
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Loving and Hating in Japanese. ジェシーです。(Jeshii desu.) Jessi here!
Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです。(Kon'nichi wa! Naomi desu.) Hi, everyone. Naomi here!
Jessi: Welcome back to our Absolute Beginner series! In the last lesson, we learned how to count in Japanese and say someone's age. For example?
Naomi: サラは一歳です。(Sara wa issai desu.)
Jessi: Sarah is one year old. And in this lesson, we're going to learn how to say that you like or don't like something!
Naomi: Even love or hate something!
Jessi: Yes, after this lesson you'll be able to talk about your preferences about anything!
Naomi: So Jessi, what's going on in this conversation?
Jessi: Taylor, Kaori, and Masato are playing a game with Taylor's daughter, Sarah. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

かおり:いないいない・・・ばぁ!いないいない・・・ばぁ!(Inai inai... baa! Inai inai... baa!)
サラ: (Laughs)
テイラー:サラは、「いないいないばあ」がだいすきです。(Sara wa, "inai inai baa" ga daisuki desu.)
まさと:へー。じゃ、いないいない。。。ばあ!(Hē. Ja, inai inai... baa!)
サラ: (cries)
まさと:ああああ!ごめんごめん!(Aaaa! gomen gomen!)
テイラー:サラはおとこのひとがきらいです。(Sara wa otoko no hito ga kirai desu.)(laughs)
(Everyone laughs)
English Host: Let’s listen to the conversation again slowly.
かおり:いないいない・・・ばぁ!いないいない・・・ばぁ!(Inai inai... baa! Inai inai... baa!)
サラ: (Laughs)
テイラー:サラは、「いないいないばあ」がだいすきです。(Sara wa, "inai inai baa" ga daisuki desu.)
まさと:へー。じゃ、いないいない。。。ばあ!(Hē. Ja, inai inai... baa!)
サラ: (cries)
まさと:ああああ!ごめんごめん!(Aaaa! gomen gomen!)
テイラー:サラはおとこのひとがきらいです。(Sara wa otoko no hito ga kirai desu.)(laughs)
English Host: Now, let's listen to it with the translation.
かおり:いないいない・・・ばぁ!いないいない・・・ばぁ!(Inai inai... baa! Inai inai... baa!)
Jessi: Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!
サラ: (Laughs)
Jessi: (Laughs)
テイラー:サラは、「いないいないばあ」がだいすきです。(Sara wa, "inai inai baa" ga daisuki desu.)
Jessi: Sarah loves "Peek-a-boo."
まさと:へー。じゃ、いないいない。。。ばあ!(Hē. Ja, inai inai... baa!)
Jessi: Wow! Okay then...peek-a-boo!
サラ: (cries)
Jessi: (cries)
まさと:ああああ!ごめんごめん!(Aaaa! gomen gomen!)
Jessi: Ahhh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
テイラー:サラはおとこのひとがきらいです。(Sara wa otoko no hito ga kirai desu.)(laughs)
Jessi: Sarah doesn't like men.
Post conversation banter
Jessi: So Naomi, the game that they were playing was what again?
Naomi: It's called いないいないばあ (inai inai baa).
Jessi: いないいないばあ (inai inai baa)...
Naomi: Right! You often play it with babies. Basically, you just cover your face with your hands and say いないいない... (inai inai...) and then you suddenly show your face and say ばあ!(baa!)
Jessi: Ah~ to surprise the baby.
Naomi: Yes!
Jessi: That sounds just like peek-a-boo then! When you uncover your face you say "boo"!
Naomi: Ah, that sounds like the same thing!
Jessi: So, again, it's called いないいないばあ (inai inai baa).
Naomi: Yes, いない (inai) literally means "someone is not there"...
Jessi: Ah, so it'd be like saying "I'm not here~"
Naomi: Yes!
Jessi: So that's the game that Sarah loves. Okay, so now let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first is the name of the game they were playing.
Naomi: いないいないばあ (inai inai baa)
Jessi: Peek-a-boo - which, as we just explained, is where you cover your face with your hands or something else, and then suddenly show your face. The next one is?
Naomi: 男の人 (otoko no hito)
Jessi: Man, male person
Naomi: This is made up of a few parts. The first word is 男 (otoko)
Jessi: This literally means male
Naomi: And the last word is 人 (hito)
Jessi: Which means person
Naomi: They're joined together with の (no).
Jessi: So 男の人 (otoko no hito) literally means a male person.
Naomi: Right.
Jessi: How would we say “female person”?
Naomi: Good question! The word for female is 女 (onna), so we would say 女の人 (onna no hito).
Jessi: Which is a woman or a female person. In this lesson, you'll learn how to talk about preferences by saying that you like and don't like something.
Naomi: There are lots of situations where you can use this.
Jessi: Definitely! When talking about your interests and hobbies with people, when talking about your food preferences, it really helps to be able to say what you like and don't like.
