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Sakura &Hatsumi: おはよう東京。
Sakura: サクラです。
Hatsumi: ハツミです。
Peter: Peter here and we are back with another edition of survival phrases. Okay now, this is the second part of the two part series. Last week, we introduced two different types of accommodations in Japan.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Very informative. I have been learning a few things. I have been here that long and still learning, learning, learning. Now before we get into today’s lesson, thank you everybody. All the posts, the comments, the emails, the reviews, the votes.
Sakura: ありがとうございます。
Peter: 本当にありがとうございます。 Hatsumi!
Hatsumi: ありがとう

Lesson focus

Peter: Yes again for any questions, any comments and to get the PDF plus the kanji close up even for the survival phrase lessons for some of the advanced people out there, please stop by japanesepod101.com, okay so without further ado, let’s get into today’s lesson. Sakura, what do we have?
Sakura: Okay today my friend is here.
Peter: Uhhh.
Sakura: Yes my friend from high school actually.
Peter: Wow, last year.
Sakura: 29だからね
Peter: Oh yes, yes.
Sakura: そうそうそう。Yes and she is my best…
Peter: Looks are deceiving.
Sakura: Yes, my best friend and so, rather than you know me speaking all the time, she is going to do the conversation with Hatsumi.
Peter: Okay.
Hatsumi: こんにちは、リオです。初めまして。よろしくお願いします。 Hello my name is Rio and I am from Tokyo and I am a very good friend of Sakura.
Peter: And for everybody out there who is planning to come to Japan, please pay attention to that introduction. It just may come in very handy for you while you are in Japan. Can you give us that one more time? ゆっくりお願いします。
Hatsumi: こんにちは、リオです。はじめまして。よろしくおねがいします。
Peter: Okay there it is. So now in today’s conversation, where are you from Hatsumi?
Hatsumi: I am from Tokushima.
Peter: Where are you from today?
Hatsumi: I am from America.
Peter: Yes and what’s your name?
Hatsumi: I am Roberts.
Peter: Hatsumi Roberts, oh…do you have – do you have a sister?
Hatsumi: Yeah I have my sister.
Peter: Your sister is the famous Julia right?
Hatsumi: Yeah.
Peter: Okay so what we are going to do now is get into the conversation. Now before we start, let’s give you little background. This is a conversation between a front desk clerk of a hotel and a customer, Ms. Roberts’s sister, younger sister, right, will be playing the role of customer, playing the front desk clerk will be Sakura’s friend. See what you could pick up and at the end, we are going to break it all down. Okay action.
Hatsumi: チェックイン、お願いします。
Hatsumi: はい、Robertsです。
Hatsumi: はい。R,o,b,e,r,t,s
Hatsumi: はい。
Hatsumi: ありがとう。
Peter: Okay very nice もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Peter: Welcome to the grand hotel. It’s nice to have you.
Hatsumi: チェックイン、おねがいします。
Peter: I would like to check in. Check in please.
Peter: Yes. Your name please.
Hatsumi: Robertsです。
Peter: I am Roberts. Roberts, Hatsumi Roberts.
Peter: Could you please spell your name?
Hatsumi: はい。R,o,b,e,r,t,s
Peter: Roberts.
Sakura: ありがとうございます。Robertsさま。
Peter: Thank you Ms. Roberts.
Sakura: 2めいさま、3ぱくでよろしいでしょうか?
Peter: Two people for three nights, is this all right?
Hatsumi: はい。
Peter: Yes.
Sakura: キーでございます。
Peter: This is the key.
Hatsumi: ありがとう。
Peter: Thank you, thanks. So this is a very nice conversation because when you are checking into hotels, this is very close to how it’s going to go, right Sakura?
Peter: Now in this conversation, we made the assumption that the reservation was booked online. We imagine that many people probably have some type of game plan before they come to Japan and have the hotels booked. So we are relegating this conversation to checking in.
Peter: To a previously booked room. What do you think, Sakura?
Peter: Okay.
