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Naomi: ナオミです。 (Naomi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Guilty Gamer. Naomi-sensei, of course we are talking about video games.
Naomi: We say テレビゲーム (terebigēmu).
Peter: テレビゲーム (terebigēmu) is “video game.”
Naomi: Or we say コンピューターゲーム (konpyūtāgēmu).
Peter: Also, is “video game.” So yeah, when I first heard the word, it was very difficult to understand テレビゲーム (terebigēmu)
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Peter: It didn’t really make sense but when you think about it, yeah it’s a game you play on the television but in English, we say video game. So that is the topic of today’s conversation. Now Naomi-sensei, today’s grammar point is
Naomi: ~ないうちは (~ Nai uchi wa)
Peter: And we will get into that a bit later. Today’s conversation is between?
Naomi: 子供とお母さん、母親です。 (Kodomo to o-kā-san, hahaoya desu.)
Peter: A child and a mother. Now the kid is playing a video game and the mother is kind of angry.
Naomi: ちょっと起こってますね。 (Chotto okottemasu ne.)
Peter: Let’s find out what happens. Here we go.
Hahaoya: Mata terebi gēmu shite ru. Mō shukudai wa shita no?
Kodomo: Ē, kore owattara suru yo.
Hahaoya: Mada owatte nai no?! Shukudai shite kara terebi gēmu shinasai tte, nando iwaseru no!?
Kodomo: Wakatta yō. Ato juppun de owaru karā.
(Dengen o kiru)
Kodomo: A! nani suru n da yo, ima ii tokoro datta no ni!
Hahaoya: Shukudai ga owaranai uchi wa, gēmu shicha dame tte itsumo itte ru desho, mada wakaranai no!?
(Mōichido onegaishimasu. Yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
Hahaoya: Mata terebi gēmu shite ru. Mō shukudai wa shita no?
Kodomo: Ē, kore owattara suru yo.
Hahaoya: Mada owatte nai no?! Shukudai shite kara terebi gēmu shinasai tte, nando iwaseru no!?
Kodomo: Wakatta yō. Ato juppun de owaru karā.
(Dengen o kiru)
Kodomo: A! nani suru n da yo, ima ii tokoro datta no ni!
Hahaoya: Shukudai ga owaranai uchi wa, gēmu shicha dame tte itsumo itte ru desho, mada wakaranai no!?
(Kondo wa eigo ga hairimasu.)
Hahaoya: Mata terebi gēmu shite ru. Mō shukudai wa shita no?
Mother: You're playing video games again! Have you done your homework?
Kodomo: Ē, kore owattara suru yo.
Child: Well... I'll do it when I'm finished with the game.
母親:まだ終わってないの!? 宿題してからテレビゲームしなさいって、何度言わせるの!?
Hahaoya: Mada owatte nai no!? Shukudai shite kara terebi gēmu shinasai tte, nando iwaseru no!?
Mother: Aren't you done yet? Do your homework before you play video games. How many times are you going to make me say it?!
Kodomo: Wakatta yō. Ato juppun de owaru karā.
Child: Alright. Alright. I'll wrap it up in 10 minutes.
(Dengen o kiru)
(Mother turns off the game)
Kodomo: A! nani suru n da yo, ima ii tokoro datta no ni!
Child: Oh no! What are you doing? I was doing great!
Hahaoya: Shukudai ga owaranai uchi wa, gēmu shicha dame tte itsumo itte ru desho, mada wakaranai no!?
Mother: I always tell you, you can't play video games until you're done with your homework, don't I? You don't get it, do you!?
Peter: Naomi-sensei どう思いましたか? (Dō omoimashita ka?)
Naomi: Well the mother reminds me of my mother 何度言わせるの!? いつも言ってるでしょ! まだわからないの!? (Nando iwa seru no! ? Itsumo itteru desho! Mada wakaranai no! ?)
Peter: “Why do you make me say that, I am always saying this. I am always telling you, right? You still don’t understand.”
Naomi: These phrases are essential for Japanese mothers.
Peter: What are you talking about? What about 愛してるよ (Aishiteruyo) or いい子だね (iikoda ne)
Naomi: Ah they don’t say much.
Peter: You don’t need those.
Naomi: No.
Peter: And so what should they use to hit their kids with? But it’s a good expression.
Naomi: ピーターさんのお母さんは言いませんでしたか? こういうことは。 (Pītā-san no o-kā-san wa iimasen deshita ka? Kō iu koto wa.)