Naomi: So first, let's talk about how to say you like something.
Jessi: Sounds good! Naomi, can you give us our first pattern?
Naomi: Sure.
Naomi: The pattern is... わたし は Aが すきです。(Watashi wa A ga suki desu.)
Jessi: わたしは A がすきです。 (Watashi wa A ga suki desu.) Which means "I like A".
Naomi: You can put anything in place of A. For example...Jessi, what do you like?
Jessi: Hmm...I'm trying to think of words we've used before in this series. Ah! Okay, how about this one. わたしは・・・犬が好きです。(Watashi wa inu ga suki desu.) I like dogs.
Naomi: Ah! Nice one. 犬 is dog or dogs and it goes in place of A, so... 私は犬が好きです (Watashi wa inu ga suki desu.) means?
Jessi: "I like dogs". How about an example from you, Naomi?
Naomi: Hmm... 私はカリフォルニアが好きです。(Watashi wa Kariforunia ga suki desu.) I like California.
Jessi: Oh, my home state! I'm happy to hear that. Now Naomi, here's an important point - the first わたしは part is often left out in conversation, right?
Naomi: Good point. In a conversation, we usually would just say 犬が好きです (inu ga suki desu.)
Jessi: I like dogs.
Naomi: Or カリフォルニアが好きです。(Kariforunia ga suki desu.))
Jessi: I like California. Okay. Listeners, listen and repeat after Naomi."I like dogs."
Naomi: 犬が好きです。(inu ga suki desu.)
Jessi: (Pause) Now, if you like, for example, 肉 (niku) "meat", what would you say? Listeners, can you guess?
Naomi: So I like meat is...肉が好きです。(niku ga suki desu.)
Jessi: Okay. Listen and repeat. I like meat.
Naomi: 肉が好きです。(niku ga suki desu.)
Jessi: Okay, great! Now, Naomi...
Naomi: Yes?
Jessi: What if, rather than just like something... I LOVE something? And I want to express that in Japanese?
Naomi: Good question! In that case, すき (suki) becomes だいすき (daisuki), and you say - Aが大好きです。(A ga daisuki desu.)
Jessi: Ah, okay. So for example... チョコレートが大好きです。(Chokorēto ga daisuki desu.) I love chocolate.
Naomi: Yes! [slowly] チョコレートが大好きです。(Chokorēto ga daisuki desu.)
Jessi: You're addicted to chocolate.
Naomi: Definitely.
Jessi: Now that we have talking about what we like down, let's switch gears a little. It's also important to be able to say what we -don't- like. Wouldn't you say, Naomi?
Naomi: Mmm, good point! To learn how to say that, let's look at our first original structure.
Jessi: Okay.
Naomi: わたしは A が すき です. (Watashi wa A ga suki desu.) We replace this すき (suki) in the middle with きらい (kirai).
Jessi: So...わたしは A がきらいです。(Watashi wa A ga kirai desu.)
Naomi: Yes. わたしは A がきらいです。(Watashi wa A ga kirai desu.) I hate A.
For example, わたしは 犬がきらいです。(Watashi wa inu ga kirai desu.)
Jessi: I hate dogs.
Naomi: わたしは 肉がきらいです。(Watashi wa niku ga kirai desu.)
Jessi: I hate meat. But again the first わたしは (watashi wa) is often left out. Okay, listeners, listen and repeat. "I hate meat"
Naomi: 肉がきらいです。(Niku ga kirai desu.)
Jessi: Now look at sentences in the dialogue. Taylor said.
Naomi: サラは、「いないいないばあ」が大好きです。(Sara wa, “inai inai baa” ga daisuki desu.)
Jessi: Sarah loves "Peek-a-boo".
Naomi: He also said...サラは男の人がきらいです。(Sara wa otoko no hito ga kirai desu.)
Jessi: Which is basically something like Sarah doesn't like men.
Naomi: I'm pretty sure he was joking.
Jessi: Right.
Naomi: Because きらい (kirai) in Japanese is pretty strong.
Jessi: I agree. One thing to keep in mind is that this word きらい (kirai) means that you really dislike the item. Not just that you don't really like it that much, but that you have a pretty strong dislike for it. So just keep that in mind.
Jessi: All right, well that's going to wrap it up for this lesson!
Naomi: Thanks for listening, everyone, and we'll see you next time. じゃまた。(Ja mata.)

Lesson conversation

かおり:いないいない・・・ばぁ!いないいない・・・ばぁ!(Inai inai... baa! Inai inai... baa!)
サラ: (Laughs)
テイラー:サラは、「いないいないばあ」がだいすきです。(Sara wa, "inai inai baa" ga daisuki desu.)
まさと:へー。じゃ、いないいない。。。ばあ!(Hē. Ja, inai inai... baa!)
サラ: (cries)
まさと:ああああ!ごめんごめん!(Aaaa! gomen gomen!)
テイラー:サラはおとこのひとがきらいです。(Sara wa otoko no hito ga kirai desu.)(laughs)
(Everyone laughs)


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