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Postby mslozada » March 7th, 2009 11:32 pm

lol, but I just checked it out (after hearing it from someone). And yes, very advance Japanese is being used, exactly the opposite to
95% (native) Japanese 5% English (I think)

So for those who think that is only for new people, not for advanced students? then try

つまり, go to to test your japanese at the highest lvl

for int. and adv. student's = pls check this out. I bet you will be very satisfied...or even get some new headache's you haven't had for a while...


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Postby Javizy » March 8th, 2009 12:19 am

Which lessons do you mean? I listen to the beginner and the news lessons, and they have a ton of English, and because the Japanese is explaining the English terms, it's very easy to break down. I enjoy them because they're very similar to JPod lessons, but if you want to test your abilities to the highest level, you might want to try the Yomiuri News podcast or something similar, since that's about as advanced as everyday language gets.

I definitely recommend EnglishPod, though. You can hear JPod favourites Naomi先生 and Hirokoさん speaking more of their native tongue, and I always pick up some useful phrases from the news lessons.

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Postby mslozada » March 8th, 2009 2:21 am

Thanks for you're reply. I checked out yomiuri news. the lvl is too high but it's great, because sooner or later as long as I continue my Japanese, someday I'll be able to understand what is being said (native Japanese).

I didn't know about this, news on an I-pod. Thank you so much. I usually only have time to listen to Japanese (I-pod) on the train, even if I can watch Japanese TV on the Internet at home, lol :D

It seems as if every file must be downloaded manually. Any ideas how to automatically download it into your I-pod while getting rdy/ preparing yourself for the day?
I'm a typical guy who gets up 10 min before the train leave' joke...during this time every minute/ sec. in bed is very vital...if I lose a sec. I would feel tired the whole day.


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Postby Javizy » March 8th, 2009 7:00 pm

If you have an iPhone or an iPod touch connected to WiFi, you can simply go through the 'Get More Episodes' option, otherwise you can subscribe to it through iTunes, and it's supposed to download automatically. The last three or so are usually available, so you might want to just update a couple of evenings a week.

Personally, I haven't listened to the news for some time, because too much of it was going over my head. Listening seemed like a good idea at the time, but it ended up quite boring and demotivating. There are a lot of podcasts that could act as intermediaries between JPod and Yomiuri, while you advance your knowledge of the written grammar style and vocabulary which the news is full of. If you have the time, though, it doesn't hurt listening to whatever you can :wink:

Personally, I find dialogue a lot easier to break down, and there are plenty of ones with two or more hosts chatting. My favourite at the moment, though, is 今日のきょう, which has a single presenter. The language is much easier to understand, it covers a lot of useful and interesting topics, and is released every weekday. It's just one of the ones I randomly downloaded, and I'm sure there are more to suit your personal tastes. Try changing to the Japanese iTunes store (you can switch country at the bottom of the store homepage), and then look through the different categories in the podcast section. You can even get a bit adventurous and try something like 裸のニュースステーション :mario:

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Postby mslozada » March 8th, 2009 10:10 pm

dude, where have you been all my life !!! :D

Checked out your 今日のきょう through and got it through fuji-tv website and like you said, it is a lot easier to understand. The lvl is between Int. and adv. so its perfect for me. I must admit that Yomiuri news is a bit booring due to the fact that I cant understand to what is being said :( (well not yet :wink: )

I also did what you also said about iTunes and I said: '' loooooooooooooooool ''
Until today, I have been using iTunes only to transfer music and language files into my I-pod but never played with iTunes store because I didnt want to spend money for some lousy stuffs that gets old within a week.

But the most '' SHOCKING '' thing is, when I searched through 日本 iTunes, looked for some podcasts to boost up my listening and found plenty of them through '' Games & Hobbies ''. I checked them out and guess what?
...frrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goddddddddddd........hell YEAH !!! :o
(didn't know about this, thats why!!!)

Also searched some japanese games for a little fun, but the game '' SONIC: the hedgehog '', could break my I-pod within 2 hours so I think '' podcasts '' should be enough for now.

oh and one more thing...

iTunes store => Philippines => Education and there is this '' Kanji '' thing. It resembles anki to almost 99% and the only difference is, that all the JLPT Kanji's are already in it and I mean all 2040 Kanji's.
Anyone tried/ bought this already? Would you highly recommend this? are my life saver...hope to hear more '' tips and tricks '' from you soon...


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Postby Yamanchu » August 27th, 2009 11:01 pm

Have only just stumbled on this post but gotta say a big thanks to Javizy for some very useful information. Thanks heaps. :-)

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Postby taffeta1067 » September 14th, 2010 6:23 pm

...You...can...change the store on itunes?


..>Ahem. All right. Calm now >.>

Thank you for that extremely helpful tip!

I also need to listen to something which doesn't involve seiyuu being interviewed about god knows what because although I can follow quite fast Japanese, I think I'm warping my vocabulary quite horribly. (When you go to a Japanese class and know kanji that your Japanese teacher doesn't know, but don't know the word for certain basic utensils, you know you have a few issues >.>)

I've listened to some of the Englishpod stuff though, actually. I did it just for fun, but it's interesting hearing the japanese explanation of English terms and phrases. It sort of gives a reverse effect, and I liked that. I may try it again.

It's hard to really pitch my level now since I'm self taught for the most part...I tend to think therefore whatever I can get my hands on is great :)

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After Intermediate lessons?

Postby tanitayou » September 15th, 2010 9:04 am

After finishing Beginner season 1 (linear) an Intermediate season 1 (linear) Which course can I choose?
Upper Intermediate season 1? Are they linear? I don't think so.
Any advice will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

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