
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Being Really Clumsy in Japan, ジェシーです。(Jeshii desu.)Jessi here!
Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです。(Kon'nichi wa! Naomi desu.) Hi everyone, Naomi here!
Jessi: Thanks for joining us for all Absolute Beginner series! In the last lesson, we learned how to ask where something is. For example?
Naomi: トイレはどこですか? (Toire wa doko desu ka?)
Jessi: "Where's the restroom?"
Naomi: And in this lesson, we're going to slow down a bit and review the phrases we've learned up until now.
Jessi: Hmm, good idea! I think we've been introducing a lot of new material lately, so it'll be good to stop for a sec and look it all over.
Naomi: You'll recognize many words and phrases you already know in this dialogue.
Jessi: Yes! So listen closely and see how many you recognize. And also, you will learn one new thing in this lesson, how to emphasize the phrases we've learned so far, right?
Naomi: Yes! So please stay tuned for that. Jessi, what's going on in this conversation?
Jessi: Taylor, Masato, and Kaori have finished eating dinner, and Kaori is now washing the dishes. Okay, so let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

テイラー:かおりさん、ほんとうにありがとうございます。 (Kaori-san, hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
かおり:いえいえ。あ!(Ieie. A!) (sound of glass breaking) すみません!(Sumimasen!)
テイラー:だいじょうぶですか?(Daijōbu desu ka?)
かおり:わたしはだいじょうぶです。でも…グラス(Watashi wa daijōbu desu. Demo... gurasu...)…。
テイラー:だいじょうぶです。(Daijōbu desu.)
かおり:ほんとうにすみません…。(Hontō ni sumimasen...)
English Host: Let's listen to the conversation again slowly.
テイラー:かおりさん、ほんとうにありがとうございます。 (Kaori-san, hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
かおり:いえいえ。あ!(Ieie. A!) (sound of glass breaking) すみません!(Sumimasen!)
テイラー:だいじょうぶですか?(Daijōbu desu ka?)
かおり:わたしはだいじょうぶです。でも…グラス(Watashi wa daijōbu desu. Demo... gurasu...)…。
テイラー:だいじょうぶです。(Daijōbu desu.)
かおり:ほんとうにすみません…。(Hontō ni sumimasen...)
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
(washing dishes)
Jessi(washing dishes)
テイラー:かおりさん、ほんとうにありがとうございます。 (Kaori-san, hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: Kaori, thank you very much!
かおり:いえいえ。あ!(Ieie. A!) (sound of glass breaking) すみません!(Sumimasen!)
Jessi: No problem. Oh! (sound of glass breaking) I'm sorry!
テイラー:だいじょうぶですか?(Daijōbu desu ka?)
Jessi: Are you okay?
かおり:わたしはだいじょうぶです。でも…グラス(Watashi wa daijōbu desu. Demo... gurasu...)…。
Jessi: I'm fine! But...the glass...
テイラー:だいじょうぶです。(Daijōbu desu.)
Jessi: It's okay.
かおり:ほんとうにすみません…。(Hontō ni sumimasen...)
Jessi: I'm really sorry…
Post conversation banter
Jessi: Ahh, poor Kaori, she broke a glass when she was washing the dishes.
Naomi: She sounded like she felt really bad about it.
Jessi: Yeah! I know how she feels, I mean, she was just trying to help out.
Naomi: But Taylor is really nice about it.
Jessi: Yeah, he says 大丈夫です!(Daijōbu desu!)We'll review this and the other phrases we heard later on in this lesson. For now, let's take a look at the vocabulary we saw. The first word is...
Naomi: グラス (gurasu)
Jessi: グラス (gurasu), just like "glass" in English. Pretty easy to remember. It refers to the material glass, and also to a glass, as in a cup made of glass, which is how we saw it used in the dialogue. And the next word?
Naomi: でも (Demo)
Jessi: …which means "but". Actually, the line in the dialogue had these two words we covered put together. Taylor asked if she was okay, and she said she was, but then she said...
Naomi: でも、グラス... (Demo... gurasu...)
Jessi: Which is like "But... the glass..." So she was worried about the glass. So if someone has an objection to something, you might hear this でも... And the last phrase is...
Naomi: 本当に (Hontō ni)
Jessi: 本当に (Hontō ni). This means "really" or "truly".
Naomi: It can be combined with a lot of phrases to add emphasis.
Jessi: Right, for example, in the dialogue, Kaori said...?
Naomi: 本当にすみません。(Hontō ni sumimasen.)
Jessi: I'm really sorry!
Naomi: So the meaning is made even stronger.
Jessi: Yup. We're going to cover that more later on in the Lesson Focus.
Naomi: So stay tuned!
Jessi: In this lesson, we're going to review the many phrases we've learned up until now. We're actually a little over halfway through this series, so I think it's a good idea to review!
