
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Where Does Your Japanese Go from Here? In the previous lesson you learned some phrases to use when saying good-bye.
Naomi: Right. Such as お父さんお母さんによろしく伝えてください。
Peter: Please give my regards to your father and mother. You also learned how to say "You can do something."
Naomi: Right. 皆さんに会うことができてよかったです。
Peter: It was nice meeting you all. In this lesson, you'll be focusing on reviewing what you've learned in this Gengo series. The conversation takes place at
Naomi: 品川プリンセスホテル or I would say 品川プリンセスホテルの受付 to be exact.
Peter: At the reception desk of the Shinagawa Princess Hotel.
Naomi: アシュリーさんはチェックアウトしています。
Peter: Now, Ashley is checking out at the hotel. And her cell phone rings and it was Daisuke Honda. She picks up the phone and starts talking to him. You won't be able to hear what he's saying but you can guess from what Ashley says in response. The level of the formality of the conversation is?
Naomi: Formal.
(cell phone rings)
Peter: (sigh) I'd like to check out.
Peter: Certainly. Please wait one moment.
(cell phone rings)
Peter(cell phone rings)
Peter: Honda-san? ...Yes, that's right.
Peter: I'm leaving the hotel right now.
Peter: Thank you so much for everything.
Peter: Yes...huh? Hello? Ohh, Suzuki-san?
Peter: Hahaha. Yes, I'd like to come to Japan again.
Peter: Hahaha. You're so funny, Suzuki-san.
Peter: Oh...okay. Hello? Mitsuoka-san? Thank you for everything you've done for me.
Peter: Say hello to your parents for me.
Peter: Yes...I'll do my best. Good luck with your work, too!
Peter: Oh, Honda-san? Yes. I'm so happy that I can talk to everyone.
Peter: Thank you so much. Well, see you later. I'll Skype you, okay?
Peter: ...Okay. You take care, too.
Peter: (starts sobbing)
Peter: Ma'am, are you all right?
Peter: Do you need a tissue?
Peter: Oh, thank you. (Blows her nose)
Peter: I don't want to go home. I want to live in Japan.
Peter: Couldn't you work in Japan?
Peter: Oh...yeah. I suppose I could.
Peter: I'll think about it. Thank you very much.
Peter: よかったですね。It was good that she was able to talk to her friends on the phone before she leaves.
Naomi: そうですね。話すことができてよかったですね。
Peter: But I have a question about the situation. "SHITSUMON GA ARIMASU."
Naomi: 何ですか what is it?
Peter: First, Mr. Honda...that's the guy she was talking to on Skype in Lesson 1 by the way, called up Ashely and talked with her. And after that, Mr.Suzuki? and Ms. Mitsuoka? Why they are on the phone?
Naomi: I think it's a regular weekday. So all of them - Mr.Honda, Mr.Suzuki and Ms. Mitusoka - are at office. 皆さんは会社にいます。
Peter: I see. So they're just passing the phone around so that everyone can say goodbye to Ashley.
I have one more question."MOU HITOTSU SHITSUMON GA ARIMASU."
Naomi: 今日は、たくさん質問がありますね。Wow, you have a lot of questions today.
Peter: I know. Now, Ashley said "OGENKI DE"-Take care to Mr. Honda. However in lesson 23, we introduced "KI O TSUKETE" means "take care."
What's the difference?
Naomi: 気をつける is more like "Be careful". I often use 気をつけて to someone who is on their way home. So it's like "Have a safe trip home"
Peter: So if you are leaving someone's house, you can not say "KI O TSUKETE".
Naomi: Right. The person who is leaving can not use "気をつけて".
Peter: It's quite different from "take care" in English isn't it? OK. How about "OGENKI DE"?
Naomi: I use it to someone I won't see again for a long time.
Peter: It doesn't matter whether you're leaving or staying.
Naomi: Right.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 住む [natural native speed]
Peter to live
Naomi 住む [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 住む [natural native speed]
Naomi がんばる [natural native speed]
Peter to do one's best; V1
Naomi がんばる [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi がんばる [natural native speed]
Naomi 考える [natural native speed]
Peter to think about; V2
Naomi 考える [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 考える [natural native speed]
Naomi かしこまりました。 [natural native speed]
Peter all right, certainly (from clerk to customer)
Naomi かしこまりました。 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi かしこまりました。 [natural native speed]
Naomi まあ [natural native speed]
Peter well, oh, wow
Naomi まあ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi まあ [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 住む
Peter: "to live". We put it in the te-form and add "-iru" or "-imasu" to talk about where we currently live.
Naomi: Right. For example, 私は東京に住んでいる。
Peter: Please notice the place the subject lives is marked by the particle ni. Can we hear the sentence again?
Naomi: 私は東京に住んでいる。 Of course in formal Japanese we would say 私は東京に住んでいます。
Peter: I live in Tokyo. So, say the place plus ni sunde iru or ni sunde imasu. If you're living in New York, that would be...
Naomi: ニューヨークに住んでいる or ニューヨークに住んでいます。
Peter: How do you ask "Where do you live?"
Naomi: どこ means where. So...どこに住んでいる? or どこに住んでいますか。
Peter: Where do you live? So the sentence pattern for I live in [ place ] is...
Naomi: [ place ]+ni sunde imru or [ place ]+ni sunde imasu.
Peter: TSUGI ONEGAISHIMASU. Next word, please.
Naomi: がんばる
Peter: "to do one's best" or "to work very hard". It's a class 1 verb. It's a really common every verb isn't it? Especially the te-from.
