
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Do You Remember the Japanese Grammar You've Learned in this Series? ジェシーです。(Jeshii desu.) Jessi here!
Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです!(Kon'nichi wa! Naomi desu!) Hi everyone, Naomi here.
Jessi: Thank you as always for joining us for our Absolute Beginner series! Naomi...
Naomi: Yes?
Jessi: This is our last lesson in this Absolute Beginner series. Can you believe it?
Naomi: You're right, Lesson 25! Wow, we're already at the end.
Jessi: Thank you for listening all the way through! Okay, so we have to make this last lesson a good one!
Naomi: Yes!
Jessi: Okay, so in the last lesson, we learned how to ask how to say something in another language. For example?
Naomi: Washing machineは、日本語で何ですか。(Washing machine wa nihongo de nan desu ka?)
Jessi: "What's [ washing machine ] in Japanese?" And in this lesson, we're going to do a review of what we've learned in the past 25 lessons.
Naomi: We've covered a lot of material in this series!
Jessi: We definitely have. And now it's time to stop and review, and see how far you've come!
Naomi: So Jessi, what's happening in the conversation?
Jessi: It looks like Taylor, Masato, and Kaori are at home having a conversation. Taylor is telling Masato and Kaori about his upcoming plans. Okay, let's have a listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

テイラー:らいねん、メキシコにいきます。(Rainen, mekishiko ni ikimasu.)
テイラー:ぼくのいもうとのけっこんしきがあります。(Boku no imōto no kekkonshiki ga arimasu.)
まさと:おめでとうございます。 (Omedetō gozaimasu.)
いいですね。いついきますか。(Ii desu ne. Itsu ikimasu ka.)
テイラー:6がつです。(Rokugatsu desu.)
かおり:へー。ちえみさんもいきますか?(Hē. Chiemi-san mo ikimasu ka?)
テイラー:はい!サラもいきます。マトリーもいきます。(Hai! Sara mo ikimasu. Matorī mo ikimasu.)
かおり:マトリーも?すごい。(Matorī mo? Sugoi.)
テイラー:そのあと、にほんにいきます。(Sono ato, nihon ni ikimasu.)
まさと:ほんとう?やった!(Hontō? Yatta!)
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation again slowly.
テイラー:らいねん、メキシコにいきます。(Rainen, mekishiko ni ikimasu.)
テイラー:ぼくのいもうとのけっこんしきがあります。(Boku no imōto no kekkonshiki ga arimasu.)
まさと:おめでとうございます。 (Omedetō gozaimasu.)
いいですね。いついきますか。(Ii desu ne. Itsu ikimasu ka.)
テイラー:6がつです。(Rokugatsu desu.)
かおり:へー。ちえみさんもいきますか?(Hē. Chiemi-san mo ikimasu ka?)
テイラー:はい!サラもいきます。マトリーもいきます。(Hai! Sara mo ikimasu. Matorī mo ikimasu.)
かおり:マトリーも?すごい。(Matorī mo? Sugoi.)
テイラー:そのあと、にほんにいきます。(Sono ato, nihon ni ikimasu.)
まさと:ほんとう?やった!(Hontō? Yatta!)
Jessi: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
テイラー:らいねん、メキシコにいきます。(Rainen, mekishiko ni ikimasu.)
Jessi: I'm going to Mexico next year.
Jessi: Why?
テイラー:ぼくのいもうとのけっこんしきがあります。(Boku no imōto no kekkonshiki ga arimasu.)
Jessi: My little sister is getting married.
まさと:おめでとうございます。 (Omedetō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: Congratulations.
いいですね。いついきますか。(Ii desu ne. Itsu ikimasu ka.)
Jessi: That's nice. When are you going?
テイラー:6がつです。(Rokugatsu desu.)
Jessi: In June.
かおり:へー。ちえみさんもいきますか?(Hē. Chiemi-san mo ikimasu ka?)
Jessi: Neat! Is Chiemi going too?
テイラー:はい!サラもいきます。マトリーもいきます。(Hai! Sara mo ikimasu. Matorī mo ikimasu.)
Jessi: Yes! Sarah will also go. Muttley will go too.
かおり:マトリーも?すごい。(Matorī mo? Sugoi.)
Jessi: Muttley too? Wow.
テイラー:そのあと、にほんにいきます。(Sono ato, nihon ni ikimasu.)
Jessi :After that, we'll go to Japan.
まさと:ほんとう?やった!(Hontō? Yatta!)
Jessi: Really? Yay!