Naomi: Me too! We've learned a lot of phrases so far, and we heard a lot of them again in this dialogue.
Jessi: Yes, this was a really good dialogue for review. We did have something new though. Let's look at an example. We learned that "thank you" is what in Japanese, Naomi?
Naomi: ありがとうございます (Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: Right. ありがとうございます。 (Arigatō gozaimasu.) But, in this lesson, what did Taylor say to thank Kaori for washing the dishes?
Naomi: 本当にありがとうございます。 (Hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: 本当にありがとうございます。 (Hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.) Oh! We have something extra here in the beginning.
Naomi: Yes, the phrase 本当に (hontō ni).
Jessi: This means "really" or "truly", and, just like in English, it is added before phrases for emphasis. So again...
Naomi: ありがとうございます (arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: "Thank you", becomes...
Naomi: 本当にありがとうございます。 (Hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: "Thank you VERY much", or literally, "Really, thank you!"
Naomi: That's right!
Jessi: Okay, let's go through the rest of the dialogue and review the phrases we saw. Taylor thanks Kaori, and she says...
Naomi: いえいえ。(ieie.)
Jessi: "No problem."
Naomi: And then she broke the glass, so she said... あ、すみません!(A, Sumimasen!)
Jessi: "Oh! I'm sorry!"
Naomi: Remember that すみません (sumimasen) can mean both "excuse me" AND "I'm sorry".
Jessi: Right! So the glass breaks, and Taylor checks to make sure Kaori is okay by saying...
Naomi: 大丈夫ですか?(Daijōbu desu ka?)
Jessi: "Are you okay?" To which Kaori responds...
Naomi: 大丈夫です!(Daijōbu desu!)
Jessi: "I'm fine!"
Naomi: でも、グラス。。。(Demo... gurasu...)
Jessi: "But... the glass..." which we just learned.
Naomi: Taylor responds... 大丈夫です。(Daijōbu desu.)
Jessi: "It's okay." And lastly, Kaori apologizes by saying...
Naomi: 本当にすみません。。。(Hontō ni sumimasen...)
Jessi: "I'm really sorry..." Ah, so here we have the phrase we learned earlier, 本当に (hontō ni), which means "really", plus すみません (sumimasen), which means "I'm sorry". So if you're feeling especially sorry for something, you can use this...
Naomi: 本当にすみません。(Hontō ni sumimasen.)
Jessi: So, Naomi, in this lesson, we used it with ありがとうございます (arigatō gozaimasu) and すみません (sumimasen), are there any other phrases that we know that we can use it with?
Naomi: Sure! You can use it with 大丈夫です (daijōbu desu), and it becomes 本当に大丈夫です。(Hontō ni daijōbu desu.)
Jessi: Which would be "I'm really okay" or "it's really okay".
Naomi: Right. And of course its question form 本当に大丈夫ですか。(Hontō ni daijōbu desu ka?)
Jessi: Ah, like "Are you really okay?"
Naomi: Yeah right.
Jessi: Great! Let's have the listeners practice saying them a bit on their own now. Listeners, repeat after Naomi. First she'll say a phrase by itself, and after that, the phrase plus 本当に (hontō ni). The first phrase...
Naomi: ありがとうございます (arigatō gozaimasu)
Jessi: Which is thank you! And...?
Naomi: 本当にありがとうございます。(Hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
Jessi: Which is thank you very much! And the next phrase?
Naomi: すみません (sumimasen)
Jessi: Which is I'm sorry, and...?
Naomi: 本当にすみません (Hontō ni sumimasen.)
Jessi: Which is I'm REALLY sorry. Okay. Now it's time for a quiz question for review. Imagine this situation, you're at a food court, and carrying a cup of water on your plate. You bump into a person and the water spills, what would you say...?
[pause ]
Jessi: If you said...
Naomi: 本当にすみません。(Hontō ni sumimasen.)
Jessi: Then, excellent! Let's take it a step further. If you want to ask if they're okay, what would you ask?
[pause ]
Jessi: Naomi, the answer please?
Naomi: 大丈夫ですか? (Daijōbu desu ka?) Are you okay?
Jessi: Great!! Okay, well that's going to do it for this review lesson! How many of the words and phrases did you recognize?
Naomi: Let us know if you have any questions about them.
Jessi: Yup, and join us for the next lesson where we'll cover some new material! See you all then!
Naomi: じゃまた!(Ja mata!)

Lesson conversation

テイラー:かおりさん、ほんとうにありがとうございます。 (Kaori-san, hontō ni arigatō gozaimasu.)
かおり:いえいえ。あ!(Ieie. A!) (sound of glass breaking) すみません!(Sumimasen!)
テイラー:だいじょうぶですか?(Daijōbu desu ka?)
かおり:わたしはだいじょうぶです。でも…グラス(Watashi wa daijōbu desu. Demo... gurasu...)…。
テイラー:だいじょうぶです。(Daijōbu desu.)
かおり:ほんとうにすみません…。(Hontō ni sumimasen...)

