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Two は in a sentence?

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Two は in a sentence?

Postby fuubuu » June 12th, 2015 7:15 pm

I thought that if you had already had one は in a sentence, you would have to change the next to a が.
Why is は used in 意志は受け継いだ instead of が?

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Re: Two は in a sentence?

Postby thegooseking » June 13th, 2015 9:23 am


It's true that usually you can only have one は in a sentence, but there are a few exceptions, and this is a very common one.

In this case, we are talking about もう片方の情熱 - the other passion. Normally, this would be followed by a が, but when you are comparing something to something else, が gets changed into a は and vice versa. So the は following お前の意思 is the topic marker, but the は following 片方の情熱 is actually a subject marker in disguise.


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Re: Two は in a sentence?

Postby community.japanese » June 13th, 2015 9:34 am

は after もう片方の情熱 indicates comparison.

Fuubuu san,
The sentence is actually その代わりに、もう片方の情熱は「お前の意志は受け継いだ」とばかりに膨らんでいった.
お前の意志は受け継いだ is an quotation so it’s used as the original.

Yuki 由紀

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