Post conversation banter
Jessi: So Taylor's going to Mexico!
Naomi: Yes, for his younger sister's wedding.
Jessi: That's so nice. His wife Chiemi, his daughter Sarah, and even the dog Muttley are going!
Naomi: The entire family!
Jessi: Yes, what a trip. And then after that, he reveals his plans to visit, where, Naomi?
Naomi: 日本 (Nihon) or Japan!
Jessi: Yup, he'll be visiting Japan after that. They sound pretty happy to hear that!
Naomi: Yes, Masato says 本当?やった~!(Hontō? Yatta!)
Jessi: Which is like "Really? Yay!" So it looks like they're looking forward to that. Okay, let's look at some other vocabulary we saw in this lesson. Naomi, we actually had quite a few new words here, didn't we.
Naomi: We did! The first word is 来年 (rainen).
Jessi: Next year. Taylor was talking about what he was doing next year.
Naomi: Right, he said, 来年、メキシコに行きます。(Rainen, mekishiko ni ikimasu.)
Jessi: "I'm going to Mexico next year." For more of these kinds of words that describe time, please check out the lesson notes. We've added a bunch of different ones in there. The next word?
Naomi: This one is a phrase. おめでとうございます。 (Omedetō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: おめでとうございます!(Omedetō gozaimasu!) This means "Congratulations!"
Naomi: Yes, おめでとうございます。 (Omedetō gozaimasu.). You can say it any time there is a reason to celebrate.
Jessi: Right, wedding, graduation, anything like that, right?
Naomi: Right. This is a polite phrase to congratulate someone.
Jessi: Masato said it to Taylor when he mentioned that his sister was getting married.
Naomi: Right. おめでとうございます!(Omedetō gozaimasu!)
Jessi: Okay. And then what did he say after he said that?
Naomi: Our next phrase... いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
Jessi: いいですね。(Ii desu ne.) Like, "that's great," or "how nice." This phrase is SO helpful to have in your vocabulary!
Naomi: Yes, any time someone tells you something that sounds nice, or some kind of good news, you can say いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
Jessi: いいですね。(Ii desu ne.) Again, close to "That's great!" or "How nice!"
Naomi: Exactly.
Jessi: What do we have next?
Naomi: 6月 (Rokugatsu)
Jessi: And this means June. Now, in Lesson 17 we learned the numbers, right? To say the names of the months, all you need to do is take the number of the month, and add 月(がつ)(gatsu).
Naomi: So, January would be one, いち (ichi), plus がつ (gatsu). 一月 (ichi gatsu).
Jessi: Right, and February would be two, に(ni), plus がつ (gatsu), 2月 (ni gatsu). And it continues on like that. We've put the rest of them in the lesson notes so please check those out as well.
Naomi: Yes, please do!
Jessi: And also check out the lesson notes for any other vocab words from this dialogue, since we weren't able to cover them all here. Okay. Let's move on to the lesson focus.
Jessi: In this lesson, we'll review 3 different grammar points that we've learned in this series. Naomi, what's the first one we're going to cover?
Naomi: The first one is talking about inanimate objects. [Item, place, or event] があります (ga arimasu).
Jessi: Which means, "there is [item, place, or event]".
Naomi: In the dialogue, Taylor is talking about his sister's wedding. He says - 僕の妹の結婚式があります。(Boku no imōto no kekkonshiki ga arimasu.)
Jessi: Okay. There was a lot of information there! First, remember that this word の shows possession.
Naomi: Right, so ぼくの妹 (boku no imōto) is "my little sister". ぼくの妹「の」結婚式 (Boku no imōto “no” kekkonshiki) is "my little sister's wedding".
Jessi: Right. And after that we have があります。(ga arimasu.) All together one more time?
Naomi: 僕の妹の結婚式があります。(Boku no imōto no kekkonshiki ga arimasu.)
Jessi: Literally, "my little sister's wedding," there is. So that's his reason for visiting Mexico.
Okay, let's do a quick practice. Let's say there is a party this weekend! You are telling someone that there is a party. Naomi, the word for party is...?
Naomi: パーティー (pātī)
Jessi: Just like that! So listeners, "there's a party" would be...?
Jessi: Okay, if you said...
Naomi: パーティーがあります (pātī ga arimasu)
Jessi: You are correct! All right, what's the next point we'll review?
Naomi: The next one is talking about going somewhere. [Place] に行きます。(ni ikimasu.)
Jessi: Which means "I (or someone else) is going to [place]" [place]に行きます。(ni ikimasu.)
