
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Show Your Appreciation in Japanese. ジェシーです。(Jeshii desu.) I'm Jessi.
Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです。(Kon'nichi wa! Naomi desu.) And I'm Naomi!
Jessi: If you listened to the last lesson, you should have been able to get all of that!
Naomi: That's right. You learned how to introduce yourself.
Jessi: And in this lesson, you'll learn how to say "thank you" and "you're welcome."
Naomi: Very important phrases!
Jessi: Mmm… Definitely. So now let's listen to a short exchange between two people.
Naomi: Listen carefully to what they say.
Jessi: Okay, let's begin!

Lesson conversation

A: おみやげです。(Omiyage desu.)
B: ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
A: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
English Host: Now let’s listen to it with the English translation.
A: おみやげです。(Omiyage desu.)
Jessi: This is a small gift for you.
B: ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
Jessi: Thank you!
A: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
Jessi: You're welcome.
Post Conversation Banter
Jessi: So, the first person gave something to the second person, right?
Naomi: Yes! おみやげ (omiyage).
Jessi: おみやげ (omiyage), let's talk about what this is. If you look in the dictionary, it might say "souvenir," won't it?
Naomi: Yes, but I think it's a bit different.
Jessi: Right! I agree. In English, when we say "souvenir," it usually refers to something like a momento. Something you might buy for yourself to remind you of a certain place, something like that. But おみやげ (omiyage) is something you buy for other people, right?
Naomi: Yes. When Japanese people go on a trip, it's a custom for them to bring back おみやげ (omiyage) from the place they went.
Jessi: It's also a custom to bring a gift from your home country if you visit another country. So if someone visits Japan, or if a Japanese person goes to another country,- you can bet there'll be おみやげ (omiyage)!
Naomi: Yes. Usually, the best kind of おみやげ (omiyage) is something edible.
Jessi: That's right! A box full of little individual snacks is kind of your standard おみやげ (omiyage) in Japan.

Lesson focus

Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn how to thank someone, and also what to say when someone thanks you.
Naomi: In the conversation, one person gave another person a small gift.
Jessi: Right, the おみやげ (omiyage) that we just talked about. Let's look at what they said really quickly.
Naomi: The person said おみやげです (omiyage desu) when handing over the small gift.
Jessi: In the last lesson, we learned that [name] plus です (desu) means "I'm [name]". Instead of a name, we can also put a different word here, like the name of an object plus です (desu).
Naomi: When we do that, it means "It is [name of the object]."
Jessi: We'll get into this more in Lesson 7, but for now, just know that the です (desu) here is the same as "it is" in English, so おみやげです (omiyage desu) means "it's a small gift."
Naomi: Okay, now let's look at our two phrases for today.
Jessi: The first phrase means "Thank you," and it's...
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)Let's hear it one time slowly.
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: And one more time at natural speed.
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: This is made up of two parts, right?
Naomi: Yes. ありがとう (arigatō) and ございます (gozaimasu).
Jessi: Now, a lot of people might know the first word, ありがとう (arigatō).
Naomi: Oh, really?
Jessi: Yes! It's one of those famous words that even people who don't know any Japanese probably heard of. But what a lot of people don't know is that this word is very casual sounding!
Naomi: That's very true. It is okay to use only ありがとう (arigatō) in certain situations.
Jessi: For example, when talking to very close friends.
Naomi: Sure, like ありがとう~。 (arigatō)
Jessi: Kind of like saying just "thanks!"
Naomi: But, if you are thanking a stranger, someone older than you, or someone you should show respect to, please use the full phrase - ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: It may sound like a lot of syllables, so just keep repeating! Listeners, please repeat.
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: Great! So now whenever somebody does something for you, or gives you something, you can say...
Naomi: ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)!
Jessi: Now, let's say that YOU are the one being thanked. For example, you give someone an おみやげ、a small gift, and that person says...
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: What do we say in return?
Naomi: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
Jessi: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.) Can we hear it one time slow?
Naomi: Sure. どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
Jessi: And one more time at natural speed.
Naomi: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
Jessi: Okay. Listeners, please repeat.
Naomi: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)
Jessi: Great! Okay. Now let's try using them together. Hmm, what can I give Naomi that she'll like? Ah-ha! Naomi, I brought you some おみやげ (omiyage) from the States, peanut butter cups! おみやげです。(Omiyage desu.)
Naomi: ありがとうございます~ (Arigatō gozaimasu~)
Jessi: どういたしまして!(Dō itashimashite!)
Naomi: I love these.
Jessi: Oh good. Now let's try it with the listeners! Listeners, you give Naomi something that you think she'll like. Please respond to what she says! Okay. So now you hand over the gift...
Naomi: ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
Jessi: Did you get it? All together now.
Jessi and Naomi: どういたしまして!(Dō itashimashite!)
Jessi: Okay, now let's switch! Now you're going to get a gift from Naomi. Imagine that she gives you one of your favorite foods!
Naomi: おみやげです!(Omiyage desu!)
Jessi: Okay. All together now~ ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!) Hear that? That was the sound of everyone around the world thanking you!
Naomi: どういたしまして (Dō itashimashite)!
Jessi: Until next time.
Naomi: Bye, everyone!

Lesson conversation

A: おみやげです。(Omiyage desu.)
B: ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!)
A: どういたしまして。(Dō itashimashite.)

