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GetRight Podcast Downloader issue

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GetRight Podcast Downloader issue

Postby CharleyGarrett » October 19th, 2007 10:02 am

Here's the situation. I've got the GR PD to check at 3 am EDT. It found the 4 new Lower Intermediate attachments. It downloaded the "no password required" audio, and the 2 "password required" pdfs, but failed with the "password required" audio file. The URL that failed was ... pod101.mp3.

So, I went to the webpage and logged in manually. Then pasted that same URL into the address bar and it opened in Quicktime without a problem. I closed that and then looked at the link on the page. It was ... dialog.mp3

(I had just logged in, so I clicked on that link in a manner to have GR download it, and that worked just fine).

This is also the URL that the RSS feed indicated in XML.

So, I can see that the password is working for the pdf's. I can see that the redirection from one server to the other is working, but there's something in there about the password following the redirection that isn't working (or seems to me to be in trouble).

The symptom that I see is that I get error code 400 "bad request" and the download aborts. I can duplicate it by forcing PD to re-add that link to GR (to download to a separate destination on my HD). I see that it starts, get's a "server busy" and counts down to retry, and then hits the HTML error code 400, and quits. The URL was changed to the redirected server. If I just try to "retry" that same entry, it immediately gets the 400 error code.

I'm basically stumped now, and don't know how to proceed to debug it any further. Is there any help that "Technical Support" might be able to suggest? Anything that we might try to help me eliminate the consistent manual intervention?

I'll also post over on the GR PD support forum, and see if they've got any ideas.

Been Around a Bit
Posts: 16
Joined: October 17th, 2006 9:46 pm

Postby CharleyGarrett » October 19th, 2007 10:29 am

I just had a thought, and gave it a also failed the same way.

I logged into the website, so the cookie or whatever that says I'm logged in would be present. Then I tried to restart that same "download" from GR. It failed again. I noticed that there was something called "View transfer details". I don't understand what that is saying, but maybe to a tech support guru, it might be revealing:

Code: Select All

Looking up:
Connecting to: []

!!!! ----Header Sent----
>>>> GET /japanesepod101/601_LI46_101807_jpod101_dialog.mp3 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: GetRight/6.3 (Pro)
Accept: */*
Authorization: Basic Q2hhcmxleUdhcnJldHQ6c3Ryb2tlcw==

!!!! ----Header Recv----
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

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Been Around a Bit
Posts: 16
Joined: October 17th, 2006 9:46 pm

Postby CharleyGarrett » October 23rd, 2007 10:27 am

The guys over at the GetRight forum said it looks like the .dialog.mp3 file in the premium feeds won't accept a username/password. Two of them used the URL in the above error log to download that mp3.

So, it was in my downloads as a failure (error code 400) again this morning. I first tried to resume it. I got the "server busy", then the count down to try again, and then got the #400 again. So, I right clicked it and changed the username/password to blanks and resumed it again. That worked.

I guess I can do it manually each morning. :(

It would seem that there is something set up such that one MUST NOT send a username and password for those .dialog.mp3 files. That isn't right, is it? I mean, it really should at least allow the password, if not require it.

Maybe there's some configuration thing on your side that could solve my problem getting the downloads in an automated fashion?

What d'ya think?

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