
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Catching Up With an Old Friend in Japan. ジェシーです。(Jeshii desu.)Jessi here.
Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです。(Kon'nichi wa! Naomi desu.) Naomi here!
Jessi: Thanks for joining us again! Okay, we have finished the five introduction lessons, and now we're ready to jump into the story of Taylor Allen!
Naomi: What can you tell us about the story?
Jessi: Well, Taylor is an American living in California who is married to a Japanese woman named Chiemi. Chiemi's brother Masato, and his wife Kaori, are visiting Taylor's house in the US for the first time. Chiemi is not around to help out, though, so Taylor does his best to communicate with them in Japanese.
Naomi: Sounds good! Let's see how Taylor does!
Jessi: In these lessons, we'll teach you Japanese through sentence patterns and expressions.
Naomi: We won't worry too much about grammar in this series.
Jessi: In this first part of Taylor's story, Taylor is meeting his brother-in-law Masato and Masato's wife Kaori at the airport. They're distant family members who don't know each other very well, so they will be using...
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation!

Lesson conversation

まさと:あ、テイラーさん? (A, Teirā-san?)
テイラー:まさとさん!おひさしぶりです! (Masato-san! O-hisashiburi desu!)
まさと: おひさしぶりです! (O-hisashiburi desu!)
English Host: Now let's listen to it with the translation.
まさと:あ、テイラーさん? (A, Teirā-san?)
Jessi: Oh, Taylor?
テイラー:まさとさん!おひさしぶりです! (Masato-san! O-hisashiburi desu!)
Jessi: Masato! It's been a while!
まさと: おひさしぶりです! (O-hisashiburi desu!)
Jessi: Long time no see!

Lesson focus

Jessi: So Taylor met up with his brother-in-law and his wife at the airport!
Naomi: They're visiting from Japan.
Jessi: Yup, and it's not their first time meeting, is it?
Naomi: Nope.
Jessi: We'll talk more about that later on in the lesson. Here, let's introduce an important word we heard in the conversation. Naomi, that is...?
Naomi: さん (san).
Jessi: さん (san). They said it after each other's names.
Naomi: Right, so Taylor became テイラーさん (Teirā-san), and Masato become まさとさん (Masato-san).
Jessi: It comes after names, so it's really a suffix. So why do we put this after people's names?
Naomi: To show respect. It is essential to use さん (san) when speaking formal Japanese.
Jessi: Yes, so that means with anyone who is older than you or has a higher social status than you or someone you don't know well, you should use さん (san) after their name.
Naomi: It can come after their first name or last name.
Jessi: That's right! For example, Taylor Allen is the character's full name, so what are the possible ways to use さん (san)?
Naomi: For Taylor Allen, you could say テイラーさん (Teirā-san) or アレンさん (Aren-san) or テイラーアレンさん (Teirā Aren-san).They're all okay.
Jessi: In the conversation, they used it after their first names.
Naomi: Just know that it can be used with both.

Lesson focus

Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn how to greet someone you haven't seen in a long time.
Naomi: There's one phrase you will learn for that in this lesson.
Jessi: We'll go over two variations of that phrase - the formal version, and informal version. First, can we hear the formal version that we heard in the dialogue?
Naomi: Sure. お久しぶりです (O-hisashiburi desu)
Jessi: お久しぶりです (O-hisashiburi desu)
Naomi: お久しぶりです (O-hisashiburi desu)
Jessi: And one time slowly?
Naomi: (Slowly) お久しぶりです (O-hisashiburi desu)
Jessi: And one more time regular speed.
Naomi: お久しぶりです
Jessi: And this means...
Naomi: Long time no see!
Jessi: Right! Long time no see, or, it's been a while!
Naomi: That's how we knew Taylor and Masato had met each other before.
Jessi: Because they used お久しぶりです。 (O-hisashiburi desu.)
Naomi: Long time no see. Listeners, now you try it!
Jessi: Repeat after Naomi
Naomi: お久しぶりです。 (O-hisashiburi desu.)
Jessi: Okay. And one more time.
Naomi: お久しぶりです! (O-hisashiburi desu!)
Jessi: Okay! So that's the formal version. If you want to say this to a friend, what would be a better way to say it?
Naomi: Well, did you notice how this phrase started with an お (o) sound, and ended with です (desu)? Just take those sounds away.
Jessi: When you do that, you're left with...
Naomi: ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)
Jessi: ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)
Naomi: ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)
Jessi: And one time slowly?
Naomi: (Slowly) ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)
Jessi: And one more time regular speed
Naomi: ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)!
Jessi: Listeners, now you try it! Repeat after Naomi
Naomi: ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)
Jessi: And one more time.
Naomi: ひさしぶり (hisashiburi)!
Jessi: Okay. Now we know both the formal version and informal version!
Naomi: Okay, now let's practice what we've learned.
Jessi: All right! We'll set up another situation. Let's say Naomi and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Listen to what we say when we see each other.
Naomi: ジェシーさん、お久しぶりです! (Jeshii-san, o-hisashiburi desu!)
Jessi: なおみさん、お久しぶりです! (Naomi-san, o-hisashiburi desu!)
Jessi: Okay. So now it's your turn! Pretend you're the one meeting Naomi for the first time in a long time. Please respond to her. Don't forget to use さん (san) - remember what we learned about that and our main phrase from this lesson!
Naomi: あ、お久しぶりです! (A! O-hisashiburi desu!)
Naomi: If you said...
Jessi: なおみさん、お久しぶりです! (O-hisashiburi desu!)
Naomi: You're correct!
Jessi: Yay! And don't forget the name plus さん (san) when speaking politely.
Naomi: Right! Until next time!

Lesson conversation

まさと:あ、テイラーさん? (A, Teirā-san?)
テイラー:まさとさん!おひさしぶりです! (Masato-san! O-hisashiburi desu!)
まさと: おひさしぶりです! (O-hisashiburi desu!)