Peter: 私はいい子でした。 (Watashi wa ii ko deshita.) I was a good kid.
Naomi: No, your mother was really nice mother. お母さんがいい人なんですね。 (o-kā-san ga ii hito na n desu ne.)
Peter: Okay. I think that’s enough for that. Let’s head into the vocab. What do we have first?
Naomi: 電源 (dengen)
Peter: Power source.
Naomi: で・ん・げ・ん「電源」 (de n-ge n `dengen')
Peter: Next
Naomi: 何度 (nando)
Peter: How many times, how often.
Naomi: な・ん・ど「なんど」 (na n do `nando')
Peter: Next
Naomi: 宿題 (shukudai)
Peter: Homework.
Naomi: しゅ・く・だ・い「宿題」 (su ku da i `shukudai')
Peter: Next
Naomi: テレビゲーム (terebigēmu)
Peter: Video game.
Naomi: て・れ・び・げ・え・む「テレビゲーム」 (te re bi-ge e mu `terebigēmu')
Peter: Next
Naomi: いいところ (Ī tokoro)
Peter: Best part.
Naomi: い・い・と・こ・ろ「いいところ」 (i i to ko ro `ī tokoro')
Peter: Let’s take a closer look at some of these vocab words. First, let’s take a look at “power source.”
Naomi: 電源 (dengen)
Peter: Now, this word is the perfect example of how logical kanji is. What do we have first?
Naomi: 電 (den)
Peter: Electricity.
Naomi: 源 (minamoto)
Peter: Source. Electricity source.
Naomi: 電源 (dengen)
Peter: Power source.
Naomi: 電源を切る (dengen o kiru) makes sense to you.
Peter: “Cut the power.” Literally “power cut, cut the power.” Now this word, you will come into contact and if you’ve been in Japan and you’ve used the TV and you’ve already come into contact with this word.
Naomi: 電源を切って。 (Dengen o kitte.)
Peter: It’s the one on the remote control to turn on and to turn off the TV.
Naomi: Or the main power button on the TV is called 電源 (dengen).
Peter: Yeah and actually not just the TV. A lot of electrical appliances 電気製品 (denki seihin) have this and this is where you turn the power on and off.
Naomi: When you want to say “turn on the power” 電源を入れる (dengen o ireru).
Peter: Literally power insert, turn on the power and of course, turn off the power.
Naomi: 電源を切る (dengen o kiru)
Peter: Next we have
Naomi: 何度 (nando)
Peter: How many times, how often.
Naomi: Instead of 何度 (nando) of course you can say 何回 (nankai)
Peter: How many times.
Naomi: 1週間に何度料理しますか? (isshū-kan ni nando ryōri shimasu ka?)
Peter: How many times do you cook a week?
Naomi: Instead of 何度 (nando) you can say 何回 (nankai)「1週間に何回料理しますか?」 (isshū-kan ni nankai ryōri shimasu ka?)
Peter: “How many times do you cook a week?” Literally we have “one more time”
Naomi: 1週間 (isshū-kan)
Peter: One week
Naomi: に (ni)
Peter: In.
Naomi: 何回 (nankai)
Peter: How many times
Naomi: 料理します (ryōri shimasu)
Peter: To cook
Naomi: か (ka)
Peter: Question mark and the “you” is inferred. We don’t actually say you. It’s inferred. So put it all together, “how many times do you cook in a week.”
Naomi: 1週間に何度料理しますか?(isshū-kan ni nando ryōri shimasu ka?)
Peter: How many times do you cook in a week?
Naomi: If you cook once a week, 1週間に1度料理します。 (isshū-kan ni ichi-do ryōri shimasu.)
Peter: I cook once a week.
Naomi: そうですね。ピーターさんは、ゼロ? (Sō desu ne. Pītā-san wa, zero?)
Peter: いや……。(Iya…….)
Naomi: 次に行きましょう。 (Tsugi ni ikimashou.)
Peter: 違います、違います。ちゃんと答えられます。普段あんまり料理しませんね。 (Chigaimasu, chigaimasu. Chanto kotae raremasu. Fudan anmari ryōri shimasen ne.) Usually I don’t cook 私の素晴らしい奥さんが作ってくれます。 (Watashi no subarashii okusan ga tsukutte kuremasu.) My great amazing wife cooks for me.
Naomi: ああ、そうですか。 (Ā, sō desu ka.)
Peter: でも、最近週に5回ぐらい、料理をしています。 (Demo, saikin shū ni go-kai gurai, ryōri o shite imasu.)
