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Pasmo or suica in Tokyo?

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Pasmo or suica in Tokyo?

Postby mtpiper » November 25th, 2007 5:19 am

We have the opportunity to save a step on our trip to Japan. A friend in Tokyo said she can send either suica or pasmo cards (so that we'll have them with us when we arrive Narita and can add money to them after a day or two), we just need to let her know what we want. We'll be in Tokyo for 12 days (with one day trip to Nagano on shinkansen) and presumably will do most of our getting around on train and subway with her (she said she has a suica card). Are there pros or cons to either card? Will we be able to use either to get from Narita in to Tokyo, then around the metro area??

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The are the same technology

Postby JonB » November 26th, 2007 2:58 am

Suica is the older JR one that only used to work on JR trains. A year ago they introduced Pasmo but it uses exactly the same technology so the two are interchangeable and the suica will work on the subways and buses now as well.

Yes you can use from Narita but if you are coming in on the Narita express you will need to reserve a seat as well as I believe all seats are reserved.

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Re: The are the same technology

Postby mtpiper » November 26th, 2007 6:11 pm

JonB wrote: the two are interchangeable and the suica will work on the subways and buses now as well.
Yes you can use from Narita but if you are coming in on the Narita express you will need to reserve a seat as well as I believe all seats are reserved.

So there are 2 card systems, but they both function the same and work in the same places? What's the point of having two? (if this is covered in a previous discussion, I missed it...sorry!)
I doubt we'll take NEX....looks more convienient to take Sobu to kinshichou then transfer to a local for suidobashi. Same time in transit, but half the cost of NEX. Any strong reasons to take NEX?

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Why two card systems?

Postby JonB » November 28th, 2007 3:50 am

Politics I would guess but as far as I know they are totally interchangeable.

On NEX I guess it depends where you are going and how much time you have. Sobu sen seems a good option for you - for me even though it is direct it adds 30~45 minutes to my journey time - also most of my trips are on company time...

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Re: Why two card systems?

Postby mtpiper » November 28th, 2007 4:39 pm

JonB wrote:On NEX I guess it depends where you are going and how much time you have. Sobu sen seems a good option for you - for me even though it is direct it adds 30~45 minutes to my journey time - also most of my trips are on company time...

arigatou!! That's good info!

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Postby annie » December 1st, 2007 6:18 am

The Suica is cuter than the Pasmo.

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Postby JonB » December 3rd, 2007 5:28 am

you need to get out more :lol:

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Postby Shaydwyrm » December 3rd, 2007 7:03 am

She's totally right though. Since it really makes no difference which card you use, my friends are all getting Suica 'cause the Pasmo card is ugly.

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Postby mtpiper » December 14th, 2007 5:31 pm

Shaydwyrm wrote:She's totally right though. Since it really makes no difference which card you use, my friends are all getting Suica 'cause the Pasmo card is ugly.

Too funny! I looked at those cards, and yes, the suica is cooler looking. I'm getting that since it will probably become part of a photo display type thing at the house after we get back.


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Postby markystar » December 21st, 2007 7:45 am

i got pasmo cuz it's new

ugly is the new black :lol:

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Postby foxyshez » March 13th, 2008 8:42 am

You can also use suica in some shops-so i'd say get that-better than rummaging around for loose change for a snicker. :lol:

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Postby markystar » March 13th, 2008 9:22 am

passmo is the same tho, right? if you see the suica sign in a shop, i'm pretty sure you can use your passmo as well (tho i've never tried). :D

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Postby foxyshez » March 15th, 2008 2:58 am

As far as i know you can't....

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Postby markystar » March 16th, 2008 5:20 pm

へえぇ、 then it's a good thing i didn't try to use it that way!! lol

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I'm on Suica now

Postby JonB » March 17th, 2008 6:30 am

Because JR allows you to pay for your commute pass by credit card but metro does not.

I would be surprised if the Passmo did not work as a Suica in those places that will take Suica as the technology is identical - but then I have given up being surprised by the blatly obvious in Japan!

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