Naomi: Right. The te-form is がんばって, which creates a command. And we say がんばって or がんばってください when we cheer someone on.
Peter: It's similar to "good luck!" "hang in there" or "do your best!" in English. Can we hear it once again? "Good luck"
Naomi: がんばって 
Peter: Or
Naomi: がんばってください
Peter: TSUGI WA NAN DESU KA? What's next?
Naomi: Next, we have the phrase かしこまりました。
Peter: "Certainly", "all right". Now, you'll hear this phrase from clerks who are addressing customers. It's a honorific expression.
Naomi: It literally means "I received your order." "I heard your order." It's often used in business situations.
Peter: Lastly we have...
Naomi: まあ・・・。
Peter: well... It's a common interjection. Actually, I think you use this a lot, Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: そうですか?Really? まあ・・・そうですね。Well... I guess so. I think まあ softens whatever sentence or phrase comes next.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this section, first you'll review some good-bye phrases that we learned in the previous lesson and next, you'll also review how to express what you want to do. OK. First, the Good bye phrases.
Naomi: On the phone, Ashley said 色々お世話になりました。
Peter: Thank you so much for everything. We covered IROIRO "various" in lesson 29 and O-SEWA-NI-NARIMASHITA "You took care of me" in lesson 25.
Naomi: The literal translation of 色々お世話になりました is "You took care of me in many ways."
Peter: However this means "Thank you for everything."
Naomi: You can also put 本当に (indeed) or とても(very) in front of お世話になりました.
Peter&Naomi: So either 色々お世話になりました、本当にお世話になりました or とてもお世話になりました。works in this situation.
Naomi: And 色々お世話になりました is very similar to 色々ありがとうございました。which we covered in Lesson29.
Peter: OK. Next phrase, please.
Naomi: 仕事をがんばってください。
Peter: Good luck with your job. You can indicate what someone is going to work hard on by using the direct object particle o (を).
Naomi: For example.日本語をがんばってください。
Peter: Good luck with your Japanese! or Work hard at your Japanese!
Peter: The next phrase is...
Naomi: スカイプします
Peter: I'll Skype you. Literally, I'll do Skype. Now, when you're saying good bye to a friend who you won't probably see for a long time, you want to say "Keep in touch."
Naomi: This is a phrase we don't really have in Japanese. Instead we say... I'll e-mail you or I'll contact you.
Peter: How do you say "I'll e-mail you."
Naomi: メールします。
Peter: How about "I'll contact you."
Naomi: 連絡します
Peter: At the end of the phone conversation, Ashely said...
Naomi: 本田さんもお元気で。
Peter: You take care, too, Mr. Honda. This particle "MO" means "Also" or "too."
Naomi: So "Me too." would be 私も。
Peter: How do you say... "You too"? Can we say "ANATA MO?"
Naomi: Well... You can. But I don't recommend it.
Peter: Ah right... since calling someone "ANATA" is too direct so it may sound a bit rude.
Naomi: Right. I think putting も after the person's name is a lot better. For example, ピーターさん、お元気で。 Take care, Peter.
Peter: Naomi-sensei mo. You too, Naomi.
Peter: OK. Let's review how to express what you want to do.
Naomi: We covered this grammar in Lesson 21.
Peter: To tlak about what you want to do, you add "tai" to the masu stem of a verb. So to drink is...
Naomi: 飲む
Peter: What's the corresponding masu form ?
Naomi: 飲みます
Peter: Take off -masu from the masu form to get the masu stem.
Naomi: 飲み
Peter: Attach "Tai"
Naomi: 飲みたい.
Peter: want to eat. To form the negative, change the final "I" to "KUNAI".
Naomi: So...飲みたい(want to drink) becomes 飲みたくない(don't want to drink)
Peter: It's basically the same way we change i-adjectives into their negative form. Naomi-sensei, can we have a sample sentence from the dialogue?
Naomi: また日本に来たいです。
Peter: I'd like to come to Japan again. Let's break down.
Naomi&Peter: また again 日本に to Japan 来たい want to come です this "desu" makes the whole sentence polite.
Peter: So "Again, to Japan want to come" of course "I'd like to come to Japan, again."
Naomi: She also said...帰りたくないです。
Peter: I don't want to go home. KAERU is "To go home, to return" KAERITAI is "want to go home"
Naomi: 帰りたくない is the negative form of 帰りたい(want to go home)
Peter: And DESU at the end makes the sentence polite.
Naomi: 帰りたくないです。
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question. Which of the following expressions means "Good luck!"
Naomi: A)がんばる B)がんばって C)がんばります
Peter: The answer is?
Naomi: B)がんばって Good luck
Peter: Both choice A)
Naomi: がんばる
Peter: and B)
Naomi: がんばります
Peter: means "I'll do my best" OK. The next question. Which of following expressions means "Me to!"
Naomi: A)私も B)私ですか C)私です
Peter: The answer is?
Naomi: A)私も Me too.
Peter: Choice B)
Naomi: 私ですか
Peter: means "Is it me?" Choice C)
Naomi: 私です
Peter: means "It's me."


Peter: OK. That concludes this lesson. Now, this lesson is the last lesson of Gengo series.
Naomi: 皆さん、ありがとうございました。
Peter: Thank you very much for listening.
Naomi: 日本語がんばってくださいね。
Peter: We wish you the best of luck with your Japanese studies.
Naomi: じゃ、さようなら。お元気で。


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