Naomi: Taylor says 来年、メキシコに行きます。(Rainen, mekishiko ni ikimasu.)
Jessi: "I'm going to Mexico next year." Okay, so that's [place]に行きます。 Let's give one more example...
Naomi: Okay! Jessi, are you going somewhere next year?
Jessi: Me? Hmm... ah, yes! 来年、アメリカに行きます。(Rainen, Amerika ni ikimasu.) "Next year, I'm going to the US." Well, I go every year.
Naomi: Good example sentence! 来年、アメリカに行きます。(Rainen, Amerika ni ikimasu.)
Jessi: Okay. So now listeners, are you ready to do one?
Naomi: Let's try one. How about "Next year, I'm going to Japan"?
Jessi: That sounds good.
Naomi: Listeners, please say "Next year, I'm going to Japan" in Japanese.
Jessi: For a hint, remember that next year is 来年 (rainen) and Japan is 日本 (Nihon).
Jessi: Naomi, the answer is...?
Naomi: 来年日本に行きます。(Rainen nihon ni ikimasu.)
Jessi: 来年日本に行きます。(Rainen nihon ni ikimasu.) Sounding good! So that's [place] に行きます (ni ikimasu). Hopefully this is all coming back to you! Naomi, what's our next point?
Naomi: Question words!
Jessi: In the Lesson Notes PDF or Lesson 13 we introduced question words. Such as?
Naomi: いつ (itsu)
Jessi: When.
Naomi: どこ (doko)
Jessi: Where and so on. In this lesson we'll look at more sentences using いつ (itsu) "when".
Naomi: Right. We'll learn how to say "when will you go?" or "when will you eat?" in Japanese.
Jessi: In that case, our sentence structure would be いつ (itsu) plus verb plus か (ka). And that translates to, when are you, or someone else, going to do [verb]? Let's see an example.
Naomi: Sure. For example, if we want to say "when are you going?", you would say, when, いつ (itsu), verb, 行きます (ikimasu), followed by か (ka). So all together, いつ行きますか。(itsu ikimasu ka?)
Jessi: Which means "When are you going?" And that's the example we saw in the dialogue. One more time?
Naomi: いつ行きますか。(itsu ikimasu ka?)
Jessi: Listeners, repeat after Naomi. When are you going?
Naomi: いつ行きますか。(itsu ikimasu ka?)
Jessi: Okay. Now, listeners, let's try one. Can you ask the question, "When are you going to eat"?
Naomi: Remember that when is いつ (itsu), and eat is たべます (tabemasu).
Jessi: Okay Naomi, the answer is...?
Naomi: いつ食べますか?(itsu tabemasu ka?)
Jessi: When are you going to eat? Wow! Well, Naomi, that was certainly a lot of information, wasn't it!
Naomi: I agree!! I hope we didn't overwhelm the listeners.
Jessi: Remember, listeners, that you'll find a lot more information and detailed explanations in the Lesson Notes. I can't stress enough how helpful those will be to you! So please be sure to read through those as well. And, Naomi, that's going to end this lesson, and this series!
Naomi: Yes, that concludes our 25 Absolute Beginner lessons!
Jessi: We really hope that you have enjoyed this journey into Japanese, and then you've found the lessons helpful!
Naomi: Same here! I think in 25 lessons, they've come really far!
Jessi: Definitely. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions, and we hope to meet you throughout the other lessons.
Naomi: ありがとうございます!(Arigatō gozaimasu!) Thank you!
Jessi: Yes, thanks for listening, and hope to see you all soon!
Naomi: Bye, everyone.

Lesson conversation

テイラー:らいねん、メキシコにいきます。(Rainen, mekishiko ni ikimasu.)
テイラー:ぼくのいもうとのけっこんしきがあります。(Boku no imōto no kekkonshiki ga arimasu.)
まさと:おめでとうございます。 (Omedetō gozaimasu.)
いいですね。いついきますか。(Ii desu ne. Itsu ikimasu ka.)
テイラー:6がつです。(Rokugatsu desu.)
かおり:へー。ちえみさんもいきますか?(Hē. Chiemi-san mo ikimasu ka?)
テイラー:はい!サラもいきます。マトリーもいきます。(Hai! Sara mo ikimasu. Matorī mo ikimasu.)
かおり:マトリーも?すごい。(Matorī mo? Sugoi.)
テイラー:そのあと、にほんにいきます。(Sono ato, nihon ni ikimasu.)
まさと:ほんとう?やった!(Hontō? Yatta!)