Sakura:Yeah okay.
Peter: Now in the future, we will do a dialogue about walking in room requests and begging for homestays. This will come in handy when you knock on Sakura’s door. Please お願いします。
Sakura: Too small. No extra room.
Peter: Sakura, don’t lie. You live on a big hill.
Sakura: No way.
Peter: Now you live in the center of Tokyo in that big – what is it called, a palace? Where does the emperor live?
Sakura: 皇居?
Peter: Yeah the 皇居 Yeah Sakura comes out to do the shows.
Sakura: Hah?
Peter: Just give a knock and ask to Sakura when you go to the -
Sakura: 皇居?
Peter: Okay, okay. So let’s give you the first sentence one more time up close. Okay, Sakura, what's the first sentence?
Peter: Okay [ゆっくりお願いします。]
Peter: Okay. Inside of that sentence, there are two words that you should recognize. What are those two words Sakura?
Peter: And this is
Sakura: Hotel.
Peter: Yes. Now in this case, the name of the hotel was
Peter: And this is
Sakura: Grand hotel.
Peter: Yes, a grand hotel.
Sakura: Name of the hotel.
Peter: Knowing Ms. Roberts, she likes to stay at the finest hotels. So yes, and then the grand hotel doesn’t sound cheap.
Sakura: Hmm no.
Peter: Yes. So yes, in this case, it’s probably a very fine hotel. Then there is one more word you should recognize which is
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: Yes. And what is this Sakura?
Sakura: It’s welcome.
Peter: Welcome. Now let’s get into the new material in there. What’s new in there Sakura?
Sakura: ようこそ。
Peter: Yes and this is.
Sakura: This is welcome as well.
Peter: Yes. This is welcome. Now Sakura, ようこそ break it down.
Sakura: よ・う・こ・そ
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: ようこそ
Peter: Now the A gets used when we are talking about ようこそ this is a particle that’s used with it 日本へようこそ when we use this construction with ようこそ it’s something, something ~へようこそ.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: 日本へようこそ。グランドホテルへようこそ。
Peter: And then いらっしゃいませ Okay then we had a customer and now what is the word for customer?
Sakura: お客様
Peter: Yes, break it down.
Sakura: お・きゃ・く・さ・ま
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: お客様
Peter: Yes. Now remember we had the word for 様 which is just さん all dressed up in a tuxedo.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: This is the most polite way to refer to somebody and being a paying guest, you get
Peter: Yes. You get not only the お客様 the most polite suffix. You also get the polite prefix which is
Sakura: お
Peter: Yes. So 客 is customer.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Then we had the customer say
Sakura: チェックイン、お願いします。
Peter: Okay. See if you can get this word. We are going to say it one more time. Think English, think English, here we go.
Sakura: チェックイン、おねがいします。
Peter: Maybe if you say it faster, Sakura, they can get it.
Sakura: チェックインお願いします。
Peter: Check in.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Check in お願いします。
Sakura: Umm…
Peter: Check in please. Okay break this down for us.
Sakura: チェッ・ク・イ・ン
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: チェックイン
Peter: Okay. There it is. チェックイン、お願いします If you say in quick English, it might get through too. チェックインお願いします。
Sakura: Yes yeah I think so.
Peter: Okay. So the employee will come and what’s next?
1: お名前をお願いします。
Peter: Okay. Now this is
Sakura: Your name please.
Peter: Yes. Remember in the previous survival phrases, when asking for someone’s name, you add the polite prefix 「お」お名前
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Here it is again asking for your name. Your name please which is
Sakura: お名前をお願いします。
Peter: Okay. Then we answer,
Sakura: Robertsです。
Peter: Yes. Just add the des to your name.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Making it polite. Very, very useful and very, very polite rather than just saying Galante. All you have to do is add two syllables. Just add two syllables and you come across as so polite.
Sakura: Um that’s right.
Peter: Right Sakura?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So in this case, instead of saying Roberts, we said Robertsです
Sakura: That’s right.