Naomi: あら、どうしてですか? (Ara, dōshite desu ka?)
Peter: So recently I cook about 5 times a week because I actually cook for myself and I had forgotten how much work goes into it. So I think my wife works extremely hard.
Naomi: 感謝してください。 (Kansha shite kudasai.)
Peter: 感謝しています。 (Kansha shite imasu.)
Naomi: では、今日の文法です。 (Dewa, kyō no bunpō desu.)
Peter: Today’s grammar point. First we have the causative.

Lesson focus

Naomi: 何度言わせるの? (Nando iwa seru no?)
Peter: How many times are you going to make me say it?
Naomi: 言わせる (iwaseru)
Peter: There are two ways 言わせる (iwaseru) can be used. One asking permission, two, one is in regards to permission, the other is in regards to the causative. Here we have the causative. So we start off with the verb.
Naomi: 言う (iu)
Peter: “To say.” Then we create the causative.
Naomi: 言わせる (iwaseru)
Peter: To make “say”. Then we have the phrase from today’s lesson which is
Naomi: 何度言わせるの (Nando iwaseru no)
Peter: First we have, “how many times” followed by
Naomi: 言わせる (iwaseru)
Peter: Make me say.
Naomi: の? (No?)
Peter: Question. “How many times make me say” is what we have literally and of course when you translate this, “how many times are you going to make me say it.”
Naomi: 何度言わせるの!? (Nando iwa seru no! ?)
Peter: And that should translate across all languages. Next we have
Naomi: ~ないうちは (~ Nai uchi wa)
Peter: Which literally means, “while one has not done something yet, something, something.” It is often followed by the main clause like don’t do something and it expresses the idea that as long as one has not done something yet, you can’t do something or that only after one has done something, you can do something. All right, we are going to give you some examples to make this clear because I may have got a little bit lost in there, first example please.
Naomi: In today’s conversation, we have 宿題が終わらないうちはゲームしちゃダメ。 (Shukudai ga owaranai uchi wa gēmu shicha dame.)
Peter: As long as your homework is not finished, you can’t play games. Let’s take a closer look. What do we have first?
Naomi: 宿題 (shukudai)
Peter: Homework.
Naomi: が (ga)
Peter: Subject marker.
Naomi: 終わらない (owaranai)
Peter: Not finished.
Naomi: うちは (uchi wa)
Peter: While. So stop right here. We have “homework, not finished, while.” “While your homework is not finished.”
Naomi: ゲームしちゃダメ (Gēmu shicha dame)
Peter: “You can’t play games.” Now this is a special construction that we should really go over quickly. What do we have – what’s the root verb here?
Naomi: ゲームする (gēmu suru)
Peter: ゲームする (gēmu suru) “to play the game.” する (suru) becomes
Naomi: しちゃ (shicha)
Peter: Which is short for
Naomi: しては (shite wa)
Peter: So we have ゲームしては (gēmu shite wa) followed by
Naomi: ダメ (dame)
Peter: Can’t, no good.
Naomi: ダメです (dame desu)
Peter: “Game, no good.” “So homework not finished while game no good.” Now this しては (shite wa) becomes
Naomi: しちゃ (shicha)
Peter: So it’s just a contraction here. Nothing changes. Okay so this ~ちゃダメ (~cha dame) is another construction in itself 食べちゃダメ (tabecha dame) “don’t eat that.” “You can’t eat that” is another construction in itself. We are going to focus here on ~ないうちは (~ nai uchi wa) Can we have some more examples?
Naomi: 食べないうちは (tabenai uchi wa)
Peter: “As long as someone has not eaten.” Another one?
Naomi: 話さないうちは (hanasanai uchi wa)
Peter: While someone has not spoken, while someone has not talked.
Naomi: 本当のことを話さないうちは家には帰れない。 (Hontō no koto o hanasanai uchi wa ie ni wa kaerenai.)
Peter: As long as you don’t tell the truth, you are not going home.
Naomi: Sounds like a phrase from a detective story.


Peter: Yeah, it sounds like something. If you have an idea of what it sounds like, stop by, leave us a post. If not, stop by, pick up the PDF. Inside the PDF, a detailed write up of what we covered today. Really some interesting and extremely useful structures in today’s lesson「~ちゃダメ」 (~cha dame)「~ないうちは」 (~ nai uchi wa) Stop by, pick that up. That’s going to do it for today.


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