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Postby solkar » December 20th, 2010 6:00 am

dsheedy wrote:Hi guys,

Have you tried using the http://username:sepo ... d/feed.xml address format on the readers that don't ask for a username and password?

I don't have an android to test it on, hope it works for someone anyway ^-^


That's not working for me.

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Postby signorellil » December 21st, 2010 3:20 pm

I just want to add that ACast works welll for me, but unfortunately its user interface is quite awkward - I would really prefer to have everything into DoggCatcher.

Lookin forward to see JPod101 technical support trying to sort out this - it's quite clear Android based devices are the next big thing, so it would be great to see complete support for Jpdo101 feeds and application for Android users
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