Peter: And again if you try and speak the language, it will be reciprocated. It’s very much appreciated. So give it a try. Okay next we had
Sakura: お名前のつづりをお願いします。
Peter: Okay. Again nothing to this phrase. Just a little something extra in there. It’s the same phrase as the previous one which was
Sakura: お名前をお願いします。
Peter: Same phrase, just what’s new in there?
Sakura: つづり
Peter: Okay break it down.
Sakura: つ・づ・り
Peter: And one time fast.
Peter: Okay お名前のつづり and what’s this?
Sakura: Spelling.
Peter: Yeah, spell your name.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So while you come in and you might say Roberts, it might be a little difficult to spell. So just spell it out so they can check your reservation. Piece of cake! Okay then we have
Sakura: Then spelling out R,o,b,e,r,t,s,.
Peter: Okay next we have
Sakura: 2名様、3泊でよろしいでしょうか?
Peter: Okay. Now もう一度お願いします。
Sakura: 2名様、3泊でよろしいでしょうか?
Peter: Okay. Some new things in there but again nothing to be scared of. Now the first part
Sakura: 2名様
Peter: Yes. Now remember from the restaurant, we had this.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: What was the question when you went into the restaurant?
Sakura: 何名様ですか?
Peter: Yes. 何名、何名様
Peter: Yes. How many people? Now here you made the reservation. So when you made the reservation, you put the number of people. So in this one, we had two. So they are just confirming two people, right?
Sakura: Umm right.
Peter: 2名様
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Again the 名様 is the amount of people. In front is your number that you put in.
Sakura: Umm…
Peter: Okay next we had.
Sakura: 3泊
Peter: Yes. 3泊 Now this is the nights, the amounts of nights.
Sakura: Right, yes.
Peter: San is the number we count. Can you just count the five for us Sakura?
Sakura: いち、に、さん、し、ご
Peter: So this is the number of nights and you chose three. Now, the counter for nights is
Sakura: 泊
Peter: Yes, one more time.
Sakura: は・く
Peter: Okay. So just the number plus the nights. Now you got to be careful. Counting this, sometimes it changes. We got some irregulars in there. So Sakura, can you count the five nights for us?
Sakura: 1泊(いっぱく)、2泊(にはく)、3泊(さんぱく)、4泊(よんはく)、5泊(5はく)
Peter: Okay. So [2泊、4泊、5泊] are the same. [1泊] and [3泊] they change a bit.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Just two irregulars.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: No problem. Again just checking, confirming the amount of days. So before you go to check at the hotel, just check, see how many days it is, get the appropriate Japanese and then you will hear the amount of people and names. Then we have
Sakura: よろしいでしょうか?
Peter: Okay. Now this is in its simplest form
Sakura: いいですか?
Peter: いいですか Is this okay? That's all they are saying. Two people, three nights. Is this okay?
Sakura: Right.
Peter: But again they got to dress the Japanese out…
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So the いい becomes
Sakura: よろしい
Peter: Again よろしい is just good. And in this context okay.
Peter: And then ですか? gets all dressed up into
Sakura: でしょうか?
Peter: But again same thing.
Sakura: Hmm…
Peter: Nothing to this.
F: Yeah.
Peter: Okay now what else do we have in the conversation Sakura?
Sakura: Roberts様
Peter: In normal Japanese, you would say
Sakura: さん
Peter: So it would be
Sakura: Robertsさん
Peter: But in this case, we say
Sakura: Roberts様
Peter: Again just san dressed up in the tuxedo to make it more polite.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: The politest there is.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Okay. Next we have
Sakura: キーでございます。
Peter: ゆっくりお願いします。
Sakura: キーで、ございます
Peter: Okay. What is this Sakura? What’s キー?
Sakura: キー is key.
Peter: Yep. There it is folks. They use the English word for key. Now there is another word for key, a Japanese word but in this case like many terms, the Katakana word is used in this case, right?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Okay key, you hold it right?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Give it to us one more time ゆっくりお願いします。
Sakura: キー
Peter: Okay and then we had
Sakura: で、ございます。
Peter: Okay and what’s the last part?
