおみやげです。どうぞ。(Teirā-san, kore wa omiyage desu. Dōzo.)
テイラー:ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
かおり:いえいえ。(Ie ie.)