Sakura: ございます。
Peter: Which is
Sakura: です。
Peter: Dressed up in a…
Sakura: Tuxedo?
Peter: Yes. That’s all it is. All they are saying is, キーです
Sakura: Right.
Peter: But to make it into a very polite Japanese, they say
Sakura: キーでございます。
Peter: Okay and then finally we had the last greeting and that’s it folks. That’s all there is to it.
Sakura: Umm simple.
Peter: Simple. Now there is one more point we want to make. Now in this dialogue, we used お願いします right?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Now you might come across this and actually I think you will come across this more often than what we gave you.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: We feel you should know this one. Okay instead of します what’s that word?
Sakura: いたします
Peter: Yes. So the します becomes
Sakura: いたします
Peter: Again it’s the same thing. It means します but again you can’t show up to a 5-Star hotel in Jeans. You got to wear the tux. So it gets turned into
Sakura: いたします
Peter: Yes. So we are going to give you the dialogue one more time, changing it into a more polite Japanese. Okay here we go.
Sakura: グランドホテルへ、ようこそいらっしゃいませ。
Peter: チェックイン、お願いします。
Sakura: はい。お名前をお願いいたします。
Peter: Roberts です。
Sakura: お名前のつづりをお願いいたします。
Peter: R,o,b,e,r,t,s.
Sakura: Roberts様、2名様3泊でよろしいでしょうか?
Peter: はい。
Sakura: キーでございます。
Peter: ありがとう。Okay give us the two parts that change one more time.
Sakura: お名前をお願いいたします。
Peter: Yes. Originally it was
Sakura: お名前をお願いします。
Peter: And it changed to.
Sakura: お名前をお願いいたします。
Peter: Okay, very, very nice Sakura. You can also walk into the hotel and say
Sakura: 英語で大丈夫ですか?
Peter: Is English okay and in most big cities, I think it will be okay.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: If the clerk says okay, you can say to be very polite, お願いします。
Sakura: Ah yes.
Peter: Which is very, very, very nice.
Sakura: Yes, Yes.
Peter: Very considerate of you. So for example, let’s do a little example.
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: 英語で大丈夫ですか?
Sakura: はい。大丈夫です。
Peter: Sakura!
Sakura: Sorry, sorry.そうだ。Okay,okay.
Peter: I see you’ve never clerked it all and told before.
Sakura: One more time…One more time. Okay Din Din Din Din...いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: はい。英語で大丈夫ですか?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: お願いします。I would like to check in, okay and so on and so on.
Sakura: I don’t know what to say after that.
Peter: Maybe you should say, oh your Japanese is very good.
Sakura: Ah yes yeah.
Peter: Okay one more time. It’s a joke. Okay now one more phrase that I often used when I was in my early stages of Japanese. Even when I went to places and I spoke everyday Japanese, the Japanese they use in restaurants and hotels is sometimes too advanced for me. So what I would say is, 普通の日本語、お願いします。
Sakura: 本当に?
Peter: And this usually worked too.
Sakura: Really?
Peter: Yeah because they would make the Japanese, they would take it from the very, very polite form and they turn it into well, polite Japanese.
Sakura: Right, right.
Peter: Which is much easier to understand.
Sakura: Ah that’s a good idea.
Peter: So yeah you can also say, if your Japanese is okay and you want to test it out, you can say…
Sakura: 普通の日本語でお願いします。
Peter: Okay break it down.
Sakura: ふ・つ・う・の・に・ほ・ん・ご・で、お・ね・が・い・し・ま・す。
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 普通の日本語でお願いします。
Peter: Okay and there it is folks.
Sakura: Umm.
Peter: All right. I think we ran a little long but again if this helps out, it was all worth it.
Sakura: Yes.


Peter: Okay. That’s going to do it.
Sakura: また明日ね。
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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